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...and Jane came by with a lock of your hair
Date of Scene: 22 May 2019
Location: Food Court - The Triskelion
Synopsis: An innocent meal quickly becomes all the pasts colliding with Tony, Peggy, Bucky, and Steve. Skye an innocent bystander.
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Peggy Carter, Quake, Iron Man, Captain America

Winter Soldier has posed:
It never seems to occurr to Buck to set up a dining partner for dinner beyond Lili herself. At the moment, he seems to be at the end of his meal - the plate before him has nothing left but crumbs, the drink glass is down to water and ice, and Lili's asleep at his feet, snoring in a most ladylike fashion. Buck himself is reading. There's a library book propped up against the napkin dispenser: A Soldier's Story, by Omar Bradley. He's got that little furrow between his brows that betrays the intensity of his concentration.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It's been strange training again. Peggy always kept up at the gym, even when she became a desk rat and director later in life, but it's not the same as serious training for field work. And, in truth, she's probably been going above and beyond in the gym because it's a good distraction. Other than training, getting new equipment, and trying to study up on this modern time, she has nothing to distract her from how much she's utterly lost. From slipping back into the pure shock of it all. So, she's been spending a LOT of time in the gym. SHe just finished for the day, grabbed a fresh shower, and now she's making her way into the food court. Her hair is still in damp waves from the shower and her t-shirt slightly sticking to her from damp skin. SHIELD sweat pants and sneakers, Peggy's not really bothered to modernize her clothing or, well... Get ANY clothing other than the shield issue work things. Nose to the grind, it seems. She heads for the drinks, grabbing some of that pink rehydration stuff, and then stares at the food selections with the nonplussed face of a woman who is not hungry but knows she should probably eat.

Quake has posed:
Skye, meanwhile has been balancing work at her place, training her trainee, check-ins with medical, and you know, otherwise trying to avoid being caught doing things she's not supposed to. Thankfully, medical has finally cleared her to return to regular activities with this latest visit, and to celebrate - or perhaps to punish herself - she's stopped in at the Caf to pick up a quick bite before a quick practice session down at the range, and then home to further tackle her Zola problem.

Tuesday: Lasagna night. It's actually mostly good. It's just not Little Italy. Not that Skye is a purveyor of good foods.

Unless you count fresh ramen. That? She becoming a somewhat authority on.

"Just put it on a plate and put it on my tray," she mutters of being asked meat or meatless, or perhaps the fancy seafood one. "And make it meat. Who ever heard of those other ones?"

Like they'd somehow suggested she order a plain cheese pizza, or you know. put vegetables on it. Ew.

Thankfully, the coffee is fresh.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck looks up - Peggy's presence, Skye's voice. "The vegetarian's good," he tells the latter, amused. "You should try it. Same for you, Carter," The name he used to use for her, back in the day. Use of the first name was reserved for Steve....or emergencies. Lili's woken up, raises her head....and there's that smile starting, her black-tipped tail beginning to wave.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A small, rather British huff comes from Peggy. It's a relaxed sound from her, minorly annoyed more than anything. "...what in hell is vegetarian lasagna? Who lives on just vegetables? I thought the hippie movement died out..." Yes, sometimes she still has some very 1970s attitudes as she comiserates with Skye. Nose wrinkled, it seems her lack of appetite is going to win out tonight as she just scoops up her gatorade and heads towards Bucky instead of bothering with any of the food. Maybe she'll eat later. "Barnes. Are you going to introduce me to your friend?" She nods towards the cainine. Even an ex-director of SHIELD and woman of mystery cannot resist an adorable dog.

Quake has posed:
On the heels of Peggy's comment, in like echo (but not words), Skye makes a disgusted face and succintly ennunciates, "Ew. Just who puts vegetables with their meat and cheese." A full body shiver follows that thought.

While Peggy gets Lili introductions, Skye grabs herself a coffee, doctoring it, and heading over to Bucky's table. He pretty much guaranteed that would happen by speaking up.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Smart people. Good cooks," Bucky says, with that maddening serenity. "Remind me to cook for you both. I like eating good food, and I'm cheap...." Peggy's lack of food gets a look. "Chicken soup's good," he notes, with that deliberate mildness. "If your stomach's feeling rocky." He's dined on that many an evening.

Then he makes one of those little gestures at Lili, who goes over to greet Peggy. "That's Lili Marlene, my service dog. Steve got her for me." Of course he did.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Lili Marlene. A ghost of a smile crosses Peggy's expression for just a moment, so similiar to the same sort Steve gets sometimes. The smile that says she's several decades away, for just a heartbeat or two. "I... remember that night we were trying to get the song to come in on the wireless...when they first released Dietrich's version." But then Peggy shakes it off. There is a very real, very nice, very PRESENT dog here in front of her. She kneels down, so she's not leaning over the canine, and offers the back of her hand for smelling while remaining turned towards Bucky, Lili gets her profile and not a more intimidating face on look. She knows how to deal with dogs. "She's beautiful, Buck..." No comment on the chicken soup. It was normally her mothering the boys, not the other way around.

"I mean, Agent Johnson, vegetables are rather important. They just aren't the ONLY thing..." She is only half teasing, but is content to allow herself to be fully distracted from food by dog. Once Lili seems comfortable enough with her scent, she gives a nice, gentle scratching to the girl's under scruff and neck.

Quake has posed:
"Didn't that poet singer guy sing about her? Lily Marlene, I mean." Skye knows pop culture but it doesn't stretch as far back as Peggy and the boys. Not even remotely close. Not that she's bothered by this fact. "And that's right, you said you were going to teach me some cooking. I have to warn it's been tried. I even paid some very nice professionals. I'm still pretty much plain pasta, roast chicken, and bagged salad." Not that she eats the salad. And, she's leaving out she can make ramen from scratch - pulled noodles and all.

Peggy is given a wincing look, "Oh, please. Skye. Agent Johnson is for when I'm being hauled into the boss' office and getting yelled at. Besides, you call me that and people around here might start expecting me to actually do work or something."

Winter Soldier has posed:
There's an answering wistful smile from Bucky, at that. Who else besides Steve and the few remaining Commandos remember that? It's a precious thing, someone *else* who remembers him before he was made into the Soldier. Before he was a weapon. "I remember that," he says, softly. Lili, being a well-mannered young lady, licks the offered hand, waves her tail....and then leans gratefully into the scritching. "Isn't she?" he agrees.

"Yeah. Cohen. Someone played me that song on their phone, when I mentioned her name. Yeah, but they weren't me," he says, amused. "I'll show you, honestly. You make veggies right, they're irresistible." Of all the people to be a foodie....but then, drink and drugs don't really work for him, what other pleasures of the flesh does he have?

Peggy Carter has posed:
The lean against her gets a genuine smile from Peggy, one that reaches all the way to her eyes, something that hasn't really happened often since she popped back into this reality. She's still a bit lost, but doing pretty good at hiding it. Bucky might be able to read deeper, maybe, but they were all good at keeping a stiff upper lip in the old days too. "You are a most excellent lady, Lili Marlene..." She murmurs to the dog with a few more reassuring, relaxing scratches. She can understand the benefits in having such an animal, even from this little interaction alone.

She then unfolds gently, not wishing to completely monopolize Bucky's dog, "There, girl. Back to your father. I'll fall in love with you otherwise." Peggy teases gently. Then she's looking back to Skye and smirks just a bit deeper, "I'd fight you on that actually doing work matter, because you are flat wrong, but it's too late in the evening." Peggy then moves to just invite herself to sit with Bucky, offered or not. There was room in this food court. She remembers the days where it was too crowded, shoulder to shoulder, always in the mess. Sitting with Barnes was never a place she was questioned. She returns there naturally now.

Quake has posed:
Skye smirks, lips curled over the crooked thing, and the air is punctuated with her fork, "Didn't say I didn't do work, or that it wasn't important, but let's just say the idea that I'm actually avoiding it all works for me." It not only let her actually /do/ her work, but well, it allowed her to feel a little less constricted by the job she did, a job she did rather more excellently than most realized, even in the crowd that knew the other was a facade. "But we can fight about it if you want. Bows at midnight? Hand to hand in the sparring ring downstairs? Hacking into some foreign database and seeing who gets caught first?"

That last an obvious tease.

She's still grinning when she tells Bucky, "Ooooh, that sounds like a challenge. Seriously, these guys said the same thing. Threw their hands into the air and despaired of it all. I mean, fine, I didn't start any fires, but the kitchen really isn't where I shine. And there is no hope in hell of you convincing me vegetables are a foodstuff."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Lili, Buck's ambassador to the human race. His smile is enormously fond. Then Peggy dismisses her, and she comes back to sit on Bucky's feet and smile up at him. As Peg sits by him, he grins at her. It's a dimmer version of his old dazzling grin - but then, he's still there, somewhere, despite the maiming.

"They're not me. I'm not a pro, I don't pretend to be one. You've just never had the right kind of vegetables. It's all in how you make 'em. Spinach salad with blood orange poppyseed dressing.....you won't be able to resist it."

Iron Man has posed:
Two assistants, a young man and a woman, are the first wave of Stark style intrusion upon the cafeteria. They enter, their steps quick, visitor badges pinned to their business attire.

Stark Industries, visitors, just for the day. "Cheeseburger?" one asks the other. They stop near the entrance, looking around, with the lost quality that visitors tend to have when they try to decide where to start going through the line, or what is available to eat.

"Yes," answers the other, lifting her mobile device, and skimming through it. "I have preferences from last week," she says. That's why she makes the big bucks: she saves Tony's burger preferences.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Bucky's smile helps. It's like salve on a wound, even if it's not the old smile she remembers quite so well. It's closer than she thought she'd ever see again. While it might be awkward, for a few heartbeats, Peggy reaches across the table and wraps her fingertips over his hand to give a silent squeeze. It says so much more than words. A silent thanks for him being here, an expression of relief to see that he's doing any better than during those awful months of the war. A forgiveness for the way they met in the 70s. Sometimes, a little thing like that is so much easier than talking.

Then she shakes off thoughts, though lets her hand remain near to James, as she gazes back to Skye. "Don't you have... all the conveinetly cooked food in the world, nowadays? It's got to be better than living on rations. Frankly, as long as it doesn't come out of a tin or isn't rock hard biscuits in foil, it's fine for me. Daniel used to do all the cooking anyway..." When she made it home for dinner. If... she made it home for dinner.

Quake has posed:
"EW." Definite protest from the petite Agent at the thought of vegetables. "Unless you making that into a snack cake I am not eating whatever the heck that was." As if Bucky had made up the concept of spinach and it weren't a real food.

Peggy told, "Long story. Seems some people took offense to the fact that I was living off of instant Cup-O-Noodles, cold coffee, and candy bars and insisted I learned how to make something that qualified as real food." She shrugs. "It's not so bad. I mean we have enough people over regularly that it makes sense. I'm just not a great cook. Somewhere between the recipe and my fingers things go bad. Roast chicken is easy enough. Learned to make ramen from scratch, and not poison Clint. I figure I'm ahead of the curve." Her features soften when she mentions Clint. "He's really the cook between us."

Not that his repertoire is that much greater than hers. Between the two of them they pretty much failed at being one functioning adult. There was a reason they had a maid come in once a week even after Tony's gift to them had expired.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck's startled by the gesture....but not displeased. He doesn't yank his hand away. Instead, he smiles at Peggy again, squeezes back. Oh, it's a little shaky....watery enough that Lili lays her head on his lap, sighs up at him.

Then he explains. "It's convenient. But a lot of it...it really isn't good. Or good for you. Cooking's easier than it ever was, but people're convinced it's hard." He shakes his head at them. "I'll show you both. You'll like what I cook, I betcha, Skye. Even the veggies. You just gotta keep trying different things."

Iron Man has posed:
"That's a good idea," the other assistant says, as they hustle into the cafeteria to set about doing what they were sent to do: have something (well, specifically a Cheeseburger) ready, so that Tony doesn't have to stand in any lines or wait. They're good: the food is quickly underway, although it isn't ready yet.

Tony himself isn't far behind the two assistants; he's greeting someone just outside the cafeteria in his showy, loud way, his voice carrying when the door opens. It's a confident, relaxed laugh. "Obviously," Tony's saying to them, before entering the facility, and automatically reaching up to pull his expensive, techy sunglasses off, hooking them into a front pocket of his suit jacket. Tony's stylish as always, looking more like a rockstar in a very well-fitted suit wear than a businessman, with his bold color choices.

One of the assistants, the one without the phone to refer to, heads immediately back to Stark to find out if there's anything else, beyond the burger. "Just that; then eat if you want. I'm leaving after this; if you miss the chopper you're on your own, though," Tony Stark playfully warns without actually looking at the assistant, while fiddling with some kind of handheld tech tablet in his left hand. He walks towards the table area in a distracted way, leaving the assistants to produce his meal for him.

And finally, Stark looks up and takes in the faces there: some familiar. And some oddly (impossibly?) so.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Since Bucky doesn't pull away, Peggy doesn't either. She lets her fingertips linger there, just a brush of human contact. It was nice, honestly. Centering in a time where everything feels about an inch to the left. Off and wrong. She wrinkles her nose, "I... think the foodcourt here will do well. Hell, I don't even have an apartment yet..." She hadn't really thought about even officially settling in. In 'Be an agent until I die' mode again, but almost no one would recognize that look in her eyes.

Then, someone she recognizes from The Google comes into the room. Anthony Stark. Howard's son. She'd recognize him almost anywhere now, having seen more than one photo on the internet. Her hand goes slack overtop of Barnes' and she just stares, silent... Lost in far too many thoughts and a well of emotions she firmly tries to swallow back. His swagger and familiar step was so like Howard. Well, young Howard, not Howard towards the end. Howard who never had a son and thought he had all the freedom in the world. Even the way he talked to his assistants was like Howard. She definitely recognized that careless, charismatic arrogance. "...Anthony... Stark." Peggy manages out, her clipped voice ALMOST stammering, but Peggy Carter would never stammer.

Quake has posed:
Bucky just gets a 'better men than you have tried and failed' look over the matter of vegetables. "I'll believe it when I see it. Speaking of, we're having a barbecue soon. New barbecue has been procured. Clint claims he can put it together, so maybe we should have a bunch of the gang over to assemble it. It might be safer."

Clint assembled things the way Skye cooked, which is to say gracelessly and with danger to nearby structures and humanity.

As Peggy breathes Tony's proper name, Skye can't help looking over herself. "Want we should invite him over?"

Captain America has posed:
Having finished up his training with Sibilance and spent another hour or two busting open sandbags, Steve too is on his way out of the Triskelion after rinsing off. He's changed into his street clothing, a plain t-shirt beneath his motorcycle jacket and a pair of blue jeans over his boots, and he has a small duffel bag over his shoulder stuffed with athletics clothing to be washed. He meanders into the cafeteria on a bid to snag one of the meatball sub sandwiches for the road and manages this, at the very least, with an idle glance of curiosity towards the Stark assistants. Flashy, ritzy...wait a second.

He's refilling his water bottle when he realizes that is, in fact, Tony on the approach to a table containing...

People he knows. Skye, Bucky, and Peggy...the latter of which are...holding...hands.

It takes the water bottle overflowing to splatter across his jeans before he realizes it and he pulls it back, shaking the water from his hand like a disgruntled cat, still frowning. Screwing on the lid, he swallows hard and composes himself. Then, jovially, he lifts a hand towards Tony beyond the table. It's a pinscer movement now.

"Tony, hey," he calls out even as he's stuffing the wrapped sandwich away into his duffel bag. Pausing at the table itself, he gives everyone a small smile. "Not lingering for long, don't worry. Got some business back at the mansion anyways." The smile is a little tight now.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Familiar, indeed, if Tony knows Howard's photo albums. Though they're all out of place - Bucky, Peggy, Steve. Relics of the past in living color, out of the sepia-tinted pages of history. Buck looks warily at Stark, granting him an upnod. HE hasn't moved his hand, but nor is he trying to keep his grip on Peggy's.

Then his gaze lights on Steve, and he grins, lifting that traitorous hand to wave Steve over. Utterly guiltless and guileless, that smile. As if he had no idea what he was just up to. "Hey, sit and eat with us," he bids. They made up their argument, and Steve's never been a grudge-holder, right?

Iron Man has posed:
Tony skims the tables, ignoring empty ones. His dark eyes find Skye, Bucky, then Peggy. He /almost/ places Peggy, but doesn't quite. Howard's photo albums? It's been ages since Tony's stared into the past. Familiar, but not. Something in her appearance made him feel something, something uncomfortable or missing: like when you step down from stairs, and expected one MORE stair. Maybe from the past? ...But there's cheeseburgers to be had, so he doesn't focus on it. It's maybe nothing.

Captain America comes in with a good distraction. Tony looks immediately at Steve's pants, but doesn't ask the lame question. Just smirks a little. "I'm not here to police you doing your homework at the mansion," Tony mocks Steve, though. Can't just say /nothing/. Tony points at Bucky's offer, and adds to it: "I've a helicopter here headed to the mansion, if you want to watch me eat."

"Hey, Foxglove," Tony greets Skye, diverting to her smoothly, and pulling a chair towards the same table, flipping it backwards with a wrist turn. He doesn't ask to join them: he just does it, as his assistant comes around from behind and his left and sets the tray of burger, fries, and a beer, in front of him. Beer? Yes-- good assistants are /good/.

Tony does pass a wave around to the others, with full entitled assumption that he's welcome, since having dinner with Tony Stark is a rare and amazing thing.

Quake has posed:
"Still not getting your money back," Skye tells Tony, amused. "Surprised you know that one. Did you pay someone to look up a cheat sheet for you?"

She moves her seat over, making it clear that the others are welcome to join them all.

Peggy Carter has posed:
It doesn't even brush her mind that Steve might have caught them holding hands because, to Peggy, it wasn't like that. The wave in Steve's direction gets a small tilt of her head in agreement. "Join us. We're talking about... well, apparently, how Barnes here is the only one who can actually cook in this room." She adds, only half joking, since it's somewhat clear to her that Anthony is NOT a cook in any way, especially with his prefernce for cheesburgers. She moves further into the spot she's sitting, making room for others even as she still cannot entirely stop staring at Tony. If no one's making introductions, she doesn't quite make one for herself either. It's a bit more interesting just watching and learning. It also gives her time enough to put the steady strength back in her voice.

Missing people was hard. She had no echo of Daniel, hadn't even looked for her children yet. But Howard, or an echo of him, was right here in front of her. She still couldn't quite look away.

Captain America has posed:
Tony's blithe comment earns him a snort from Steve, a touch sharper than usual. "Might take you up on the helicopter another day. It's not raining, figure I'll ride home." On the motorcycle, he means. "'nd no worries, Buck, thanks though. Food's stashed, I'll eat back at the ranch." Ranch being mansion. He turns at the waist to hook the water bottle onto the duffle bag's triangular strap ring.

"Buck's a good cook," the Captain is sure to add. "Doesn't burn rice or anything like that. Made shoe leather taste better'n anyone else could manage." He smiles, but again, it doesn't entirely reach his eyes. With hands in the pocket of his jeans, he remains standing, interested enough in seeing what both Peggy and Tony make of each other to linger.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Winter Soldier gestures grandly to Steve. No one doubts the word of Captain America. No one. "I am a good cook," he insists, lifting his chin. "I mean, I had to cook before we went off to war, and I cooked during it....and I've tried to catch up since." Now there's an image - Bucky staring at something on allrecipes.com, wondering what in hell a dragonfruit is.

He's gone back to working on his sandwich....and finally sets a bookmark in the book he was reading (Omar Bradley's autobiography) and sets it aside. Belated manners recalled, it seems. Steve gets a puzzled look. They made up, right?

Iron Man has posed:
"Yep. Whenever I get within a certain radius of you, I've got JARVIS giving me various terrible things to call you by," Tony says, tapping at the communicator he actually IS wearing with one finger, grinning at Skye slyly. "I don't have better things, at all, to do with my time. The world seems to just save itself. It's just one eternal vacation, one yacht to the next," jokes the billionaire inventor.

He does notice Peggy staring at him, and looks directly at her. He DOES get stared at. A lot. Billionaire, Playboy, Genius, Philantropist, and all. He gives her a natural, quick wink -- the same he'd give to someone else he caught staring at him, really--, before picking up his fries, offering her one. That's just his way of trying to break the staring tension: directness.

Tony is then looking at his burger, digging into it in his relaxed, confident way. Not much phases him. Tony also doesn't introduce himself. He never has to. Steve earns an indifferent nod his way. Fine with Tony. "Shoe leather? Really, we can do better with the materials, around here, I'm sure. Tell me my burger's not on that budget."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Now *that* was confusing. Jarvis had been older than both she and Howard. He'd have to be over a hundred now. Surely he wasn't still alive. A flicker of strange hope crosses her fact, "...You aren't telling me Edwin Jarvis is still alive and speaking in your ear, are you, Mr. Stark?" Peggy's clipped accent inquires with pure incredulousness behind her tone. She can't believe it, no matter how much she wants to. It just doesn't seem possible, but there is an edge of horrible hope on her lips and just in a tightness around her eyes. Maybe there was someone left other than the heavy, important elephant in the room of Steve and Bucky.

"Well, Buck, you'll just have to have me over for dinner sometime and prove your skills. When Steve came into our offices, he was so skinny I rather wondered if anyone cooked him a meal in his life. Thank you for making certain he at least got SOME food before he snuck into our laps." Peggy mutters with a little wink in both of their direction's.

Captain America has posed:
"Hard to keep weight on still. Serum eats food up like a match on a puddle of gasoline," the Captain volunteers in regards to what a lab gerbil he used to be. Get the kid a sandwich indeed back then! He shifts the duffel bag's negligent weight on his shoulder.

"Your burger doesn't have any shoe leather in it, Tony, you can sleep soundly over it." He gives the genius-inventor a wry little smirk. "SHIELD's got a better budget than that."

Winter Soldier has posed:
There's a fractional shake of the head from Buck, at that, as he meets Peg's eyes. No. This is a successor of some kind, a virtual memorial.

Then her gibe about Steve's size makes him grin. "I did my best, ma'am, to keep body and soul together for both of us. We didn't starve." A fond look back for Steve. "But you guys sure fed him up. 'minds me of the first thing I said to him, when I saw him after the treatment. I was half-dead on this table in a HYDRA base, outta my mind with fever, and there's this giant there picking me up, all worried. He goes, 'Buck , I thought you were dead!' and all I can think to reply is, '......I thought you were smaller.' I was sure I was hallucinating again." He nods at the memory, still gazing at the Captain. Then the dog sneezes, and he looks down, frowning.

Iron Man has posed:
Jarvis? That wasn't a question Tony anticipated at all, and he continues chewing his burger for a moment, giving Peggy an intelligent but quizzical stare. He misses the shake of head from Bucky, since he's looking at her. Peggy just came onto Tony's radar in a larger way than just his assumption that she was starstruck by him.

"Who are you exactly?" Tony asks by way of answer, picking up his beer to have a drink of it, without thinking about it. Alcohol might help ease the direction his agile mind just leaped into, what with this woman flanked by both Steve and Bucky.

"Edwin Jarvis passed away. My AI is named after him; a tribute," Tony says smoothly, but his expression is elusive. He doesn't like to talk about the death of a person he cared about, and explaining it caused the flippant fun to drop out of Tony's eyes and voice for the moment. He wolfed that burger, and he snares a few fries, starting to get up.

"Here. For the Capsicle weight fund," Tony says, standing to give the rest of his fries to Steve. "My flying chariot awaits."

Peggy Carter has posed:
Somehow, Peggy had never actually heard the story of the exact moment Bucky saw Steve after the change. It's a nice little salve to the news she expected to hear about Edwin having passed. She gives a little chuckle, "Yes, well... that certainly wasn't a *wrong* observation. We kept him in one piece for you while you were gone." She winks at Bucky before flashing Steve a softer smile. Just a moment, filled with too many memories. She knew they shouldn't dwell but it all still came back every time a story was told. A look was given.

Fortunately, Tony is a good, momentary distraction, even as she finishes her drink and moves to stand instead. "Margaret Carter. I knew your father quite... Quite well. It's nice to meet you, Anthony." She gives a smooth tip of her head to him, but before any sort of emotion can dare get the better of her, she turns on the ball of her foot, "And I've got a date in the gym tonight. So, if you all excuse me." And she's headed out of the room again. Even if she just came from the gym. It was a good excuse, and an even better place to work out the quiet anger of another name in the list of those lost and gone forever. She'd do another few rounds on the punching bag for Edwin Jarvis.

Iron Man has posed:
"Tony," Tony corrects automatically, but Margaret Carter is already gone. And Tony's left with some confusing questions. They show on his face for a beat, but then he's collecting his assistants in his usual bravado, and heading off on his way.

It's a little overblown (even compared to usual), to prove everything is fine in Stark's world.