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Shopping Spree, X-Lady style
Date of Scene: 25 May 2019
Location: Lorna's Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Emma takes Ororo, Lorna, and Laura shopping in Italy for the weekend.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, X-23, Storm, Polaris

Emma Frost has posed:
    The flight across the pond wasn't exactly short, but it's a calm enough flight that Emma has taken several times. She stands up before the decent and turns towards the women on board. "I am tired of looking at you walking around looking less than your best." The white queen says with a frown and aims those icy blue eyes towards all three women on board. "We'll be landing in Italy and we're going to be taking a personal car from the airport to my personal tailor, Inzo, who is the best. He was put onto retainer for me during my time at the Hellfire Club, just so you know he's the definition of quality." Emma says with a smirk as she passes out tablets to each of the ladies.

    "On those I have come up with concepts that I think fits each of your own personal tastes as well as a few pieces based on my own tastes and preferences that might be useful to each of you." Emma says with a playful wink before moving back to her plush seat and waiting for the plan to land.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura is in her trademark outfit. Black tee, jeans, ankle boots. Those who have seen her around the mansion enough might have figured out it's her trademark outfit because it's /all she owns/. The teen is looking less than comfortable with the entire situation. "This seems like an excessive amount of effort to get clothing." she comments, mostly because she's nervous. She's not a fidgeter, but this is not her element.

Storm has posed:
Ororo rolls her eyes very subtly when Emma sits, but she can't keep an amused smile from her face. It's Emma. Nothing's going to change her personality, so why bother? It's what makes Emma happy, and if spending a few hours with a clothier being fitted for new outfits is what it takes, well-- Ororo's just that kind of friend.

Sensing Laura's discomfort, Ororo reaches across the narrow gap between their seats and rests two fingers on Lara's wrist. Just for a beat, trying to still a jittering motion from the younger woman. Ororo's hair is worn wild and unconstrained, standing up in a mohawk of dense white kinks. Instead of a comfortable dress and sandals, she's in black leather pants and a faded sepia t-shirt that advertises the Black Eyed Peas Summer Tour '24. Booties with a three-inch heel disappear under the cuffs of the black trousers. "It's very kind of you to bring us along, Emma. I'm looking forward to what you've come up with," Ororo tells the haughty blonde with a sincerity to her rich alto voice.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced up from the book she'd been reading. A brightly colored paper back with a large yellow sunflower on the front and back. She had been engrossed in reading it the whole flight, carefully making notations in it as she read, plucking out post-it notes and highlighting as well. Whatever the book was about, she didn't say, though Emma would know (if she cared to look) it was a philosophical book on the concept of forgiveness.

The Princess of Genosha closed the book as Emma got up to address them, and she hitched an eyebrow upward as she glanced down at her clothes once and then back toward the blonde. "My clothes were created by mutants in Genosha. It's part of the image, you know? Mutant Princess wears only clothes made by and for mutants?" She drawled, her lips twisting. It was also, something she was quite proud of and thought her pant-suit and skirts fairly decent for her, even if they were on the more conservative side.

Today however she'd donned simple white shirt, fitted, with a dipping neckline and high waisted, pin-stripped pants with a pair of heels.

Emma had said they were going shopping, so she'd worn something that was comfortable and still simple enough she wasn't overly attached to it.

Emma Frost has posed:
    The plane lands without drama and the mercedes wait for the passengers, a longer version of the car normally on sale to the public, this one is a shorter limo, but long enough to be comfortable. Emma sits in the back, facing forward with the the seat before her facing her. "You don't have to be downers, this is supposed to be fun, at least you know you wont be paying for anything and this will fit you better than anything you've ever worn before." Emma reports with a smile and climbs out as soon as the car parks and she holds the door open for the three other women. "Here we are. Inzo's, custom clothes, and yes Lorna, he is a mutant, but don't be so picky, this is the best."

X-23 has posed:
    Laura sticks reasonably close to Ororo for this. Honestly, it's either the teacher she almost stabbed, the princess she almost chased out of the mansion...or the teacher who gave her movie money. No real contest there. Once they transition to the new car, she makes sure to stick near her adult chaperone, as it were, before getting out once the arrive at their destination. "Would normal clothes not have sufficed?"

Storm has posed:
Ororo settles into the limo, looking around at the sights with undisguised curiousity as they're driven along. Born in America, raised in Cairo, lonely travels going down the east coast of Africa-- she at least doesn't look like a tourist.

"Clothing tells a story, Laura," Ororo explains to the girl with that endless patience. "It's not just about what is practical. Comfort is important, but so is projecting an image, whether you want people to see you as a princess," she says, nodding at Lorna, "or a woman." She gestures at Emma, who in particular could not possibly be mistaken for anything else. "And being perfectly blunt, men don't pay much attention to you unless you're pretty, so sometime's it's necessary to stoop to their level a bit for the sake of diplomacy." At her joke, her eyes dance merrily and she turns to grin at the window as the buildings and cars whizz past.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna rolled her eye skyward as they all exited the plane and into the car. She slid in with the practiced grace that came from sliding over leather seats in a rather spacious vehicle. Something the greenette had been forced to get used to in her time spent in Genosha. Not that there was much reason for her to move by car, but when there was.. her father was nothing if not a stickler for show and pomp.

"Not knocking your kindness Emma, simply stating that I am bound to certain restrictions due to that whole 'image' thing. Ra, ra, mutants. And all that." She offered, her voice dry and filled with no lack of humor. She honestly made a great deal of her own clothes, costumes and the alike.. It was always loaded down with magnetic elements, steel or iron magnetically bound to the fibers for defense.

"And thank you, I'm sure my father wouldn't be all that thrilled if I dropped a few grand, though who knows. He certainly does with the amount of capes he has.." She drawled lightly, making a joke as she glanced toward Laura.

"Ororo is right, a lot of people judge based on clothes, regardless of what they say they do."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Don't worry, some of the clothes in your tablets, if you'd look at them, are suitable for everyday where, and would fit in well with your current images. But there will be clothes that are more for 'fun' and for drawing the gazes of the other, or same, sexes. We will be making you sexy." Emma says with a lift of a single eyebrow to show she has that fine of control over herself and as a preview of gazes the women might expect in the coming hours.

    Emma steps into the shop first and greets the owner with a superfluous hug and a kiss of both of his cheeks and he kisses her as well. "Inzo, we are here to fix these women and I need a few new items myself." Emma says, stepping back and gesturing towards Ororo, Lorna and Laura. The teacher then moves to the wetbar on the antique trolly and pours herself a white wine to sip on sparingly. Inzo lifts his hands and claps three times, short and fast. Quickly three assistants step out of the backroom, each dressed casually but with a beautiful flair to their attire, and the tailors tape measure around their necks. "Come ladies." Each of them say, pulling the girls back to get measured.

X-23 has posed:
Laura finally looks at the tablet, now that Emma mentions it; she'd been planning to look at the actual clothing. But she frowns at one of Emma's comments. "I do not need to be sexy." It's said with a little more force than her normal statements. She looks over as the assistants approach, one hand curling into a fist at her side. To her credit, she doesn't pop her claws and actually stab them. Yet. Nonetheless, the look her chosen assistant is getting is not a friendly one.

Storm has posed:
Ororo exhales a little when Emma proclaims their attire 'needs fixing', but doesn't press the issue. She seems to percieve that Emma means well, at least in her own way, and she steps up to smile at the assistant who approaches her and offers a gentle clasp of the hands. Ororo's intimidatingly tall for some people, and she ducks her head a little to try and help break the ice with the seamstress on approach.

The curling of a little fist isn't missed. Ororo gently touches Laura's wrist and subtly moves forward so she's interdicting herself between the petite little killer and the assistant approaching her. "Perhaps you will let me do the measuring?" she offers to the seamstress, and holds a hand out for the cloth tape. Ororo looks back over her shoulder at Laura. "If you would be more comfortable with me doing it," she says, prompting Laura for a yes or no. "If you would rather not be measured at all, then no one will make you," Ororo says with a gentle tone-- and a firm insistence for the rest of the room to pick up on.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was quick to look through the tablet with a raised brow, though she didn't comment as she followed Emma in while flicking through the various options stored in it for her. She was curious and given how more or less, the tall blonde was fairly well put together on most days... Lorna didn't really have issue with taking the clothes or Emma's judgement. Besides, she had plenty of closet space.

The green haired woman, lifted her gaze from the tablet, "Are the materials going to be more or less a mix of tropical weight verses winter weight?" She ventured, what she could wear in Genosha was not what she wore in New York most of the year. But still, she went along with the assistant regardless, though her gaze swung toward Laura and Ororo with a slightly pinched expression.

"I can tell you her bone structure?" Lorna called from behind the curtain as she was measured without protest or issue. She assumed the position, arms stretched out when asked. Arm bent. Unbent. Turn around. Stand straight. Was this a comfortable length for her sleeves? Or this? And so on.

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma takes a sip of her wine and begins some small chat with Inzo and smirks. "No no no dear, Trask was incredibly short. They make him look bigger on tv because of how the cameras work. But he did have a great suit and seemed like he was the biggest man in the room. Nooo, not like that you old pervert." Emma says batting Inzo on the arm before she takes another sip of her drink. "Remember ladies, this is to help your confidence and self worth. Don't be Debbie Downers, open up and explore your body in new ways. These artisans are beyond skilled at what they do. Afford them a bit of trust and you wont be disappointed.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura gives the assistant the staredown, and then Ororo offers. She pauses, as if she's thinking something over inwardly, and then shakes her head. "She can do what she needs to do for her work." the teen says flatly, apparently having changed her mind on the stabbings.

    "Your assistant will need to do the same for you." she tells Ororo. "Otherwise this will be impeding on your time." She opens that fist out into a flat hand, and puts her arms up and slightly out from her body. Interestingly enough, she seems to know the correct positions and movements to let people take her measurements, as if this is not the first time, despite her lack of wardrobe at the mansion.

Storm has posed:
Ororo acquiesces to Laura's statement, and smiles approvingly at the little flash of courage Laura's showing. The tape's returned to the assistant and Ororo steps away and around a little dividing partition nearby. Her t-shirt's draped across the divider, then her leather pants a few seconds later as well.

"Dress in layers, Lorna," Ororo calls back to the green-haired princess. Clothing's trundled over to her spot and she leans out to pick through the pile, wearing what looks like a black athletic bra. She picks a few pieces, cloth ruffles, and she steps out into the dressing room wearing a layered garment, a soft and lightweight grey cowl-style dress that hangs to midthigh with a mesh of horizontal stripes going down the front and back. A peach-colored tank is worn under it for some modesty. The cuts of the garments leave a little flesh below the hollow of her throat as well as her sternum exposed, an ensemble that's family-friendly but not entirely 'chaste'. White pants go with it and she steps into a pair of chunk-heeled white sandal heels with brass fittings and sable soles. "It needs a belt," I think," she tells the assistant, and turns to look in the mirror. The cowl flows dramatically with the motion and she flips one of the half-capes back over her shoulder to see how the outfit flatters her bare arms.

Polaris has posed:
Clothes were brought in to Lorna's fitting room after the measurements were taken, and the green haired Princess tried on piece after piece, as the designer's assistants changed their mind and went back and forth to the racks for what they had on hand prepared and what needed to be adjusted again once it was seen on her person. Ororo's comment earned a well meaning eye roll and grin. "I know," She called, wiggling into a rather interesting romper.

The neckline looked like it belonged on a well fitted blazer, rather than a romper, and it plunged down in a deep 'v' neck with a halter style looping around her neck. The sides were cut out in a perfect diamond shape and was sleeveless. It showed quite a bit of skin, but the pants were long and flared at the bottom. The entirety of it was black, and offset just how pale Lorna was.

The curtain was pushed back and Lorna stepped out, the heels of her shoes clicking as she made to investigate in front of a mirror where the others started to gather.

"Huh. Interesting."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma slowly claps for Ororo's outfit as it seems to feed the woman's mental apperance as well as look damn good, while when Lorna steps out, there's that sense of doubt and worry to which Emma quickly shakes her head. "She doesn't like it, try again. Something more colorful and fun." Emma requests of Inzo's assistants. Then she looks back to her friend and takes a sip of wine again. "There were several people there buying the robots for their own companies and organizations, it was down right scary, but from what I could tell, they are starting to put nullifiers inside the machines. That would be horribly bad for all of us. No doubt."

X-23 has posed:
    Laura comes out in what can only be Emma's choice for the kind of attire she should be wearing. Her jeans are replaced by leather pants so tight they might as well have been painted on, along with what is essentially a black bra top, and chunky nearly-knee-high boots that add a few inches of height. (OOC: her original costume, here: 36776ce2104b930505063fd7139ed014c4763d33r1-700-1350v2_uhq.jpg)

    She looks about, uncertainly. "This does not seem to cover much."

Storm has posed:
Ororo gives Laura's outfit a flickering eye, then looks down at herself and puts a palm on her trim tummy. Oror's fit and athletic, but Laura's abs are clearly pulling out ahead of the pack. "That's the point, dear," she tells Laura. A thought occurs to her and the white-haired woman laughs suddenly, a brassy sound accompanied by a gleaming white-toothed grin. "Think of it as a social attack. Anyone who sees your abdomen is going to be too intimidated to try anything," Ororo says ruefully.

"And I think it's a daring look, Lorna," she reassures the other woman, then disappears behind the changing screens again. "Emma, are you going to pick something out?" she calls back. Why should the three of them have all the fun while Emma has to dish and bitch with the tailor?

She emerges again wearing high-waisted black trousers so baggy they flow like a split dress, and a low-necked white shirt worn tucked into it. The outfit emphasizes her height nicely, making her already long legs stretch out but putting focus on her torso and face. "Hmm. Perhaps a little *too* upper society," she mutters. "I look like an eighties movie."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna turned this way and that in the mirror, considering the outfit even as Emma waved away the scope of it. "I like the style, just not so sure about the buttons or the business vibe..?" She shrugged with a sigh as the assistants converged on her and ushered her back toward the changing room. This time a rack was wheeled back toward her. Covered in various hangers of gold and green material and accents before the curtain was closed in on Lorna once more.

"If it helps Laura, at least if you don't actually wear armor you can heal from whatever hits you?" She called from her changing room. A surprised sound following as clothes were pulled out and she was pinned in this way or that to change again.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "I will, but I already have my order ready to be picked up, and I have no worries that Inzo did a spectacular job. As he always does." Emma says, complimenting her tailor as she takes another sip of wine and then holds out her empty cup for a refil and she asks, "Be sure to give all my friends a glass as well. We're having fun, right Inzo." Emma smiles as she stands up and walks over to each dressing room to pass out a glass of wine to each of her guests. Including Laura, they are in Italy.

Storm has posed:
Premptively, Ororo calls around the corner: "Laura, it's rude to decline an offer of a drink. Try to enjoy it. Knowing Emma, it's a good vintage."

X-23 has posed:
Laura frowns a little, but she nods. "There are times." She doesn't know fashion as well; she has little enough to offer. "I would want something more protective if I couldn't heal." She answers Lorna. She takes the wine, looking at it, and downs it...rather quickly. Like Logan, it's basically impossible for her to get drunk; the vintage might as well be red Kool-aid to her. Still, she vanishes to change into the next outfit. At least it covers more.

When she emerges, it's clearly another Emma-inspired outfit. Corset, stockings...it's basically "X-23 the Hellfire Girl". (OOC: https://tinyurl.com/y5zl2ro8).

Polaris has posed:
As Lorna starts getting into the next outfit it was clear that the designers had an idea in mind when it came to her clothes. Another romper. This one, however, per Emma's instructions was green. A deeper green than her hair, but complimentary none the less. The cut was similar, but the material was lighter, less fitted. The pants slit up the leg, to allow more freedom of movement and was clearly meant for her to wear while in Genosha. The same neckline followed as before, but this time? At the shoulders were large embroidered shoulder pads, for lack of a better term. They were covered in gold and silver, sewn in with pearls in places. Connected to them was a long, trailing, cape of the same silken material.

Accessories were added, silver bracelet, necklace, earrings and even her hair was scooped up in a clasp of silver and gold. Which butterflied out at the sides like a fan. Even her shoes were traded out for another pair of high heels, green too, and buttoning up the side in a half boot design. Stunned, Lorna stepped out of the fitting room with her eyebrows held high. She managed to walk in it all easily enough, despite the amount of fabric, none of it was heavy or dragged uncomfortably. She stared at her reflection, even as a glass of wine was handed to her and she whistled lowly, as she took a sip.

Storm has posed:
"Lorna, you look like a storybook princess," Ororo tells Lorna, admiringly. Another change for the weather-channeling mutant: Ororo's now wearing a black gown, halter-topped and putting her athletic shoulders and arms on display. It is simultaneously conservative and yet puts every inch of her feminine curves on display, hugging her like a second skin that glitters with a starfield of twinkling lights.

Ororo moves to face Laura, then makes a few little adjustments to help her 'fit' into the outfit more naturally. She steps back, examining the result, and frowns at Laura. "I'm not sure you should be allowed to wear that around the school. I do not think they are ready for it." She holds up a hand immediately to forestall Laura's predictable response. "But, that is their problem. I think if you wear that, it'll definitely give you a, ahh... tactical advantage."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma offers a low deep whistle and a slow wink towards Lorna. "I always wondered why you hid your figure from the world Lorna. You're a stunning woman." The white queen says with a smirk around the lip of her crystal as Emma nears the trolly again and sits back down next to Inzo once more. "I'm glad I brought them here. It seems like they're starting to really enjoy themsel- Laura... please don't turn out to be like your unrefined relative. Sip wine slowly, you can't get drunk anyways, so learn to simply enjoy the flavor and spend time with potential friends around the drink." Emma says, carrying the bottle over to the youngest one and pouring another glass for the former murder-hobo. "That's the idea Ororo, it's to make people uncomfortable, either phsycially, or metaphysically. Do you realize how many thugs I've caught off guard because they can't help but stare at my chest?" Emma notes towards Ororo in regards to Laura's corset.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura looks about blushing a little. "I do not thinks I should wear some of these, ever." She crosses her arms in front of her, because...well, Laura is less endowed than her fellow mutants here. "Perhaps there are some more normal options?" She actually goes a little red at Emma's comment, and one doesn't have to be a telepath to realize it's because she's pretty sure no one would be caught off-guard by her.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced down at herself and turned this way and that in front of the mirrors, flashing Ororo a smile, "And you look classy as an old school Hollywood diva. All ready for the red carpet. I love it." She turned her gaze back toward Laura and then briefly back at her own cleavage which was more or less on display though in a different manner than Laura's.

"I wear plenty to show off my figure in Genosha. It's too damn hot for much else." She drawled, lightly, still seeming to enjoy the feeling of the silken material against her skin as she turned this way and that, and the material swished around her. "I'm not shy about it, or embarrassed. If my business attire is reserved it's to deal with the American business men that otherwise won't take me seriously.." She muttered and made a face as she continued to sip at her wine.

"Thank you Emma for the trip, this is exactly what I needed, to get out of the house and disconnected for a bit."

Storm has posed:
A white-toothed grin is flashed at Lorna, and Ororo adopts a Betty-Paige-esque poze, contrapposto shift of her hips and palms resting on her waist. "Thank you, Lorna, you look like the Princess you are."

Ororo steps over and rests reassuring hands on Laura's shoulder and arm, projecting around her the protective bubble that is Ororo's personal presence. "I would imagine most criminals are stunned by your neckline, Emma," she tells the White Queen. "After all, your busom's the first thing to show up to a fight for several minutes."

She gives Laura a reassuring squeeze and a grin. Letting the petite raven-haired girl know it's a bit of playful banter. "And don't listen to Emma. You've got the sort of abdominals that can't be bought, dear," she tells the Wolverina. "The bared midriff is a good look for you. And you're still growing, so don't be so quick to put yourself down."

Emma Frost has posed:
    "Aww, Ororo, I'm flattered." Frost says with a cheeky grin before she hefts up one of the girls in her hand, "They've saved the teams collective ass at least once. So a thank you wouldn't be undesereved." Emma says taking another sip and pulling her hand away from herself. "I am totally jealous of the girl's abs, no lies." Emma says towards Ororo and Laura before looking back at Lorna, "You do look stunning, and so what if you don't have all your weight up top, you have amazing hips and an ass that doesn't quit." Emma says, trying to build all the women up. Get them to be less self conscious and more self content.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura looks /even more/ embarassed at that statement. As, well, a teenage girl might when prettier, more adult women are showing off how pretty they are and commenting on your body. She at least has some clothes now. Some costumes, and some useful things (underwear, finally!). She starts to gulp at the wine again...then remembers and makes herself sip.

Storm has posed:
Ororo's trying hard to keep Laura included in the dialogue, and she's doing so by treating Laura just like she does Emma or Lorna. As an adult. Engaged in the conversation, and politely not mentioning Laura's flushing embarassment.

"I am torn between these two outfits," Ororo declares, and picks up an all-white pantsuit with a double-breasted jacket, and something a lot like Laura's outfit, long sleeves and tight pants that leave her hard-earned flatpack abdominals exposed.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed the other ladies a grin and experimented with turning this way or that with the cape trailing behind her, even lifting herself up into the air using magnetics and floated for a minute or two, watching as the fabric flared dramatically around her. She laughed softly, and settled back to the ground with a click of the heels. "No wonder my dad is always wearing capes. This thing is ridiculously dramatic." She grinned, and glanced back to Laura.

"We should do our own magnetic fast ball special and see how the clothes hold up, what do you think?" She offered, combat being, she thought, a safer topic to suggest to the blushing teenager. She reached out as another glass of wine was held out on offer to her and the green haired Princess looked all too pleased with herself. Though Emma's comment had her looking to her own chest with a raised brow

"I'm proportional. Which honestly, is all I need." She shrugged once, as if she didn't really care either way as she made her way back to the changing room.

Emma Frost has posed:
    "You're getting both Ororo." Emma states abruptly and winks before she turns to Laura and Lorna, "You both look stunning, feel free to try on as much as you like." Frost says with a kindly face before she turns back to Inzo and whispers into his ear before the two move towards the back room and Emma disappears for a time. "I'll be back darlings, keep going and remember, it's all on me, go wild."