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Latest revision as of 01:00, 14 August 2019

Fit for a King
Date of Scene: 15 May 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion - First Floor
Synopsis: Thor introduces Elisandra to Janet van Dyne.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Wasp (van Dyne), Ellisandra

Thor has posed:
    "No, you fool. Purchase a vowel!" The hearty voice shakes the very rec room within which it is contained. Somewhat lower than that voice, however, is the steady drone of daytime television, which in this case is repeated noises of audience members clapping, weird electronic beeping as the wheel turns, and then the smarmy host asking questions he cares little about to the contestants.
    The Mighty Thor, however, watches this with rapt attention. At least for now, as the controller of remoteness lies within easy grasp. He reclines upon the plush overly stuffed crimson leather sofa, his bare feet propped up on the coffee table that likely saw its best years in the court of some European king.
    Today his ensemble is clearly purposed for relaxation. A white t-shirt that he likely put on yesterday, and tan cargo shorts with a jangly chain on one side.
    Other than that, the picture is complete... except for the five or six crushed and empty beer cans that lie underneath the television display as if hurled there.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet van Dyne abruptly clambers over the back of the sofa, interdicting herself into Thor's personal space. It's springtime, which means wedge sandals, jean shorts, and a short-sleeved blouse in daisy yellow that hugs her frame but flares just a little near her waistline. "The answer's 'Marc Jacobs'," she tells Thor. "Duh," she adds. "Everyone knows that."

She kneels on the sofa next to the God of Thunder and pokes him repeatedly in the ribs with a pencil retrieved from behind her left ear. "Hey so now that you're not busy with the show, this is a perfect time to review my designs for the wedding!" She beams sunnily at Thor and pushes a large sketchpad at him. "I've narrowed it down to a couple of different themes, all very old german in style. I don't know how conservative you wanna go," she admits, warily. "Like, is this one of those lame things where it's all an emphasis on 'subservient chastity', or can we sex it up a bit?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor lifts an arm as she crawls over the sofa, trying to at least partially get out of her way and give her leeway to get settled, "Janet. Greetings." He shifts to the side and then leeeeans forwards to take up the remote, hitting the mute button as some commercial comes on about a new drug where half of its time on the screen is taken up with a recitation of various warnings about taking it.
    Fixing her with his one good eye he cocks an eyebrow and turns a little, crinkling his nose at the repeated poke-a-poke. He takes a breath, holds it, exhales a little of it in a harmph. Then he says, "I am perhaps not the best one to speak with on this matter. Ellisandra would assuredly have better knowledge as to her preferences."
    He draws one leg up onto his knee and rests his hands on his foot. "From what little I have spoken with her about it, it seems she will be seeking more of a Shi'Ar ceremony than Asgardian."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Right!" Janet looks around with gross overemphasis on the gesture. "Darn the luck, but she's not here. Again. When you *promised* me I'd get to do the drapings. So, guess what, you're stuck with it until and unless she starts adding contributions here." She presses her lips into a thin line of rebuke. "You're really lucky I'm such a forgiving person, Thor, or I'd be a little peeved at you for ducking me on this. C'maaaaaahn," she whines. She wriggles against his bicep, rests her head on his shoulder, and even flutters her lashes. "Pleeeeeeeeeease?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor looks over at the woman, the pen and pad of paper, then lifts his hands almost helplessly. "I can... bring us to New Asgard and you can speak with her yourself?" He can't help but smile a touch as he gets the full dose of Janetfulness. He looks towards the television, and frowns a little at the possibility of missing Let's Make a Deal, but obligations are obligations.
    "Though I will need to shower and make ready. Does that suit?" He asks with an uncurling of a hand towards her, indicating a presentation of this option to her not unlike a present held forth.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Road trip! I'll get changed into something presentable," Janet says, and she's moving immediately away from Thor towards her suite in the dormitory area. "Five minutes, swear to god, and then we can go. Also I need to grab some pencils and a sketchpad, and my camera, and I should bring some color wheels-- okay, /ten/ minutes, seriously. Tops," she assures Thor.

Twenty five minutes later, she's back in the den without so much as an apology. The casual outfit's been ditched for a high-waisted white skirt, nude four-inch pumps, and a red blouse with demisleeves and lapels that lay flat against her collarbone. Her makeup and hair are done subtly differently as well, in a way that wholly changes her appearance from 'I'm just hanging out with friends' to something a little more provocatively assertive.

It's hard to say *how* someone could know that, but there it is.

"Okay, ready!" she says, skipping a half step towards Thor and stopping near him. She hugs a bundle of art supplies to her chest along with a comfortable looking camelhair coat.

Thor has posed:
    As for Thor once they adjourn it does not take him quite as long. For he makes ready rather quickly. Fifteen minutes and he returns to await Janet, hands upon his hips and with Mjolnir at his side. No longer in the shorts and t-shirt, he is garbed in the gleaming silver and black armor of an Asgardian warrior, the plate and metal immaculate as it conforms to his silhouette perfectly.
    His slightly longer hair has been pulled back and it seems as if he's actually shaved, for just the beard is there, and none of the stubble upon his neck nor cheeks. But when she appears he takes the hammer in hand and smiles a bit, "Excellent. Hold onto me while I create the gateway. Bide but a moment." One hand extends toward her and he takes her hand should she allow it.
    Once she's secured the hammer starts to spin, swirling around over and over with that whirring 'whom-whom-whom' of sound that grows stronger as the energies build. Brighter and brighter until there's a crackle of electricity around them, then a lash of power around them rends a tear in the world before them through which they can see the throne room in the Fortress of New Asgard.
    The next moment they step through...
    To the surprise of the guards and the courtiers who actually are in session as Bjarke listens to their requests.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet's nails dig into Thor's arm when they land on the other side. She plasters a smile on her face and steps just an inch closer to the God of Thunder, concealing clear unease. "God this is worse than my thesis defense," she grates up at Thor through Perfectly Polite clenched teeth. "Why are you people all so frickin' /tall/?"

She glances around and then, as the two of them walk on, she starts taking shorter strides to keep up with Thor. In the space of thirty feet, the petite fashionista gains about four inches of height. Not nearly *as* tall as Thor, even with her stilettos, but at least not being dwarfed by everyone else.

Not *as* dwarfed, anyway. She's still the far and away most petite perosn present, but for it, is inargubly the cutest in the room. At least, that's clearly what her expression conveys.

Ellisandra has posed:
    Their King has been gone for but a short time. Yet, that has been enough time for there to be at least one major change to the Throne Room. Perhaps that should be Thrones.
    Where once there had been the throne of the King at the head of the room, upon a landing a few steps above the rest of the floor, now there were Two. The second followed the lines of the first but had a few more curves and decorations, giving it a distinctly feminine flair.
    Upon that throne sits Ellisandra, paying very close attention to the goings-on. While she is not making decisions, she does at times offer her insights for Bjarke. After all, it isn't her place to make calls of state. Yet. She is tall but not built with the level of durabilty that the Asgardians have, more thinly built and seemingly more frail by comparison. Not that it is true with her Shi'ar blood. Her raven black feathers, that pass for hair, are left loose and flowing about her shoulders.
    With the arrival of the King and his companion, she focuses with hawk-like intensity on the woman at the side of Thor. Her eyes narrow slightly but she rises to her feet, her traditional Asgardian gown flowing around her as she descends the steps to greet the pair with a bright smile on her face. "King Thor! It is good to have you returned to us," she gives him a half curtsey of politeness then turns her full attention on the woman at his side. There is a warmth in her greeting. "And do introduce me to your companion!"

Thor has posed:
    Bjarke advances quickly, even as the court falls mostly silent. He had been holding a scroll in hand and addressing the people who are before the throne... or rather the two thrones? "Your Majesty," He advances quickly, though there's an element of tension and nervousness to the man. "We did not expect your return today."
    The chamberlain looks back and forth between the King and his bride to be, though he does not forget his manners as he bows to Janet. "Greetings, Lady Van Dyne." Apparently he recalls her from the last visit some time ago.
    Thor, however, is sort of mildly... strolling along. His brow is furrowed and he looks a little... taken aback. One hand is resting over his chin and he rubs a fingertip just under the corner of his mouth. Thoughtful he looks. And for the moment he seems to forget about everyone else. But it's at Bjake's words that he returns to the here and now.
    "Oh, ah, fogive me. Princess Ellisandra, may I present to you Lady Janet Van Dyne, avenger and hero." He turns away and uncurls a hand, "Forgive my return unannounced, Lady Van Dyne is an excellent conceptual seamstress." That might earn him a 'look'. "And she would speak with you about possibilities for your attire during the ceremony."
    That having been said he turns his back to them all, but then sort of... points at the thrones. "There seem to be. Two. Thrones. Here."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet flicks her hand along her skirt, making it flare minutely. One ankle tucks behind the other and her knees bend. The fashionista dips in a smoothly polished cursey she must have practiced quite a deal at one point. It's precisely executed, polite but not submissive. A gesture for royalty, but not Janet's monarchs.

"Pricess Elissandra, I'm so pleased to meet you." A sunny smile's flashed at the tall Shi'ar woman. Th-- King Thor is constantly gushing about you and I just had to meet you for myself."

She glances around. The tension in the air is palpable, and even Janet can't miss it. A lot of people have that 'hand in the cookie jar' look and that makes her... nervous.

Ellisandra has posed:
    As Janet curtsies, Ellisandra is shaking her head. "No, no. Any friend of my King has no need to show such formalities to me," she says with a bright smile. "Ellisandra will be just fine and all of this," she makes a sort of curtsey motion herself. "Is unnecessary. It is truly a pleasure to meet one of Thor's friends. I hope we shall get to know one another well."
    She does look over at Thor, her smile so pleased when she hears he talks about her. But then she is seeing the way he is looking at the thrones. She turns her head to look at them and gives a nod. "They do look lovely, yes? I studied some about this world and it seems the King and Queen often sit side by side in court. I thought it a good nod to Earth custom and a way for us to show our unified status." She turns back but then her smile fades a little and she looks concerned. A glance to Janet and then to Thor. "You are not pleased?"

Thor has posed:
    The court is silent after Ellisandra's last few words. One of the guards coughs and receives a quick nudge from his partner. There's a small giggle, and the young lady in waiting is quickly rushed to the back of the crowd. But Thor... he's still standing there before the low dais upon which the thrones rest and just looking at them.
    Then he turns back and he says "What? No? No. No, of course not. Thoughtful." He says giving a single nod and then stepping back toward the two of them with a smile. "Just noticing, is all." He clears his throat and then rounds toward Bjarke. "Forgive us, old friend. I did not mean to disturb during the business of the day."
    Back toward Janet and Ellisandra, "Ladies, if you would be so kind as to join me? Perhaps it will be best if we adjourn to the study." And with that he turns and starts to walk towards the back of the hall.
    But as he passes his throne he puts Mjolnir down upon it with a hard /thrum!/ of impact that seems to shake the hall. It's only once they're through the set of double doors behind the seats of power that the court comes back to life as Bjarke calls them to order.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet beams up at Elissandra. Partially because she's leaning hard into the 'everything is fine' vibe that Thor's trying to project, and also because the Shi'ar woman's being surprisingly considerate.

"Well, then you have to call me Janet," the socialite insists as an offer of compromise. "We all care a lot about Thor." She surrender's Thor's arm to Elissandra, opting to walk on the woman's side opposite the lumbering blonde God of Thunder. "So naturally, the team sent me here to vet you, make sure you're gonna take care of the big ox here." She leans over and beams a smile up at Thor. "And don't let him get chunky, or anything," she adds. "Gotta watch out for that Newlywed ten pounds," she adds, and pats her trim belly.

Ellisandra has posed:
    Once he offers his approval of the throne, Ellisandra's smile is back in place at 100-watts. She's quite pleased that he approves of her addition. Hopefully he will like the others as well!
    As Janet concedes her spot, El is quick to step in and loop her arm through Thor's. She walks at his side to the Study, listening to the words of Janet. Listening. Not understanding. Some of those words are not making sense and she thought she had a good handle on English.
    "Chunky?" she echoes, not getting that one at all. Newlywed. Ten. Pounds. All those make sense as words but not together. "I am sorry, English is new for me and I have not the gift of the Asgardians to understand all tongues. This is a word I am not familiar with. And what does being newly wed have to do with pounds?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor doesn't answer as they make that small jaunt. He has this mildly shell-shocked look on his face as he moves, with one eyebrow higher than the other and the corners of his lips curved down just a hair. He seems to maintain his composure even as the young women discuss the matters important to a marriage.
    As they pass by a grouping of tapestries along the wall, he notices one that has a distinct... avian flavor and seems about to say someting. "What... was there? Did..." But he shakes his head and doesn't ever complete the sentence.
    Instead he picks up his pace a little just enough to subtly outdistance Ellisandra as he reaches the door and holds it open for the two of them. "Here we are, please do find a seat, I shall acquire something for us to drink."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Oh, y'know," Janet tells Elissandra. "I mean, maybe it's different for y'all, but humans tend to pack on a little extra body fat after they get married. I gained like... five pounds, it was ridiculous. But you're eating more food 'cause it's homemmade, you're not goign out as much..." She makes a 'and so on' gesture.

"Anyway, Thor's abs are considered a gift to the women of Earth, so, y'know. We're just hopign you keep that going for us. I know, big ask, we're sorry to put so much on you." Her nebulous, quirky grin hops back and forth across her lips, and when Thor offers a drink she wags her chin in agreement. "Oh, thanks! A drink would be swell."

Ellisandra has posed:
    There is the slightest of pulls on Thor's arm to keep him moving and focused instead of looking at tapestries. Ellisandra has made just a few changes here and there. Nothing major. The throne was the biggest. Other things are more subtle.
    She is focused on Janet though, the rapid fire speech making her need to concentrate more to follow. There are still words that are not quite making sense but she manages to piece it together. "Ah!" She pats her own flat stomach. "Abdominal muscles. Yes, Thor's are exceptional." She gives a glance his direction as he goes to get drinks. "Thank you, yes. A drink would be appreciated."
    She moves to one of the nicely cushioned seats in the room, settling into it and waving Janet to join her at the one closest. "This phenomena of gaining weight after marriage is not known to my people. We tend to lose a few pounds instead. It will be interesting to see what happens although, homemade food will not be in the equation. I do not cook." That's what staff are for!

Thor has posed:
    Thor's answer to much of that is a thin smile that he uses at times where he is feeling dubious but does not wish to say as much. Instead once they're in the study he turns and moves towards the liquor cart that is stocked with the fine drink that is often indulged in when one resides in this room.
    He says nothing towards their conversation. Instead the sounds of clinking glass are heard. If they should glance over in his direction they'll likely espy him picking up bottles. Looking at them. Setting them back down. At times the movement is slower. Others it's faster. Until finally he reaches the last bottle and his expression has darkened. He takes a moment to himself, finally having settled on one particular bottle and then lifts it up. Three wine glasses are procured from their place hanging on the side of the cart and he brings them over with fingers around their stems.
    One is set before Janet and he in turn grants another to Ellisandra. A wine bottle of all things is in his hand and he turns it on its side filling their drinks before finishing with his. He takes a seat, equidistant from them both in a lone easy chair.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Maybe it's just me," Janet allows graciously. "But, I married an assho--" she clears her throat, "a very, uh, disappointing man, so you'll undoubtedly have a better experience."

She reaches for her large sketchbook and rests it on her knees. One ankle hooks behind the other and Janet's back reassumes a proper stiffness as etiquette demands. "So, I brought some stuff from home. I've got a few ideas, but *someone's* been dragging his heels," Janet says, shooting a dagger-y look at Thor's back, "on getting me some aesthetic designs. I went with a couple of Earth culutres as a starting point for the ceremony-- you know, gowns, colors, setup, that kind of thing."

"I love your headdress by the way," she ventures, and flashes an encarmine smile at Elissanda. When the drinks are brought over, she murmurs a 'thank you' to Thor and waits for her hosts to sip before collecting a mouthful of the wine for herself.

Ellisandra has posed:
    The glass is accepted but Ellisandra's attention is fully on Janet. She isn't even aware that Thor has found a few..additions to his drink cart. Her brow is furrowed slightly. "I had thought it would be a Shi'ar..."
    She lets her voice trail off and shakes her head, putting her smile back in place through a conscious act. "Of course it should not be Shi'ar. This is a blending of cultures between our peoples. Also a nod to the planet that is giving us a home is appropriate."
    She turns her head to try and look at the sketchbook a bit. "I could offer perhaps some Shi'ar materials though? If you have never worked with them, perhaps you might enjoy that?"

Thor has posed:
    While the girls talk, Thor remains in his seat, quiet for the most part. He seems to be alternately shifting in his seat, looking down as if trying to spot whatever tormenting spring might be bothering him in that chair, though it likely doesn't exist.
    He'll hold up his glass of wine and examine it for a time, lifting a fingertip to scritch-scritch-scritch at a perceived spot on the glassware that again... likely doesn't exist. He even takes a deep breath and lets it out slooooowly, though perhaps not loud enough to be overheard.
    Should the young women glance over in his direction he'll lift up his glass in the semblance of a toast and finally in that moment take a sip. When they look away he'll scowl at the glass as if it were a snake that had stabbed him.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"That would be... absolutely fantastic." Janet eyes the wine, then gives Thor a baleful eye. "Did you just dose me with Asgardian wine?" she demands of him, suspiciously. "I swear to god, if I wake up with one of those migraine hangovers again, I'm going to *flay* y-" she pauses, glancing at Ellisandra, and clears her throat. Pose gathered, ire checked, and she plasters a polite smile at Thor. "I mean, I'll be very cross." Bad form to threaten to defenestrate another girl's man, after all.

"Anyway. What? Yes!" She snaps her fingers as the train of thought starts chugging into gear again. "A big mix of all three. Y'know, traditions from all the cultures. But I'm talking mostly the decor, and some of the little ceremonial touches," she hastens to assure Ellisandra. "I don't want to, y'know, do something horribly disrespectful. So if you've got any, uh, like books or anything?" She makes an encouraging gesture. "Something that'll let me know about your etiquette and stuff."

Ellisandra has posed:
    "I will see that you are given a data crystal with the information about Shi'ar wedding customs," Ellisandra offers as she prepares to be dazzled with images that Janet has drawn up.
    Which is when she notices Thor looking at his glass. She tilts her head slightly, very bird like in that motion, trying to ascertain what the problem with the glass is. A look to her own glass which she swirls the liquid in then takes a sniff. "Ah, Shi'ar wine. I think you will find this to be more delicate on the palate than Asgardian. It also should have less physical side effects for your species, as we have discovered when dealing with humans in the past."

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed!" Thor says, as if snapped out of his reverie. Which he was. He gives a nod and turns back to look at Janet, smirking a little as she admonishes him for her own misadventure with Asgardian Ale her first visit to the city.
    A sip is taken and to his credit he smiles, warmly, trying at the least. Then he nods solemnly, "It is a fine... a fine drink." He swirls it around a little bit and then looks across the way toward Ms. Van Dyne, "Enjoy, Janet. Even someone of your constitution should be able to endure this bouquet. It tastes very..."
    A pause as he looks at it again.
    "It tastes rightly of..."
    Another hesitation, then he takes a breath. "Of fruit. Yes."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"That's what I love about you, Thor," Janet deadpans, and reaches for her wine. "Just that mastery of poetry and verse."

Her brows move in a 'can you believe this' eyeroll, and Elisandra's flashed a conspiratorial and amused grin before Janet sips her wine again.

"See, Thor, I like her," Janet informs the God of Thunder. "Last time I was here I got into the mead a little heavy," she confesses to Elisandra. "Someone didn't *warn* me," she says, glancing at Thor, "until I'd had like a half a cup. I was drunk for three days straight, and the hangover lasted a week."

Ellisandra has posed:
    Ellisandra looks confused at Thor's explanation. "It is made from jangs so it should be fruit like in taste." Why wouldn't wine taste like the berries it is made from? She is becoming more aware she will never understand Asgardians by the day.
    Then she is looking back to Janet and laughing slightly at the story. "I see. Yes, humans cannot generally drink Asgardian alcohol unless it is...watered down? I think that is the term. Or they suffer those consequences. A friend should have told you as much." She gives a flick of a gaze to Thor in admonishment for mistreating his friend, laying a hand briefly on Janet's arm in a sign of solidarity. "I think you will do amazing things for our ceremony, Janet. I thank you for being willing to assist."

Thor has posed:
    Gesturing with his glass towards Janet, Thor says gently around a smile. "I would have sworn that you were indeed warned, Janet. But alas, indeed, it does fall to me to be a proper and good host. Thus, I failed you." Though she seemed to be enjoying herself with all the attention from those many Asgardian suitors.
    He in turn looks to Ellisandra, "I hope you will forgive me, your poor future husband, who is apparently such a cad. I must have such learning to do for me to be brought out in proper company."
    That said he smirks again and shakes his had, taking another sip of the wine.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet smiles and spreads her fingers silently in Thor's direction. "See," she says to the couple. "/Now/ you're figuring it out." She turns back to Elisandra and beams a smile at the soon-to-be head of state, laying her hand atop Elisandra's fingers. "Oh, it's my pleasure," she insists. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm out for easy money as much as the next girl. This is gonna do wonders for my business and fashion designs."

"Which, in turn, is going to make the Shi'Ar empire the new hotness for the next year," she clarifies. "Everyone on Earth is going to fall in love with your fashion sense and then next thing you know, everyone's wearing feathers this fall. Capitalism, I *love* it," she says. Lips press into a satisifed line and she bumps her fists in the air, victoriously. "Bam."

Ellisandra has posed:
    "What?" Ellisanda blinks as those words sink into her head. She brings a hand up to her feathers, a few of which are curls in front of her shoulder like hair would do. She strokes them a moment. "Feathers as fashion? That seems...strange." It would be equivalent to people using human hair in fashion, something that is done but Ellisandra doesn't realize. It seems so wrong. "But I will trust your judgement. You know what is best, I am certain."
    May God have mercy on them all, she seems to be giving Janet free rein.
    "When I provide the crystal, I will include information on the fashion of the Shi'ar, particularly that of the royal court. That should allow for you to build and create in ways that this planet has not seen." So very helpful.
    She looks over at Thor with a smile. "There is nothing to forgive, Thor. You are not a cad, I am certain. I have heard your reputation and that was not among them." A few other things but not that particular word.

Thor has posed:
    The Thunderer looks between them and smirks a touch, but spares a small smile for Ellisandra. "That is kind of you to say, but I should let you know that here on Midgard there is a custom shared between teammates." He looks toward Janet, through the glass in his hand and casting her in a rosy shade. "And that is that though we battle evil together, embrace the gift of battle together, we still reserve the right to tease each other and be terribly willful in our interactions."
    Which, to be fair, rather describes Janet decently well in his opinion.
    He then tilts the glass back and drains it, setting it aside upon the side table near him. "I believe I shall check in with the court, and see what has passed in my absence. Please, do continue with your plans. I shall be around if needed."
    That having been said he places his hands upon the arms of the chair and pushes himself to his feet.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Oh, wonderful! I'm so excited," Janet assures Elisandra. "Trust me, you're gonna love the end result," she murmurs, and gives Elisandra's hand a squeeze.

Thor heaves to his feet and she beams a smile up at the hulking Asgardian with his chivvying. "It's true, we're all merciless to each other. Thor and Tony are always super mean to me, too. I never know why, but it's all part of their weird game, so..." She shrugs, and smiles. Hard to tell if she's being sarcastic or sincere.

"So don't mind us, Thor. We'll just be here making this the wedding of the *milennia*. The whole galaxy's gonna regret missing it!"

Ellisandra has posed:
"Oh yes! It will most definitely be a marriage to remember!" Ellisandra agrees, her voice dropping into an almost purr as she finishes. "I can promise it will be talked about for centuries."