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You're Who, now
Date of Scene: 16 May 2019
Location: Food Court - The Triskelion
Synopsis: Janet and Peggy bump into each other, totally unbeknownst to each other!
Cast of Characters: Wasp (van Dyne), Peggy Carter

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Peggy Carter wants a meal, and... frankly, who's going to stop her?

Obviously, 'Let Carter off premises' would be a no-go. But short of contacting Director May-- and being soundly criticized for something so stupid-- one cannot really fault Peggy's 'escort' (guard) from relenting under the flinty weight of her insistance about a 'proper cup of tea'.

So there Peggy Carter sits, enjoying actual soup and fresh bread instead of something prepared an hour before and left under the scorching rays of red meal heaters and ported down ten stories of building in warming trays.

Peggy's not at her booth long when there's a *clickclick* of expertly manicured nails on the table. Bumblebee yellow, of course, and when she looks up a woman smiles at her apologetically.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Mind if I join you? The cafeteria's full up and I don't know where to sit," the petite brunette tells Peggy. She's in a slick grey pantsuit with a loose blouse precisely the color of her nails, and her stylish stiletto pumps in the same shade drive home the notion that, maybe, Peggy's new companion isnt' a SHIELD agent.

"I'm Janet," the woman says, and offers a hand to Peggy as she sits. "If you just want some peace and quiet for lunch--" she mimes zipping her mouth shut and throwing aside the key.

Peggy Carter has posed:
While there was still some debate if Peggy absolutely was Peggy, conversations last evening seem to have confirmed enough that she's been allowed to roam. No access to computers, yet. A comment that she should maybe not introduce herself fully and cause such a dust up among other agents. Just a dark haired, non-suspect visitor who happens to bear a vague resemblance to the woman's statue in the SHIELD lobby.

So, yes, she bullied her guards into letting her out to the cafeteria, at least, with promises not to touch a computer or be too loud. That meant she was sitting alone, despite the business of the cafeteria, in attempts to better sequester herself. She's in nothing but a pair of generic SHIELD sweat pants and a black undershirt. Her usually carefully curled hair has been slung back into a tight pony tail. She looks very much not like her old self or even her 70s self. But she has tea and fresh bread. That helps.

Dark eyes flicker upwards in surprise as someone dares approach her. It was probably inevitable, eventually. She gives a slightly awkward, red lipped smile (never go out without lipstick, even when in sweats!) "Ah...Janet. I'm ... Margaret. I... I suppose it's getting busy in here. Sit, please." The woman hasn't lost her head, so clearly she's not recognized Peggy. All the better. Peggy gives her a long once over, the pumps and the suit, a single brow arching. "Consulting...for SHIELD, I'd guess?"

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Worse. Moving paperwork," the woman in yellow says, with a wry tone. She flashes her visitor's ID, though her thumb obscures her name. It's a high-level civilian clearance pass, but she's not with the DoD in any capacity. "This whole thing, foreign provocateurs, secret dossieres, blah blah redacted, blah blah there goes my evening," Janet quips with an exaggerated eyeroll.

She crosses her legs under the table and starts digging into her salad. "I just don't get it, they keep saying 'oh, we're going paperless', and I still have to schlep thirty pounds of file folders up from midtown and drop them off with someone's secretary. *I* have a secretary, I shouldn't have to play one. They should send * their* secretary." Janet glowers at her salad, then looks up at Peggy. "You ever run into that" she asks, with shared frustration. "Fellahs telling you 'oh, just run that across town' and you're like:" she looks around, hands moving in a mock surprise. "Oh sure, gosh, I don't have any plans tonight, I can just dash that over for ya, colonel sir," Janet says with a sarcastic (and inaccurate) salute to the middle distance.

Peggy Carter has posed:
Peggy isn't going to twitch. She won't let herself twitch. But that sort of woman being allowed in here, who has that sort of consideration for everything that's going on here? Well, a thin smile crosses Peggy Carter's mouth and she adds, before the end of Janet's rant, "... While it all seems a touch incredulous, what goes on behind these doors, I can assure you it is of the highest importance..."

And then Janet is going on about men ordering her around and a full on, bitter sweet laugh escapes Peggy's throat. She just gives a small shake of her head, "Constantly... when I was younger. I taught them better eventually. It's... sad to hear those things still happen to a woman like you. Tell them to get their own god damn coffee, Janet. Or, better yet, just topple it over in their tailored suit wearing laps, if they don't get the point." Margaret smirks, a glimmer of trouble behind her dark eyes and clipped British accent.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Younger? What, like, the girl scouts?" Janet laughs, wrinkling her nose. Peggy looks a couple years older than Janet, maybe, but neither of them is exactly outside the median age bracket for an agent. Janet's suit is stylish, and the sort of thing most people don't buy until they've spent a few years in the service and get some disposable income.

"None of these jerks have *any* fashion sense, honey, trust me," Janet says with a wry tone. "They wouldn't know a properly tailored suit if it bit 'em on their flabby butts." She's certainly outspoken enough, this one, and with her pixie cut look there's definitely an element of a brassy Audrey Hepburn about her.

"So what, you're from MI5? Interpol? Do you go by Margaret, or Maggie?" Janet inquires, and lifts her brows quizzically at Peggy between tidily efficient bites of her meal.

Peggy Carter has posed:
A deeper smirk crosses her lips but she tries to hide the reaction behind the mug of tea she's sipping on. It lets her relax a touch more, shoulders dropping as she sinks a bit deeper back into the booth in the corner of the room. "I'm...older than I look. Good genes, I suppose." Peggy off handedly offers, trying to be as casual about it as possible without actually lying. She hates lying to allies.

"Mm... Peggy, actually. And no, I've been with SHIELD a while. Just on a ... remote assignment, you might say. Settling back in, you know how it is. Surely you aren't *just* pushing papers around here?" And Janet's suit is given a longer look, brows slightly arched, the modern day cuts certainly not something she's come to be a fan of yet. "I have a bit more of a vintage taste in clothing, I suppose. But the suit does compliment you well."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"Me, here?" Janet laughs. "God, no," she assures Peggy. "I could never hack it with a government job. Too many rules and regulations."

"No, this is kind of a, uh... consulting gig?" she hazards, and skewers more lettuce and steak on her fork tines. She looks a little put out that Peggy doesn't recognize her, but then again, anonymity can be a welcome surprise as well. Peggy's easy enough to talk to, and Janet clearly isn't in a hurry to start dropping names or her relatively high-level clearances.

"Vintage is where it's at, girl!" Janet tells Peggy. "Fashions' all cyclical, you know. I tell you, with like-- that show, Mad Men? It's all double-breasted suits, A-frame skirts, and fedora again," she says conspiratorially. "Everyone thinks of the fifties and sixties as the height of dapper fashion. I mean, after that, it's all bell-bottoms and man-buns," she says, nose wrinkling. "Much as I love the peasant flower girl look, it just doesn't wow 'em in the board room. You know?"

Peggy Carter has posed:
A bit more of a chuckle from Peggy's lips. "The pants, nowadays... they are so tightly fitted. I don't know how you all fight in them, truthfully. A nice, wide legged suit... easy to fight in and stylish. But, I suppose I'll have to catch up sometimes." The brunette muses with a hint of a sigh. She'd miss her crazy patterns and while legged jumpsuits, though some of them might be still in style, much to her surprise when she figures that out.

She then reaches down, breaking off a small bit of bread and eating it with the lacking interest of someone who really has yet to regain an appetite after it all, but knows she should eat something. So, like a picky child, she forces a few bites down before going back to her tea. "Well, they must trust you very much to give you access to files in a place like this, consultant or not. SHIELD has always been concerned with the upmost security."

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet gives Peggy a speculative once-over. 'These days?' That's quite a statement coming from the woman, as the more senior SHIELD agent doesn't exactly look like she's in a position to be giving advise about sartorial choices.

"Me? I guess," Janet tells Peggy in response to her questions. "I mean, I'm not the agent type. I don't wanna work for the government, I've got my own things going."

"But," Janet allows, "I've got some insights into a lot of stuff. And top-secret clearances, they're such a hassle to get. So it's easier just to have me come down and you know, do the briefings and stuf, rather than declassify a bunch of nonsense and have some poor junior agent trying to make heads and tails of what I already know."

Peggy Carter has posed:
The warnings Skye subtly gave her last night, the few pieces of the puzzle Peggy knows, it's enough to make her just a touch wary. But then, she doesn't even know any modern information to give away. So, she keeps that game smile on red lips and tips her head in quiet agreement, "Well, if you have the clearances, it certainly makes sense. Even if it's annoying to be running errands, of a sort. As long as it's not ALL they make you do, maybe it's just nice to get out once in a while?" While Peg has only been cooped up for 3 and change days, it's been enough for the brunette to truly be going stir crazy. There's almsot a hint of envy in her voice as she mentions getting out once in a while.

"And...it's not just about being the 'agent type'... or one government, you know? It's about keeping everyone safe. Knowing that there's bigger things out there than just yourself. That... giving what you could be alone is more important to help everyone become their best. SHIELD... I get it's a bureaucracy. But it's not just a government. It's... it's making certain everyone else out there still has the freedom TO make the choice of not just bending knee to some government or dictatorship. So, we appreciate your help, but it's not exactly the IRS around here." Peg gives a little wink, but her voice has the genine, deep love of someone who lives and breathes not just this organization, but the ideals it was built upon.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"It's just not my speed, honey," Janet reassures Peggy. "You guys do great work, the intelligence gatherimg?" She trails off, makes an 'okay' gesture. "Top notch. I just like working solo, you know?"

Janet hesitates, then grins. "Well-- okay. Solo-ish," she amends. "My boyfriend's with SHIELD. You guys," she clarifies. "He's always off on secret missions and stuff." Janet looks a little proud. "Like, right now. He's on some super secret mission," she explains, conspiratorially. "Phone off, and everything." She shrugs modestly. "But, you know, that's part of life, isn't it? We get stuck sitting around, waiting for the menfolk to bother with a 'hey honey, I'm not dead' message?" she quips.

Peggy Carter has posed:
"It's not everyone's speed ar all. We serve as we can and it's not meant for everyone. Your boyfriend is lucky. I miss being out in the field." Peggy admits with a half chuckle. The comment about it being part of life makes her smirk a little deeper, "I... don't know. My husband... he was generally the one waiting for reports back." And then it hits her. He finally, one day, got that call that she wasn't coming back. She was gone. His worst nightmares. Peggy just left him like that. Whatever hunger she might have been pretending to have was gone, but Janet also doesn't deserve her emotions or poor mood. So, she forces a slightly warmer smile, even if it doesn't hit her eyes.

She's then gently unfolding from the table, her tea done and bread half eaten. "Well. I should... be back myself. It was nice meeting you, Janet. I'm sure your guy'll be home soon. Peggy reassures as best possible, giving one last dip of her head before grabbing her tray to turn in with the other dirty dishes.