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Latest revision as of 01:04, 14 August 2019

Morning Check In
Date of Scene: 10 May 2019
Location: Apartment 3A, Marcy House
Synopsis: Clint checks up on Kate and brings her a housewarming gift. They chat about her love life, her new digs, and the West Coast.
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Barton), Hawkeye (Bishop)

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint had slipped out early from the party but had told Kate what she needed to know to take ownership of his place.. or well, rentership (was that a word?) anyhow the point was the place was hers and the rent control was maintained, which helped Clint cover those first two months of rent.

Though that's not the end of the birthday gift train, a couple days and a wild trip to Cuba later, Clint is walking up the stairs with a plant in one hand, and a bag and a tray of coffees in the other. All of which is almost knocked out of his hands as a blonde guy in a trenchcoat plows past him down the stairs in a hurry.

"Hey!" Clint shouted down at him, "Watch it!"

There was no reply, Clint grumbles as he mounts the last stairs to the third floor and knocks on what used to be his door. "Katie, you up?" he calls as if she could reply if she wasn't.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate was up, and as it happens, slightly on the cranky side at the moment.

Quick rewind: John came to soak up sympathies and comfort the night before after calling upon the Divine to bolster his magic to.. okay, he hadn't explained /what/ was so vital that he'd taken that measure, but it must have been bad given how taking that step had left him.

There was a surprising lack of sex given John; much less suprising given Kate, and in the morning, someone (John) was back to his standoffish self like the night before hadn't happened. Leaving Kate confused - he'd come to her /and/ it's not like she'd even mentioned the 'like' word let alone the other.

John and his chill self had been pointed at the door, a measure of Kate's ire noted in her not even sending a parting shot of words after him, but she had, once he'd cleared the apartment, thrown a lamp at the door.

Said crash timed ever so nicely with Clint's "Katie, you up?"

From inside the apartment, Kate's reply comes, "No. And watch out for the glass when you open the door." Muttering to herself as she looks for a broom and dustpan (likely lacking in Clint's old bachelor pad, and given her stuff hadn't been fully moved in yet), as well as mentally noting she was down a new to her lamp that she'd have to replace.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint fiddles with the door and manages to get it open and hip check it the rest of the way, his shoes crunching on broken lamp.

"Getting an early start on the remodling, I see," he remarks hopping past the rest of the detrius to put the coffee, danishes, and plant on the counter in the kitchen.

"Guessing the asshole on the stairs was your guest?" Clint asks.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Unless there are two idiots leaving at this hour, guess that one was mine." She peeks out of the kitchen where she's found - glory be - a broom, but no dustpan. "What did he do?" Already feeling guilty for John's behaviour.

"Sorry about the lamp. He's just so infuriating. Why are men so stupid?" She stops mid sweep, and faces Clint. "Why am I even asking you. This is all your fault anyway."

And goes back to sweeping.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint snorts, "No, just the one," he says. "And he almost made me drop my stuff. He was getting out of here in a hurry," he says taking the coffee out of the holder and putting the one he got for Kate out on the conter next to her. Then he raids the pastry bag.

"Your lamp now," Clint said with a little shrug of his shoulder. "You can do what you want with it. I think I had two of those, might have chucked it's partner at one of those Russian guys trying to sneak into my window."

There was a faintly sentimental look on his face as he mentioned that encounter. That was around when he and Kate met, where he'd gone on leave from the Avengers and SHIELD after Bobbi and his only problems were the odd Russian thugs and keeping the streets of Brooklyn safe.

Though, Kate's accusation gets his attention and he lifts his head, "What? How is this my fault?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"No, there wouldn't be two of him." She can't even imagine the complication of that, though it would give him someone to hang out with he wouldn't have to worry about. That would be rich. Maybe she'd suggest it to him when she stopped being angry at him. Just who did he think he was anyway? She wasn't even sure she'd done more than open her eyes before he'd..

She stops herself there, before she can run through the logical arguments and end up with answers that leave her feeling sympathetic for the man. Life was simpler if she could keep him compartmentalized in a box that said 'look but don't touch'. It was bad enough she couldn't help herself from sleeping with him when the occassion arose.

"You," Kate says emphatically, stabbing at the shards of lamp on the floor realizzing how futile this was unless she picked the biggest chunks up, "Never realized I existed is how this is your fault. If you'd just once seen me as someone you might have wanted to date or maybe even kiss, none of this would have happened."

Yeah. No help for it. She'd going to have to clean up the big pieces first.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Thinking of that time when he was just kicking it on his own reminds him of something, though he puts a pin in it when Kate explains why all of this is his fault.

Clint's coffee is set down, "Wait? What?" it was clear, even now he'd had no idea. Well, not true, Skye had mentioned she thought Kate liked him, but he'd pushed it aside. "Wow," he says pushing a hand through his hair. "Kate, I really had no idea, I mean, we were friends and I was teaching you, I didn't think of you like that, it would have felt wrong."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Ha. Ha." Kate's tones are sardonic. "I know you didn't have any idea, or think of me like that. Remember me? Person head over heels in love with you and you saw nothing more than a kid sister tagging along pestering?"

She sighs and starts picking up the biggest bits, putting them onto a piece of newspaper.

"Turns out you're not the only person who doesn't think of me that way. In fact, every guy I meet doesn't think of me that way. Though I have to admit, John is a step up. He at least is quite happy to sleep with me. You know, if you'd ever shown any idea that you saw me I wouldn't have felt so.. stupid and like nobody would ever.. anyway. It's whatever."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Whoa? Who said I thought you were pestering me?" Clint says. "I know I never did. If you were pestering me I wouldn't have hung out with you all the time and got up to all the cool shit we did."

He frowns, "And I did see you Katie, as a person, I just didn't want to sleep with you," he says. "I'm sorry if that made you feel unwanted, but that's just how I felt."

He nods at the broken lamp, "Garbage can still under the sink?" he asks looking to go get it for her to throw the lamp bits away.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I guess?" Kate says of the garbage can. "I haven't moved anything in. Just.. some takeout in the fridge and some clothes I was wearing."

While he gets the can, she sits.

"Of course you didn't see me that way. I just said that. You deaf or something?" Totally deadpan there. "Serious lack of listening skills there, Hawkeye. And it's not relevant anymore, but at the time it really sucked. It's not just you, though. I can't seem to find myself men who are either interested or able to commit to anything more than - I don't even know what the heck it is he's committed to."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint goes and gets the garbage can, it's just where he left it, with the garbage he'd left in it. Yikes!

He pulls open a drawer and quickly changes the bag as he talks. "Sounds like a question for him," Clint says, pulling the new bag in place before sliding the can over to Kate. "Or it's time to look elsewhere if the guy's not giving you what you need. I mean if you're waiting for people to change, you're going to be waiting a long time. Tried that with Nat /and/ Bobbi, it didn't happen. Ended up having to walk." He gives a shrug that belies how hard it had been both times. "Sometimes people want different things."

Like he and Kate had apparently. That still confounded him, how had he missed that?

Then as an added editorial he says: "Also, the guy seems like a bit of a jerk."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I'm not waiting for anything! Ugh. You're as stupid as he is."

The jerk line has Kate torn between a bristle and agreeing with Clint.

"Like you're sunshine and roses the morning after a big mission goes south. Heck, I've seen you in the morning. You're not sunshine and roses ever then. Besides, you're basing that on what? Passing him in the hallway? Great spy skills there."

Fine, John could be a jerk, but Kate understood why. Kinda. And she still doubted passing Clint in the hall really counted as a fair appraisal of John from Clint.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint shrugs, "If you say so," he says about him being stupid.

There is a genuine chuckle at the spy skills line, "Seriously? I mean quick reads are part of the skill set," he says though the mission thing earns a bit of sympathy. "Yeah?" he asks about the mission going south. "What happened?'

There was a snide comment on the tip of his tongue, something about what, did he flash the wrong person by mistake. You know? Because of the trenchcoat, but Clint keeps it in, the comment being left as nothing more than a faint twitch of Clint's lips.

"And I am more of a morning person now, I don't even grumble through my morning workouts."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I'll believe that when I see it," Kate teases of more of a morning person.

From her perch on the couch, she shrugs. "I don't know what happened. He showed up at my door last night looking like his dog had been hit by a car asking if he could come in and talk. Said something about having to draw upon a power source he doesn't normally. Left him shaken."

Like Kate was jsut going to get into the whole Divine and Damned thing with Clint.

"Ugh. Speaking of dogs I need to Lucky proof this place." And move him over. Then again, she had to move all her things over here. That was going to be an undertaking.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs and grabbing the bag of danishes off the counter he throws it at/to her. He collects their coffees then and brings the over to the couch, dropping down to the squeek of its springs.

"Draw on power?" Clint asks. "Don't tell me /that/ guy is a wizard?" Strange had talked like that in their little extra-dimensional exile, but Strange was Strange. He carried himself like someone who dealt with phenomenal cosmic power... as for this John? Well there's a reason that flasher comment came to mind.

"Wondered where he was," Clint says about Lucky glancing around the place. "Definitely some stuff to move to make it safe, but hey, if you want to get him out of your hair while you move, I know some people at the Trisk that'd be happy to dog sit," he says. "Also, I know someone dumb enough to volunteer to help his fellow Hawkeye move, too," he offers with a smile.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Wizard?" Kate catches the bag and grins broadly when it's found to contain food of the non-morning people gods. "Oh, would you look here. And no, he's not a wizard. He's.. a warlock." Which she's sure is not the same thing at all, even if she's not entirely sure what the distinction is.

Munching on a danish, she mumbles around her food, "Did you bring any for you?" Chewing and swallowing. "And yeah. He had to call in the Big Guns." The capitals can be heard. "Left him.. well, he looked me up. He never looks me up. Wouldn't want me to think he likes me."

Which she realizes isn't true, and given Clint's earlier comment, she should maybe correct.

"Actually, he doesn't want whatever it is that haunts him to know he likes me. He's worried I'll be killed or something. I'm not really sure, because he won't talk about it other than saying he's Damned." Again the capital. "Said if he told me to run I was to run as fast as I could and forget he existed. Pffft, like as if."

More danish disappears.

"Mmmfff, you'd do that? Help me move? And yeah, could use a Lucky sitter while all that happens. Still gotta put in my notice, but my landlady has been looking for any excuse. I bet she'd cut me a cheque for half this months rent if I agreed to be out by the weekend." Likely true, too.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"God, don't tell me the magic guys are like metal fans, 'I don't listen to metal, I listen to Norse Black Metal, there's a difference bro', or in their case, I'm not a wizard I'm a warlock..." he says. "Same shit, different pointy hat."

Clint chuckls and passes over the coffee to go with the danish, though he does make a grab for the danish bag when she's got the coffee in hand.

As for the magic and relationship stuff Clint nods, "Engh, I've been there, big fight guard slips, just you know without the whole damed thing," a pause. "Wait, he's damned? Like for real?" Clint had been raised by Catholics, but unlike a certain lawyer in Hell's Kitchen, it didn't stick, still the lessons were there right where he'd buried them. "Are you sure this guy's for real and not spinning a whole 'brooding anti-hero' thing. Like, please don't tell me he's also said he's a vampire or something."

As for moving he nods, "Yeah, I'll help. Besides you're going to want someone who knows how to move your archery stuff without messing it up," he says. "And yeah? If she'll do it, we can make it happen by this weekend while my friends back at SHIELD watch Lucky."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Not so sure?" Kate furrows her brow. "I don't get magic. But he can do stuff with demons and dead people and you know. That. He's not really a here let me make your sword hit harder kinda guy. I think there are differences. Really not sure you get condemned to heck for eternity for doing the other stuff."

Clint's wise move with the coffee earns him the danish bag.

"He says he's damned. Like makes a big hairy deal about it. Is why having to draw upon power from above really threw him. Says he could feel it through him, all the judgey eyes, and the whole feelign of knowing he was damned resonating within him. I don't know I believed him before, but he was shoock up. I was a bit afraid for him."

One of the reasons she'd let him stay.

Then she admits, "I.. he showed me some magic, Clint. He's pretty for real."

And he's right about her archery stuff. She'd have had to mother hen that equipment the entire time without someone else who knew how to handle it. "Pretty sure I can make it happen."

Kate was pretty sure her landlady would scowl and ask could she be out by dinnertime.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Heh. Wish the wizard I know made my weapons hit harder, we were trapped in an alien dimension and the guy wouldn't let me take anyone out," Clint says. "I mean, I felt bad for the guys but we were waaay out numbered and I didn't have /that/ many Taser arrows," he says. "The wizard did give me a magical quivver though, which is pretty badass."

Clint takes the danish bag and frees one of the pastries to chow down on while he listens. "Well if the guy showed you his magic," he smirks. "That sounds dirty," he asides before continuing trying to be more serious. "and he says he's going to hell, then I'd believe him, especially if the whole thing really shook him like it sounded like it did."

He shakes his head. "Still weird to think about, Hell," he says. "I mean I know I just said this guy is really damned, but somehow I still don't /really/ believe anything happens after we die except we rot. Actually, I was pretty much counting on it. You know? Get some rest. Heaven and Hell just seems like more hastle."

As for the moving he nods, "Cool, I can probably round up some of the guys and gals around here to help with the other stuff if you want, we'd just need to pay them with some burgers to grill on the roof when we're done, oh and a few beers to wash them down with."

He snaps his fingers remembering what had come to mind when they'd been talking about vigilante stuff before, "Also speaking of stuff, I need to show you a hidey hole in the bedroom and clear out the stuff in it, great spot for keeping things you don't want people to find."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Wait, I have a roof?" Because she's forgotten about that. "Wow. This place is awesome!"

Her attention actually has to be dragged back to the matter at hand. "Oh, hidey hole. Yeah, that could be useful." Because Kate did have a few odds and ends that were, strictly speaking illegal.

"I try not to think about dying," she says, ripping a piece of danish off and considering it. "Seems like a really sad thing to think about when you're living. Besides, not sure how good I'd be at my job if everything came in a 'this could kill you' package. But he sure believes he's damned."

Clint gets a *look*, protesting. "It wasn't like that at all!" Though she's blushing furiously.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Yeah, it's the spot to be for building wide barbeques. Great way to make friends with the neighbours too," Clint says with a wink. It's how he won people over. "Gil in 2C is an expert, just put him on the grill and let him do his thing."

Clint nods, "Yeah, figured with what we do, built it myself so event he landlord doesn't know it's there, got my other costume and weapons in there," he says meaning the ninja suit he sometimes dragged out when he didn't want to be recognized doing whatever it was he was doing.

"Me neither," Clint says about thoughts of dying. "Gets in the way of what we do, because well what we do is insane, and if we let little things like mortality get in the way we'd suck at our jobs." Though that might go a long way towards explaining why there were so few unpowered vigilantes. "But that's got to suck for him, got to be hard to live with that hanging over his head."

The protests are met with a laugh. "Uh-huh, what'd he do, brew a little blue potion so he could go all night?" he teases. "On second thought, I don't want to know."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Amen to insane," Kate intones, lifting her coffee cup like it were a beer stein. "And see? I guess that's part of it too. How do we find people anyway." Total non-sequitor there. "I think it sucks for him more than he likes to admit. I mean, I guess we're not really much better. When's the last time you bought a bow, or something archery related?"

It seems random, but the way she asks makes it sound like she's got a point to make here.

"And no. No potion." Kate simultaneously makes a face and blushes again. Becuse wow, awkward. And gosh she hoped John didn't think of that one. Then again, John might be too ticked with her to talk for a goodly long while anyway. Kate suspected his recent brush with Heaven had left him rather more determined to push her away. And John was an expert at pushing people away.

"Hey! About the neighbours. My last ones.. uh.. let's just say they weren't our kind of people. Yours here really cool? Like the friends popping in from the rooftop okay? Or, you know the occassional ninja outside?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint returns the salute with his coffee cup. He nods about finding people, "Amen to that as well," he says before he considers her question. "I dunno... awhile now, been busy trying to keep on top of things, why?"

"Uh-huh," Clint says. "Growth potion then?" he says. "I mean I've always wondered if Hank Pym ever used Pym Particles to..." he says before cutting himself off as this line of conversation conjures so many bad images. "Yeah, we should probably drop this, huh?" And by 'we' he means 'he'.

"Yeah, the neighbours are cool, they were totally behind me doing my superhero thing and didn't really care too much about people coming in from the roof and all of that. Though they sort of got used to coming to me with their problems, so, they might start hitting you up as well, but I'm sure they'll be cool about it." then something clicks. "Oh, I think you know someone in the building already. "Remember that guy you rescued from those ninjas, the hacker? He's in 1D now since that whole business got sorted out."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"That is jsut disgusting," Kate protests, trying not to laugh. "Ew. Why would anyone want to do that anyway? Besides, John isn't nimrod without anything to put into his quiver." Kate /still/ all grrr about Ollie. She doesn't look like she believes him about the last time he bought archery equipment. "Anyway, I was going to say that's what we do. Or, you know, throw ourselves into our work." Unless work was the problem. "And what of that guy? Always wondered what happened to him. Wait, 1D? Dude, will have to invite him over."

Kate looks most definitely relieved about the neighbours though. "You know I'm going to tell them I had a sex chance operation, right?" Absolutely deadpan serious about that too. Sipping her coffee and mentally counting down the seconds until he reacts.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint doesn't bother hiding his laughter. "Yeah it sort of is," he admits. "Annd that's more than I needed to know about John," Clint says as he gets up off the couch to go grab the plant he'd brought, there's even a bow around the little terracotta pot.

He nods about them throwing themselves into their work, "Nah, you still made your point, I mean I missed buying archery stuff because I was working, so yeah, definitely throwing myself into the job, or trying to, dropped out of the Avengers, so feeling at lose ends."

He sits back down and offers the plant to Kate. "Lady at the store called it a Viper's Bowstring, so figured it was the right plant for a Hawkeye, plus it's a succulent and pretty much impossible to kill, which is also good for someone living the vigilante lifestyle," he says with a grin.

(OOC: Plant - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sansevieria_trifasciata#/media/File:Sansevieria_trifasciata_1.jpg)

Then there's a nod about Genus. "Yeah, him. And yeah definitely invite him over, I definitely got the vibe the guy doesn't get out much."

The bit about the sex change almost has him snorting out his coffee. "Heh, I'd love to see that, but then it's a building full of liberal Brooklyn hipsters, they'd probably just shrug and tell you to do what makes you happy."

He grins as he wipes some coffee off his face with a napkin. "Like I said, good neighbours."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate nearly dies laughing, cheeks pink and all as she realizes what Clint thought she meant. "That's what you took away from that?" Even if she couldn't help her wayward mind from considering .. No, Kate. No. Back to the conversation at hand. "So not what I meant. I meant the jerk who treated me like - wait, did I tell you about that?" Because Matt would know exactly who she meant.
Plant is laughed over too. "That's too perfect." Because other than Lucky, who it had to be said did a lot of fending for himself, Kate was not remotely close to domestic or nurturing. She's really the sort a pet rock was perfect for. "I love it! Wait till I tell John. He'll die." She looks about trying to think of where might be a perfect resting spot for it - at least till she moves her things in. "Ah, I'll put it away later."

Which almost guarantees it's going to sit where it it until the rest of her stuff is moved in, if not longer than that. Hope you like it beside the couch, Viper plant. It's your home now.

"I'll make sure he gets invited to the barbecue. What's he go by for a name these days? Can't really go calling him.. /that/, right?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint laughs as well, offering an amused, "Apparently?" about what he took away from the conversation. As for the other jerk, the one he assumed she wasn't going to bed with he shakes his head. "Don't think you did."

"Figured it would be," he says knowing it'd fit with Kate's life because, well, it'd be the sort of plant he'd have a chance of keeping alive, as it was he might have to pick one up for the place back at Greenwich. "And sure he says," nudging some of the junk on the coffee table to give the plant a bit more light, since he can guess how long it's going to stay where it is.

As for Genus, "He's going by Adam now, can't remember the last name we made up for him, but I am sure he'll be happy to see you and who knows might be a good option for in house dog sitting in the future, I mean the guy owes you after all."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Viper plant is ceremoniously placed on the table where it's likely to stay for forever. Because, let's be honest here.

"So not what I meant about lacking an arrow. But it does have to do with - I'll just tell you about him."

She scoots back on the couch and sits cross-legged, holding her coffee cup two-handed. "So, there were are, having this secret meeting about the whole mess that's been building up in Hell's Kitchen - actually the mess before this, the one that made the current mess possible - actually, do you know about that? Anyway.. so we're meeting up with someone, and dude from the West Coast starts talking to Daredevil like I'm his property. Like asking him if his archer needs help with her gear. Do I look like someone who needs help with her gear?"

A pause.

"Don't answer that. Anyway, where'd he get off treating me like that? John joked the man was compensating. If you're ever out West? Avoid the Green archer guy like the plague. I almost shot him. Ignore me in a conversation will you. Stupid arrogant jerkwad."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Are you sure?" Clint teases about the meaning of the arrow quip. Though when it becomes story time he settles back to listen with a smile on his face.

When she gives him that opening, his mouth does open to deliver the expected quip before shutting again to let Kate finish.

"Ha, yeah, definitely a jerkwad," he agrees about the Green Arrow. "Which is a shame, because I have to admit, I sort of wanted to meet the guy. I mean how many archers are there in the superhero game?" he shrugs though, as he crosses the man of his mental list. "So what'd Daredevil have to say about all of that?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate shrugs. "Told him he could ask me himself. I think he was kinda looking forward to seeing me shoot the guy himself." Kate chuckles at the memory. "Does suck. We're few and far between. And he's really the only person I know on the West Coast. I could have liked it there."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Sounds like my kind of guy," Clint says about Daredevil.

"Yeah? Thinking you need a change of scenery or something?" Clint asks about the desire to go out west. "I mean Starling was a nice city, had great mountains, but I dunno wouldn't want to live there, rains all the damn time."

Then there's a smile, "Maybe that's why the Green Guy's such a prick. Lack of vitamin D."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate shrugs. "Was a thought. You know, go somewhere where they don't know me and where I don't have anyone else's name to live up to. Try and make a go of it." Nose crinkling. "Rains all the time, huh? That sounds depressing. Maybe I'll look into Nevada."

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint could understand wanting to strike out on ones own to make a name for themselves. "Might be worth a visit at least," he says before grinning. "Before you roll the dice on Nevada," he says, adding. "See what I did there?"

"Also, LA is nice, been out there a couple of times," he says of west coast destinations. "Though for now you've got a spot here in New York."

He stands up then, "So, want to see how to get into the hidey hole?" he asks her.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"hahahaha. You're so funny." Still, Kate is laughing as she unfolds herself from the couch and leads on. "So, show me this hidey hole I'm inheriting..."