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Latest revision as of 02:01, 14 August 2019

My hero!
Date of Scene: 14 July 2017
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Superboy, Blink

Superboy has posed:
A few days ago Conner discovered Mutant Town and now he is hooked, converted? Whatever. He thinks it the coolest place in New York. (He thinks so -this- week). It is like an alien town populated by Americans, where most everyone is a little different. For a half-alien boy it sounds great. Also, rent is somewhat less crazy than in Manhattan, so he is seriously considering moving here. Despite the name being 'Mutant Town' he has learned there is a good number of regular humans and metas living here, so it sounds like a good idea. Probably it is not. He is 'hanging out' wearing his Superboy outfit, and drawing some odd looks. Some amused, some bemused, some outright hostile.

Blink has posed:
Blink's arrival onto the scene is a little less than graceful. Having /heard/ of Mutant Town but never having been able to visit until now, the purple portaller had had to rely on pictures to work out her exit point. An exit point, that turned out to be bang on target... If her target was about a hundred feet up in the air.

Unpainted yet still dark purple lips open in a scream as she starts to fall, her brain shorting for the first second or so at the unexpected attack of gravity.

Superboy has posed:
Conner is currently having a somewhat surreal conversation about the possibility getting a tattoo from a place called Mutatoo. What? They canât get tattoos on invulnerable, fast-healing skin? That is disappointing, man. With superpowers they should be able to do it. The Mutatoo employee rolls eyes. Conner frowns, but then he hears the scream.

Many people heard the scream, and probably a few of them could catch up Blink before she splatters on the street. Possibly a few would try to. But none of them has a better combination of enhanced senses, enhanced speed and flight than the half-Kryptonian boy.

The purple-haired girl falls less than 30 feet before Conner catches her. "Hi! No worries, you are safe now." Beat, he glances at Blink quickly. "Hey, nice... eyes. Are you Tamaranean?" He blurts out.

Blink has posed:
The girl in his arms grins breathlessly, wrapping an arm around the other teen as he holds her. "My hero!" She calls in a suitably 'damsel' voice. Her soft Baharman accent less noticable thanks to her time in the states.

Dressed in a pair of deep green skinny jeans and a black hoodie (now with the hood down), it's easy to see the darker purple markings on her face, let alone the glowing green eyes. His question gets him a quick head shake. "Nope, born right here on Earth." She points down at the sprawling urban landscape. "A mutant..." She peers beneath them, the scent of orange and ylang ylang drifting to his nostrils at this distance. "That /is/ Mutant Town right?"

Superboy has posed:
That is an odd question if she is a mutant and she was in Mutant Town already. Well, falling on Mutant Town. Conner hesitates a second, than nods. "Yep, Mutant Town, Brooklyn. What happened? Someone dropped you," he scans the sky and... yes, there are a number of flying people. No one seems particularly guilty of dropping purple elf girls, though. But then again, Conner is not Batman.

Still, he carries Blink to the closest rooftop, not to the street below, because if she was attacked here it is easier to keep an eye on her and hostile people. "By the way, I'm Conner. Superboy if you like codenames." That S in his chest was a good hint.

Blink has posed:
The girl's grin turns sheepish, even when the strapping teen lands, she keeps her arms around his neck... Unless he extricates her. After all, it's /Superboy/! And he's cute.

"I open portals... But not been here before." She points up vaguely. "Kinda got a little off course was all. No one's out to get me... That I know of at least." It's starting to get a little awkward now, so she'll slip away, skipping back two steps on soft brown boots. "Thanks again, I'm Clarice, or Blink. From Genosha normally, thought I'd come see how it looks here too. See if I could help any."

Superboy has posed:
Extricates? Perish the thought. Conner is perfectly happy with Clariceâs arms around his neck, even if it is just for a few seconds. Her explanation of the fall makes him smile. Teleporting blindly it is something he would have done too. Except he is pretty tough and the fall would not have hurt him much, so he has a better excuse for recklessness. Not that he judges.

"So yeah?... no guilty party," he gestures to the dirty street below. "Mutant Town. Maybe not the shiniest neighbor in New York. But there are lots of cool people. I just got here, though, so I can't show you around. But hey, if you have time, maybe we can explore it together."

Blink has posed:
"Sounds like a plan!" She grins, dusting herself off with quick strokes of her hands. "At least I don't need to hide here, some places..." She shrugs, as if to say 'whatcha gonna do?' in a rather New York'ian way.

"So you're /the/ Superboy? From the TV?" She grins, looking about for some stairs perhaps, or at least a safe place to open a portal. "I've seen some of your work, it's pretty wicked."

Superboy has posed:
Conner nods. "Just moved to New York a couple months ago," he explains. He was the 'Hero of Hawaii' after all. Do they know that in Genosha? He has no idea where is Genosha. He assumes must be around Miami, given the girlâs accent. African geography was not a strong point in his Virtual Reality high school experience from N.O.W.H.E.R.E.

Neither has been reading the newspapers international news sections the last couple years. He missed most of the revolution thing there.

As Blink seems looking for stairs, he... never checked if the building had a firescape or something. Nevermind, those are often rusty in this kind of neighbor. Instead he takes her hand and flies down, holding her though telekinesis. Back to the street. They don't even draw too much attention because half the people in the street look stranger than Blink. The neighbor must look quite a bit like a street in current Hammer Bay.

Blink has posed:
There's a small squeak as her feet suddenly leave the rooftop, but the mutant recovers quickly, even going so far as to try a few air-light steps on their way down. By the time their feet hit asphalt, she's grinning ear to ear - her green eyes glowing the brighter for the excitment of it all.

"Oh wow... That's awesome! Maybe Wanda could do that... But she wouldn't." There's only a brief lessening of that grin with a small petulant air to the final comment about the Scarlet Witch. Still, she seems quite happy to loop her arm into his as they walk down the street looking this way and that. "It's all so... /Noisy/." She opines, pushing some hair back behind one pointed ear. "How come you moved to New York anyway? Going where the fun is?"

Superboy has posed:
Conner beams. (Of course he is awesome). "That was just telekinesis, got it from my human side," he explains. Meta-human side? His genetics are complicated.

"Yes, New York is noisy. Noisier than Metropolis. Wilder, too. And more varied, I am liking it quite a bit, there is always something else to discover around the corner. Like this place. As why I left... er, I needed a change." He is vague about it, particularly with people he barely knows. Maybe he is learning to control his mouth. "Maybe I will try college next fall," he adds, not sounding very convinced. Change of subject! "Do you want an ice cream?" Because there is a truck right there, and the vendor has green skin and antlers. It probably mean mutant ice cream.

Blink has posed:
"Oh! Yes please!" Clarice responds, her gaze going to the truck and it's antlered occupant. "Just a cone though... With a flake. And maybe butterscotch sauce?" She giggles, and then adds. "And sprinkles, got to have sprinkles."

The purple mutant is led along as they talk, the information he gives a little thin on the ground, but she gets it. He /is/ in costume after all. And here she is, on Superboy's arm! The teenage girl had no idea her day was going to go in /this/ direction!

"Well Genosha's an island out in the middle of nowhere really..." Or it seems that way when you're a bored teen stuck indoors on a saturday night. "So /anything/ seems noisy after that."

Superboy has posed:
Chocolate for Conner, thanks. He pays with some crumpled bills and hands Clarice her cone, with flake, sprinkles and sauce. He really needs to pay more attention to the possibilities of ice-cream construction. âThat looks good,â he comments.

Ah, that information on Genosha rings a bell. Island with mutants, something about Magneto? He is not sure. "Sounds like Hawaii." He decided, "I wouldnât say it was boring, tho. Great beaches, and surfing, and parties. But not many powers. New York seems super-people central. Not boring for a second. Maybe you should move here," he suggests.

Blink has posed:
Blink grins, at his first comment the cone is offered up for tasting. She even goes to far as to break her flake in two, thrusting half of it into his own ice cream. "There you go, try that." As they walk on, for all the world a couple of teens on a date (if it wasn't for him being in full costume at least), Blink continues the conversation.

"I'm kinda in the middle of being trained." She offers by way of explanation; "I wouldn't want Sabretooth pained. And besides, I owe him for getting me out of the pens." He might hear her heart speed for a moment at the word 'pens' but somehow she keeps it from her face.

Superboy has posed:
"Hey, if you can portal all the time like that..." training? Maybe she is in school. She looks like high school age. "I mean, I am fast enough I could live in Europe and commute to New York in about half an hour." Pause for flake-eating, hmm, then Conner goes on, "well, if you can aim to the ground, otherwise you might need a parachute. That would make things complicated."

Blink has posed:
"I wouldn't have fell /all/ the way." The young mutant comments defensively, looking up she starts to point. "One under me, to... there, which would use the momentum to arc me into there..." Her finger makes a curved line, up, then down onto a nearby roof. "I was just caught off guard... Wouldn't have been /that/ hard..." She grins and gives the arm she's holding a squeeze... Which likely elicits no give whatsoever from the krytonian's skin.

"And yeah, training, I'm in the Brotherhood you see... Well, a new member. And sometimes I go out and help other supers do their job." The teen puffs her chest up proudly. "Nighthawk said I did good!"

Superboy has posed:
The squeeze is felt, although Connerâs skin does feel harder and slower to yield than normal, he is not literally 'a boy of steel'. Maybe he went into a light teasing there, but he grins when she explains the portal tricks not to splatter against the pavement. At least that explains why she risked a half-blind teleportation.

Wait, Brotherhood? "But arenât those bad guys that go around trying to steal nukes, murdering senators and fighting the X-Men?" He might be misremembering, because he has the vague impression the Brotherhood was ancient history in the super-hero corner. Before his time (meaning over two years ago).

Blink has posed:
Blink frowns. "Why does everyone keep saying things like that?" She asks in a sulky voice. "No, the Brotherhood are not like that. Magneto's..." She pauses, finding the right words. "A visionary, he just wants us mutants to be safe, not penned up as slaves." It's obviously a conversation she's had before, because slipping her arm out of his (and her grumpy tone) is a greater reaction than his question really warrants.

"Before the Brotherhood came to rescue us, I was locked in a slave pen every night. And used to transport things and run errands all day. If I wasn't locked in the Box, or being injected with the pox knows what to see if they could make me stronger..." The ice cream begins to melt in her hand, currently forgotten.

Superboy has posed:
Conner nods slowly. "Well, they sound like the good guys, they saved you after all. But I think Magneto is considered a terrorist in America and that is why you are going to hear about it a lot. But I heard the X-Men have also been called terrorists more than a few times. Spider-Man too, now I think about it," or was he just being called a 'Masked Menace'? Whatever.

"Your ice-cream is melting," he mentions, trying to be helpful. His own ice-cream has been devoured already. Good thing he can't get toothache from cold.

Blink has posed:
Blink blinks, looking down at her ice cream and letting out a soft groan. A tongue as purple as her lips is used, turning her hand this way and that to try and catch all the drops and get the cone back under control. Even with the best effort, both her hands and around her mouth gets sticky from the endeavour.

"I'm sorry... It's just..." She thinks, using the excuse to get some more ice cream. Mmmm sprinkles! "Everyone seems down on them, and they're like my only family. It's one thing to clown around, another to say they're killers."

Superboy has posed:
It is difficult to picture the little Clarice as a terrorist. Or raised by terrorists. Conner is going to have to do some research on the Brotherhood, Magneto and Genosha tonight. Gelp, research. Maybe he could skip it and just ask Robin. Yessss, this is a better (lazier) plan. "I suppose Mutants get a lot of bad press," comments Conner, sounding apologetic.

Blink has posed:
A sidelong glance first, to see if he really means it or not. As the Kryptonian appears to be in earnest, the purple mutant allows a grin to seep back out. "Yeah, we do. I mean, no one reports how /some/ of us might help out certain well known masked heroes or the like." If she walks a little straighter after saying that, well, hint hint!

"What about you? I bet you've done some things that you meant to be good, but the press said otherwise huh? I mean, even Superman... Is that your Dad by the way?... Even Superman gets bad press now and then..." She doesn't stop once she's started, short pauses allow for a lick and a breath, nothing more.

Superboy has posed:
Superman gets bad press? Conner looks skeptical. The Daily Planet never talks poorly of Superman, but maybe some news channels did. He never watched the news much. "Superman is my... uh, it is complicated. I am sort of maybe his clone, but not really, âcause I am half human and have telekinetic powers." Yes, it is complicated and awkward in the super-family parties. If they had parties.

"As for me. Heh..." Yes. Thrashed by the press few times. And even more times when he hanged out with some other young heroes and they weren't that great at it. Not that he is going to admit. "Some reporters are jerks. Most of the time I got good press. My agent handled the problems. Free press and all that is fine, but things like official statements and lawyers do help."

Blink has posed:
"Maybe someone should get Magneto an agent then." Blink opines with that same irrepressible grin. "Or at least someone with a pen, rather than a sword." As the last of the ice cream on her cone is devoured, the teen starts munching through the cone returning her free arm to that of the rather strapping young lad next to her. "And see, if we hadn't met, you'd have just believed the hype too. So we need to stick together, like birds of a feather."

Superboy has posed:
Conner nods. Wait, Magneto with an agent? What did he just /do/? "Sure. Good idea," he mutters. Beat. "But yes, we should stick together. In fact, I think I we should hang out together more often. I have a few friends with powers like us and we used to hang out. It was great, and I think more than a few of them are in New York or close enough we can do it again. You have to meet them." Particularly if Blink likes to help masked heroes!

Blink has posed:
"That sounds /super/!" Blink giggles before popping the last of her cone into her mouth. Munch munch swallow, and she's going between licking her fingers clean and talking again. "I could help you all get together if you like? I mean, with photo's and the like..." No need to remind him of her earlier mishap. Nope!

"Once I've been there, wouldn't take but a moment to open up places for them to go through. I can even do three or four at once last I tried!" And the mutant could probably do more besides, if she trusted herself enough.

Superboy has posed:
"I gotta ask first, but I donât think it is going to be a problem," replies Conner, pulling out his cellphone. (Starktech last model, all kids want one). "Can I have your number? Do you tweet? Iâm in Line and Whatsapp too..." and everywhere else, too. Like all normal American teens.

Blink has posed:
"No social media..." She looks sheepish. "Sorry, Sabre says it's not a good idea for us to be too open." She /does/ pull out an old flip phone though, pulling up her number before handing the cheap Chinese phone over for Conner to see.

"But you can call or text /any/ time..." Yes, please, because so far getting texts from Victor telling her to do chores, or tidy her room or any of the other parental type things is starting to get dull. "I mean... I can be literally /anywhere/."

Superboy has posed:
Conner frowns. No social media. Wow, Genosha must be a terrible place after all. Or she has really strict parents. The messages should work as long as they have Internet and wifi, no matter the country. Even without roaming IP setups which probably Genoshan companies do not get. Does Magneto allow free Internet? Well, if she can jump anywhere she will get the messages anyway. "Gotcha. I need to go now, but if you want to catch a movie this weekend. Iâll message you."

Blink has posed:
"A movie?" That sounds suspiciously like a date. The young teen's heart skips a beat for a moment before she stamps down on that sort of thinking. Hard. When in doubt, fake it 'till you make it! "Sounds great! I've got nothing on this weekend..." Except training maybe, but she'll bunk off that for a film!

"What's on? I quite like action films..." That seems a safe genre anyway, there's be /nothing/ more embarassing than going to see a horror or the light and screaming at the wrong moment! Not that she would of course... Totally not. "Will your friends be there?" It's non-chalant, /too/ non-chalant if he were more of a people watcher...

Superboy has posed:
It might be a date if he can't drag anyone else to the movie. Or not? No problem on Conner's corner if they call it a date, for sure. "Action, sure," happy on that too, although he likes all kinds of movies, even those with Garfield Logan starring. "Hmm, there is a new sci-fi movie coming soon, Valerian? Looks good. I'll message you the details, okay?"

Blink has posed:
"Totally okay." Blink agrees with a grin, separating from the young Kryptonian finally. "So I'll catch you then okay?" She's already checking about, making sure no one's going to get hit by the dispersion wave of her portal.

"This weekend, movie." She repeats, as if not /quite/ believing it. As she waits, a semi-circular movement of her hand behind her pulls the there to here, creating a tear for her. All with a soft -blink!- noise. "Right?"