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Latest revision as of 07:45, 15 August 2019

Batgirl Sighting
Date of Scene: 15 August 2019
Location: China Basin, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Oracle stalks a new Knockoff Batgirl in Gotham and has stuff to talk to Batman about.
Cast of Characters: Misfit, Oracle

Misfit has posed:
It is a dark and stormy night.

Okay not really. Honestly it is a hot and humid night, why anyone lives somewhere with 74 degrees temperature and 80 percent humidity and a light overcast drizzle is beyond reasoning.

The Oracle Array blips an alert of an appropriate severity. Police radio chatter that Batgirl busted up a mugging about twenty minutes ago in China Basin leaving the would be mugger ziptied for the cops and a witness making a statement right this moment.

The problem is Stephanie is no where near China Basin and neither is Kestral or Orphan.

Which may affect alert severity from the carefully designed rig.

Oracle has posed:
Try 90+ and 100 percnt humidity. That's like breathing boiling water.

Babs is sitting at the desk, as Babs most often is at this hour, eating a bowl of lucky charms after a workout and a shower. She's wearing yoga pants and a tanktop, a mess hairbun of firey red hair, and her usual red framed glasses.

Up in Gotham monitorin' their vigilante traffic.

Savages playing on the speakers at a quiet volumn.

Alert beeping in her ear... technically around her neck, but with a quick shift she's got the headphones up and the bowl set aside. "What the hell..."

Another scan of the trio of Fem-bats definitely shows they're not in the area... so she switches to police comm traffic to listen in on what they're reporting. Turning a little to another keyboard to launch one of the arial drones to case the area. "Less'e what we got going on here!"

Misfit has posed:
The trio of Fem-Bats are definitely not in China Basin right now.

Police chatter seems pretty chill, I mean Bats stop muggings all the time at night in Gotham after all. After loading up the would be mugger the cop types up his report letting the guy wait in the back of his car. The victim is definitely pressing charges. Described Batgirl as a girl with red hair and in a dark blue cowl with a yellow belt who came out of nowhere. She thought the alley they were near but it was all so crazy. Batgirl kicked the mugger in the head which the officer corroborated with the sneaker print to the side of the muggers face. Said that Evil Will Not Triumph in Gotham Tonight while ziptying the perpetrator, taking his wallet, and returning the ladies purse in a flash. Then said Bat Girl disappeared back down the alley vanishing into the darkness.

The drone definitely arrives in a speedy fashion and has eyes on the cop car and alley. No movement in the alley though. Also not a street with good cameras. Though the ATM down the block might have caught something.

Oracle has posed:

Babs sets the Array to record a transcript of the police report for her to go over more fully after she's collected all the intelligence she can. Sneaker print along with the general discription definitely rules out any Bat Fem she's aware of... Even Spoiler, before Batgirl, wore boots.

Spying the ATM, Babs shifts over a little and bring up a prompt to execute an embedded code piggybacked on the city civil services to gain access to the cameras. Rolling back the footage once she's brought it up to get as good a view as possible on the altercation.

Another program window pops up with a click to run the footage through a scrubber. Increase resolution, lighten shade to and try to zero in on the Batgirl enough to get a relative physical image to work with aside from 'Red Streaked hair

Misfit has posed:
It is actually a pretty decent ATM camera for Third Gotham Bank and Trust. Probably due to all the robberies, muggings, and other problems in China Basin really. It is in color but it is night time and that makes it a little more rough.

The Camera is pointed out, though the lens is a fish eye so it does catch the periphery of what is happening down by the alley where the mugging was attempted.

Thankfully this is literally the best computer rig money can't buy.

The mugging starts out relatively normal. A young lady is walking hurriedly towards her destination, keys clutched like some knockoff wolverine in her hand, purse clutched in the other. A man steps out of the alley and brandishes a gun and takes her purse.

Then a young woman, probably five foot to five foot five inch range bursts out of the shadows launching a kick at the mugger.

It is definitely from this distance red hair, hard to say if it is a wig or real from this footage, a batgirl blue cowl and cape, and a yellow belt. Those look like jeans and definitely sneakers though.

About ten blocks away a liqueur store silent alarm goes off.

Oracle has posed:
The video is cleaned up and moved to it's on seperate file, along with a still image of the Knock-off Batgirl for later cross reference. Babs, however, is already moving the drone in the direction of the silent alarm, "Alright, time to let a little crime go down and see if our would be hero makes another appearance." Murmured to herself as she gets that drone into a good position for an arial view of the store-front.

She keys remote hack program on the drone to get command of any security cameras inside the shop proper. "Let's see what we're working with..." If she can also take control of the power grid on that building, that'd be crazy helpful.

Misfit has posed:
The store and camera are on an easily compromised small business wifi through WayneNet, for all your local cable, internet, and telephone needs. A proud subsidiary of Wayne Industries.

As for the power grid, what is a little highly illegal abuse of hacking power and all that. It also helps that Batman has installed small devices all over Gotham for just this occasion into the local power grids and telecom systems.

Inside the store there are two guys with guns, a shotgun, and a pistol respectively. Also the chinese liqueur store owner Mr. Liu being forced to empty the cash register. 'Empty it into the bag, also the safe.. we know it isn't on a time lock so don't give us any shit old man!' says masked robber #1 with the shotgun while his pistol packing associate watches the front doors.

The Knock-Off Batgirl does not come through the front, and is not caught on the drone watching the store front. Thankfully though you have indoor cameras and they catch the teenager, because if she is an adult she definitely doesn't look it at all, slip out of the employee area in the back and start creeping towards the cashier area. She is palming a bat-a-rang, though it looks like it might be a knockoff too, the kind pawn shops sell in Gotham and claim are bat-a-rangs found at crime scenes.

Oracle has posed:
Babs has control of the cameras and spies the knock-off headed out of the employee section. It adjusts a little get a clear view this time, as well as a nice line-o-sight for the combat to get a better analysis of this new entities capabilities.

Babs brow furrows slightly, fishing up a schematic for the liqour store to see if there are any windows to the outside alley/street for that employee section. "Okay, slips in and out of shadows like she's disappearing... comes out of closed rooms that-" Glancing at schematic, "... Are you a meta-human little Baby-Bat-Girl?"

Misfit has posed:
There is a pretty good view of the freckled teenager, though she has a full cowl going on so it is hard to get a facial match at this point. Cowls are good for that. Well bad for matches. Good for hiding identities. The Knockoff's cowl and cape is colored right, dark blue on the outside, yellow on the inside, though it honestly looks homemade. She is wearing a grey shirt with the Batman logo on it, which can be gotten anywhere. Blue jeans. A plain yellow belt, the right color like the inside of the cape, with bat-a-rangs attached to it. Yellow gloves in the classic batgirl style, also home made from the look. Blue jeans. and black and white converse sneakers. Which really explains the sneaker print on the side of the muggers head.

The drone can capture the back alley, which does have a door for loading. She may have picked the locks or maybe there is more to her and this whole situation. The door is closed for sure right now.

Once around the corner she puts on a burst of speed and the bat-a-rang is thrown, not at the shotgun guy but rather at the back of Pistol Robbers head. Thunk. She is actually a pretty okay throw though the bat-a-rang is thuddy and she doesn't knock him out. He does stagger into the front shop window though.

Meanwhile the target of her burst of speed was Shotgun guy .. well she kicks off the counter while he is turning to see what the commotion is and plants her knee right in his stomach going down with him onto the floor. Sort of riding him. with her knee in his solar plexus. o/~A-pounding we will go, A-stomping we will go, a knee to chest we will!o/~ and she kips back off him after singing happily. "Stay down varlet or prepare for a wicked beating!"

Liu has ducked well behind the counter at this point.

Oracle has posed:
Alright, so Babs gets a fairly decent view of the newest vigilante, but not enough for a facial rec... she doubted that would be the case anyways. What's important is seeing what this new entity was capable of and... she's not unimpressed. It is not at all like her to let a crime go down a little if she knows there's people in the area that can stop it.

Pour Liu was just sort of bait.

It is his lot, here in Gotham, unfortunately. All of it is recorded and filed away so that Batman can likewise get a copy to look over at his leisure. "Well hell... someone has some fancy moves." Two criminals down in as many seconds? With no clear path entry into the building... that required speed. The silent alarm had just gone off not long before!

Misfit has posed:
It wasn't too good though, but it was better than a teenager should be able to do in a home made costume. I mean the guy at the window isn't knocked out at all. Also the guy with the shotgun may have had his breath knocked out but he still has his gun. The girl doesn't have proper appreciation of firearms really from the looks of it yet.

She is turning her head to scope out the guy with the pistol, which will later on camera reveal a wire definitely running down to her pocket. Looks like a phone headphone, maybe she is listening to the police scanner and picked up the silent alarm call to dispatch. Which is still faster response than any of the few patrol cars out right now in China Basin.

Of course this is about when the guy with the shotgun gasps and points it in her direction and pulls the trigger. She doesn't dodge completely, but she does manage to lean to the side as her cape is shredded. Definitely some blood from the girl, probably just a few grazed shot because she isn't hamburger. "Yikes!" she plants a heavy kick right into the side of his head while grabbing the gun barrel with one hand and tossing it towards the back of the store. More bootprints. "I sunk your battleship!"

On the brightside the slightly bleeding teenager realizes guns really are dangerous and charges the guy with the pistol as he turns around to try to bring the gun in to bear. She does a somewhat clumsy slide into first base knocking his legs out from under him and causing him land next to her on the floor. The gun goes flying which is lucky.

"Dark dark vengeance!"

Oracle has posed:
"Alright, so she needs some refinement, but that's do-able." Babs doesn't like untrained elements on the field, but she isn't Batman and doesn't have quite the leverage as Oracle to make such a demand.. Even if she were able to send the demand, which she isn't.

The Drone continues to circle, trying to keep an eye on multiple exists at once, it offers plenty of gaps in coever. Much to her chagrin. "Needs more work with firearms safety." Musing quietly, leaning back in her chair tugging at her bottom lip to watch Misfit work.

"Alright, she's not half bad... some training, proper equipment..." Babs nods slowly, then shifting the camera to make sure Liu wasn't injuried. "Police will be in soon..." The drone moves a little closer to the first floor to gaze in through one of the large windows.

Misfit has posed:
The guy with the pistol gets his hands on her and she scrambles back from him, planting a couple of solid kicks right to his face now until he stops grabbing for her legs. She leaves blood on the floor of the store as she wiggles away and then carefully gets back to her feet.

"Woot!" another kick to each of them to make sure they are down for the count and then she pulls out some hardware store zipties and starts to cinch them up. "You should totes call the cops and let them know Batgirl saved you!" she sounds so enthusiastic there as she snags the robbers wallets. Just the cash really tucked into her jeans pocket. What does she think this is, Robin Hood or something.

She quickly ducks out the front and stops looking up at the drone. "Huh." head tilting a little bit to one side. A bit like a dog who saw something unexpected. "Make sure to get my good side!" maybe she thinks it is Batman. Maybe she thinks it is a news drone or some kids. I mean it looks mil-tech but maybe she has no idea. She looks maybe fifteen or sixteen with the drones better cameras. She is also definitely bleeding, might have a couple of shot in her side still. Despite all that though she shoots a finger gun at the drone all chipper and smiles and then takes off running for the alleyway down the block at a good clip.

Oracle has posed:
Babs watches from a pair of cameras now, getting multiple angles from which to rewatch Misfit at work later. Her brow furrows slightly as the last goon is dispatched and the young vigilante makes her way outside only to look directly at the black an bright yellow (like Batgirl really) colored drone. It hovers with its camera pointed directly at her, then does a single revolution as if getting a full body view..

After the finger guns, it moves as if it will give chance, but pulls up only to the opening of the alleyway. Babs has a feeling it wont be the last time they see this young girl, so there's no reason to try and pop her with a tracker yet, but she wants to see how/if she's hiding a vehicle.

Misfit has posed:
There was an added laugh when the drone circled.

The teen doesn't seem to mind being chased by the drone and doesn't look back to see if it stops pursuing or not. She runs down the alley and then ducks to the left behind a stack of pallets.

She doesn't emerge either, just a wisp of pinkish/purple smoke near the base of the pallets. Ninja smoke bomb?

Oracle has posed:
Babs sits back in her seat, watching the chase until Misfit ducks behind the pallet.. when nobody emerges, the drone moves forward only to find her gone with just those wisps of smoke. It wasn't /exactly/ what she thought, but it was pretty close. "Alright, so definitely a metahuman.. Possibley technology.. Not a ninja with those moves, but.."

Babs shakes her head and pulls the drone back, circling higher to replace it in the housing unit where it charges behind some airconditioning at the side of a tenanment. Plenty of new footage to go over and a report to file for Batman. "One more mask in the belfry... awesome."