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Latest revision as of 15:06, 22 August 2019

Bullet points on vested interests
Date of Scene: 20 August 2019
Location: Rooftop - LexCorp Tower, Metropolis
Synopsis: Hank placed his order for bullet resistant clothing, and started working on how to pay for it.
Cast of Characters: Beast, Lex Luthor

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy contacts LexCorp ahead of time, as he weighs options on what to do about this. He's insistent on not giving in to terroristic threats from organized crime syndicates, but he's going to take SOME precautions. Like flying in a black helicopter to the roof of the LexCorp building in Metropolis for this meeting, after calling ahead. He lands it personally, his fur whipping in the wind as the rotor slows down, looking to see who's here to meet him.

Lex Luthor has posed:
It's not often that famous scientists not in LexCorp employ pay LexCorp a visit (besides Lex himself, of course). LexCorp is one of the primary weapons and armor manufacturers in the US now, with Stark Industries out of the game, which makes it a no-brainer to come to for defense industry purchases. So when Doctor McCoy called into LexCorp with the request, he was immediately forwarded to Lex Luthor himself... who was very interested in meeting Henry himself.

By the time Henry is arriving, there's an escort of two Team Luthor security on the rooftop at the boarding ramp to the pad, along with Lex himself and his bodyguards, Mercy and Hope.

As they wait for the helicopter to land, Lex glances to the pilots seat and it's sole passenger.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy lands, and gets out. Lex himself is reasonable enough to spot, so ducking past the rotors for safety, he offers a large hand, the blue man in the professorial suit, complete with elbow patches. "Hank McCoy, thanks for meeting me on short notice. Allow me to get right to the point. Two organized crime cartels want me dead. I don't want to be shot. I was hoping you could help me."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex glances Henry up and down. "You do seem like the type who would need a fitting for any sort of clothing." Lex admits. "I can skip the pleasantries, if you're in a hurry." Lex nods, and gestures to the door down. "Follow me, I can some you some solid offerings from LexTech."

As he goes for the elevator, Mercy and Hope keep pace, "I assume price is no problem here?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy smiles, and follows them all indoors. "Thanks. I'm sure your time is valuable. Far more than mine. While I do have some side income, my primary salary is that of a high school teacher. I have... flexibility, but I can't fund the Apollo Program." Chuckling as the elevator closes up. "And you're right. Not quite 6 foot, over 400 pounds, but muscle and not fat. Anything like this for me, has to be custom. I don't expect miracles. No discreet hat or vest is going to stop a high powered rifle shot completely. I just want to survive it intact. Yeah. Just." He snickers again.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"So nothing high end. We're looking at lined outfits and the like." Lex muses aloud as they enter the elevator. "Let's get you situated." Lex presses the button as Henry gets in.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles. "Nothing high end. Yeah I mean, I'm not looking for an Iron Man suit. As fun as it would be mind you, if you have a suit that flies, I'm not saying no. I just don't have a government sized budget."

Lex Luthor has posed:
As they come out of the elevator, Henry will be met with the sight of LexMall, a modern marvel; a temple to commercial shopping a capitalism. Five floors of some of the best technology and products one can buy.

"Welcome to LexMall. One of our LexTech defense stores is just this way." Lex notes as he starts along. This place is filled to bursting with people, and Lex gets more than a few friendly greetings as they go along. Mercy and Hope, for their part, stay silent and watchful for threats.

Once they find the warehouse section, Lex opens it with a palm reader, and heads inside. Inside is a large storage area, with all kinds of defensive gear lined up, "Take a look around." Lex gestures to one of the containers, "I think you'll want take a look at those, first."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy starts to look around. "Bit different of a mall from what I grew up with, that's for sure." He does start to browse though. "Not sure what everything here is, but what I'm hoping for is something I can wear under ordinary clothing. something discreet, that makes it looks like I'm just a regular guy in regular clothes, but I'm protected."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"A discreet vest? There are plenty of options there." Lex informs Henry, "Find something that you like, and I can have my people design something for you at a discount." Luthor brings his hands behind his back as he watches. "Everything in here is commercial grade, so it's all legal."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods. "The way I See it, they're going to shoot for the head, for the center of mass. I need a hat, and I need a vest." He then sees a Fedora of all things, and picks it up. Immediately reacting to its weight, turning it in his fingers. "Heavier than it looks,b ut I imagine a lot lighter than it could be." He then puts it on adjusting it just so, and walks over to some vests. Poking one with his finger. "Huh... it's... it's like it's trying to grab my finger." He then taps it lightly. "Sensitive to kinetic energy."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Reactive material is one of the hallmarks of state of the art discreet armor technology these days." Lex gestures with a hand to a rack of obvious armor. "As you can imagine, carbon nanotube matrix armor is getting to the point where it'll replace kevlar as the standard. I give it a couple years before we manage to make that reactive, too."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy laughs as he takes one of the reactive vests off of the rack, holding it in front of himself, it's way too small. "Let me guess, a vest of this in my size is going to be a hundred grand, and the hat another 20?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"There's a tailors station a few stores down. We can take your measurements there, then I can calculate the cost from there. If you're interested." Lex offers.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy grins and brings the hat and vest with him. "I do like this style though. Understated, classic. And the hat uses the same material? Again, I'm not expecting magic. Just.. survivability. I'm sure people will think something's going on when I start wearing a hat around, but.. it looks nice, don't you think?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"If you're trying to bring old fashions back, It's definitely a winner." Lex agrees as they go.

Once again into the throng of people. A few minutes later, and they're in a clothing store, and heading to the back. Beast continues to get a few curious looks. Mutants are employed in LexCorp of course... but most aren't too obvious. Beast is definitely getting some attention.

As they hit the back of the store, an actual tailor is there, sizing a woman up. When Lex himself comes over there, the man gives a friendly smile, "Mr. Luthor! What an unexpected pleasure. What can I do for you today, Sir?" Lex gestures to Beast, "He needs some new clothing. Size him up, please."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy naturally gets comments. The positive ones recognizing him, get a grin and a nod. The negative ones get a salute. Once with the tailor, he'll get into position to get himself measured. "I do a lot of walking around. My vest will need to account for that. And yeah, my proportions are a little weird. I know there's only so much you can do with that."

Lex Luthor has posed:
It takes a couple minutes, but eventually the tailor is done... and the sheet for Henry handed over to Lex. A glance at it gives him the information he needs, and Lex bobs his head, as if doing mental calculations... before he writes down something himself, and shows it to Henry. "We can knock down this price a bit, but that's the base you're looking at."