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Latest revision as of 15:06, 22 August 2019

Chillin' with the Iceman
Date of Scene: 20 August 2019
Location: Harry's Hideaway - Bar - Salem Center
Synopsis: Bobby catches Betsy enjoying some guilty pleasures at Harry's.
Cast of Characters: Psylocke, Iceman

Psylocke has posed:
Harry's. It is one of those places that is a staple in the life of Xavier's faculty. Some come for drinks, others for food. In truth, they had one of the best burgers around but otherwise they generally offeed the usually fried goodness that seemed to go best with alcohol consumption.

Today, Betsy had come there for dinner. Why? Because she wanted a big, greasy burger. Which was not something she generally let her students know about since she preached healthy eating and physical fitness in her classes.

She even had a bottle of beer in front of her, having had a few swigs. Not the good stuff either. Cheap, American beer. It was another of her guilty pleasures.

Iceman has posed:
    "By My stars and garters?" Says a familiar voice after the sound of the doors opening to the bar and walks in behind the words, Bobby Drake. The blonde teacher that was formerly a horrible student of Xavier's. The young man steps into the bar and spies Betsy at a table and smiles unabashedly as he claims an empty seat next to the telepath ninja.

    "Oh. My. God." Bobby says slowly as he reaches down into his pocket to pull out his cell phone and quickly tries to snap a photo of Betsy eating such a 'horrible' dinner. "I gotta show so many people this." He teases.

Psylocke has posed:
Those words do not match that voice. Betsy winces upon hearing it and glances around for an escape route but it is too late. Bobby has arrived.

He makes himself at home right next to her. Thankfully, she had chosen a table and not a booth or she would be pinned in. Then she'd really be upset. Moreso than she already is as she glares daggers at the young man. "If you do, I will make you think you work here and have you bussing tables. Don't think I won't do it."

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby looks at Betsy's eyes directly and lifts his phone to take a photo with the not even close to subtle shutter noise that his phone makes upon taking a picture. "If that's what you're threatening, I'll have to start asking around and determine when you went soft." Bobby says with a playful wink while puting his phone away.

    Bobby looks over towards Harry and gives the man a nod and a lift of his hand. "The old sign for the old usual." Bobby explains as if that means anything because then Harry throws a hand in Bobby's direction and shrugs. He has no idea who Bobby is but will get him the same thing that Betsy has.

    "Whatcha doing all this way over here away from the school and all?" Bobby asks Betsy as he leans forwards onto his elbows and holds his head in his hands.

Psylocke has posed:
"Trying to enjoy a meal in peace without being overwhelmed by everyone in the kitchen. Is that a thing here in America? Everyone seems to gather there for social time instead of in the living room or any other room where there are seats designed for just that purpose," Betsy mutters as she wipes her hands on her napkin before picking up her bottle of beer.

"I could have threatened to psi blade you but I thought making you do actual work instead of simple violence was more frightening. Guess I was wrong." She shrugs as she smiles, no venom to her words at all. "What brought you here? I'm guessing a need for grease and beer as well?"

Iceman has posed:
    "If I was here for a need of grease and beer... I'd look more like Logan and have a bunk installed." Bobby says with a lift of his eyebrow towards Betsy as he smirks and then goes back to answer Betsy's first question. "Now about the goons gathering in the kitchen? I have no clue, but I assume it's because americans, you know full well that, we love our food. So naturally we would gather and converse around food." Bobby then shrugs meekly and looks over trying to make eye contact with Harry or someone, he could really use that beer.

Psylocke has posed:
"A-hem. I am here for greasy food and beer. Do I look like Logan to you?" Betsy protests after taking a swig of her beer and setting the bottle back down on the well used tabletop. It had seen better days but that was part of the charm about Harry's. "Wait. Don't answer that. I probably would just hit you if you did."

It is that point Harry comes by with two beer bottles held by the neck in a single hand. He sets one in front of Bobby and the other is set by Betsy's almost empty one. "Thanks, Harry."

He grunts and heads back to the bar. The food is cooked to order so might take a bit longer.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby squints his eyes real hard and then holds up his hands like an old school director and frames Betsy with his fingers. "I'm not sure, in the right light ... *cough* total darkness *cough* maybe... I mean you both scare the bajeezus outta me more than anyone else." Bobby says with that winning smile as he lowers his hands. Then Bobby continues, "I meant that to be a commentary on how OFTEN I desire grease and beer, not an implication of you." Drake says with a sigh.

    Bobby nods politely towards Harry and then picks up his bottle and hovers it before his face as he looks back to Betsy, "You have good taste in beer and grease, I must say." The man offers with a little twinkle in his eye as he takes a sip and then coughs as soon as he's cleared it down his throat. "That's ... tasty."

Psylocke has posed:
"It's cheap. And poor quality," Betsy verifies the information he has already surmised. "Yet for some reason, I like it. I can't even begin to explain why. It is so weak it shouldn't be called beer at all."

She finishes off her first and sets the empty bottle close to the edge of the table so it can be cleared by the server when they come by. "I suppose eating out is the same as gathering and conversing around food. It just feels different for some reason. We might as well move the dining table into the kitchen at the school."

Iceman has posed:
    "I've tried doing that very thing for years but I keep getting some strange looks and a bunch of hushed murmurs for all my efforts. Especially when I tried to drag a big screen into the kitchen. I got banned for weeks for that stunt." Bobby says looking down and starting to turn red in the face.

    "Do you think the cheap beer fetish is because of the..." He gets quiet and lowers his voice to a deep whisper. "Body?"

Psylocke has posed:
The story about the tv earns a slight giggle from Betsy as she shakes her head. "No idea why they would ban you for that." The sarcasm runs deep in that statement.

The question catches her attention though. For a moment, she almost takes offense. Until she thinks about it. "You know, I wonder if you are onto something there. I didn't it in the past. Preferred European beers, Canadian when I had to take a step down from the good stuff. But now..." She picks up her bottle, eying the label as she searched her merged mind. "This may be from Kwannon."

Iceman has posed:
    "See, I'm smart." Bobby says with a kind of beam to his face that shows he's quite pleased with himself. "Of course I'm onto something, the iceman sayeth some deep wisdom. ... Now and again." Bobby says before taking another drink of his beer and elicits another coughing fit. "Gawd this swill is awful. They must only carry it for you and your borked tastebuds."

Psylocke has posed:
"The iceman sayeth? Seriously?" That earns a roll of the eyes from Betsy as she picks up her burger again and takes a nice bite of it. She looks pleased with the taste but manages not to make a yummy noise. After all, she's got a witness now. She wipes her mouth with the napkin then chews and swallows before speaking again.

Or starts to. That is when Harry walks up with a plate containing a cheeseburger, loaded, with a side of chips. Well, fries to Americans. He puts it in front of Bobby.

"If you don't like it, perhaps you should order something else?" Betsy suggests. Harry waits.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby still catching his breath holds up a hand and uses it to gesture both to move along. "I ordered it, I'll eat it." The x-man coughs around his words. Then he takes a look at the burger and his eyes go wide. "Oh, no, this is going in one direction." Bobby says as he greedily scoops up the burger in both hands and takes a jaw dislocatingly large bite of the thing and slowly has his eyes roll up into his head as he begins to chew.

Psylocke has posed:
"Drink. Eat. Whatever." Betsy watches as he attacks the burger. She can't help smiling at the gusto. "Yeah, they do have the best burgers. And I've been living in New York for a while now. Still haven't found one in town to beat this."

After that, she settles in to eat for a bit, interspersed with swigs of cheap ass beer.

Thank Goodness Brian isn't around to see this.