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Latest revision as of 15:11, 22 August 2019

Cereal and gummi bears
Date of Scene: 18 August 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Noriko comes home for Lucky Charms, Quentin is already in the kitchen. They talk about important stuff. Fin.
Cast of Characters: Surge, Kid Omega

Surge has posed:
It's way too early for this shit.

Nori is stumbling around like a zombie because she /just/ got back to the Mansion after a long night of... not being at the mansion. "I want lucky charms, I swear to fucking god if there's no lucky charms..." Grumbling to herself as she muscles through the door into the kitchen with one eye squinting, jingling from the multiple necklaces hanging around her neck and banging slightly where her heavy gauntlets slap against the wood paneling.

She has mandatory training in an hour.

Maybe her decision to not sleep was a poor one.

She'll definitely standby it.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire seems pretty perky, but that's probably in part due to be bit of chemical boosting. He thinks those were uppers, they were pink and blue and had the little sun printed on the capsule. Those are morning pills. After three in the morning pills, not midnight to 3 a.m. pills, which are different and usually leave him without his pants before too long. He's definitely wearing pants. He checks to be sure. Yes. Pants. Along with a canary yellow sleeveless shirt that reads "KISS THE KOOK", bracelets from multiple nightclubs that he left on from the night before. His bloodshot eyes are currently hidden behind purple tinted lenses, but he looks up from the burnt toast he was eating as Nori comes in.

He speaks in an exaggerated French accent, "Bonsoir, Madame. Welcome to the Chateau Xavier. I'm sure you're familiar with our usual menu of eggs, bacon, cereal and passive-aggressive shame about our genetic legacies."

Surge has posed:
One metal finger rises up to point the hold up finger at Quentin, "I can't do this until I've got freeze dried marshmellows in me." She knows where they are because she hides them. Lucky Charms are her shit, no matter what whoever buys the food around her says about community property. Posession is 9/10ths the law and she possesively covets those nasty, mouth shredding bastards enough to put them back behind the bleach beneath the sink.

If you want something, you go to great lengths to make sure they're there.


Shaking out a massive bowl and pouring milk, which she would sniff if she thought anyone on the cooking staff would let milk go anywhere near the printed experation date, all over until the mound starts to spill over the side.

After one massive, serving spoon, sized bite. She waves said spoon in Quentin's direction, "Proceed." Which sounds more like progah because that's how marshmellows in your mouth do.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire sits on top of the table, his legs crossed lotus-style, "I feel like you made a fundamental mistake in trying to sleep. At some point, the efficacy of sleep is radically reduced. Your biological makeup will simply no longer properly absorb all the nutrients that come from a good night's sleep. The result? Dragging, slowness, disgruntlement. I do like your choice of sustenance. I never trust unprocessed food. We have to prepare ourselves for the nutrient pastes of the future. Give me a glucose drip any day."

He bites into his toast, crunching it. He seems to have put about an inch thick of butter on it. "So, I haven't been here in..." he checks his watch, "Thirty two weeks. What have I missed?""

Surge has posed:
is this a speech she's heard before.

Nori is trying to figure that out, but she spent the better part of the night paling around with Negasonic doing god can only imagine what. Likely clubs they have no business in, doing things they have no business doing... depending on who is being asked. Clearly, Noriko has zero concerns about how it all turned out by her shit eating, marshmellowy grin.

"Shut up."

It's as good natured as someone with a mouth full of Lucky Charms can muster. Carrying her bowl in a craddle of one arm like a baby, she pushes a chair at the table out with one foot just enough that she can step in it and climb up on the table herself. When in Rome or some shit.

"Uhhh okay.. do you want the abridged version or the dirty details because I'm /really/ fucking high right now and prone to emblishment." It's about knowing your audience when being overt about ones intoxicated nature.

Knowing Quentin...

Rather than diving into the gorey, probably e'ery one's fuckin details, she takes another massive spoon full of cereal and crunches noisely.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin reaches into his pocket and draws out one of four vape pens he has jutting out of it. This one produces vapor that appears to be iridescent, with little sparkles floating in the air. "Details, always. Don't worry about embellishing. I like embellishment. And I speak all dialects of high, I'll be able to parse the wheat from the chaff pretty quickly. Hey, what is chaff anyway? I've said that for years, but I've never been interested enough in agriculture to look it up. I mean, I know it must be just waste, crap, wheat feces, the kind of stuff you peel away to leave the good stuff behind, but do they do anything with it? I mean, they make cologne out of whale snot, there has to be some use for chaff."

"Anyway, please, do go on, update me on the current state of localized mutantkind."

Surge has posed:
"Prepared to be shocked and amazed?" Nori does a lot better about talking with her mouth full now that she's gotten the biggest bites into her system. She sits up with her feet in the seat and arm draped over her knees, "Okay so... We got the sentinels and shit, I'm sure you saw that, Mugglefucks being mugglefucks.." Flick of her metal fingers, "We got some high end drug called Hook being pushed all through Mutant Town, straight up killing mother fuckers." Scratching at the back of her neck, "If I'm one hundred percent honest I kind of want to try it? I never was very big on heroin, nothing /against/ it, really.. just not my bag, I guess. This is stupid stronger than that. Like a hundred times stronger.. crazy shit." A pause, so that she can repeat with emphasis, "I still want to try it, I think."

Point made.

"Prof is being quiet, Jean is being strict, Scott is being a dick... but I think he was /putting/ that dick in Dazzler? Which... I definitely would have put it to Dazzler, so.. power to him, if it was true." Tongue draws across her teeth, pausing now only to take another bite from the bowl sitting beside her right leg. "They call Hank's blue ass Eyes for some reason.. Shit makes /zero/ sense, if I'm being one hundred, but whatever, nicknames right?" Big shrug of bare shoulders for her tanktop.

"He's trying to clean up Mutant Town by picking up trash in a park. He made me go with him because I set the boathouse on fire, but I /stand by/ my decision. It was there and I was bored."

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin considers, "Designer drugs are generally very much my bag. I should get a sample and see if I can crack the old code. I always make sure to get all my chemistry shit sorted out 'fore I try something. That said, we could always do it flatliner style and you could take it and I could, like, have the paddles ready to shock you back to the land of the living. Just so long as you promise not to bring back, like...evil ghosts? I never actually saw those movies."

"Everything else sounds par usual. Scott sticking it to Dazzler is an impressive feat of cock artistry, but he's always kind of boxed above his weight class when it comes to the ladies. Probably does explain Jean being extra bitcherino, though."

Surge has posed:
"Not to put to fine a point on it, but wouldn't it be perpetually better if I did the paddles?" Nori holds up her gauntleted hands, electricity bouncing between her fingers with a glowy grin. It's a temporary light show because there's cereal to see to, but an expressive one. Another big spoon slides into her mouth, bobbing her head agreeably with milk rolling down her chin while she tries her damndest to eat above /her/ weight class. It's Lucky Charms, though. That's how it works. "You didn't miss much. Nega has me catching up on all the old classics and.. I'm not saying it's bad, so much as inaccurate as fuck. I'm no medical expert, but that's not how dying works, I don't care how fucking religious you are."

Or mutant or something.

"Basically." Nodding, slurping milk straigh tout of the bowl because that's the best part of eating cereal. With a satisfied ahhhhhh following each. Which is a whole big things because that's a big bowl and there was a lot of milk in it. A lot of ahhs. This is getting Family Guy.

When she's finished, the flat palm of her left gauntlet draws across her jaw, "Basically. I'm pretty sure she's going to tear my ass a new one because I blew up the oven.. but in my defense, It was looking at me funny.. also I was high... and Ellie thought it would be a barrel of laughs to explode something near my ear when I fell asleep at the counter... BUT-" Pointing, not at Quentin, just pointing, "If Kentucky hadn't rat me out, none of this would be a problem. So, ultimately, I blame him."

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire sighs, "Yeah, you can always count on someone around here to be Xavier's pet and take the whole goody two shoes approach to being a student. Fuckin' prefects," he mutters. "I could probably fix the oven. I'm not going to, but I probably could. If I cared. Which I don't," he says.

"And yes, you having the paddles would make sense, except then I would be the one plunging headlong into the uncertainty of post-mortality and, if I'm honest, I've come close enough to that a few times already in my young and fabulous life and I'm not really in a rush to take the plunge once again, not even for a good old fashioned biochemical thrill ride. I could probably make better drugs taht didn't kill us anyway."

Surge has posed:
Noriko sucks at her teeth, making sure all of the marshmellows and crunchy parts go down the hole appropriately, and stretches both arms up over her head, "Yeah, but he's going to get his. Snitches get Stitches. A tale as old as time. He'll slip up and I'll be there like a hawk to capitulate my ultimate revenge... until then, he'll sweat, waiting for it... watching every shadow unaware that when I come.. it'll be from the light sockets."

She slides down off the table and doesn't even for a second consider grabbing the bowl she left behind. It never even occurs to her at all. There /has/ to be someone who handles that sort of thing. Besides, they're the ones who gave her mandatory training on a Sunday morning. What? Was she /not/ suppose to spend all night partying? What is this, 2019? The savages.

"I suppose you have a point, but.." There is no but, she shrugs, motions with both hands, and then drops them down to her thighs after scratching her temple for a second. "I mean if it's not being shot to death for being gay or hunted down for being awesome (mutant), it might as well be death by designer drug, amirite? Can't live forever and it's pretty much all downhill for me after High School anyways."

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin ponders, "I do concur with the general sentiment, but I'm all about thrusting a rapier through the throats of our oppressors by continuing to live and breathe as the ultimate spite. What greater victory can there be than for us to simply exist, reminding them that the world is not as they like it, perpetual gravel in the bottom of their fashionless sandals, digging into their heels."

He vapes another vape, this one giving off a bright pink mist that lingers around him. "We have to keep your spirits up. There's so much to live for! Revolution! Rebellion! An end to the tired status quo, the plundering of post-Capitalist neo-liberal corporate society! And I thinkt hey have a cranberry Four Loko now. SO MUCH LIFE."

Surge has posed:
"At no point in my incoherent nonsense did I suggest, at least not intentionally, that I would go gently into any goodnight." Nori points, shaking her head, "No, not me. I'm a fighter. A shit thrower.. a biter if I have to be. I share your general opinion on the whole fuck those dick holes until they thank me for it, though." Which is a good metaphor for life in general.

Her pockets are massive, by design, because her hands are almost sheathed in gauntlets, and from one she produces a bag full of multicolored gummi bears. One is popped out and tossed into her mouth, bag held out to him, "Rebellion! I'm more of a wanton destruction for the sake of it kind of gal, but whatever. Give me a cause worth breaking something and I'll break something. I've always really liked the cut of your jib anyways, Quenie... so, yeah, sure man, fuck't let's burn down the structure and piss on the ashes." She cants her head a little, thoughtfully, "Whoa, really? Damn..."

"I'm still all about Watermellon... or just going full potato with some Mad Dog like a proper scrub.. LIFE!"