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Latest revision as of 06:08, 24 August 2019

Hammerhead meets a Vampire
Date of Scene: 23 August 2019
Location: Mel's Diner, Metropolis
Synopsis: Hammerhead meets Selene and makes a treaty with her people.
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Selene (Underworld)

Hammerhead has posed:
It was nightime in Metropolis and most restaurants were closing for the night. One restaurant however, was still open, Mel's Diner. Located in Downtown Metropolis, Mel's was a callback to old fashioned 1950s diners and was popular among tourists. The restaurant itself was almost completley empty, except for one table, which was seating a certain flat-headed gangster. Hammerhead managed to bribe the manager to let him hold one of his many meetings in Metropolis here in the diner at closing time. Unlike the other meetings however, this one came at a complete surpise to even him. The night he arrived in Metropolis, he received a text requesting a private meeting at any location he chose. Hammerhead, after long deliberations with his lieutenants, agreed to go.
     Hammer sat down at his table, pretending to read a menu. Standing directly behind him crossing his arms was a member of a local Motorcycle Gang called The Wailing Banshees, one of the gangs Hammer hired out to do his dirty work in Metropolis until he managed a gain a foothold. Hammerhead was not stupid enough to go to this meeting alone, knowing that it could turn ugly any minute. So, he brough along one expendable bodyguard to help him in case everything goes sour.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Outside of the Diner there comes the roar of a sport motorcycle's engine. A second after that the two wheeled vehicle sizzles into places along the side of the street and then goes quiet as the engine was cut. The headlights on its front are deactvated and from the back of the bike, a figure dressed all in black dismounts from the seat. A tall figure, a feminine form. Dressed as dark as the night sky, she strides toward the illumination cast out the windows of the diner's front.

The door is pulled open, a little bell rings, and she strides inside of the restaurant. She cuts an impressive figure, espeically in the clothing attire she chooses to wear, like she's come straight from a leather convention... The pale skinned beauty starts to walk further into the place... Her brown eyes fall upon the bodyguard with Hammerhead where they linger for but a moment before they go then to the man himself.

She stops about halfway toward him, and she lowers her pointed chin just a little. "Thank you for the meeting." She tells him, her voice is sultry and husky, its alluring to most ears and its lasted with a very smooth European accent. Her face, albeit pale skinned, looks young, though she carries herself as a much older woman.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead stares at the biker woman as she walks in. Hammerhead assumed that this woman was a member of the Wailing Banshee's just like his bodyguard. As she approaches, Hammerhead looks up and says to his bodyguard," She a member of yer club?" The man just shakes his head.
     Once the woman approaches and thanks him for the meeting, Hammerhead lets out a grunt and says," Don't mention it. Now, sit down and let's discuss business."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
The two men are given both an individual look, Hammerhead last and she moves to seat herself across from him then. She moves gracefully, her leather trench coat sways around her form as she settles into her seat and is then staring across the table at him. She knows the diner has closed so they're alone. After a moment she speaks up in that same smooth and sultry hued voice. "You're only available name that my people and I were able to garner was... Hammerhead... So I'll go ahead and assume that name to be the one you prefer to be called." She sounds calm, not stand offish at all, borderline relaxed in fact.

Her hands come up to rest on the table in front of her, her thumbs touching lightly, her hands just as pale as her face, the rest of her skin is hidden inside of the black leather she wears that quietly makes noises on her body as she moves.

"I'm here to discuss your people's presence in Gotham, I've come to realize that you're active there and I wish to ensure that what my interests are within that city, do not lead to any distrust between yours, and mine." She has to be tricky here, she doesn't know what these two men know and what they don't know, so sometimes it can be challenging to lay it all out.

"Have you heard of a war between any opposing elements in the Gotham underworld?" She inquires. "Something more than just your average gang wars." Its been growing in Gotham over the past year, the fighting between Lycan and Vampire, though many still consider it just 'scary stories' made up for fun.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead tilts his head when the woman asked her if he had heard about any wars in Gotham besides the average gang wars. He was about to respond with a question when he suddenly remembered an old urban legend one of his men nack in NYC, a Gotham transplant, told him about vampires and wereolves inhabiting the city and fighting a war. Hammerhead begins to laugh and says to her," Ya brough me here close ta midnight to discuss urban legends involving werewolves and vampias. How stupid are ya! Unless you have any evidence, i am leavin. I refuse to waste time with a person who believes in old wives tales.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
When Hammerhead and his bodyguard both start to laugh at his response to her, Selene's reaction is very simple. She looks from Hammerhead, to his guard, and then back over and down to him and when she does this, her eyelids close and then re-open once more upon Hammerhead's own eyes.

But this time, her brown pupils have been replaced with brilliant blues, pale like a cold moon in the high night sky. Selene then moves one hand forward on the table, palm flat, and then slightly slides it off to the right, revealing a long silver spike just lying there upon the table.

"I'm here to give you advanced notice, to let you knwo that this is not a war we like to make public. Either side strives to do the very opposite of that, because a public war... between our kind, is a war we would soon both lose." As Selene talks, he'll likely notice something different beyond just her eyes. Her lips reveal suddenly pronounced fangs just behind them, they're subtle, but visible now.

"My people wish to work along side yours, rather than... having any unfortunate cross overs that would lead to trouble between us."

Hammerhead has posed:
To both Hammerhead and the biker's horror, Selene transforms right before their eyes. Hammerhead's eyes widen as the biker lets out a small curse to himself. Hammerhead then says to her, a slight hint of fear in his voice," We can try to work smoethin out."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Even with the 'change' Selene remains relatively peaceful looking, her eyes have suddenly shifted a different shade and both of the men have clearly noticed that as well as likely her subtle fangs... but she remains yet-calm and still peaceful toward them.

Her hands come together again on the silver spile in front of her, there's a little click and then she slides the spike's cover off, and inside of it? A glass vial of blood? "My people are synthetically engineering our own supply of sustanence." She explain to Hammerhead, her moon-pale gaze going from the vial, back up to his face. "I assure you that we will cause no harm to you and yours, should there be no aggressive escalation in our dealings. I am offering this same treaty to all the leaders of Gotham's organized crime group."

She slides the vial of blood over to him, should he desire to inspect it. "My people only seek the eradication of the Lycans that have infested the underworld of Gotham City. They're seeking out new members, strong members, of the mutant and meta-human population. We are here to stop them. Once we accomplish that goal... we will leave this Nation, and return to our own homes."

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead picks up the vial and looks at it carefully, curious about this so-called artificial blood. Upon closer inspection, to his surprise, it looked like real blood. Though he wasn't a real expert on blood, he assumed that Selene was telling the truth and this vial of possilbly human blood was syentetic. Upon hearing about the treaty, he looks up and says," A treaty eh? I could do dat." He then grins as he adds in," So, would this treaty have me makin silver bullets for ya mugs or somethin?" He then chuckles to himself.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene shows a faint smirk at his question and she then glances downward and shakes her head to his question. When she looks up again, her pale blue eyes are gone once more, and back are the dark brown pupils she had when she'd first coem here.

"No, nothing like that." She tells him then. "We're fully self reliant when it comes to what it is we're using, hardware wise." A slight exhale of oxygen is puleld in between her pale pink lips.

"What I want is for you to contact me, if any of your people... in and around Gotham, see anything... unusual. Something that mere moments ago you may have just shrugged off and thought... ridiculous." She seems to be choosing her words very carefully here.

Another glance is given to the bodyguard before Selene's gaze goes back to Hammer. "My name is Selene, I'll provide you with my contact number and if anything comes up that you feel falls into this... category, then please do not hesitate to reach out. Be it an attack on your people by creatures that you're unsure of how to deal with, or just bumping into someone in a dark place that doesn't seem to be of the ilk that you're used to dealing with. I'll be interested to know about it."

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead nods at Selene's instructions and says,' Alright i'll let ya know if i see anythang weird, experience anythang weird, or see any palooka with an unusual amount of body hair." This last paty was said in jest as Hammerhead chuckles lightly at that joke. He then extends his hand towards Selene and says," A pleasure to meet ya Selene."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
The joke is understood, but it doesn't really register on the woman's pale hued face. She waist a moment after he offers her his hand and then reaches across to accept it. Her hand... is not body temperature, which further indicates to Hammerhead that he is indeed sitting across from a woman who's not alive, not like he's alive, or his bodyguard is alive. Her hand is room temperature.

After offering a grip and a shake, she releases his grasp and places her hand down upon the table to draw the silver spike back into the cuff of her jacket where it vanishes. She then produces a small glossy black business card and slides it over to him. It simply has a phone number on it's surface and nothing else.

"Its a pleasure to meet you as well." She replies to him then before she'll nod her head softly a single time. "I'll be on my way then, if there are no more questions." She'd had similar meetings with other emmbers of the Gotham crime scene. Oswald Cobblepot had even been the one who'd gotten her her legal documents for being in this country at all.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead shakes his head at the undead woman and says," Nah, i don't have any questions. See ya later and, good luck on da werewolf hun