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Latest revision as of 05:49, 1 September 2019

My What Large Eyes You Have
Date of Scene: 01 September 2019
Location: New Lots, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Selene tails a Lycan, then prevents him from approaching Vanessa who is out working the street.
Cast of Characters: Copycat, Selene (Underworld)

Copycat has posed:
The pair of Lycans had left the meeting in Gotham and boarded a train for New York. The goal for tonight had been trying to find another lair. But upon arriving in New York, the pair of gruff looking men had headed to an apartment building, one going inside, and the other continuing on into some of the rougher streets of New York.

The apartment building didn't seem like any kind of promising lead, leaving the man still on the move. He has wiry brown hair, stands about 6'2", rather thick in the chest and arms. He has let his beard grow out a bit, enough it could stand a trim. His clothing is dark, black jeans and an old hoodie.

He turns a corner and continues along the sidewalk into New Lots. The hour is late, getting near to the witching hour. A few people are out, hanging out on stoops drinking or dicing on street corners as they enjoy the holiday weekend. The man's destination isn't apparent yet as he turns another corner, heading down the street towards an area where some more people can be seen in the distance out on the sidewalk.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene had been trying to stop the Lycan spread out of Gotham. Gotham is where the Lycans from Eastern Europe had originally arrived in the United States and since then they'd been building their armies up... The New World Coven Vampires were less in numbers, but stronger in resources and wealth... it had lead to a back and forth of gain and loss for both sides here in the American region.

Tonight, Selene is out and by herself. Wearing a canvas trenchcoat of a flat gray shade, its over top of her leather corset and black bodysuit. Her eyes dart from dark corner to dark corner as she tracks these Lycan men tonight, they were wanted specifically for killing one of her Death Dealers here this past week. Plus, the might have a lead on a Lycan Lieutenant trying to setup a faction here in this part of New York... something the Vampires definitely didn't want to have happen.

So Selene steps out onto the side street, her brown eyes scanning for the men as her hands rest inside her long coat's pockets, one of them holding the grip of a handgun...

Copycat has posed:
The lone Lycan remaining of the pair continues on down the street, heading towards where a few women are standing out on the sidewalk. They've congregated a bit around a car, a pleasingly plump blond leaning down to talk to the driver. The car pulls away though without any business being agreed to.

Vanessa moves over to Molly, giving her back a little pat. "He's nuts, you look great tonight," Vanessa tells the girl who has been struggling a bit. "Thanks Vanessa," Molly says before sighing and moving back over to join the other ladies of the evening who are waiting, hoping to make money tonight.

Vanessa is wearing short shorts and fishnet stockings, with a leather top whose neckline descends down halfway to her stomach. The outfit is one of her better, and it had already helped her do some business earlier. And she needed it. End of the month. Rent would be due, and Vanessa was behind.

She takes a deep breath, glancing around and trying to decide how much longer to stay out, when the sight of a man on the sidewalk, emerging from the shadow of a building, catches her eyes. Wiry hair. Muscular build. A beard that she'd detest having to deal with, but then she'd had to deal with worse. The leggy brunette takes a few steps, moving at an angle across the man's path, knowing exactly which parts of her will be shown to deadly effects with the shorts and the low cut top.

And the man's gaze settles intently on Vanessa. He starts over towards her to talk. It looks like maybe it's her lucky night after all.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Vanessa is at the peak of her game, she's working and its working for her. But sadly the man she's luring in has another destiny tonight, and its not with Vanessa.

Just as the big fella is about to speak to Vanessa and comment on her attire, he passes in front of a nearly fully blocked off alleyway that has an old phone booth parked outside of it converted into a 'Device Recharging Station' that is mostly just occupied by homeless people who for whatever reasons have their own ipads and smart phones...

Just as he's about to speak, something grabs the man from the dark behind the booth, and it pulls him into the darkness!

The man audibly cries out as he's yanked into the alleyway, there comes the sound of cluttering and rustling, and should Vanessa go to investigate what the hell just happened, she'll find Selene, standing over the man's form on his back on the ground, holding a gun aimed down at his chest!

Selene steps over the man's body then and she speaks out to him. "Tyson." She says to him, her sultry hot voice calm and collected for such a tense situation. "You pathetic sod, if you believe you could simply walk away from me after all you've done..." She shakes her head side to side and pulls the hammer on her gun back with a click!

Copycat has posed:
The look in the man's eyes as they follow Vanessa tell her that this is not just a window shopper. In truth, she would rather be at home under a shower that she'd let run until the hot water ran out. Which has been a distressingly short amount of time the last two weeks.

But she needs the money and so just as he gets close enough, Vanessa lets her eyes drift over him and then gives him a smile. "Evening, are-" is all she manages to get out as the man, still a little distance off, suddenly disappears into the darker alley.

Vanessa Carlysle is caught by surprise, and she hesitates for a few moments deciding whether to go and check on the man. Making up her mind, Vanessa undoes the top of her purse so she can get her hand inside to the small revolver she brought with her tonight. She makes her way over, her stiletto heels clicking on the concrete no matter how quite she wishes to be. She gets to the corner of the building, peeking around it and seeing the feminine figure standing atop the downed man.

Tyson, meanwhile, lets out a feral growl. His eyes start on Selene, but soon go to her gun. "Heard you were someone tough, someone to be reckoned with. This how you're going to do it? Use a gun like a scared little girl afraid to use her own fangs and hands?" he taunts.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene doesn't pay any attention (seemingly) to whether Vanessa sees her or not here above the man. Her right shoulder is aimed to Vanessa and the side of her face is partially visible as she stares down at the one she has the handgun trained on.

A light huff of a laugh is given down to the man beneath her and she shakes her head from side to side. "Tyson. I'm not going to kill you." She tells him. "And you and I both know that you're wishing I'd use my fangs on you... No, oh no... you're going to deliver a message for me. To your employer." Selene steps up with her right foot and sets the heel of it down on his chest, then presses her booted toes down over his collar bone.

"You're going to tell him that I'm aware of where you've setup your foothold here, that I know what he's planning to do and that if he doesn't pick up and leave now... return to Gotham, I'll be visiting, and in that moment? In that moment I won't hesitate to pull the trigger." And with that said, Selene steps down on the man's neck, intending to crack his collar bone. She knows his Lycan powers will heal it again within minutes, she just wants to hurt him in the moment to make her message clear.

Copycat has posed:
The cry of pain that results from Tyson is like the cry of a wounded animal. Snarling out his pain. The other girls back behind Vanessa looks up at the sound, and as a group they all move off down the street together. Like a herd fearing a predator that they know must be out there somewhere in the night.

Vanessa has the benefit of seeing what is going on. Her eyes widen as the woman breaks the large man's bone. "Leonardo, sure could use you around here right now," she whispers to herself of the turtle-based neighborhood watch. Well, she's only seem him the once, anyway. Not likely he'd pop up just when she needed him.

Tyson spits towards Selene, just managing to land his spittle on her leg. "Bitch!" he exclaims angrily. "Your kind's days are numbered. And I hope I get to be the one to crush your skull in my jaws," he tells her. His hands clench, wanting to change into his Lycan form and tear the Death Dealer apart, but knowing he wouldn't even finish the change before she would put a bullet in him.

Vanessa glances back towards where her sisters of the night have gone, as if deciding whether she should be joining them, before she looks back to the happenings in the alley. Her hand fumbles in her purse, finding the grip of the revolver.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's head dips to her left as the spit flies past her and off over her shoulder. She stares down at him and then just leans over and picks him up by his shirt. She draws him up to his feet and puts her handgun beneath his chin. "You and I both know that thats never going to happen." She says to him, nearly nose to nose now and her voice almost tantalizing in its tone toward the man.

A powerful shove is given then to his chest, with her forearm and fist, attempting to fling him down the alleyway. "Now go, deliver the message, Flee this place, and do not return." She gives the order, not entirely sure if the Lycan(s) will listen to her and obey, or if they'll return and want to fight her... frankly if they do, she's fine with that too. She'll end them here and now if she absolutely has to.

She keeps her gun in her hand just incase to find out, and gives a sidelong glance over to Vanessa, her eyes are brown and her face is a cold dead white in huge, barely even looks to have an ounce of pigment to her skin in what ambient light is available here where Vanessa and she stand now.

Copycat has posed:
Tyson skids for a few feet before rolling with a groan of pain for his broken bone. But then like a bolt he is on his feet and darting away down the alley in a feral stance. He reaches the far end and disappears around a corner.

Leaving Vanessa alone with the woman that just manhandled a man that is probably twice her weight. The brunette's eyes widen as she sees Selene's own fall upon her. Vanessa ducks back around the corner, starting to reach for her heels to remove them before she runs, but then remembering how much broken glass there was around the sidewalk. She turns and hurries away, still on the high heels, and moving far more admirably on them then some might think possible as she attempts to flee the scene.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene didn't believe Vanessa 'was anybody' but the way she looked at her and the way she decided to make a run for it like that screams of someone with an internal level of guilt or something to hide. So quickly the Vampire holsters her gun and darts off into the dark...

Vanessa is allowed to run for a long enough period of time that she gets to whatever she considers to be a safe location, a location where she won't feel exposed and threatened by Selene, that she'll believe she got away.

It won't be until Vanessa makes a turn around to face in an opposite direction after coming to believe that the woman hadn't followed her, that... she returns right into her. Chest to chest, the two women bounce off one another, but Selene doesn't bump even in the slightest. Instead, she just stares right at Vanessa.

"Who are you?" She boldly asks of the woman, her European accent making it quite clear she's not from the US originally, and her cold demeanor making it seem like she's quite likely a very bad person all together... The kind Vanessa and April ran into in that subway station.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa flees down the sidewalk, her friends - or coworkers? - having already left the area. She's familiar with the area, but some distance from her own building. She rushes past a butcher shop of questionable health practices and then past the pawn shop beside it, both closed.

Vanessa turns the corner and continues down the next block before finally starting to slow. She's breathing hard and her heart is pounding. She reaches a bus stop, and grips the little construct that covers it from rain and sun as she looks back behind her for a moment. No sign of pursuit.
fVanessa turns back to continue and finds herself bouncing off the black-haired woman from the alley. Vanessa tenses wanting to reach for the revolver in her purse, but not doing so.

The tall street-walker gives a quick shake of her head. The encounter in the subway with the vampires is very much in her mind. "No one," Vanessa replies quickly. "No one, who didn't see anything," she says, taking a small step back beneath Selene's stare.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene doesn't seem overtly hostile, per-se, once Vanessa gets a good look at her now. She seems 'calm' in fact, even after she asks that question and gets a vague answer in response. It takes a moment before Selene responds to it with a slight dip of her chin in acceptance of that vague answer.

"Very well." She says then before she looks back the way that Vanessa had come from... then she looks back to the Streetwalker. "Do you know that man well?" She asks then. "The one from the alleyway."

One of her hands remains inside of her jacket pocket, likely holding that handgun that Van had seen earlier. "If you truly are 'no one' and you wish to remain as such, I'm warning you now that you must stay away from him and his companions. Your entire... life... depends upon it." In Selene's eyes, she just kept this woman from becoming a Lycan tonight, had she gone with Tyuson.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa's eyes never go to Selene's jacket, yet $5 will win you $20 that she's very aware of where Selene's hand is at, and likely guessing what it holds. "I haven't seen him before, no. Not anyone I recognize from the area," she says.

Vanessa swallows as Selene's words are ones that would be wasted if she wasn't planning on letting Vanessa go. "I don't know who is companions are, but I'll gladly stay as far away from him as I can. I'm not looking for any trouble," she tells the woman. Vanessa keeps her hands out where Selene can see them, streetwise and avoiding doing anything that might spook the woman and result in Vanessa getting shot. Accidentally or otherwise.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's stare lingers right on Vanessa's eyes, she doesn't seem remotely bashful about keeping eye contact with someone, and its quite literally as though she's studying every little muscle that twitches within Vanessa's face while she responds to her. After a few seconds, Selene glances away and breaks the stare... and her hand comes out of her pocket.

Selene's hand raises up and she offers a black business card to Vanessa, her stare returns and she urges Van to take it. "There's a phone number here, I urge you to ring it should you see him in this area again. If he appears, and it is verified... I'll make sure that you're well rewarded for your efforts. Enough money to help you rest more easily, at least for a few weeks." She's guessing there on Vanessa's finances, but being around as long as she has been she's pretty confident in her guess.

"His name is Tyson. He associates with a black man named Clayton, and an asian fellow by the name of Wutan. Should any of these individuals cross your path... contact me. They're, killers, and not the kind the Police will help you with."

Copycat has posed:
The thought finally enters Vanessa's mind that maybe this woman is more like the man with the shotgun, than the fanged horrors they killed.

Wrong. But she doesn't know that.

She takes the card though, looking down at it to read it and then giving a little nod. "Tyson. Clayton. Wutan," she says. "I'll make sure my friends know to stay away from anyone like that, and let you know," Vanessa says.

Will she? Even Vanessa hasn't decided the answer to that yet. She will no doubt have trouble sleeping for several nights after tonight, and a fair amount of that time will be spent trying to decide that very question.

Vanessa looks back behind her and around the streets, before looking back to Selene. "Thank you," she says, her tone making it a thank you for intervening in something that might have gone poorly for Vanessa. She takes another small step back, as if making sure Selene is going to let her leave.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
When Vanessa repeats the names, Selene gives her an affirmative little nod of her head. "I'm Selene." She tells her. "I apologize for my harsh ways, but the allies of these men have killed many of my brethren. I do not wish for them to do the same to yours." She has an odd way of talking, but perhaps its just the root of wherever that mysterious accent of hers is from. It sounds like its British, mixed with something a little more.

With an exhale, Selene then starts to turn. "You're free to go." She tells the Streetwalker. "Stay safe." Why she seems to care at all for Vanessa's safety is anyone's guess though. But being that Vanessa didn't pan out as an 'informed' associate of Tyson's, she's not about to delve into a deeper interrogation or information exchange with the woman.

The less she knows about the war, the better off she'll likely be... unless the Lycans truly do establish a foothold in this region, then many people like Vanessa here, will likely soon start vanishing. Or simply being inducted into the pack.