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It's Spelled CLOCKtower
Date of Scene: 04 September 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Diana visits Stephanie and Barbara to examine some artifacts that Stephanie bought for Tim Drake, only to find they are Themysciran
Cast of Characters: Spoiler, Wonder Woman, Oracle, Carrie Kelley

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie is been working for Tim Drake for a month or two now. Purchasing items at auction either for his collection intended to go into a museum, or items that he'll again auction off for charity. Most of them are superhero memorabilia of some sort.

But occasionally some items come through of enough interest that Stephanie picks them up, so long as she can get them below their likely value. Besides a general paycheck, that's how she makes most of her money, earning half of what she saves Tim by only buying below price.

In this particular case, they are some old objects, possibly Greek, of a martial sort. A sword, two shields, and a helmet, plus a number of coins and some small sculptures and other artwork. Stephanie took them to a professor at Gotham U but he was not able to identify them very clearly beyond a time range spanning two centuries, and probably somewhere from Greece or the surrounding area. After sending pictures to Diana, Stephanie agreed to bring them over to the Clocktower to meet up with the Amazonian to take a look at them.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Not often does Diana come to Gotham, but she's coming here today for a number of reasons and one is to promote the auction fund raiser that Bruce Wayne is putting on soon, of which she'll be up for auction for a night out on the town with.

So its convenient timing for her to be at the clock tower after receiving the invite and the small amount of information she got with regard to nature of her needing to come by.

Diana arrives via her own personal sports car, a modern two door silver hued vehicle that alone stands out. She steps out of the vehicle wearing a dark red leather jacket over a black top and black jeans, with heeled boots that end just above her shins. Diana's right hand reaches up to push her sunglasses up to the top of her head and she stares up at the tower before moving on inside, eventually making her way to the lift up to wherever they are that she's here to meet!

Oracle has posed:
Babs is in full Oracle regalia when Stephanie arrives! Hair pulled up into a sloppy topknot ponytail, wisps of red hair hanging everywhere from it, a yellow Picachu t-shirt, and Sonic the Hedgehog pajama bottoms. Oh right and her big floppy ear bunny slippers because that's an important accessory for the working class!

Sitting up at her computer in the loft with her ankles crossed, she's just monitoring traffic when Stephanie's signature pops up on approach. <<Batgirl, locks are disengaged.>> The dismorphic voice of Oracle, moments later seeing that beautiful car pull up with the equally recognizable driver.

A glance down at her lazidaisical uniform, Babs frowns a little and pops out of her chair, "Okay, this is how you meet an idol, of course it is, because why wouldn't it be?" Murmuring to herself, headset left to hang around her neck as she descends the steps from the loft to refill her coffee and... well she'd change, but that's pointless.

Besides, these are vintage jammies.

The lift desposits all to the Apartment level!

Because it's comfortable and there's coffee.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie showed up driving her own car, parking the thing in Barbara's garage. She's uber paranoid about leaving it out on the street since she received the birthday present from Bruce. Wearing a pair of jeans and a Gotham Knights t-shirt with the number of the team's quarterback on the back, she takes the elevator rather than the stairs two-at-a-time as she usually would, since she's wheeling the crates with the ancient Hellenic items in them with a little two-wheel dolly.

"Evening!" Stephanie says in a bright tone when the lift opens up to let her out. "Thanks for letting us meet here. I didn't want to subject Diana Prince to my apartment," she says with a small grin. She wheels the items over to a good spot to set them down, careful of the floors, and then unlatches the top of the crate and removes it to reveal the items, cradled in protective packing, within.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the lift arrives at the apartment level, Diana strides out of it. Generally the first thing to note of the Princess is her height, she's very tall, with heeled boots on she stands over six feet. Its up to the individual to notice what else they wish of her physical appearance there-after.

What Diana does when she first arrives is let her eyes scan over this rather interesting apartment setup. She likes it. That is clear because her eyes light up and a small smile tugs at the corner of her red hued lips. But her eyes stop wandering when Stephanie makes her approach and she lowers her stare down to the items that Stephanie has recovered or acquired for her... Diana instantly recognizes them.

After a few seconds of looking to them, she pulls her stare away and looks up to Stephanie, moving toward her to offer her a hand. "Hello." She says in a calm and friendly way. She offers her hand to Stephanie. "Thank _you_ for bringing all of this to my attention." She states, then motioning toward the items.

Her gaze then goes to Barbara and she smiles toward her as well. "This is quite a place. I am a little jealous. I wish I had thought of such a wonderful arrangement when I was living in a private apartment of my own." She says, smoky voice laced with that faraway accent.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is pretty tall herself, just a bit over six foot, even in bunny slippers, but where girls in Gotham looked up to Batgirl... Batgirl looked up to Wonder Woman. When the Princess of Themyscira steps into her apartment, Babs is absolutely giddy. Goofy giddy, but she's always a /little/ goofy.. Standing there in her pajamas holding a coffee mug with a turd emoji staring at Diana with a star struck kind of mouth hanging open grin.

To her credit, it doesn't take her long for training and years of jade to end it but, it happened.

"Oh... huh, yeah.." Motioning around, "It's got a great view." Pushing her glasses up with the curve of her knuckle, she takes a sip of coffee on approach to the crates, "It's my pleasure, babe." Hip bumping Stephanie, smiling at Diana once again, "I'm Barbara Gordon, by the way. I... met you once. I was nine, though.. So I doubt you remember."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown can be glad that Barbara wasn't there to see Stephanie's first time meeting Wonder Woman. Shorter than both women by around a half foot she grins over to Diana goofily just the same, and shakes her hand heartily. "Really appreciate you coming to take a look at them," Stephanie says. "I was lucky to be able to get them. Or, I hope I was. Still not quite sure what they are. I think the uncertainty was the only thing that kept the bidding down to where I could get them for Tim," Stephanie says.

She shift her weight from one foot to the other, the blond's energy ramped up by the presence of the Justice League member. Stephanie grins over to Barbara and confirms, "Yes, amazing view. I'm so jealous of... well, pretty much everything about Barbara anyway. So why not the digs too, right?" she asks with a small grin.

Stephanie moves to let Diana at the items. Whoever packed them knew what they were doing, Diana won't be able to lodge a complaint about how careful they have been with them, though none of the items are particularly fragile, most made of metal.

Wonder Woman has posed:
A soft and calm smile is given to Barbara's words to her, but Diana gently nods her head one small time. "You are Jim Gordon's daughter." She says. "I remember you." She says in a toying sort've tone. "I... remember everything." She then states that in a sort've distracted way, which leaves its true meaning up in the air for debate. Her eyes go back to the items that Stephanie has acquired and Diana steps over to them.

First, the sword is taken, one of them at least. She takes it by the handle and raises it up so that it is horizontally held in front of her waist, her eyes down upon it as she slowly turns it over within her palms.

"These belonged to a daring rescue party of Amazonian Warriors who were sent to find and rescue..." Diana looks back over to Stephanie then. "My sister, Donna. They never returned to Themyscira." She states then as she looks back to the items and places the sword back where it was found. "I was just a little girl then. I wept for my sister's disappearance, for a very long time."

The Princess starts to walk around the items, allowing her right hand's fingertips to gently trace across the scarred surface of one of the round shields' edges. "These women are immortalized for their bravery in the mission they never returned from. Having their weapons and armor back. It will be important to my people."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
A bit late to the party, so to speak, comes another who had heard of this meeting and the reason for it. Carrie comes in looking at once flustered and hurried as she'd done her best to get here quickly. "Sorry," she calls out over to Babs and Stephanie while unslinging a bag from her shoulder to unburden herself. "The Camry kind of... Had an issue and I had to get it towed then run here and just..."

The shorter by far young woman just droops forward to take several deep gulps of air to catch her breath. Babbling wasn't going to do any good after all. Her hand sweeps up over her hair throwing the ginger strands out of her eyes as she stands straight again squaring her shoulders to survey the current scene. She'd only come in on the tail end of Diana's exposition, and so she offers a sheepish smile to the trio.

Oracle has posed:
If anyone wanted to know what it looks like when bitter, jaded Barbara Gordon has her day made, this is what it looks like. Diana recognizing and remembering her is basically the defining moment for the rest of her year. The fact that her birthday was only this past weekend makes it all the more impressive on her mind. Usually she would be nose deep digging through the artifacts Stephanie had brought, but right this moment she's a little nine year old girl giggling like an idiot around a coffee mug.

When her good senses return, she looks at the crate, then at Diana.. and finally to Carrie when she arrives a little late to the party. Smiling a little in line with her usual expression, she waves a hand at Carrie, "Have them tow it here, I'll get Tim to come take a look later, but I've got space down in the garage until then." Side eyeing the crate and Stephanie beside it, grinning at her friend indicating she's jealous of her.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie grins to Carrie as she arrives, though the grin slips as she spots Carrie's state. "Oh no, I hope it isn't too expensive of a fix," Stephanie says, wincing softly. She is about to say more when Diana begins to share the history of the items.

Stepahnie's mouth drops open before she catches herself enough to shut it. "Oh. Oh wow," Stephanie says, the young woman's blue eyes opening wide. "I had no idea. I was just hoping you might be able to give us some idea of their origins," Stephanie says, turning to stare at the items with that wide-eyed look.

"That's just... that's incredible. I'm sure Tim will want your people to have them, then," she says. Stephanie pauses a moment, a hand running through her hair as her brain tries to catch up with the events.

"I have some things on the history here," Stephanie says, turning to find her purse and dig in it for her tablet. "I mean, the history of them being found and that. In case it would be of any help, maybe you could find out more about them, with it?" Stephanie suggests as she unlocks the device and swipes through it, looking for the documents.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When Carrie enters, Diana's eyes raise up to the woman and she lifts her right hand to give her a light wave with a wiggle of her fingers, a light smile of greeting included for the face of Carrie whom she does not show any outward signs of recognizing.

Its Stephanie who maintains Diana's attention now for the matter of the recovered relics that are on display here in the apartment. "Well, this is a major find, Stephanie." Diana tells her. "I will gladly repay you for the money spent to acquire these armaments." She takes her eyes from the items and places her stare back onto Steph. "So please do let me know how much was needed to be spent to... arrange this."

Diana steps forward then and reaches out for a battered and beaten half-helm. She takes hold of it and raises it up to turn it to face her. She seems lost in thought for a moment as she looks at the open-faced helmet. "This will mean a lot to my mother." She then finally says before she places it back down onto the surface it'd been plucked from.

"I will gladly accept any and all information these items have associated with them." She says then, smiling softly again. "Perhaps we can uncover a little more information about this lost expedition."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is quick to give a shake of her head in response to Babs' suggestion. "It's nothing big. I'll get it taken care of. This is way more important," she reasons with a look of chagrin as she steps closer to the items Diana was inspecting to regard them herself. The greeting from Diana is responded to with a simple, "Hello," before she goes silent to listen to the others. The swords, and other items, are regarded with apparent interest though she takes care to keep a reverent distance from them. These were items that belonged to the potentially dead who had once been known by Diana. It deserved respect even if she was very curious.

"I don't think I've ever seen anything from Thymescria before. Other than you, of course," she adds with a tip of her head toward Diana. "You and Tim are really finding some unexpected things, Steph."

Oracle has posed:
"I don't want to speak for Tim..." Babs adds with only a hint of a frown, "But I feel confident saying that he would want you to take them. I'll cover the expense..." She takes another sip from her coffee and sets the mug down on a coaster set upon a glass top table, "And I wont take no for an answer, either. These pieces belong to your people and you should have them... please, let us do this small bit for Themyscira, It would mean a lot to me personally."

Something up on the second level loft beeps and the redhead glances back over a shoulder as she's bringing her headset up over her ears to listen. With a small frown, she rolls her eyes and lets the headset fall back around her neck. "Sorry, always working." Motioning at her so very much professional attire and headset.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's surprise is giving way to a big smile as she can see how much the items seem to mean to Diana, and to her people. "Sure, I'll let you know how much they were. I'd say, don't bother though-" she says, but then Barbara is offering to pay for them at the least. Stephanie looks a little relieved, having wanted to say the same but it being a figure she didn't figure she should speak for. "Thanks Barbara," Stephanie says warmly.

Carrie is given a quick smile. "Have you met before?" she asks. "Carrie Kelly, Princess Diana Prince," she offers, and stumbling a bit as she realizes she has no idea how to introduce Diana properly.

Should have just gone with Wonder Woman, doofus, she mentally kicks herself with.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gives a soft smile to Barbara's words. "That is... very kind of you." She says then. "You do indeed take after your father, compassionate and caring as he is." The Princess then looks to Carrie as Stephanie introduces them. "I have seen her, here and there. Most recently at the gala event for the Children's Hospital in New York just last month." A handshake is offered to Carrie then.

"You should come by the Themysciran Arts Center if you are curious about the culture of my people. It is filled with artifacts of old, and pieces crafted more recently even." She states then before she motions to the items here on display within the apartment right now.

"These, may very well end up in the Consulate in Metropolis." She says then, her eyes back upon them. "We are converting that sight into a museum for recovered antiquities of association to our people, or directly from. These qualify quite... specifically for that. But." Diana glances to Stephanie then and flashes her a quick smile. "They will likely make a return trip to the island before then. A long overdue hero's welcome awaits. I would say."

Oracle has posed:
Babs rubs at her cheeks with the tips of all ten fingers at the comparison to her father, "Without the magic of his magnificent mustache? I think you're mistaken." She jokes, anything to divert attention away from her embarassment and jovial delight at being paid any compliment by the Princess. "Oh, god, my manners.. Can I get you something to drink? Steph, you want anything babe? Water, juice, Kate left some of her diet cokes I think..." A glance at her phone retrieved from the right hip side of her waistband to see the time, "A little early for wine, but I Have some..."

Terrible host trying to make up for it late.

Spoiler has posed:
At the mention of Commissioner Gordon's moustache, and the lack of one of one his daughter, Stephanie motions towards Barbara's lip and starts with, "But..." before deciding to let that, comment or joke whichever, go after just the single word.

Her eyes are twinkling bolts of blue afterwards though.

"Juice sounds great," Stephanie replies to Barbara, and adds, "Thank you," with a smile. She looks back to Diana and nods her head. "So your sister, did you ever find out what happened to her then?" she inquires in a tone meant to be considerate of what emotions the question could draw up.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's attention returns to Babs and she gives her a larger smile that shifts into a tight grin. "Mustaches can be glued on." She says, raising both of her hands up then to trace her index fingertips above her own upper lip and beneath her nose. She's jesting of course, trying to let a little of her own good natured humor through... its cheesey humor, her favorite kind.

"Water would be wonderful though." Diana then admits as she sets her hands onto her hips and looks back to Stephanie. "So this is becoming a thing for you?" She asks. "You are acquiring antiquities from around the world? Are you a... inspiring collector for a personal reason or something else?" Diana then asks of the blond.

A hand is motioned toward the armor. "As it turns out, my sister re-appeared just a couple of years ago. She is living in Manhattan now, though is traveling the world as a photographer of wildlife. She is doing well, very active with posting her photos on the internet. They are remarkable... so gorgeous. I am very proud of her."

Oracle has posed:
"Glued on mustaches are not so magnificent as dads, though." Babs takes a few steps backwards, then turns when both have given her their wants for beverage. The path to the kitchen is made shorter by stepping up onto the couch and then directly over the back cushions without pausing in her progress. When she returns a short while later it's with three bottles, one is water which she hands out to Diana, two are plastic reusable bottles full of home squeezed juice. One is held ot for Stephanie.

She has her headset up again, smiling apologetically, and murmuring into it. The bottle is set aside, phone out to replace it, and her thumbs move over the keypad to of the device linked to her computer up in the loft. "Sending you a data package now. Hold five- You are welcome Officer Daniels." Never a dull moment for Oracle.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's reply to Diana's question is a quick shake of her head. "No, actually... Tim buys and gathers superhero related memorabilia. He hired me to help with the gathering and purchasing. Some items he auctions off for charity. Others he is planning to put into a museum," she explains.

Stephanie looks towards the items that Diana has taken out of the crate. "These weren't really our usual sort of fare. But there was talk they might have some mythologic connections, not just being old but actually having connections to something unusual. The price was good so I decided to take a chance on it," Stephanie says. "At the worst, I figured it could be auctioned for charity again, and bring in more than we paid, if we could learn the history of it."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a little smile to Barbara's comment upon returning with the bottle of water. She accepts it and opens it while listening to them both. Stephanie's statements draw the Princess's gaze most though, but she does look back to Babs as well. "I feel as though I owe you both something for... for this." A motion to the crate was shown. "This is, not your average 'favor' by any means and I have been in this business long enough now that I know that these items did not come cheap." She looks back to Step then. "Timothy as well. I should... do something, I am not sure yet."

She takes a sip from the water then and shakes her head. "Perhaps I can arrange you all accompanying me to Themyscira to deliver these items home, if you would like to do that. It would be tricky, but it is not out of the realm of possibility." She looks to the headset on Barbara's head. "If you are able to find the time from your busy schedules, of course."

Oracle has posed:
Babs finishes her information transfer to the GCPD and pulls the headset down back around her neck, "Well... you don't.. I mean.." It's rare to catch Barbara speechless. Staring at Diana as she invites them to Themyscira.. Eyes wide turn towards Stephanie, then back again, "I didn't find them, though. Really this is Steph and Tim. I'm just willing to make sure they return to where they belong. Nothing anyone wouldn't do if they were able, right?" Alturism is still a thing, isn't it?! Even if she really wants to go to Themyscira.. "Buuuuut, I could definitely make time." Wiggling her phone, "I'm mobile anyways."

Spoiler has posed:
It might be rare to catch Stephanie not talking. At least while there are things going on. But that's not the same as catching her speechless. That can happen a fair amount, and it definitely does now. "Oh, oh wow," Stephanie finally says, her eyes as wide as when Diana revealed the origins of the items.

"I... wow, if it's ok, just tell me when and I'll... drop my classes if I have to, to go," she says with a grin. Though she can probably get an excused absence for this. That professor she showed the items to would probably help arrange it. Out of interest to hear about the visit later. If not for the way he was staring at her derriere when she left.

Yes, Professor Pappendokolous. She saw that.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks between the both of them and gives them both a soft smile. "Well, we shall see. It can be difficult to convince the Queen of new arrivals. But..." She trails off there and her eyes drop down to the crate and the items perched upon its top. "This is a special situation, with special meaning to everyone of Themyscira. It deserves to be celebrated and rejoiced." She raises her stare again to them both. "As do the people who made it happen." And a slight grin is shown to Babs then. "Even those who simply hosted the return with a fancy apartment, the offering of paying financial burdens, and... free water." She raises the bottle, grins past its edge and then sips from it again before she places the cap back on.

"If your school needs confirmation of such an arrangement, I will be more than happy to speak to whomever I need to." She then tells Steph. "Please just send me the name and number of whomever I should call."

Diana then glances down to the crate again. "Can we arrange to have these shipped to the Themysciran Embassy in Manhattan then?" She asks, reaching down to take that helmet up once more. "Except this one, I believe I will take this myself." She looks up to both of them again. "It belonged to a friend of a friend. I very much want to return it to her ahead of the rest..." And that last part is said with a weighted level of obvious drama attached to its roots.

Oracle has posed:
"All water is free until someone charges you for it." Babs points out, actually pointing out, "But you're welcome all the same for nonmonitonized hydration." Said with all the geekiness for which she reknowned ... her friends over. She seriously needs to get out more. The cap of her juice is popped open for a long swallow, "I can do that, yeah." Nodding to Diana with a grin, fishing her phone out to thumb up her contacts list as she's fixing her headset back into place to arrange for someone to see the artifacts to the proper destination. Doesn't even take long.

A lot of people in Gotham owe her a favor.

"Should be there by morning, at least." Glancing at the time again, glancing over the rim of her glasses at the helmet in the Princess' grip. She doesn't have to think hard to imagine what kind of pain seeing these things can bring... and what joy. "I'm just glad you're able to get them all back."