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Latest revision as of 20:23, 14 September 2019

A Chance to Say Shhh.
Date of Scene: 14 September 2019
Location: Living Quarters, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Colette decides to ask Raven why Steven Strange isn't Steven Strange instead of just blurting it out to the rest of the Titans.
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Raven

Stardust has posed:
    Colette has called for a meeting of the Titans core members. There's an agenda to discuss. The appearance of the mystery clones for one, the reappearance of the smoll Robin for another. There's also a third thing, but Colette hasn't actually mentioned that to anyone yet. It's a thing of which there are basically two approaches. The first is to bring it up in the meeting and ask Rae why she hasn't brought it up herself. The second is the more sensitive approach, where Colette brings it up with Rae on the quiet in case Rae has a good reason for not bringing it to the attention of the Titans.

    The more sensitive approach? It's a fair guess that isn't going to be the approach Colette picks. Or at least it would be if gathering Titans together in one place was something that could be achieved easily and quickly, but it's not. Instead Colette has had time to think. Sometimes this is a dangerous thing, but in this case it has given her time to decide that the more sensitive approach is better.

    So it is that as the day draws to an end for most and a start for Raven, Colette sends her message asking to come speak to her in the living quarters when she's up and about. Colette waits in the living quarters, lying comfortably on her front on the couch, perched up on her elbows, listening to music through headphones. She is in a standard Stardust outfit, a one-piece body suit of whites and pale grays, with the exception of her domino mask which is missing, and her boots, which are sitting on the floor beside her. She's definitely in comfortable mode, perhaps assuming she's got a long wait ahead of her.

Raven has posed:
    This time, Raven's entrance is definitely -AFTER- Colette's.

    That is, in the end, almost certainly inconseqential. It is the typical thing. Raven has fled her room as the policy is that she cannot just -keep- the coffee machine in her own dwelling, and is at the moment doing her best to make a damn fine cup of coffee, to start her... Day. Even though it is the early evening.

    That is the most of it. As usual, Raven is dressed in the oddly modern combination of a set of boots, jet black pants designed primarily- the inventor of the garment swears- for the exercise of yoga, and a thick hoody that covers her upper half rather unflatteringly. As the sun is not yet entirely -down-, the hood is indeed entirely -up-, even though she is inside making coffee. Can't risk contact with its rays.

    If nothing else, she clearly doesn't seem concerned about anything outwardly, which is par for the course. That alone is tantamount to silent agreement for Colette to just -do- whatever it is Raven doesn't know Colette is on the verge of doing. Sadly for Raven's self-perceived happiness, Colette is present, has a reason to speak with Raven, and Raven is easily found. This last detail is the most problematic for the goth.

    After today, she will again petition to take dominion over the coffee machine.

Stardust has posed:
    Raven arrives to find coffee freshly made - to at the least a good approximation of her normal exacting specifications. Good enough that Raven wouldn't actually suffer from the gesture. She might even enjoy it, if she doesn't feel she has too much of a point to prove. Colette must be trying to be nice, though that in itself may also be considered trying.

    Raven's entrance, unannounced, is missed at first by Colette, lost in the world of her headphones as she is. Her eyes are closed and her head weaves slightly to the unheard music. Bare feet move slightly in the air as if to some muscle memory of dancing. It gives Raven a few more moments of peace to deal with the coffee machine as she will.

    When Colette finally does become aware of Raven's arrival, she glances over with a half-smile and a nod of her head. She taps her phone, de-buds her ears and turns part way to face Raven. "Good relatively speaking morning, Rae. Something I wanted to ask you about before we get to the meeting. Your territory so I thought... well I wanted to raise it with you first in case you didn't want to have it raised in front of the others."

    Colette gestures towards the coffee pot. "When you're coffee'd up, anyway. Probably don't want to talk about... anything... pre-caffeine." She swings herself around into a properly seated position on the couch to wait for Raven to be ready.

Raven has posed:
    Raven arrives at the machine and... Just sort of stares at it, for a time. Someone has made coffee, but it isn't -Raven's- coffee. Not that it's bad, it's just not hers. There is this low groan of disapproval that isn't entirely audible as she looks it over. This simply won't do, but at the same time, it's wrong, she knows, to just trash it.

    It is then that Raven notices Colette isn't lost in her own thoughts forever, despite what the goth might hope. "What?" she asks, in response to Colette's statement. She seems perplexed. "If it is about internet usage, I trust that you would not bring that kind of issue to the attention of the entire group. This is a matter that should be brought to each person individually."

    Raven doesn't necessarily read minds, to be fair- and she has no reason to suspect that Colette knows anything about the matter that is being brought to her. This is, frankly, the only thing that Raven can think of that she'd be spoken to about personally.

Stardust has posed:
    It may not be Raven's coffee exactly, but it's Ravenesque. It could be trashed. It's a fair bet that Colette has gone to some effort to attempt to Ravenesque it, and trashing it might even be a satisfyingly effective way to annoy her. On the other hand it's probably perfectly bearable, even decent by the non-Ravenesque standards that normally apply to other people making coffee.

    Colette and blinks several times in a state of obvious confusion. "Internet usage? I... I don't care about... it's really none of my business what you're doing on the 'net, Rae. Hey, I even promise that if you ever get exiled to some foul demon dimension, I'll sneak into your room and delete your browser history for you." She gives a sudden frown and a small shake of her head, then straightens up a bit.

    "Actually... magic stuff," Colette elaborates slowly. "You didn't bring anything to our attention. So maybe you don't want us... involved. But we're a team, and maybe you need some... well. Okay. So, the way I hear it..." she pauses a little, obviously struggling for words. "Is Doctor Strange uh... not actually Doctor Strange? Like... is there somehow an extremely convincing imposter doing something very fundamentally weird with magical energy?"

Raven has posed:
    The disconnect between Raven and Colette deepens for a short while, before Colette comes out with it. There's a raise of her brow, and Raven nods along with what Colette was saying. However, almost instantly afterwards, Raven seems to just -drop- the matter of her browser history. As if it had -never- been something that she brought up with Colette a moment before.

    "Oh." she responds, looking somewhat bothered for a second. "Stephen Strange is no longer what we in the community refer to as the Sorcerer Supreme. He is now just Stephen Strange. This is due to the nature of the way the Supreme is selected, and by whom. If there is something to be done about it, it likely won't be a matter of the -Titans'- concern."

Stardust has posed:
    Colette considers Raven's response for a few moments in silence, nodding her head slightly. "So the new guy is accepted by the Sanctum because he actually is the current Sorcerer Supreme. But... for some reason he is pretending to some people to be the old one. And for some reason he is channeling enough energy to distort the ley lines and, to quote, 'punch a hole through the universe.' Sound about right?"

    Without waiting for an answer, Colette continues. "Maybe it's not something that we're best equipped to deal with, but it does sound like something that you are likely to find yourself uh... on the front line... of. Which kind of does make it a concern of the Titans. Because, team thing. Because if you need help..." she shakes her head and shrugs her shoulder. "Maybe we can't. But I'd... We're your back up, if you need it. Just... look, it's your call. Magic is your area. I've told you what I know. If you think we should know more, tell us. If you don't... I'm not going to push it. Your decision. Just don't... I don't like to think you might feel like you're on your own in this, is all."

    Colette settles back in the sofa. "So. That Danger Room program I gave you? The peaceful mountain top simulation, with noise cancellation? You ever try it?" The change in topic is sudden. It's probably Colette's way of making it clear she's leaving the ball in Raven's court.

Raven has posed:
    There is a mild sigh at the end of Colette's breakdown of the happenings in the magical circle. "Yeah, that's more or less correct. Don't believe anything that the Supreme tells you, until I tell you to. The person that is currently holding the mantle is in no way to be trusted. If unsure, punch them in the throat." Raven is sure that there is NO WAY AT ALL that she may have just gotten the real Stephen Strange punched in the throat. She is SURE. Of something. Probably.

    Either way, Raven continues after a moment. "I had planned on assisting the former Sorcerer Supreme in regaining his title. I had planned on doing so alone unless more assistance is required. If it turns out to require more than the efforts of those already involved, we will be in swift contact. Any more than that I can't say. Bringing others in might make the whole idea of removing and replacing impossible by default."

Stardust has posed:
Colette gets to her feet with a business-like nod of the head. "Got it. 'Don't call us, we'll call you.' Well. We're here if you need us, don't forget that." She gathers her phone and her earbuds, and picks up her boots. "Oh. Look, I know he's not exactly... like the rest of you. Magic-wise. Doesn't really fit in. Different ways of doing things. But don't forget Vorp's magical too. Chaos magic isn't the same, I know that. Doesn't quite gel with... you know. Still magic though. Maybe that difference can give you an edge. You're not the only magic user in the group, is all. Something to consider."

    Colette makes her way to the dorm corridor door on bare feet, her boots held in one hand. "I'll take that as a no on the program then," she says with a studied lightness that Raven's empathic sensitivity will almost certainly register as hiding disappointment, as she steps through the door. "Seeya at the meeting, Rae."