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Stramge Decisions
Date of Scene: 09 September 2019
Location: Tribeca
Synopsis: Diana seeks out Stephen Strange to check in on him and find out what has gone on in the realm of the Sorcerer Surpreme. She is unhappy with what she discovers and makes that abundantly clear to the good Doctor.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Doctor Strange

Wonder Woman has posed:
With magical events going on in and around the city, Diana has had to check in on Stephen Strange only to track him down to a veterinary clinic in Tribeca now.

This, was unexpected.

Certainly not something she entirely dislikes, by all means, she loves the idea of helping animals and people's beloved pets. But still. What would cause this sudden change?

Diana's silver sports call pulls up outside and she finds a place to park. She exits the vehicle and strides toward the clinic, her hands rising up to pluck her sunglasses from her nose and then fold the limbs closed. She glances left and right as she crosses the street and then steps to the door to test its entry allowance.

Once she steps inside she scans with her deep brown eyes for the Doctor himself... likely having made the little bell ring or 'ding dong' alarm going off to indicate a new customer has arrived. One who's over 6 feet in height with small heeled shoes on, black slacks and a fine white blouse, her dark hair tied back into a ponytail... its hard not to spot her and know precisely who she is.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Welcome to tha Sanctum Zootorum. Doctah, there's a - *whisper*There's a wonder-woman here for ya." Says a young woman with large framed glasses acting as the secretary and then she turns her head towards Diana, "The Doctah will be right witchu." She says with a kindly smile before she looks back down at her own cell phone.

    A few moments pass before Stephen appears out from the backrooms with his white lab coat covering a light grey button down shirt tucked into a pair of black slacks and with a black belt over black shoes.

    "Diana. This is surprising." Strange notes before he squints and turns his head, "Is this about..." He points at Diana with his exposed scarred hands and then points in the direction of his old house, the Sanctum Sanctorum. "Hmm?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana offers the receptionist a sincere smile and a gentle small nod. "Thank you so much." She quietly tells her before she turns to step back toward the waiting area, while her brown eyes scan around the room to take in the sights of this lovely and cute little clinic that has been setup. When Stephen steps out, Diana is staring at a poster of a dog wearing a plastic cone around its head and caption reading 'Safety over Style' which makes the Princess show a little smirk of amusement.

When Stephen appears, Diana turns to face him, half-way at least. She turns her stare to rest upon his own and then tilts her head toward him. "Only in part." She replies in that heavily accented English voice of hers. Its then that she faces him fully and steps toward him. "I'm glad to see you, Stephen." She says in a calm and soft voice. "Do you have a few minutes to talk? Perhaps an... office here?" She then asks as she looks around for any such doorway to a less public location.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Oh, of course, it's going to be the last door on the left." Stephen says as he turns towards the door to the back rooms and opens it and allows Diana to go in first. He's not using a whole lot magic, or any at all. Not that he was every filippant about the magic, but he used to at least use it to go from room to room for a bit before he would use teleportation magic but now, he's walking him and his guest.

    "What else did you want to discuss Diana?" Stephen inquires as he opens the door for Diana and shows her his still messy and very small office.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks about the office as she strides inside it and then takes a step off to the side and watches him enter. Its then that she hears his words and shows a slight smile, a faint smile, one that shows she's really just happy to see him and see he's well.

"I'll admit, this is a bit of a surprise for me to find you suddenly here... in a very different life." She tells him for starters. "I think it is a great choice, do not get me wrong. It is just, surprising. Is it out of line if I ask you for... a little insight into what happened?" She then asks as she stands there before him and keeps her eyes trained upon his face.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen walks into his office behind Diana and shuts the door with a push of his hand as he goes past and heads to sit at his desk. Few pieces of paper sit upon the top, but Diana would know Stephen is a messy doctor and it will pile up as time goes on and his business grows.

    Stephen leans back in the chair and places his elbows on the arm rests with his hands before his hairy chin. "It's a surprise for me as well." Stephen goes on to answer before he shakes his head, "What happened was simple and straight forward, the Vishanti, the three beings that created and powered the role of the sorcerer supreme decided I wasn't up to snuff. So without a job, and without an up to date medical lisence, I opened a 'eastern medicine' clinic for animals. That way I can still help others."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana finds a perch upon the edge of one of the seats in front of his desk and she places her hands in her lap with her back straight. She stares over the desk at him as he settles into the seat. "You seem awfully calm with this decision." She says to him in a soft tone of her husky voice. "I would think that you would be much more passionately against losing everything that you had worked so hard to maintain with that position... But, maybe I am not considering that it could be a big relief not to hold it any longer?" She draws in a light breath then and tilts her head just a little toward her right shoulder.

"Who is the Sorcerer Supreme now and are they still based in Manhattan?" She asks next. "I will admit that I also am here because of a spike in magical activity that Tony Stark fears might be an indication of another attack from an object known as the Tessaract."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen places his own hands in his lap as he listens to Diana as she asks her question and fills him in on what Tony Stark is worried about.

    "I am anything but relieved, I just know better than to go and fight a fight with someone who could crush me between their thumb and forefinger." Stephen explains as he looks away from Diana, in a show of shame. Shame that he couldn't even fight to keep his former position. "Oh, the current Sorcerer Supreme is as far as I know, Loki, and Tony Stark isn't the only one to know about the shift in mystical energies, but if he's able to detect it with his booze infused muggle blood, things may be more dire than I could have imagined." Stephen muses.

Wonder Woman has posed:
To see Diana's expression go from calm and collected to suddenly confused and befuddled is quite the sight. To see her sculpted features so suddenly shift like they do when he says the current Sorcerer Supreme is 'Loki'? "What?" She says in a way that is almost demanding of an answer. She suddenly stands up and before Stephen's desk, looking down at him across it now.

"Loki?!" She asks, not angrily, just... flabbergasted by the sheer concept? "How could this possibly be the solution for these people to replace -you- with the God of Tricks and Deceit?!" Okay, now the Princess of Warrior Women seems to be getting a little more angry.

But she stops herself, she collects herself and she steps back just a little as she turns her head and comes at this from a new angle, deciding a new approach is better. Her voice is a little calmer then. "I wish to speak to them." She tells Stephen. "Take me to these... Vishanit. I will speak to them and I will get to the bottom of this at once." She's very worked up now!

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "It's not a matter of character Diana. It's not like they take resumes and hire based on merit." Stephen says with a sigh before he looks up to Diana as she stands abruptly, "Their criteria is who is the strongest wizard. Period." Strange says as he takes in a deep breath through his nose and parts his mouth slightly to release the air and energy that was building up in his body and in the room thanks to Diana.

    "The Vishanti are not someone you simply go speak to Diana, they are literal gods of magic. That's not how this works." Stephen tries to explain with a hand moving up to cup his forehead in shame.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's hands go to her hips and her elbows are held out to her sides as she stares straight and narrowly upon him. "I do not need to be told about the arrogant ways of Gods and the follies of their many failures. What I do need to do is speak to them and show them that by granting Loki such powers, is dooming this world." She pauses then and straightens her spine a little before she motions toward Stephane. "You told me that you were sworn to protect this planet from the dangers beyond what we could normally see. Magical things. Loki is the opposite of that!" Her voice raises a little again, the secretary outside might even hear muffled hints of it at the front desk.

"He takes pleasure in allowing the things that would do this realm harm to do as they would please! By basing their choice solely upon 'power levels', then these Vishanti's abilities to choose the Sorcerer Supreme are as ridiculous as a Warrior choosing the quality of their sword based upon the shininess of its blade!"

She steps away from Stephen's desk and turns her back to him, both of her hands going down to the sides of her hips again. She exhales heavily.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "If I knew why the Vishanti chose who they chose and for what reasons, I would likely be one, but I'm not Diana. I'm just a man. A small man with useless hands, and some parlor tricks. I can speak to the cat in the room next door. That's how I can help this city, this world from now on." Stephen says standing himself and putting his hands on his desktop.

    "I am exhausted Diana." Stephen admits. "I have given up so much for a world that barely even knows my name. Now I have been forced to put that life behind me and here I can make a smaller difference, but a difference." Strange sighs once more, lowering his shoulders in a defeated sort of manner. His very identity was tied up in that title and job, and he's lost it.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks back at Stephen about half way through what he says to her there. She looks back over her shoulder at him, half-turned to face him again. Its when he finishes that she fully turns to face him again and once more steps to the front of his desk to stare right at him. They had a closer relationship once, it may have been brief, but she believes they still have a solid friendship and a trust in one another, that shows in how she speaks to him and acts around him.

"Stephen." She says. "I am not here to discredit this... place." She glances around his office before looking back at his eyes. "I am here, to find out what is going on, and in doing that... I think I have discovered that Loki is playing you, all of us... these Vishanit as well. I refuse to believe they would appoint him the Sorcerer Supreme when the job itself is meant to protect this planet. I believe he is tricking them, us... you." She states then, letting that settle for a moment.

"If I cannot speak to them, then I will go to the Sanctum Santorum. I will speak to him." She states then as she starts to turn toward the doorway.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen's been fooled by Loki enough in these last few months, he's almost overly cautious about it and yet Diana's words speak a truth Strange knows it more than likely.

    Stephen slowly sits down and whispers as he hides in his little office in his little clinic, "Guard your eyes and your heart, I fear the worst should you be deceived."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's right hand reaches out for the door's handle but as Stephen says that she pauses and looks back at him. After a second she speaks up, having needed to think quickly about her words. "You took an oath to protect the planet from Magic that would seek to do it harm, did you not?" She asks him softly then. "Loki... is that magic, seeking to harm the world. He has done it before, he will do it again."

Diana turns the handle of the door and softly opens it just a crack. "You are being tested, Stephen. Mo matter what these 'Vishanti' Gods say, you are still the Sorcerer Supreme, and the world is waiting for you to defend it. But if you cannot? Then I guess the rest of us better prepare for whatever it is Loki is planning."

She then moves to pull the door open and step outside of the room.