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The Sisterly Hour
Date of Scene: 10 September 2019
Location: Lorna's Room (North Halls); Xavier's School
Synopsis: Wanda comes over for sister time and it comes out that Josh and her broke up. Bobby arrives and is introduced to Wanda.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Scarlet Witch, Iceman

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had invited Wanda over for some time to spend just between them. She was feeling morose, and out of sorts. Beyond the daily demands of being a Princess and member of the X-men, something was bothering her. The green haired woman moved about the master suite, picking up things, straightening and restraightening the various odds and ends. She floated the tray holding cookies and scones to the other end table with a wave of her hand. She was anxious, and fiddling with everything once more.

Much as she and Wanda had done in the past, both had arranged to meet again and spend time together.

Eventually Lorna gave up, settling into a chair by the fireplace as she exhaled a breath and picked up her cell phone again, flicking through the various emails and messages she'd received since she'd last checked it.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff teleported over to the school and then walked up the drive. The greetings she got from a few students got only cursory nods as the distracted woman made her way through the school to Lorna's room. Wanda knocks on the door softly once she reaches it.

Wanda's hair looks like she's barely cared for it the last few days. No makeup though that's not unusual. Her normally mild expressions are replaced with a look that might be called haunted, or at the least very distracted. It's definitely not a usual look for her.

Polaris has posed:
The door to Lorna's room opened at Wanda's knock, a slight nudge of magnetic energy and the handle unlatched and swung inward for her older sibling. Lorna stood, rising from the chair and tossing her phone aside as she approached Wanda and took in her appearance. "Come inside, please. Have a seat, can I get you anything? I've got cookies?" She offered gently, and came up to her sister's side, hovering ever so gently with her hands outstretched in offer. Not sure if Wanda wanted, or would even accept a hug.

"You look... a bit tense." She offered diplomatically. Wanda looked like she was a twitch away from a break down, but Lorna wasn't about to say just how badly her sister's appearance had her rattled. Wanda always looked so.. put together. Calm. Ready for whatever came her way. To see her not to prepared... Well, it was a new, jarring experience for the younger mutant.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff comes inside, her gaze drifting about in a distracted way for a few seconds before finally settling on Lorna, almost as if noticing her for the first time even though she's the one Wanda came to see. "Lorna," she says. She does look near to a break down, at that. Wanda will reach out with her arms to hug Lorna.

And if allowed, it quickly becomes a tight hug. Like someone clinging to a lifeline. "Josh is... is not handling very well, what it felt like to him," she says. Perhaps making sense, or perhaps not, depending on how much Wanda shared about what happened to her. She really can't quite remember at this point whether she did.

Polaris has posed:
Smatterings of what had happened had trickled to Lorna through the various channels. Rescheduling meetings had to happen after all when she'd wanted to see her siblings. Funny that, having to arrange in a schedule to see her own family. But such was life when so many of them had ties and duties apart. Lorna wrapped her arms around Wanda tightly, a hand combing through the thick curls there and finding it snarled.

"Hey, shhh. It's alright. He'll get better. You know he will. Come on over, have a seat on my bed. Your hair needs to be combed before it gets worse." She murmured, and gently tried to lean back to tug Wanda over to the massive four poster bed and settle her down there.

If Wanda went, Lorna would carefully get up once her older sister was settled, and she would make to find her wide tooth comb and a bit of hair detangler to use on her older sister's curls and waves. Her movements were quick, and Lorna returned to settle on the bed behind Wanda and carefully spray some of the oil based spray on her sister's hair and carefully start to detangle it as gently as she could.

"You know when I was younger, I hated having my Aunt.. well, she not technically may aunt, but anyways.. I hated having her touch my hair."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff is pretty easy for Lorna to direct Wanda to sit down. She's more numb than anything else, as if she's been through so many emotions they have difficulty coming up now. "He felt it. When my soul was pulled out," Wanda says, staring ahead at nothing.

She turns slowly, eyes finding Lorna. "We had a bond. So he could guide my magic to heal Sarah, at first," she says of the first Hook victim at the school who nearly died but for Josh and Wanda combining his healing and her magic to neutralize the magically addictive drug. "And, it became more, we could feel each other and... it was so beautiful," she says.

Wanda bites her lip. "And... he felt it and... and it wasn't fun for me to go through. But it seems it was far worse for him. He couldn't hardly look at me without..." Wanda says, trailing off without finishing. "He left. Take some time, he said, but... I saw how he was whenever he looked at me, Lorna," she says, shaking her head as if she has no hope.

She swallows and leans her head into Lorna's touch as she begins brushing out the tangles from Wanda's hair. "I don't know what to do," she says.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a soft breath as she fell silent, listening to Wanda as her older sister slowly, haltingly spoke of what had happened and what had truly upset her so. Over what had left Wanda in such a numbed and deadened state. Relief dragged at Lorna's thoughts, that it wasn't an after effect of the soul-removal that had left Wanda so broken. So brittle and fragile. That it was Josh leaving was another issue entirely, but one that Lorna felt better to tackle. She could help with break ups only so much, but it was more than she could do regarding magical mishaps and misfortunes.

As Wanda murmured that she had no idea what to do, Lorna paused in her combing to set her wide toothed comb aside. She leaned forward, wrapping her arms around Wanda's shoulders gently. "That's okay, that you don't know what to do. What you had with Josh was beautiful, and you'll always remember it, right? I know now it must hurt. Really deeply hurt. And that's okay. It's alright to feel that way when someone you care about so deeply leaves." She offered gently, her expression twisted with empathy.

"I haven't had a magical bond with anyone and lost it.. but I do know what it's like to have someone be unable to look at you. Someone that you loved very much suddenly turn away from you because of something that was part of you.. that you couldn't control." She bit her lower lip.

"I know what its like for that someone that you cared for to leave you because they're scared of you."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Enough of that made it through to Wanda that she slips her arms back around Lorna to hold her sister. "We haven't had the easiest of lives, have we?" she says softly with a sigh. "I want to go after him. But I think it would tear me apart to see him look at me that way again," she says, swallowing down her emotions.

Wanda rubs at her eyes and draws a bit of a deep breath. "I'm sorry to burden you with this. You have so much going on. I... haven't even read the reports to know what is going on lately. Are things well? With father? And... and everything else?" Wanda asks Lorna quietly.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a softly breath, brushing her fingers through Wanda's now combed hair and kept her other arm wrapped around her older sister. "That certainly seems to be our lot in life, doesn't it?" She mused softly, "Perhaps it's better that you let him go. He made his choices, and he will have to live with them. And you will heal better without chasing shadows of what you once had.." She grimaced and pulled back once Wanda shifted around and rubbed at her eyes.

"It's alright, I'd rather know. And it's not like you can tell Pietro without him zipping off to kill Josh.." She shrugged once, sitting back on her bed.

"A mutant was killed in the city. There was a vigil.. Dad was there." She paused, and then leaned over to her end table to pick up a picture frame. She twisted back around, showing the image to Wanda. The tiny picture frame was simple, and black. But within it was an unknown woman, at least to Wanda. She had light brown hair and green eyes. A smile on her face.

"Father sent me this.." She ran her finger over the picture. "It's my mother."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda definitely looks better, her hair not quite as frizzled and definitely not quite as tangled. Though she could stand with a good shampooing when she gets home. Her expression is perhaps slightly better. Her eyes are focusing on things more than just staring off as they were so often when she first arrived.

"I don't know how he's reacted to hearing about Pappa... about Django Maximoff either," Wanda says of Pietro, sighing and shaking her head. "Who would have ever thought that finding out he was alive and having him return to our lives could... could go like this?" she asks with a sigh.

The auburn-haired woman focuses on Lorna's picture. It brings the start of a smile to Wanda's face. "She's very pretty," Wanda says. She turns to look over to her sister. "Maybe I see a little of her in your face. Your eyes. And around your brows," she comments quietly.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shifted on the bed, to better settle beside her sister and adjust her grip on the picture frame. "It's the only picture of her I have." She murmured softly, "I don't know where father had it, or how they met.. nothing. He.. never talks about her. When I asked him if I looked like her.. he never told me." She shrugged her voice soft, barely above a whisper as she tapped her fingers against the picture frame.

A faint twist of her lips brought a smile to her expression as Wanda said she looked like her mother, and she nodded carefully. "I don't know anything about her. My aunt.. well, her husband's sister.. who raised me.. Never spoke of her. Except to swear about her whenever I acted up." She grimaced and glanced back to Wanda, watching her older sister from beneath her eyelashes. It was a vulnerable look, a questioning one. As if to judge just how Wanda felt about her own mother... Magneto had named a square after Magda in Genosha.

Suzanna had nothing.
% At least not until Lorna had mandated that the new hospital opening up be named for her mother that is.

"It's the anniversary of the plane crash when she died this week."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff slides her arm over about her sister's shoulders. "We may have unusual family histories, but we can still be a family with each other," Wanda says quietly. There isn't too much to read about her feelings about Magda, whether from Wanda's current emotionally drained state, or just that there isn't much to show of the woman she didn't know existed for the longest time.

Wanda's green eyes soften at the mention of the plane crash. She tilts her head for a moment, looking at the picture, and then she moves her fingers in a deliberate way. At first as if circling something, but then as if gathering something to her. The colored aura that gave the Scarlet Witch her name comes to her hand, and then flows into the picture for a moment. The reddish light rises up out of the picture then, looking much like a red-tinted hologram as it forms the shape of a woman. The body where not shown in the picture is modeled on Lorna, but the figure's face is definitely that of Lorna's mother to match the picture. The foot tall figure turns slowly, moving like a real person on her heel, head turning to smile up towards Lorna.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, "Our family history would make Lifetime look tame." She mumbled, her voice restrained and thick with emotion as she tried to make light the tangled tales of their family's history. How broken and fractured it was. Still, she smiled at Wanda, leaning against her older sister as Wanda wrapped an arm around her shoulders in return.

The simple magic that Wanda wove about the picture frame to create a model of her mother took Lorna's breath away, and she sat in silence and shock for a moment. A heart beat, as she stared at the creation that turned and smiled up at her.

"I always judged her, you know." She whispered softly, "Since I found out the truth of who our father was. What married woman would want to have an affair with Magneto of all people? What kind of a person could cheat on someone like that..? To stay in a marriage and yet.. just.. " She trailed off as her her eyebrows furrowed sharply, her gaze lifting to Wanda's.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff slowly shakes her head as if not having answers. "It's probably hard not to, especially growing up. But I've been in enough situations now... well, maybe I still judge even when I shouldn't," Wanda says as if amending what she had intended to say. "But I hope I do it less."

Wanda lets out a soft sigh. She keeps the image of Lorna's mother going, the figure continuing to move now and then in realistic ways, though mostly staying still. "When I can find some time, when there isn't another crisis looming on the horizon, I think I'm going to go take some time and get my head right," she says. "I'll let you know when I do so you don't worry."

Wanda looks over to Lorna. "I'll always be there if you need me. I hope you know that. I'm glad we've had these last few weeks and months together as we have. It's meant a lot to me, Lorna."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged once, and sighed heavily, her whole figure deflating with the motion as she stared down at the magically created figure before her. "Part of me blames her a little bit. For crazy my life is.. but then I realize I'm just as much in charge of how everything has turned out as anyone else could possibly be." She murmured and glanced toward Wanda again, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips.

"Hey, the same goes to you. I'm here for you Wanda. However you need me to be." She reached out and clasped at Wanda's arm, looping her own through it.

"We're family, and to me that means a lot. It means that I'm not going to abandon you, for any reason."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff reaches a hand over to rest it on Lorna's arm, patting softly. "I was back in Transia recently," she says. She lets out a bit of a sigh but doesn't go into more of why she was there. "It has been awhile since I was last there. I wonder if perhaps taking Pappa... Django, back... might help him at all," she says softly. "Though first I think I just need to go for myself."

Wanda is sitting on the bed with Lorna, the two sisters seeming to be giving each other support based on their body language. Wanda looks stretched, her normal warmth is lacking today, replaced with a more of an emotional void than one is used to seeing from her. There is a picture which Wanda's magic has created something near to a hologram of, brining the woman in the picture into 3D, standing about a foot tall.

"Do you have anywhere that you like to go when you need to think or recharge?" Wanda asks her sister. So many things still that she doesn't know about her.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sighed softly, her hand turning upward to thread through Wanda's that settled on her arm. "I'll have to admit when I found out you were from Transia I had to look it up. I hadn't a clue where it actually was. Only a vague idea about it." She murmured, and gave Wanda's hand a gentle squeeze. "From the internet it looks lovely. Sloping mountains and wild forests.." She murmured softly.

Of course then Wanda was asking her where she went when she needed to think and Lorna pursed her lips together in thought. "I go up. Where ever I am. I learned how to fly when I was sixteen. Though it was using the bits of my steel toed boots and my bracelets. I could bounce off of other metal things until I got up to the roof. Totally unsafe, I know.. But I like it up there. I still go up to the Palace roof sometimes. Just to be alone. I can see everything all around me and I can just be alone." She murmured, closing her eyes briefly.

"I can lose myself in the magnetic fields then. Completely and utterly. It's like.. I can float. And everything drifts away. To feel the Earth above and below me. Sometimes I imagine that I can just disappear into that forever.." She smiled weakly, and looked back to Wanda.

"What about you?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gets something nearer to a smile. It would be a smile on a normal day. "So few are familiar with it," she agrees. "And we skirted the border with Transia and Serbia, lived in the latter as often," she says quietly. "It's mainly just the capital, most of the country lives there. And then a number of smaller villages around it. It is beautiful land though. And Wundragore... can be beautiful," she says slowly. Her jaw tightens just a little bit, memories of a flash of golden skin that she pushes from her mind.

Wanda takes a deep breath. "There was a place in Switzerland," she slowly, before shaking her head. Another place that memories would not let her enjoy again. "I don't know. I need to find somewhere again, I guess," she says slowly. "Pietro was always my strength, so wherever he was."

Wanda looks over to her sister, squeezes with her hand. "Though now I have more strength," she says, clearly meaning Lorna, and manages to get her lips all the way to a smile, if a small one.

Iceman has posed:
    "I cover myself in left over paints and roll around on a large canvas over and over and over until there's an abstract Bobby painting in as many colors as I can possibly find." Bobby says as he enters Lorna's room, pushing off the door frame as it seems like he's been there for at least a few moments. He has a red mark on his forehead where he caught the corner of something yesterday and as such, he's trying to hide it by wearing his hair down today.

    The Ice man wears a zip up hoodie open over a simple t-shirt that has the Govenator on the front with a huge smile and a thumbs up. He wears tan cargo shorts and a pair of flip flops as he enters Lorna's room. "Oh hey it's that Avengers lady! The red-sorceress or something." Bobby seems to have forgotten or is not aware of the relationship between the two sisters.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, and she considered Wanda again as her sister spoke of her time growing up. She could hear the pain in her sister's voice, hear the tinge of sorrow that plagued her memories. She knew it wasn't easy for Wanda and Pietro growing up. She just wasn't entirely sure //how// much of it still burdened Wanda's mind and memory. She squeezed Wanda's hand. "Join me, the next time I go up on the roof. Use your magic to feel what I feel, in the magnetic fields. We can share them. Maybe it'll help you like it does me." She murmured softly. The magnetic waves had always been a security blanket to the green haired mutant. Something private that she shared only with her father. The senses that the two shared in perfect mirror reflections of each other.

Of course, that's where the private moment between the two sisters ended with Bobby's presence. Lorna blinked, disrupted in her current train of thought to glance back at Bobby. A sour expression twisting her features.

"Wanda, this is Wanda. My sister, Bobby." She murmured, and glanced back at Wanda as she spoke, as if nervous that Bobby's presence would suddenly end the closeness between the two.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda looks up as she hears Bobby's interjection into the conversation as he comes into the room. "I will have to keep that in my back pocket," Wanda says softly to the new arrival. She looks back to Lorna, adding, "I do sometimes go flying. Both on my own, and in a quin jet. They are surprisingly fun. But I'd like to be able to feel what you do, some time," Wanda agrees, speaking in her softly accented English.

She looks back over to Bobby as the introduction is made. "Hello Bobby. Nice to see you," she says. Wanda looks down to the hologram-like image from the picture, and with a little gesture of her hand it fades away. Wanda pats Lorna's hand again though. Nothing changing. Her sisters. Always.

Iceman has posed:
    "Sorry, Lorna, Wanda." Bobby says giving an apologetic sort of smile. "I- I heard you while I was walking by and was wondering if you two would like to go get some dinner. I'm parched and could use a burger." Bobby says. His story doesn't quite line up, like, why was he walking by in the girl's wing, and why was he listening in for a while. And why is he wearing a sweater and flip flops? The world may never know.

    "Or if you two want sister time, I could go and come back. I'm trying to do good here, sorry for interrupting." Bobby says as he starts to pull his torso out of the room by using his legs to drag himself back out of the door.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced toward Wanda and seemed to consider something, beyond what their conversation at the moment was. Given that it was commenting on flying and the alike, something that Bobby wouldn't particularly have access to given his power set. Still, she squeezed Wanda's hand and she smiled, "You're always welcome to do so Wanda, anytime." She murmured gently, determined to make sure her meditation was perfect for such an event. That she'd make sure that if Wanda truly wanted to feel the magnetic fields and feel what she felt, Lorna would make sure it was perfect.

As Bobby spoke though and tried to back away, Lorna pinned him with her green eyed gaze, and held out her hand aloft. With a sharp magnetic tug on the bits of metal on his clothes, Lorna meant to tug Bobby back into the room fully.

"Bobby and I dated in high school, here. Years ago Wanda." She offered softly, "We broke up when the truth came out over who my father was, who our father was." She continued, green eyes glancing back to her sister and then to Bobby. But her expression gentled.

"Bobby and I... are.." She swallowed thickly, "We're trying again."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's tired face manages a soft smile at Lorna's comment about sharing what she felt with her power. She leans over against her sister for a moment, letting that contact share what her expression is not able to do so fully today.

"I... cannot remember the last time I ate," Wanda admits. Her hair is not quite at its best, though Lorna has at least gotten rid of the tangles that were there when Wanda first arrived. Once could believe she'd lost track of food. "So dinner would be appreciated, Bobby," she says.

The Transian woman looks back to Lorna at the explanation of her past, and present, with Bobby. "Oh, I see. So, a boyfriend then?" Wanda says, flashing a green-eyed gaze back to Bobby. "Do I get to be there when Pietro hears?" she asks Lorna softly. Normally there would be a soft smile accompanying the comment.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby audibly yelps as the metal of his hoodie zipper, his phone in his pocket, and the magnetic strips of his debit and credit card and the buckle of his pants are quickly pressed against him or pulled away from him, all in the direction of Lorna and he surrenders to it quickly. He will stop where Lorna makes him stop. Just in the doorway, at her side, in her arms, against the far wall, Lorna is in control of this ice man.

    "I- Wanda, we haven't put labels on it, and by we, I mean, Lorna, the princess, uhh, you're both princesses, um..." Bobby is stammering as he's slowly turning red in the face. "I mean I hope so." Bobby says replying to Wanda but with his eyes only filled with the reflections of the green haired woman.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced at the tray of cookies and the alike as she shifted her focus away from Bobby and tugging him into the room. She left him standing there, a few steps away from the door. Just enough to shut it behind him and for her to wave the metal tray over to her and Wanda on the bed. "Here, try to get some of your blood sugar up. Just one or two. It'll help clear the migraine that might be starting. If you're forgetting to eat you probably feel like crap." She murmured, nodding to Wanda and then to the cookies.

Her gaze swung back to Bobby as he stammered, "I'm not going to tell Pietro anything anytime soon. I'd rather not have Bobby murdered just yet. You know how Pietro is. He's worse than father." She added after a moment's thought. Her lips curving into a smile again.

"We're trying. It took years to get to this point again.." She murmured, and bit back a sigh.

"Bobby, Wanda is the least of my family you have to worry about. Can you please go to my mini-fridge and grab her some water?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda hears Bobby's comment to Lorna and she starts to say to Lorna, "At least he's made that jump quickly. You wouldn't believe how many comments there were about you being a princess without realizing that meant I was too, before..." Wanda says, and then trails off as the cute little story leads back to the direction it does.

"Well, the cookies, yes, a good idea," Wanda says to change the subject. She takes one with a smile to her sister. "So what do you do here at the school, Bobby?" Wanda asks him. She takes a small bite of the shortbreak cookie with chocolate across the top. She always did have a bit of a sweet tooth, so it does hit the spot. Nothing better to help with a broken heart.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby steps over towards the fridge as Lorna asks but does make a mental note that she didn't clarify their relationship status. She wants to be vague and yet controlling on Bobby. That's fair, but he will want to talk it out later, in a more one on one manner.

    At the mini fridge, Bobby squats down and peeks inside as he savors the cool air on his shins. He starts to ask something but just grabs a couple of waters instead and closes the fridge with his heel as he spins back to the sisters 'Gossip' and 'Reminisce'. Thankful neither one is a telepath.

    "Here you go Wanda." Bobby says as he extends one bottle to Wanda and the other to Lorna, chilling them slightly with his hands to go from fridge door to two-minutes-in-the-freezer cold. "Did you want one too Lorna?" Bobby asks before he answers Wanda's question. "Me, I'm a math teacher. two plus two, eight times eight, real important stuff that these kids will need to be successful people in the world."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna patted the edge of the bed beside her, and floated the tray of cookies to Bobby as he returned from the fridge. She offered a whispered thanks, and a tense smile. Her attention still firmly planted on Wanda. "I know, Steve seemed to have missed that whole 'we're sisters' bit until I made it expressly clear at the Gala." She murmured, still firmly holding her position beside her sister. Nearly hovering over the older mutant with the amount of care and concern she was showering on Wanda.

"Thank you for the water Bobby, but I'm good. I'm mostly concerned with making sure that Wanda stays hydrated.." She only half teased Wanda, one of her hands still gently settled on Wanda's arm.

"Wanda, why don't you spend the night here with me? There's nothing better for healing than to have some sister time. I can make sure we get you something more substantial than cookies. It can be our little sleep over." Her green eyes flickered toward Bobby briefly, as if pleading with her gaze for him to put it together that Wanda was //not// doing so well.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff takes the offered bottle with a soft thank you given back to Bobby for it. She opens it up and takes a long sip. The offer from Lorna causes Wanda to only thing for a few moments. "That, sounds like a really good idea," Wanda agrees slowly. SHe looks over to Lorna with a grateful look and reaches over to squeeze her hand for a moment.

Wanda glances over towards the door to Lorna's bathroom. "Maybe I'll take some of my own advice, and go take a shower to get refreshed, and then... we can talk some more. And whatever you wished for dinner?" she offers. If that sounds good to her sister, Wanda rises, finishing off the last of the chocolate-covered cookie. It really is quite good. She heads off to the bathroom at a slow pace, going inside the close the door.