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Knock Knock. Who is it
Date of Scene: 11 September 2019
Location: Sanctum Santorum - Base Floor
Synopsis: Diana meets Bucky outside of the Sanctum.
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Wonder Woman

Winter Soldier has posed:
The Amazon Princess is on the doorstep, her mighty hand raised to knock on the door.....when it swings open of its own accord. Right behind it is a face.....well, she first saw it decades ago, under much shorter hair and with fewer lines. But it's the boy from the war, Steve's sidekick, usually in his blue coat, with his Tommy gun at his side.

Now, though, he's put on pounds of muscle, and his hair is down past his shoulders, long and loose. His expression's much grimmer, the blue eyes haunted. He all but glares at her for a beat....and then recognition has his jaw dropping. "Diana!" he says, clearly shocked out of all reckoning. "It's you!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
As it so happens, her arrival is a bit more flourished than some might arrive to the Sanctum Santorum. It is not simply waltzing up to the door... and its even stopped traffic outside of the building.

Because, you see, above the street, and between the chasm of buildings within this Greenwich Village street... there resides a floating aircraft. Its a beautiful cloudy shade of white and grays, and its partially transparent. An aircraft that lacks any hard edges, and its sharp like a rounded arrowhead... its graceful, artistic, and aerodynamic. It also is floating motionless and without any sounds what so ever.

On the ground, beneath it, before it, and behind it, vehicles have stopped and people are emerging from them to look up at the craft. Others on the side streets have stopped walking and just staring...

As Bucky opens the door to the Sanctum, what he finds is Diana Prince, in full armor, and with a blue and gold robe on with the fabric patterned like eagle wings, is floating down from this craft hovering in mid air. She's floating down toward where Bucky now stands!

As she steps down onto the concrete, she looks right up at him... and her brown eyes narrow.

Diana's right hand whips out, a shining golden lasso lashes up at Bucky in tremendous speeds and she attempts to ensnare him and yank him out of the house toward her hands! "Who are you?!" She demands, remembering his face, but having no idea he was alive to day.

Winter Soldier has posed:
She's even more dazzling than she was, and his eyes are wide. The lasso drops around him in shining golden loops, and he doesn't bother to fight in the least. He's grinning, and that brings back far more of the boy he used to be. "It's me, Diana! James Barnes. You were with me and Steve when we liberated that camp and destroyed that Nazi castle. Wow, you really are an immortal goddess."

He likes this god a lot more than the one he just left. "Remember?" Smiling at her as if sure of his welcome.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Needless to say, the audience on the street is starting to record this. With the 'Invisible Jet' very very visible right now, with Diana holding the golden lasso of truth extended from her body and out to wrap around a man in the doorway of the strange building on this street, many people are wanting to capture this on their various 2027 devices that they possess.

Diana? She's up off of the ground and hovering toward Bucky, she can fly now and couldn't back in World War II when they'd last known one another. She pulls on the slack of the rope and means to pull him out of the Sanctum, but not quickly, just to the edge of the steps so that his toes will be just barely teetering over them.

And then she is there, right in front of him, her wealth of dark and curled hair flowing around the shoulders of her dark blue and gold Eagle Cloak.

"You died." Diana says quietly then. "I saw it in a list of soldiers who had passed." She seems more than a little taken aback by this. "Why would Captain Rogers not tell me of this?" She then asks, the lasso burning bright and hot to force and compel Bucky to tell the truth as he knows it. "Does Captain Rogers know that you are alive?" She asks then.

Winter Soldier has posed:
He's pulled, letting it happen, not fighting it in the least. He still can't believe it's her. The door shuts behind him, and he's left bound on the stoop. He's only wearing t-shirt and jeans, a compression sleeve over the arm, and a glove at the end of that. No metal exposed.

The blue eyes are sad. "I did die," he says, quietly, voice very low. "But my body was found by our enemies and they revived me and....did things with me." Grief there, now. "Steve thought I was dead until recently. But yeah, he knows now that I'm alive. We're still friends......does Steve know *you're* alive? Steve's around, too. We all made it out of the war." Sort of.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana keeps the lasso on Bucky because there's too many unanswered elements to all of this that haven't satisfied her need for further questions. She does touch down onto the steps in front of Bucky, on the step right in front of him in fact. She's so close that the lasso between them is held in her leather clad hands that are nearly touching his chest, she's an intimidating presence at most any time, at least to man, but this only adds to that most likely.

"Yes, he knows I am here." She replies to his question. "We have worked together several times since his return." She keeps her eyes deadlocked onto his though her other senses are primed and she's expecting trickery, or even an attack.

The people on the street remain to be taking pictures, videos, of what Wonder Woman is doing to the man on the steps and of the very Visible Jet right now hovering over the street.

She can see the sadness in his eyes and the little that he tells her would suggest to her that he was tortured by those who revived him back then, a topic she's not wishing to delve into here on the streets of Greenwich Village, even if she's quite curious what her old old old friend has been up to all of these years.

"Why are you coming from this home?" Diana then asks, tipping her slim pointed chin up past Bucky's right shoulder. "I am here to speak to Loki. Is he in there?" She asks then next, the lasso's angelic light still bright aroukd Bucky's body and her own hands, as well as the coiled slack that is dangling between their bodies, illuminating their forms in its hot glow.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"He never mentioned.....well, my memory's bad," Buck says, on a sigh. "But I swear I didn't know you were still in the world of men." She's way too good for it, what *is* she still doing here?" He's just that much bigger than the boy she knew, much closer to Steve's own proportions. The scrutiny of the public....that doesn't seem to've registered with him.

"I, uh.....I kind of work for him. Sometimes. He helped me with some of the stuff that HYDRA did to me, so....I owe him." He doesn't seem happy about it. "Yeah, he was a minute or two anyhow," he says, glancing back at the closed door.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When Bucky speaks these words the lasso then lessons its tense grip and leaves the man's body all together. It unravels and falls away where Diana quickly is looping it back into a coiled wrap in her left leather-clad palm. "I am glad you are alive, James." She tells him as the light from the rope dims. "I just wish we had met under different circumstances." Its then that the Amazon Princess, all six foot plus of her, moves to stand up and walk past him.

She brushes past his right shoulder and strides toward the open doorway of the Sanctum, or at least as she reaches to open it and step inside...

Only she re-emerges again as though she'd just walked out of the home and this makes the Princess pause in frustration. She turns and looks up at the house, then back inside the open doorway.

"Loki." She calls out to the interior of the building. "Son of Odin. Brother to Thor. Your trickery will not be accepted. Come and speak with me, here and now. So that we may end this absurdity!" Her voice is stern, but yet calm.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Me, too, Princess," Buck's expression has gone soft, foolishly so. He always adored her....and here she is again, only more. More of a power, that light not dimmed down to mortal eyes...or maybe he's just stronger to bear it. But he lifts his hand in warning as she tries to go through the door.

And then presses his lips together to suppress a smile, as she reappears. "He's hurt," he tells her. "But he is in possession of the Sanctum. I don't think he intends to let you in."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana stands back beside Bucky now and she realizes that the faux Sorcerer Supreme was going to deny her an audience, just as these Vishanti would. Its utterly infuriating to the Princess as well... but she maintains her composure. She looks to Bucky when he says that Loki is injured. "What has injured him?" She asks then, without the lasso to compel the Soldier he isn't bound to tell her the truth on that.

Her eyes goes back to the Sanctum though and she calls out into the open doorway. "I would not expect a son of Odin to be a coward who would refuse to meet me simply to speak!" Diana then calls into the home. "But I guess my expectations of people have been radically altered before..."

With that jab sent inside the home, she glances back to the Winter Soldier, staring at him for a moment longer as its been such a long time.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Something to do with magic. I'm not his confidante," Buck says. He sounds grateful for the distinction, wiping at his face with his human hand. "But he was bleeding badly - his hands were all cut up. He's doing something to bring back Asgard? He's got....Gods only know what he's got in there." Barnes shakes his head.

He looks back at her, mildly. What a change. What did they do to him? She hasn't seen the arm, not yet.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana would definitely look different to him, she's stronger, more confident. She seems more experienced and far more... threatening perhaps? But visually, she's idnetical to when he'd seen her last, as though she hadn't aged even a day.

His words draw more interest from her as there's no response from the house, so she turns fully to face Bucky again. "Bring back Asgard...?" This makes her dark eyebrows lower some in curious confusion, another glance is sent to the house, then back to put her stare onto Bucky, some of her dark hair streaking across her face in the breezes as she pivots her gaze like that, she speaks past the few strands crossing over her eyes and nose.

"You need to take this information to the Avengers." Diana urges Bucky then. "To Tony Stark and to... Steve. If you haven't already done-so, its imperative that they know now. Loki may try to restore his home, but I fear for what the cost will be to ours. He's gone about this... in questionable ways. In debt to him you may very well be, but he is no man worth aiding." She's basing this off of a lot of hear-say about Loki, and very little personal experience with him. But then again, its Diana, and her gut instincts are often right, even as they had been with Gods in the past, such as Ares.

"I need to go to the Justice League, and tell them of all of this..." She says then as she turns to start back down the stairs, tossing her hair out of her face as she goes. But she pauses to look back to Bucky. "I am glad you are still alive... James."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"I'm gonna go do that just now, ma'am," he says. Apparently he's forgotten her old strictures on that form of address. Then he grins at her, and it's the boy all over again. "Yeah, he's a real piece of work. But....I'm myself now, and not a slave, I gotta give him that. 's a real long story. I work for SHIELD, now. You can find me at the Triskelion....or just ask Steve."

As if Diana doesn't know what a phone number is. But then, he'd need a vibranium pair to give her his number unsolicited.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is on the sidewalk now in front of the Sanctum and she nods softly to Bucky's words. "Thank you, James." She says to him then. "I am sure that we will be in contact. Please, try to find out any more information you can. It is imperative..." She says those last three words with a strictness in her non-American accented English.

She then looks away and moves out toward the street, she silently lifts up off of the ground with her robe flowing around her body in the winds and as she glides toward the back of that elegantly crafted hovering Jet, she... and it, completely and entirely disappear.

There's a strong gust of wind within the space between the street's buildings, and everyone who was left watching is left confused on where Wonder Woman had gone, as well as that large vehicle she'd seeming vanished inside of.