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Latest revision as of 20:29, 14 September 2019

Call of the Wild
Date of Scene: 11 September 2019
Location: Breakstone Forest
Synopsis: Logan runs into a previous acquaintence in the woods. As per normal for Logan's life, its pretty weird what she's doing.
Cast of Characters: Selene (Underworld), Wolverine

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Logan would sense it, he'd be able to smell it, maybe even hear it. There was a fight going on, somewhere to the north beyond the lake and beyond the school's property. Deep in the woods of Breakstone Forest.

It'd be a long trek, but once he arrives he'll find it, mostly wrapping up... or so it would seem.

Blood was thick in the air, its odorous scent one of the most palpable of all to the noses of those as attuned as the Wolverine's. But as it only grows more thick in the air, the sight of its source becomes visible in the dark. Its a moonlit night tonight, and what is found in the deep northern woods is pure death.

A figure is crouched over a monstrous form, a woman, he'd be able to smell her as well. She smells familiar. Clad in black, she's straddling that monstrous form on the ground and she's raising her right hand to repeatedly jam it down into the creature, with wet squelching sounds repeatedly echoing around in the forest's darkness.

She's panting, she sounds tired, exhausted really... as she pummels the 'thing' on the ground between her thighs.

Wolverine has posed:
"Looks like you won," Logan answers, stepping out from behind a tree to lean against it, "Fact, I'd call it a pretty decisive victory."

He's wearing a simple white shirt, jeans, and workman's boots with a fur-collared jacket thrown over it all. It isn't that cold out here yet, but for someone who doesn't really feel the elements he enjoys the luxury of dressing pretty much however he likes.

He nudges away from the tree, pointing a hand at the monstrous corpse on the ground, "Didn't realise they were that far out. Figured it was mostly a city thing."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
His voice catches her off guard because she simply wasn't expecting him to be near. Her senses are heightened much like his, but his approach still caught her off-guard. To the point that she ceases another stab mid swing and then just raises up and spins around to look at him!

Selene's eyes are a pale blue'ish white, like a winter moon. Her pale pink lips are softly parted as she's sucking in breathes of air to help calm herself, oxygenating her Vampiric blood still has some beneficial factors for the woman, even if its not a requirement.

She calms herself quickly... as she recognizes him as well. Her eyes go from him, down to the Lycan on the floor, then back to the man leaning on the tree. "He's a scout." She said then, sending her unnaturally blue eyes back onto Logan. "He was tracking me home. Or trying to..." She says in her thickly European accented voice.

In her hand is a long silver spike, it glints in the moonlight that is filtering through the trees above. She twirls it once and then slips it back up into the cuff off her long leather coat's sleeve.

"They heal." She reminds him. "Like you." She remembers that feature in Logan too. So she turns then and drops something onto the Lycan, within a second he starts to catch fire and burn on the patch of mudding forest floor.

Wolverine has posed:

Logan's eyes flick down to the now-burning monster, eyebrows raised slightly. But for all the strangeness before him, he doesn't seem all that shocked. A life as long as his - still only a fraction of Selene's own - allows for a lot of room to act indifferent even in the face of the very weird.

"I can assure you I ain't a werewolf," he tells her, holding up a hand palm-out to her, "Not that I don't reckon you can tell the diff'rence."

Once more he glances at the dead lycan, "What's he scoutin' fer?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Within moments the entire Lycan is set ablaze from its snout down to its clawed toes. Its, oddly comforting in that its a warmth in the dark, even if there's a rather foul odor that accompanies it and some fairly sickening snaps and cracks as the fire cooks the carcass to ash... its burning very hot.

"I know you're not." Selene says as she steps backward is now off to Logan's side that isn't leaning on the tree, about twice his arms length away from him. She goes about adjusting her long coat and then running a hand through her short black hair that is more than a little disheveled. Another long stare is given to the burning Lycan and then she looks back over to him.

"They know my Coven is based around here. They're trying to track my people and I home, we're attempting to stop them so they cannot plan an attack. They've gotten more and more bold as their numbers are rising out of Gotham and now the outer boroughs of the Manhattan region." It sounds like the war might not be going very well for the Vampires.

Wolverine has posed:
"That's rough," is all Logan can offer. This is a fight he really doesn't have a dog in - pun not intended. He likes Selene well enough, but this war is truly a secret one. There's no room for those who aren't part of their secret societies, as far as he can tell. Besides, even if he offered to help - how would he be sure he was helping the right side?

"In any case," he presses on, "Looks t'me like they ain't found the wolf that was a match fer you yet."

His hand moves into his coat, producing a metallic flask that he holds out to her, "D'you drink? I mean, besides the claret."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
His comment about them not finding the wolf that was a match for her just makes her huff out a quiet exhale of a short laugh. "Not quite, it would seem." She says in that perfectly cultured accented English of hers.

Its his follow-up question and action that makes her eyes turn to look at him again and if he's looking at her he'll witness the pale blue pupils shift away and into dark browns. Her whole demeanor seems to grow calmer and softer in fact.

And she reaches out to accept his flask. "Thank you." The woman quietly says before she raises it up to her lips and sniffs it, then takes an experimental sip from it. For someone who barely looks like she's out of her teenage years, she seems to handle the booze without even a slight grimace on her pale skinned features.

The carcass continues to sizzle before them.

"Why are you out here? Logan... yes?" She then asks of him, like the question just suddenly struck her out of no where... She's had a busy night!

Wolverine has posed:
"Logan, yeah," he says with a short nod of his head, letting her hang on to the flask for the time being. The contents are just whiskey by the taste of it, and nothing too fancy either. Likely the sort you buy over the counter for twenty bucks and even then it's a stretch.

"Yer not that far from where I live, actually," he tells her, a slightly chuckle in his voice, "Smelled the blood. Couldn't figure what it'd be. Too much blood for little animals, an' ain't so many big animals out this far anymore. Thought I'd come check. Found you."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
It had been months since Selene and Logan had run into one another, she'd seen Kitty Pryde a couple times since then but this was her first time seeing Logan again since the initial meeting in the subways between New York and Gotham.

"You're quite the hunter." She comments, then taking another sip of his whiskey... this one a little larger of a pull, before she then offers him the flask back. She then starts to take off her long jacket, leaving her in her corset and black bodysuit, and thick black leather boots. The jacket is hung on a branch beside her and she steps past the burning Lycan to gather up some items on the ground, a handgun that she slides into a holster on her left thigh.

"I apologize for disturbing your evening, I tried to lead the beast as far away from civilization as I could before it set in upon me for its attack." She looks up over the flames of the burning beast to stare at Logan again.

"I guess we're neighbors. Imagine that." She says, then showing a faint smile to the man across the burning corpse from her. "I'll try to keep my music down." Selene then tells a little joke. Truth is their properties are likely still miles apart.

Wolverine has posed:
"Disturb my night?" Logan takes a look around, brow furrowing, "All I was doin' was starin' at the ceilin'. Far as I'm concerned, you made my night interestin'."

Blue eyes shift just so to watch her as she takes off the coat, watching her gather up some of the discarded items. After a moment he moves as well, scooping up one of the silver knickknacks to hand it over to her. No effort made to examine nor keep it.

"Neighbors, huh? Guess that's so. You keep the music down, an' I'll keep my dog from barkin' all night."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene raises up as he approaches her and she reaches out to accept the silver spike from him that he'd gathered up off of the dirt. She'd used several of them to down this Lycan beast. "Thank you." She says with a soft smile toward him as she holds it between her hands.

The fire from the burning beast starts to die down as its burned its way through the thing's body and left very little behind except ash and cinder (same thing?). The fire itself starts to die out now as well, seemingly some kind of chemical in what she'd used, designed precisely for disposing of those things bodies.

"I know this whole sight is rather gruesome and I apologize for that. But if they're no disposed of, they're much more difficult to keep put down. Plus, its imperative to keeping the war out of the public eye. Which is better for all of us involved." Little does Selene know precisely how much gruesomeness Logan has experienced in his time. She doesn't even know how old he is, only that he's a mutant with healing powers and fierce metal claws... she's seen that much.

"And I'll keep the music down if you keep that dog out of my lawn." Selene quips back at him then as she walks back toward her coat as it hangs from the tree and gently sways in the windows. She stands beside it now and tucks a few items away into the pockets on its interior.

Wolverine has posed:
"Stinks," Logan says of the chemical fire that burnt away the corpse, wrinkling his nose, "Beside that, ain't more gruesome than anythin' I've already seen. Let's jus' say they didn't put all this metal on my skeleton with kind words and butterfly kisses."

All Logan does is watch as Selene puts her werewolf-fighting gear away. His eyes wander up and down, taking in those details of her that he might have missed last time. The scents. The subtle noises. All of to create a more detailed profile to recall to memory should he ever encounter them again.

"So, what'll y'do now? Head on back to yer castle?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
As she finishes putting the items back into their proper places, Selene takes the jacket from the tree and starts to slide it back onto her shoulders. She turns around to face him as she does this and she gently tilts her head to him. "The metal in your hands is across your entire skeletal structure?" She asks him then, almost in the tone and style that a doctor would. "Thats remarkable... and as absurd as it might be for me of all people to say this... somewhat terrifying."

She steps toward him then and glances down to the burnt corpse remains, the pile of ash. "Yes its not very pleasant. I'd apologize for that too, but I feel I've reached my quota on those for tonight and if I keep throwing them out they'll start to sound hollow." She glances back up to the man and smirks at him.

His last question warrants a glance around into the dark. "I have patrol more. Make sure there are none others out tonight, before sun-up. I have to be home by then." She glances back to him and shows a smirk. "Some things about my life do follow the cliches that you've likely been bombarded with in popular culture." She has a pretty good sense of humor it seems, about herself and the world around her. Which might be surprising for someone who just bashed a creatures face in and then set its body on fire.

Wolverine has posed:
"No partyin' til dawn fer you, I guess," Logan answers, mouth curling into a faint half-smile, "Ah well, s'pose that's fer th' best."

There's enough trouble floating around him these days without adding to it. He lifts his broad shoulders in a heavy shrug, tucking the flask away in his pocket and pulling the jacket tighter around himself.

"Well," he tells her, "My place is back that way, if y' find yerself out that far. Though I will say, there's a school nearby an' if yer gonna be leadin' these monsters back that way? I'd ask you maybe t' reconsider."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"Party until just before dawn. Then promptly head inside and close all the curtains and drapery." Selene quips back to the man as she settles the lapels of her jacket around her body and then lets her arms down to her sides where she now stands there in the dark with just a bit of moonlight peering through the trees at them.

She does glance in the direction of which motions. "I'll see to it that nothing foul heads in that direction." She tells him then. "My people are that way." She motions to the west and north a bit. "Beyond the ridge. Semira Estate. Not my home, mind you, the home of my Employer for which I reside within as well. For the time being at least."

She shows a momentary grin then to Logan before she nods her head softly to him. "I should be on my way then. Thank you for the whiskey, it was... recharging." She says, punctuating that last word with a bit more of her cultured accent. She turns then and starts in the direction of that same ridgeline. "No howling out here, or I might come looking for you." She warns back over her shoulder at the man with a light smile on her pale lips.

Wolverine has posed:
"That a promise?" Logan asks her, eyebrows raising for a moment before he snorts a laugh and waves a hand, "I'll keep it in mind."

He turns his back, disappearing behind the tree for a moment when suddenly a howl rings through the night. Keen senses immediately tell it comes from him, and there's something about it that he knows more than just hearing wolves howl in the wild or in recordings. It's almost as spot on as a human vocal tract could manage.

A moment later he steps out from behind the tree again, winking at her before he turns to trudge off into the evening.