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Latest revision as of 20:37, 14 September 2019

Lesson One
Date of Scene: 03 September 2019
Location: Backyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Logan and Noriko discuss throwing a punch and blue scaly redheads.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Surge

Wolverine has posed:
Logan's class didn't have any required reading or handouts. In fact, it didn't have much of anything besides instructions to meet on the rear lawn at a given time. Provided they're followed, Logan waits there with a cigar clenched between his teeth, a white sleeveless shirt, jeans and bare feet.

No one else appears to have shown up for said class, and if he's agitated about that it doesn't really show due to the usual pissed off look that is just his neutral expression.

Surge has posed:
Noriko has never been accused of being punctual because it not one of her flaws. There's something dreadfully wrong with someone who's always on time, she'd be prone to say... at least if anyone ever bothered to ask her, which very few people do. So when she's an easy 15 minutes late, it might not be that much of a surprise, trotting the last few steps in her usual attire of some form of cut-off shorts, boots, and a tanktop. All of her hair is pulled back in a bandana and she's lacking her goggles, but she's got those gawdy gauntlets.

"Sorry, couldn't remember if you said now or thirty minutes from now, so I came early to one and late for the other, but right in the fucking middle of both." Glancing around, hands in her pockets, "Did everyone else have the same idea?"

Wolverine has posed:
"Yeah, I suppose so," Logan tells her through the cigar in his mouth, "'cept there ain't anyone else. This class'll be a one t'one kinda deal - least some a' the time."

He pulls the cigar from his mouth, taking a few puffs of it before tossing it down onto the grass and leaving it to smolder there. The silver-grey tendrils of smoke still curl around him as he rolls his shoulders, pops his neck this way and then that, and locks eyes with her.

"Alright, kid. Hit me again. 'Cept this time, I'm not gonna take it like a chump."

Surge has posed:
"So I'm the only one in the class, gotcha." Noriko gives two big metal thumbs up at Logan as he round about explains the situation of her one v one lesson, "Are you just going to beat on me for a few minutes and call it a lesson, because I don't think I want to do that.." Rubbing the back of her neck with one of the hands what was thumbs upping a second ago.

Still, he's popping his neck, so.. in for a penny or whatever.

She squares off and tries a little harder not to telegraph herself, which as it turns out, is more of a telegraph. The punch comes straight in at him, while he's still rolling his shoulders, but after he's plenty ready to bust her ass like a Narcotics officer in the 70s.

Wolverine has posed:
"I'm not gonna hit ya," the Canuck says with a shake of his head, "Yer about as wily as wet cow shit, anyway. Wouldn't be fair." No sense in not trying to piss her off a little to get some real effort behind the punches.

When the attack comes, Logan simply steps to one side, looking for all his worth like one of those wise and inscrutable kung-fu masters in dubbed films. It doesn't even seem like he has to react all that fast. As soon as Noriko is throwing the punch, it's as though he's seen where it is headed and just moves slightly so as to not be there. As her arm passes in front of him, he reaches out to slap it with the back of his palm.

"I can see you comin' a mile off," Logan tells her, clicking his tongue, "Don't think about it so much. Jus' know where you're gonna strike. Take the decision out of it."

Surge has posed:
Noriko isn't difficult to piss off, but it rarely has anything to do with making fun of her... that she can handle. So she snorts at him as she throws the loose straight punch and stumbles forward past Logan when he steps out of the way. The only thing that keeps her from hitting the ground face first is a hand laid down in the dirt and she still manages to only /barely/ keep from tumbling.

"Yeah, that's not hard at all.. Throw a punch without thinking about it, he says.." Nori straightens up and tries to do just that, hands never actually coming up looping swings her heavy gauntleted fist in a weird sloppy hook. "Hey-ya!" Just like a she's doing /real/ Kung-fu!

Only she's Japanese.

So... self racist.

Wolverine has posed:
This one Logan doesn't sidestep, and his motions are a lot swifter. It looks as if he actually had to use his reflexes a little more, rather than the more intellectual process of stepping out of the way. His footing doesn't change, instead his upper body tilts to one side and lets the hook glide just past his ear. His hand comes up again, this time tapping her lightly on the chin.

"Better," he tells her, despite the sloppy form and the miss, "When yer actually thinkin' right, you'll find it works a whole lot better."

A pause.

"An' drop the 'hey-ya' bullshit. Bruce Lee you ain't."

Surge has posed:
Noriko swings her free hand, having deliberatelly angled herself so the hook would be cross body, up towards Logan's midsection swiftly. No pronounciation, no shouts, just a punch... and a hard one at that. At least she leaves off all the electricity, but girl has some serious business upper body strength.

"And you're going to teach me how to do all this shit? Oh shit, dude, you think I can use a sw- OH FUCK DUDE, have you ever used a chain whip? Ya know like in that really old movie 'Kill Bill'?"

Wolverine has posed:
A thing about Logan is that his fighting style is not entirely geared towards avoiding getting hit. When his own masters tried to teach him such things, he often let it fall by the wayside. What did a vicious cut mean when it cleared up in a few hours or a few minutes? His reflexes carry him most of the way, but when he truly misses something his natural reaction is to simply roll with it.

The blow to his midsection is one such attack. He only reacts when he feels the initial impact, bending forward slightly to move with the blow and lesson the impact. Unfortunately for him there's no adamantium bone to take the blow in his stomach, just corded muscle that aches like anything else when struck. A grunt escapes him, and he circles quickly to one side to disengage with her.

"You got all the hand-eye coordination of an earthworm," he scolds, "You wanna learn t'use a sword? You use yer fists first. That was a good one. You had me lookin' over there when you were swingin' over here. Guess yer more cunnin' than I thought."

Surge has posed:
When the blow connects, Noriko bounds away, bouncing from boot toe to boot toe with her big metal gauntlets in the air. Then down into a quick one two, one two, shadow boxing combo, "Yeah, bitches, I just sucker punched someone's grand dad. Who's a most likely to be a deathrow inmate now?"

It might appear like she's too preoccupied to be appropriately paying attentiong, but truth is she is listening... furthermore, she seems sober. If she'd been on time, it might be thought someone had replaced her with a more responsible student.

"Yeah, because I'm cunting-" She said what she said, "-I am not saying right now, dude. I mean like, eventually. You know, first you teach me all that wicked ass crane shit you see in the movies.." She was 100% raised in Kyoto, Japan, "Hell yeah."

Wolverine has posed:
"Good," Logan says with a sharp nod, "Because I've only got one sword, and I'm not lettin' you mess with it if yer gonna accidentally cut off an ear. Pretty sure yours don't grow back."

He doesn't move to engage her again, instead he crosses his arms over his broad chest and tilts his head to watch her carefully. All the bragging, the big mouth, but she actually turned up and she turned up with the intention of being serious. That counts for something, even if he doesn't say it.

"The chain-ball thing is a liúxing chuí - uh, a 'meteor hammer' - though I'm not sure why you wanna learn t'use somethin' yer definitely gonna concuss yerself with the first fifty times."

Surge has posed:
"Huh?" Noriko plays up having not heard him, spinning on her toes to face him with her flanel tie-off around her waist fluttering a little bit around her like a skirt, "Well no..." Rubbing one of her mentioned ears with the tips of her fingers, expressively if not specifically worriedly, "I kind of want to hold onto them, it's one of more alluring qualities."

The arm drops back down to her side, whirling sound as her gauntlets cut through the air with all the electricity they naturally store. "So? I mean that's part of learning right? Besides, do you know how fucking badass I'd be if I came out like... booooong..." Exagerating the pronounciation of that sound with a click of her tongue off the roof of her mouth while pantomiming dropping the big heavy hammer end of the meteor hammer, "But that's not what I'm talking about anyways... sharp edge on the end of a chain... a chain-whip."

Whirling her hands actually ends with her clipping her jaw, but she weathers it well.

Then suddenly gets.. something.. who knows what the expression is, "Do you know some blue scaly chick that has red hair?"

Wolverine has posed:
"Chain-whip?" Logan scours his memory for what they're called, before realizing that reciting a whole litany of Mandarin terms at his student isn't going to serve to explain anything.

"Look, any of these weapons? Easy enough. Once you know how to learn, you'll pick 'em up one after another. You'll be yer own bad martial arts flick in no time."

When her words turn serious, his brow furrows immediately and he looks at her with a sudden cold appraisal: "Did she change shape?"

Surge has posed:
"I don't know, it's a chinese weapon and I don't know fucking mandarin." Noriko says with a palm up shrug, fluent japanese though! "Sweet, but can I be a good martial arts flick?" Teasing, hands back in her pocket now that her grotesque celebration has ended.

To be with replaced with cold appraisal, "Whoa, Gandolf, chill the hard stare... I have no fucking clue if she changes shapes.. but she gave..." Patting her pockets, the inside of them anyways, "... Okay so she gave me a card, but I seem to have lost it. I was super fucking high when she cornered me at the club."

She stretches her face, "Why? You're looking at me like I farted during church."

Wolverine has posed:
"If it's who I think it might be," Logan tells her, brow still furrowed, "She's fuckin' bad news. The sorta maniac with an agenda that involves explosives an' wholesale slaughter t'see it come true. Y'don't want a part a' that, Noriko."

The Gandalf-like stare continues for a half a moment longed, and then he raises his shoulders in a shrug and rubs that red mark on his torso that is already beginning to clear up. His healing factor giving the bruise no time to form.

"Or it could jus' be some mutant tryin' t'scam you for yer milk money. I dunno."

Surge has posed:
"I don't know man, explosives and shit seems kind of right the fuck up my alley..." Noriko points out with a furrowed brow, "Besides, she was talking some pretty awesome stuff..." Her hands pull from her pockets, eyes immediately going down to the gauntlets in which they're encased. "Shit don't nobody here say to me, any fucking way."

She rolls her shoulders forward, then back, and shoves her hands back into her pockets. "Didn't sound like a maniac, though, so maybe it wasn't the same person.. she sure did know about this place though." Jutting her chin out towards the school, "Whatever.. I lost her number anyways."

Shrugging helplessly, "So if she was out for my milk money, jokes on her ass.. I don't have any money."

Wolverine has posed:
"Yeah, they're called demagogues, kiddo," Logan says of her meeting with the scaly blue mutant, "They sound real reasonable until yer marchin' up n' down the square heilin', roundin' up the undesirables, an' wonderin' jus' when it all got out of hand."

The Canuck shakes his head slightly, brow still furrowed: "Jus' steer clear of her if she comes 'round again. Or, better yet, get me. Hell, get Slim - he'll run her off or bore her t'death in the effort."

Surge has posed:
"You slip these big ass words in there to remind you're not a hick.." Noriko wiggles a big metal finger in Logan's direction, shaking her head with a pronounced smirk, "Dude.. did you find out because you did some investigating into what the fuck I was doing or did I straight up just tell you?" Her hands out, palms up.

"You're asking me to trust you and shit, but you're treating me just as bad as the other fucking teachers." Pointing up at the mansion with a few big steps back, "Anyways, I scored some pretty solid edibles, which I was saving until after class..." Her head bends and turns to glance either way, "Looks like it's over."

Two fingers touch her brow and both hands sab down in her pockets as she spins on a heel towards the big house.

Wolverine has posed:
"Noriko," Logan calls after her, his voice thawing a little as he takes a couple of steps in her direction, "Wait."

He sighs, bringing up a hand to pinch the bridge of his nose: "I'm grateful y'told me, alright? Jus' ... this woman? We got a long history. All of us do. Me n' Rogue, the teachers, Miz Grey. She's dangerous. I know y'don't mean t'rush off an' join her evil army a' monsters, but I jus' want you t'be careful. It all sounds fine an' reasonable at first but she don't care about you. She doesn't care about anythin' but what she wants an' how she plans t'get it."

Surge has posed:
Noriko stops when he calls for her, turning a little, but it's clear the lights have shut off by the cocky grin that's settled into place on her face. "I didn't rush off and join Old man Magnatron... or follow Quentin off on one of his hairbrained anti-anti mutant schemes.. or fucking... like a hundred thousand other terrorist groups." She points at Logan, "See, sometimes being old as fuck isn't such a great benefit for you."

Wiggling a big metal finger in his direction, "History gets in your way.. but we're good, teach." Her hands move from atop her head where her fingers had been crossed. "Thanks for the shot and first picks. I'm about to go get wicked stoned."