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A Bot Tweets and a Bird Beeps
Date of Scene: 29 August 2019
Location: Living Quarters, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Danger tries teaching Kían about the Internet, but there's one wee little stumbling block... he never learned to read English while learning to speak it. That will have to be corrected.
Cast of Characters: Kian t'Kaeh, Danger

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían doesn't actually think of his room as /his/ room as such, but it's a place to be that's not out in the weather when the weather is cranky.  He spends little time in there; what time *is* spent in there is usually sitting looking out the window, or catching a nap to pass the time, or once in a great while writing.  Most of the games in the common area elude him: he just doesn't get the point.  And in any case, the controllers were made for hands with one more finger than he's got anyway.
    He adjusts his sleeveless shirt as he wanders into the common area; from the misty look in his eyes, he's only barely in this world.
    He makes his way into the kitchen by dead reckoning, collecting a large tumbler of water, and draining half of it.
    Only while topping it back off again does it register that he's more or less walked past a teammate.  "Oh!  /Kié/, Dani," he says, snapping back into the here-and-now with a visible effort.

Danger has posed:
Sometimes Danger does this. Sometimes she's just standing there. Why? Well, she's on the internet and no one can really go there the way she can. She blends in cause, well, she's so damn still. It really does work. However, Kian speaking to her brings her back to the here even if she was truly in the now. She looks over at Kian with a grin, "Hi, Kian. Dani." She considers, "I have not been called Dani before. That is new." She nods her head, "What is Kee-ay and what does it mean?" She asks and hmms at him before considering, "I assume it to be a form of greeting but it is not one I have heard before."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Oh!"  The little birdman looks a bit surprised.  "I'm sorry, I meant no disrespect.  Your proper name is hard for me to pronounce, so I think of you as Dani as a short version, as my friends and family might call me Kíi.  I will call you Danger--"  The name comes out more like 'day-ni-je-ruh'.  "--if you prefer.  And 'kíe' is a greeting."  His pronunciation is closer to 'KEY-eh'.  "It means 'peace'."

Danger has posed:
A nod and she considers, "I see. I know that some have taken to calling me Daro." She nods, "I will accept Dani, though." She nods her head, "I like both." She then considers, "At least I think I do." She hmms, "What is like really? It is a rather interesting concept. It requires a great deal of thought." She then looks back at him, "Either way, I am glad to see you here. You had shown that you were unaware of what tweeting is in the sense of the Earth's internet." She nods her head, "Has anyone instructed you in the ways of Internet Tweeting?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I--" Kían begins, then falters.  "I only know a tweet as a noise a bird makes."  And he delivers himself of a quite avian tweet.
    He thinks a moment.  "I have heard the in-te-re-net mentioned, but I'm not entirely sure what it is.  I think it's like the Imperial Commons, back home?  A computer network connecting all the libraries and news and entertainment outlets?"

Danger has posed:
"I am not aware of any form of Imperial Commons but yes. That is correct. Libraries, news, entertainment and various forms of nonsense all linked together in order that many can share their information and views across the entire world." Danger smiles and nods, "Most of those views are very incorrect and extremely stupid." She nods again and smiles before shrugging, "Freedom of speech for the people of the United States at least." She then considers and raises a hand. Within it materializes a phone and then she allows Kian to see it.

On screen appears to be Twitter. She gestures to it, "This is a form of opinion and information sharing where individuals and groups can share pictures, information, and small opinions at less than 140 characters. What I mean by characters are spaces, punctuations, and letters."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían just stares at it a moment; he has the look of someone working a particularly fiendish Sudoku puzzle.
    After about a full minute, he says, a little slowly, "I can't read your language.  Learning to speak it was easy, since I could resort to mental contact... but I never learned the written characters."

Danger has posed:
A blink and then another blink. She considers Kian a moment before she hmms, "Mental contact is possible. Could you not use that in order to learn the language in a written form as well?" She asks and hten she considers, "If not, then we can get you a program known as Hooked on Phonics." She nods her head, "I have heard it works based on old commercials."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I... suppose I could," Kían replies, having thought about it.  "It wasn't a priority when I arrived here.  I needed to learn to speak Terran, if I didn't want to have to always hold hands with someone everywhere I went."  He peers at the characters again.  "They don't seem structured the same way ours are.  Although I do see some that are repeated frequently."

Danger has posed:
A nod and she smiles, "That is the spirit." She then looks over at the phone and it vanishes before she considers, "I believe that it is wise we start with you learning to read the language and write it as well. Then we can work on tweeting." She nods her head, "You will be sharing your useless nonsense with the world before very long. Don't you worry!"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "But I can already tweet!  And chirp, and chirrup, and trill, and almost any other bird song you can think of," Kían protests.  Perhaps thankfully, he does not demonstrate.
    There's another pause, and then an honest question.  "Why would I want to share useless nonsense?"

Danger has posed:
A blink at Kian and Danger asks, "Why would you want to share useless nonsense?" She then looks to the side, "Why?!" She looks confused a moment and then considers, "I really do not know. I have to assume it is some form of bonding or perhaps a way to mark ones existance." She then considers, "Oh, I bet it is for the chance to see if anyone else agrees with you." She nods her head as she then hmms, "I will have to test this with various forms of nonsense."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "Well, if you don't understand it, I certainly don't," Kían remarks.  "I kept a low profile on the Imperial Commons, at least after my powers appeared.  I didn't need the headache.  And I had more important things to do."

Danger has posed:
"Well, on Earth and in the United States, there are rarely better things to do." She nods her head as she then considers, "Perhaps that is why. They are so bored that they seek out any form of action in order to feel as if they are doing things." She then looks over toward Kian, "I will let you know when I figure it out."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "When I'm bored," Kían says with a shrug, "I make myself go to sleep.  I can't imagine why I would think anyone would be interested in meaningless trivia about myself.  I'm barely interested in those details myself."

Danger has posed:
A grin and she points at him, "Ah, you might be bored with it but it is different than what others are used to. Your boring might be another's exciting." She nods her head, "As such, I recommend not setting it aside too quickly." SHe nods her head.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kían says dubiously, "I guess.  I just can't imagine that's the best use of written Terran.  And I don't know if I want too many people knowing who and what I am.  I've heard the phrase 'illegal alien' and I'm not sure if I am one or not.  I'm definitely an alien.  I don't know if I'm legal or illegal."

Danger has posed:
"I do not know!" She nods her head, "But I can make you a fake identification given some time." She then considers and blinks, "Oh, it is not written Terran. It is written English. On Earth there are roughly 6,909 distinct languages when accounting for different dialects and inflections." SHe nods her had, "Either way, I should return to what I was doing and see about what it would take to make you an identification."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "*Six th*--!"  Kían breaks off and looks a little woozy.  "Will I need to learn all of them?  Or do most people just speak ten or twelve?"
    He drinks his long-forgotten water, and then stops with a little gargling noise.  "Identification?  What for?"

Danger has posed:
"So that you are not an illegal alien?" She asks and then tilts her head, "Did you not worry about that. Also, most speak only English. All the same, you can learn multiple to be more useful in some situations." SHe then considers, "I speak, well, all of them." She shrugs, "All the ones that are available on the internet anyway."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I... of course," Kían says as dawn suddenly breaks.  "Your computers can't just touch my mind for identification.  So you have to carry some sort of official papers or something.  Yes, if I need identification, I should have it, I suppose.  Especially since it looks like I'm on this world for the foreseeable future."  He bows slightly.  "I thank you, Dani.  I can see I still have a lot to learn."

Danger has posed:
A smile and she nods, "OK then, I will speak to you later." She then simply smiles and looks into the distance. No, she doesn't go away or say anthing else. She's just...kinda there but not. Off no another internet adventure.