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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/08/29 |Location=Hammer Bay, Genosha |Synopsis=Lorna shows Bobby around Genosha and it rekindles ...feelings.. |Cast of Characters=128,822 |pre...")
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Latest revision as of 20:41, 14 September 2019

Tropical Ice
Date of Scene: 29 August 2019
Location: Hammer Bay, Genosha
Synopsis: Lorna shows Bobby around Genosha and it rekindles ...feelings..
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Iceman

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had texted Bobby sometime during the night, it had been late, though with the time difference it wasn't that late by Genoshan standards.. rather it had been //early//. But now, hours later, and a few coordinated plans.. and here they were. Lorna had arranged it all, the portal to Genosha that brought Bobby in. All of which was done in a fairly hush hush manner. Even her own appearance wasn't the usual. She'd dyed her hair black, something that was temporary, as soon as she washed it, the dye would run clear. But it would do for what she'd planned.

The whole idea, was a night on the town. In Genosha. A chance to let loose and just enjoy the fruits of everything she'd worked so hard for. A mutant nation that was prospering from within. At least, that was the hope. She'd dressed in a pair of jean cut offs, and a simple black tank-top. A multitude of nickel and steel bangles and jewelry covered her wrists and neck. And a cut off black jean jacket completed the look with a pair of heels.

She flashed Bobby a smile as she led him through a few passages in the royal palace that simply //didn't// exist without her manipulation of the solid steel alloys that made up the palace. "This goes underground for almost as much as it goes up. My father designed this whole place. And at the moment, I'm the only one that can access it on Genosha." She offered, waving her hands as the tunnel of solid metal closed and opened up around them, eventually leading out to a vine covered garden. It was now dark in Genosha, and the moon was just beginning to rise in the skyline around them. The scent of plants and growing things surrounded them, and she created two more doors for both of them to slip through two more walls before they exited the palace grounds proper. Lorna had led them both to the city, the heart of Genosha and Hammer Bay. There were mutants out all around them. And no one so much as glanced their way as the pair exited out in an alley down from the main street. The sounds of people drifted to them, the smells of fast food from a smattering of nations followed. Music could be heard not too far away. And the street lights glowed on the main street.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby ooos and aaahs as they walk through the metal caves and he keeps his hands in the single pouch pocket of his light tan hoodie he's felt the need to wear this evening. It tends to get cold around Bobby. He just prepares well. Finally. Though he wears dark brown cargo shorts with a pull rope belt, living the beach bum life to the fullest with a pair of black flip flops that thankfully aren't too loud.

    "This place is stupid cool Lorna." Bobby says with a smile as he starts to step out into the sidewalk but stops as a girl on a bike goes zooming past and he slowly turns his head with his eyes as big as saucers towards Lorna, "Did you see that?! I almost died... before getting to eat a Genoshian gyro. And that would be the second biggest shame."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed, though shadows still clung to her eyes. It was clear that she wasn't sleeping well, if at all. Bobby had known her too long to miss those signs. That she was teetering on the edge of things. Still, there was a reason she'd called Bobby to come with her. She knew she needed to do something to blow off some steam. Something that didn't involve throwing herself into the deep end of work, and more diplomatic issues.

Lorna glanced side to side, as she reached for Bobby's arm to try to tug him toward the street proper. "C'mon, lets get you something to eat. And not have you get run over by a flying car, or person. Or skateboards either. Hmm?" She teased, leading the way to the main road. It was packed with mutants as far as the eye could see. The sidewalks jammed with people going out and chattering over half a dozen languages within ear shot. Many out and enjoying the coolness of the night air, out for a walk, shopping, entertainment.. Everything and anything. There was a mutant with glowing blue eyes singing some pop culture song on the street corner. Another mutant across the street painting on a levitating canvas.

This was a far cry from a depressed mutant dystopia ruled over by a despot that so many said was Genosha.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby's arm is easily grabbed and even easier to lead. Seems the princess has something specific in mind and so Bobby is tugged along rather easily before he's found he's being led by his hand by a rather troubled young girl who wants to escape her traumatic and problematic life, even for a night.


    Bobby will abide and do his damnedest to get Lorna to have a good night. "Whoa. Oh cool! Hey check that out!" Bobby says pointing from one street artist to another in a rather boy-like fashion, yet that tends to be Bobby's modus operandi. "You know I can eat anything, but shoot, you're the hostess, take me to your favorite place to eat." Bobby says, hoping that was smooth enough that she didn't catch onto his motives.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna entirely missed the fact that she was now holding Bobby's hand as she wove between the crowds going one way or another. She was grinning as she listened to him ooo'ing and ah'ing over the various different street performers they passed. She did have a place in mind, or rather several, as she walked along the road. Eventually, as the street continued to opened up wider, and wider, until it was clear that they were no longer just on a side street, but rather a wide open plaza. A large fountain took up residence in the center.

The water flowed and shaped into impossible, gravity defying figures, loops, and even animals. And it was clear how as they approached. A few mutants stood on either end, their hands raised as they shaped and moved the water this way and that. A few small children of different rainbow shades of skin colors, patterns--from feathers to scales, rushed about with laughter and giggles at the base.

Along the edges of the plaza were a multitude of food trucks, and almost every possible nationality was present. People stood in looping lines all around. More than a few mutants dotted the area, playing musical instruments or singing.

Lorna paused at the edge, looking back breathlessly at Bobby. "It's Magda square. Entirely pedestrian. Almost every week there's something going on down here. Thrift markets, performances, food, movie nights, whatever. Something. I can see it from my balcony." She murmured, and waved her hand around.

"I couldn't decide what food in particular, but I thought you might want to try a bit of everything."

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby's jaw drops out of sheer overload from every direction and every sense. The mutant lowers his eyes eventually to settle on Lorna as she lets Bobby decide what to try first. "Okay, fine, there's gotta be some mediterranean around here some-" Bobby stops and lifts his nose to take a sniff of the air and then turns in one direction and with his hand still holding onto Lorna's he drags her through the crowds this time towars a large blue and white food truck.

    "Hyro's" Is the name and Bobby stands in line happily. "Oh, lordy I've been wanting a gyro so bad for so long..." Bobby trails off with the fake Simpson drooling sound and a smile towards Lorna, still not registering that their holding hands even yet.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed Bobby a grin as his jaw dropped and she stifled a laugh, enjoying the simplicity of being able to //show// someone Genosha's inner workings without them lecturing her about her duty to the island, mutants on a whole, or some massive fate from the future where in she might become a tyrant murderer. She needed it, desperately, like a flower wilting away without sunlight or water. Even if she didn't even notice how bad off she'd become.

Even as Bobby twisted around and tugged her along through the crowd, she could only laugh softly, smiling as he found the food truck by scent. She floated up onto her toes, peering over the line, which moved fairly quickly. The mutant at the front window seemed to be able to keep up with all the orders and pressures of fast food, in a speedy way. Not as fast as Pietro, but considerably quicker than the normal person. He had bright purple hair, and brilliantly purple colored eyes that were simply too large for the usual humanoid.

Lorna settled back, content to wait for their turn in line. "Man, if I'd known you'd wanted one so badly, we could've come sooner." She offered, glancing about them at the food trucks that lined the plaza's edges.

"Hmmm, looks like pizza, wings, whole smoked meats, Japanese something, and tacos that way. Annd.." She shifted around, and looked in the other direction. "Bangers, something Irish sounding, or maybe Scottish, I dunno... Something in Russian it looks like. I can't read it. Down that way."

Iceman has posed:
    "I'm down for tacos and ... lets try Russian. --- or lets not, they never look healthy when they're on the news. How about... a thing of wings." Bobby says with a smile that also shows that he's asking her for permission as he also has the realization that he isn't sure that he has the kind of money they take in Genosha. He bites at the corner of his lower lip as he ponders this.

    He steps closer to Lorna so he can put his mouth next to her ear so she can easily hear him over the din of the crowds and so he doesn't reveal any state secrets. "You're not a princess tonight princess and... uh... I don't have any genoshan money. Mind helping a bum out?" The Ice Man asketh.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's eyebrows rose as Bobby spoke of trying all the various different kinds of food. "I'd be careful with the wings place. I heard they have invented some crazy different levels of hot," She paused for a moment. "Though you should definitely try their 'frostburn' sauce." She teased, and as Bobby leaned in to lower his voice and not reveal everything to everyone around them, she considered, listening with care.

"Oh, yeah. Don't worry about that." She raised her wrist, jinggling her bracelets.

"I've got us covered." She murmured, and let her grip on his hand drop as she gestured to one thick steel looking bracelet in particular. A soft light could be seen from a little square there.

"It's all digital. It was the only way to try to even out all the different countries bases for everyone as equally as possible. Many didn't have anything, so all refugees were given digital starter packs sort to speak. A way to help everyone get their feet under them. Housing is provided on a basic level, the things anyone that has nothing needs.. That kind of stuff." She murmured, gesturing to the front of the line before them. A mutant lifted their wrist, and the bracelet was scanned. A few others didn't use the bracelet method, but cards, or other version of digital tracking devices were used instead.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby wipes his suddenly realized sweaty palm against the side of his shorts and then his eyes go wide and he avoids Lorna's direct gaze even as she explains more about Genosha, sounding like the tour guide at a travel agency. "Um... yeah, that's, pretty dang cool. L--- laaaaura..." Bobby says, all tongue tied and he's fumbling around now that he's lost his cool.

    His eyes can't stay focused and he's starting to sweat, feeling worried that he's going to ruin everything for Lorna when he knows she just needs a friend and a confidant. He's blowing it damn it.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna remained oblivious to Bobby's sudden bout of nervousness, particularly as the line moved and they were suddenly next. She hmm'ed and sighed over the menu selections, but didn't order anything yet, her gaze swinging back to Bobby. "What do you want? I can't decide yet. I think I might just get a falafel." She shrugged, and the purple haired mutant at the front window continued to ask her if she wanted sides, what sauces and so on. She rattled off a few odds and ends, and flashed Bobby a smile as he stumbled over her name and instead went with Laura.

"I've got whatever he wants." She offered to the mutant taking their orders.

Iceman has posed:
    "Uh, gimme- give me-- I'll have one gy-gyro." Bobby says as his voice even cracks a few times and he turns very VERY red. He brings his hands up to hide his face for a moment. "Oh god." Bobby says behind his hands. "No sauces or anything." Bobby says, dragging his fingers down his face until he's tugging at his cheeks. "Thank you." Bobby whispers all dejectedly towards Lorna as she pays for the two of them and he so desperately wants to hide his face in the long black locks of her hair.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stepped off to the side after scanning her bracelet, to await their orders at the side of the window. The falafel coming quick and fast, and hot, wrapped in crinkling paper. She glanced side long at Bobby with a raised brow, and nudged him with her hip. "What's wrong? You were so excited for a gyro!" She took a bite of her own piping hot snack, and hissed a breath, to try to cool it off before it burnt her tongue. She made a face, and pouted as she had to stop from taking the next bite.

"Too hot." She mumbled, huffing a breath, as she reached for a napkin to wipe off her hands from the splatters of sauce that had trickled free in her mad attempt to not drop everything.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby frowns. "I didn't think I was going to be asking you for money like a cheapskate. And now I feel like a horrible friend and I'm trying so-" Bobby stays most of what's on his mind when he sees his friend trying not to burn her tongue on her food and something takes over for Bobby.

    The blonde man leans in and presses his lips to Lorna's and his hands move to rest on her waist and up into her dyed hair as he kisses her with a hint of passion and in the heat of the moment. Then he pulls away and there's a puff of fog from both of their mouths as he pulls back, having cooled off the heat as best he knows how.

    Bobby's blue eyes slowly look up and he whispers, "Sorry." Pulling his paper wrapped gyro away from Lorna's waist with another blush at his cheeks.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna wasn't entirely expecting anything from Bobby as she burnt her tongue on her food, she was carefully balancing her grip on the paper wrapped food, and a napkin when suddenly there was Bobby. And he wasn't just talking anymore. It was his lips on her's. His hands pulling her close and the chilling touch that had sent pin pricks of goose bumps up and down her frame in the past.

Bobby was familiar, like a favorite jacket she'd forgotten was in the back of her closet. A memory of the past, and yet oh so real in the present.

She was stunned, even as her hands gripped the food and napkins as his chilled fingers buried in her hair and left a trail of coolness on her lips from where he'd touched her. Even as he pulled away and apologized Lorna was left standing in a stunned silence for a beat. Her breath leaving her in a puff of air that clouded the air between them. But only for a moment.

Because within the next breath, she'd dropped the napkins and food, to reach out for the collar of his shirt to tug him back to her and kiss him more thoroughly once more. This time, without the attempt at balancing the items in her hands.

Iceman has posed:
    In a near mirror display, the gyro is casually cast aside as Bobby is pulled into the kiss of a life time as he holds the mistress of magnetism in his arms and feels the heat of her lips against his own and he can't help himself but let little kisses of frost lance from his finger tips as he reaches back up into her hair and around the small of her waist. She's still human in some regards and the need of physicality is ever present in most beings.

    Slowly pulling away Bobby takes another deep breath and he stops all kissing but still holding the woman to him. "I don't think I'm hungry any more." He says with that boyish grin once more.

Polaris has posed:
A shiver crawled up her spine and it wasn't just due to the temperature of Bobby's fingers as they raked against her scalp and through the thick green curls of her hair. She leaned back, her fingers still curled around the collar of his shirt and she slowly loosened her grip there. Realizing quickly that if she'd kept up, there was a chance someone might think she was accosting the young man.

She laughed at his words, her green eyes glittering with emotion that hadn't been there even a minute before. Lorna dropped her grip on his shirt to smooth it out of wrinkles that were evident from her touch.

"We just threw perfectly good food on the ground and people are likely sitting here thinking we need to get a room." She cleared her throat, her cheeks suddenly stained pink as she glanced side long and a short laugh escaped her.

"C'mon, we should at least make sure no one steps on all of this.." She mumbled.

Iceman has posed:
    "Maybe they're right. We should clean up and get a room, or a beach, or ... I don't care as long as we're together." Bobby says and as he lowers his hands to pick up the food they dropped, he gives her another teasing jolt of that cold touch he's mastered long ago.

    The gyro and the falafels are picked up, as Bobby is a gentleman when he needs to be and scrunched up all in a ball and he starts to look for the nearest trash can. "You lead the way, I'll follow." He says as he reaches out with his free hand to take Lorna's and gives it an emotionally charged squeeze.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's heart caught in her chest as Bobby spoke, heat still staining her cheeks pinker than usual. She glanced off to the side as he picked up the dropped food and she tried not to think too much about what she'd just done in throwing all of that down to the ground. More than a few jokes and jests by other mutants around them followed the apparent couple's movement to a trash can. At least one whistle, and a few good natured 'Food foul!' were called after them from those still in line.

They'd had an audience, even if said audience didn't know that it was a royal show they'd gotten.

Lorna's cheeks burned even as Bobby took up her hand again, and she laced her fingers through his own. She coughed, and gestured to a metal trash can off to the side of the plaza and led him toward it.

"Are you //sure// you don't uhm.. want a snack or something? We could go to a concert.. or uhm.. ah.. hit up a club or something."

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby drops the bundle of food and wrapers into the can and he smiles as he pulls Lorna closer and whispers into her ear, "You're in charge princess." Then he pulls back and wiggles his fingers between her own. "I am suddenly in a wonderful mood!" And with that he motions towards the black haired woman he's obviously dating and turns to the crowd. "My girlfriend is very affectionate, sorry to waste food like that, but we all know how young love can be." He says as if he was an actor in a play, letting everyone in the crowd know absolutely nothing as he teases Lorna as much as he possibly can without revealing anything personal.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna groaned as Bobby whispered into her ear, rolling her eyes skyward, even as a smile burst at the corners of her lips. As he tossed the food away and motioned her way at the crowd of a captive audience, being that they were simply waiting to get their food-- Lorna's blush intensified. She pressed her other hand against her mouth, and she made a noise at the back of her throat and elbowed Bobby with her arm closest to him.

"Stop that." She muttered, and twisted away from the crowd to try to tug him away as a few of the younger members of the crowd egged him on and half way cheered him.

"C'mon." She added, making to leave behind the food cart and weave back into the crowd, her hand still in his. Her cheeks still painted pink with her blush.

She led him toward the opposite side of the plaza, which was lined with darkened store fronts of glass and steel that were closed down for the night and had fewer food trucks lining the smooth cobblestones.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby oofed with the elbow in his ribs and he doubled over for a moment before being tugged away by the verdant queen, and he smiles to show that he's being a good friend and helping to get her mind off things at the palace and across the world.

    "I'm coming I'm coming." Bobby says as he's trying to not burst into a fit of laughter and as he's being led along like an obedient puppy. "Just having some fun Lorna... You know none of them recognized you or even knew who either of us are." Bobby says calmly as he squeezes her hand again.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced back at him as they broke from the crowded plaza. Someone had taken up some kind of a light show in the center, and now a rainbow burst of color and shapes lit up the night's sky above them. All without the boom and crack of fireworks. The light was reflected on the glass buildings around them, and colored them both the reflections. Lorna squeezed Bobby's hand back and a smile warmed on her expression.

"I know. I'm just.. I'm not used to people looking at me and not knowing who I am anymore." She murmured, she inhaled and exhaled slowly.

"I wanted to share Genosha with you. I wanted someone to just... come see what I love about this place. About the people. Everything." She pursed her lips and glanced down between them. "I've worked with the people here for over a year. And despite a lot of people hating my father and all, this is what Genosha is. This right here."

Iceman has posed:
    "You're doing the best thing you can Lorna." Bobby says in the sparkle of the blooming stars and the pyrotechnics above. "I never doubted a Genosha led by you, I ... " Bobby tries to find the right words to share with the woman without attacking her family and yet those words aren't there, so he looks into her eyes as they shimmer in the display of light. "I believe in you Lorna."

    Bobby squeezes her hands, both of them, and pulls her into an embrace without the kiss as he lowers his chin onto her shoulder at the crook of her neck and he chooses to keep the words in his throat for now.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath at Bobby's words, finding herself wrapping her arms around him in a contented, relaxed manner. She held onto him, not overly tightly, but in a way that suggested she wasn't in a hurry to let him go anytime soon either. "You really think I can do that? You're not going to give me a lecture about how I have to make Genosha a democracy, or how I need to be prepared for people to attack us? Or how my choices might end up affecting the fate of not only everyone here but the whole planet? 'Cause I can take it, if you're going to. Promise. Been hearing it nonstop all week. How I might end up slaughtering millions, or being a hero that everyone will remember for generations to come." She snorted, muttering the last part. Her voice soft and tired. Framed by just how much she held onto him.

It was a repeated string of words, for all that she said them in a bland manner, Bobby would pick up that they were anything but to the magnokinetic.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby's only response to Lorna's words is he takes in a deep breath, she can hear and feel the wind rushing into his lungs, something everyone tends to do before a long speech. Bobby is perceptive tonight and he deems it not only in his best interest, but in her best interest to simply take his arms that are already holding onto the first daughter of the land he is standing on right now, and he squeezes her firmer, a bit tighter and a lot more warmly. He's just going to hold her and he wants to never let go, at least for the rest of the night.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's grip on Bobby tightened only a fraction as she braced herself for a speech, but as time dragged on between them and Bobby only remained silent and held onto her her figure sank against his even further. The little remaining tension in her shoulders easing completely as she relaxed entirely into his arms. A safe, cool, bubble in the chaos that was the tropical island of Genosha.

She leaned her chin against his shoulder, closing her eyes as she inhaled and exhaled slowly. "Stay with me tonight then? Just... be there to make sure I sleep? Please?" She whispered, her voice barely more than a whisper. And if she wasn't holding onto him so closely, he would've likely missed it against the cheers of the crowd behind them.

Iceman has posed:
    "You want me to like, sit in the corner of your room like a creepy stuffed Bobby?" The ice man teaseth. Lorna could easily feel the smile through the movements in his neck. "Anything you need princess. I'm here for you and you alone." The x-man says and falls quiet to make sure the young princess/dignitariy is kept as safe as he can possibly make her.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna leaned back to peer at him from beneath her eyelashes, "You know that's not what I meant," She reached up to gently tap his shoulder with her fingers, a half hearted attempt at swatting him for his joke of being a creepy stuffed Bobby. She exhaled a breath, even as her lips twitched faintly with a smile. She snuggled up against him again, pressing her head into the crook of his shoulder and neck once more.

"I need you to be my portable AC unit. The humidity here is just terrible." She joked back lightly, giving his frame a gentle squeeze of her arms around him before she made to step back entirely.

At least her father wasn't home.