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Logan Calling
Date of Scene: 23 August 2019
Location: Themysciran Embassy - Manhattan
Synopsis: Logan visits his daughter's former residence and discusses parenthood with Diana.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Wonder Woman

Wolverine has posed:
Fifth Avenue.

Logan can't help but frown to himself as he reaches his destination, looking down at the half-crumpled business card in his hand as though the brass sign by the door weren't evidence enough. He wears a suit, ill-fitting and too loose on him in a style maybe several decades out of fashion - here's hoping for cyclical trends. He pulls the hat from his head to reveal his lupine coif, clutching it to his chest as he mounts the stairs and steps inside.

He approaches the secretary, the receptionist, or just the first person who happens to look official enough to help him. There's not so much a nervous air about him, as there is one of uncertainty. Whatever he wants to say, it's not coming easy.

"I'm - er, I'm here t'see the princess. Diana. Names Logan. We, uh, we met previous."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The receptionist that is on duty today is a member of the Themysciran Community in Manhattan, she's not from Themyscira, but she is a loyalist who's gained citizenship through service and as such she's serving here in the Embassy today as an aide to the Princess herself. The woman is in her mid 40s it would appear, she's dressed fashiunably and smiles to Logan when he makes his very Logan-esque appearance within the New York home-turned-Embassy.

"Why yes, of course. She's very busy today, but I'll tell the Miss that you're here, please have a seat." She motions to the lounge area here off of the main foyer of the home.

It only takes a few minutes, once Diana finds out who is waiting for her out here, the sound of her heel-shoed footsteps softly echo down the hallway as she strides into the foyer and is then there, in a white dress with her hair tied into a bun on the crown of her head, she looks to Logan and just smiles to him.

"Well this is a surprise." The accented English voice speaks from the Princess then.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan jerks his chin in the equivalent of a nod and moves to sit down as directed, hat in his lap and a confused-almost-irritated expression on his face. He cranes his neck to look about the embassy, drumming his fingers on the somewhat battered top of the hat and momentarily searching about for a magazine. He hears Diana before he sees her, and picks up her scent even before that. When she steps out into the foyer he's already on his feet.

"I - yeah, guess so," Logan answers, offering the sort of deferential bow one gives to royalty albeit in an awkward style - he can't quite recall where he picked that up, "Figured you came t'see me at my home, I'd come t'see you at yours."

He takes a few steps closer to her, tilting his head back slightly to meet her eyes.

"S'about Laura. I - " he pauses, casting his eyes around the foyer again, "Can we go somewhere less busy? Promise you I'm no more armed than usual."

Wonder Woman has posed:
When Logan rises and speaks of Laura, Diana confirms what she'd assumed the visit had actually been about and not just him stopping by because she'd done it to the Xavier's School with him.

"Yes of course." She says then as she starts to turn back the way she'd come and motions for him to come with her. Once they're walking down that central hallway, between the art of Themyscira on pedastables and hung to the wall on either sides of them, Diana glances over to Logan. "I have meant to check in on her, but once I saw the school I thought she was in a very good place. Far better of a place than I had imagined it being when she'd first told me of it." Diana states as she progresses back to the double doors that lead to her office.

Once the doors are pushed open, Diana steps inside and lets Logan in before she'll close them again. "How is she doing?" She then asks.

Wolverine has posed:
"I'm honest? Don't know," Logan admits, hands shoved deep into the pockets of his suit pants as he walks alongside her. Diana grace, poise, and beauty. Logan slouching, predatory, and rough.

"Ain't had much to say to me," he continues, eyes fixed on the floor as they walk and his lip somewhat turned in a scowl the origin of which is anyone's guess, "That's my fault. Didn't have much to say t'her. Kept her at a distance an' now she stays away."

He lifts his shoulders in a heavy shrug, head tilting and blue eyes glancing up at her.

"I wanna change that," his voice almost unusually soft even in the quiet halls, "She didn't ask t'be who she is. An' it's hard enough bein' a mutant when you were born that way, let alone made. I owe her ... somethin'. I dunno what. But I feel like you know her better'n me."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Once inside the office, Diana directs them toward the lounge seating area with a leather sofa and two matching sofa chairs in front of a glass coffee table. Beyond them is a series of bookshelves with a small kitchenette / drink bar and a large television built between the shelves of books.

"Logan." Diana says in her smoky hued voice as she steps toward this area and pauses to look back to the man. "Nobody knows her better than you do. Based on what I know of the both of you, you share a bond that is... uniquely... yours. What you're failing to do, if failing is not too harsh a word, is simply to share your life with her. Invite her places, with you, have her there, with you, as you live and be yourself. Thats all Laura needs to become the woman she's meant to be. She needs her father to always, forever, no matter what, be... there... for, her."

Diana then steps toward the drink bar and gathers them up both a glass, she'll have water and ice inside them within moments. Then turns back to him and steps toward him to offer him one. "Laura has lived a troubled life, she has to deal with the scars left over from that now. The best way to deal with them, is to simply live and live as happily as possible. You can help provide that to her. She is a quiet one, and is seemingly most comfortable when she's alone, but it is not true. She desires other people's company, just as the rest of us do." She then motions for him to sit if he'd like.

Wolverine has posed:
"She's like me," Logan muses, accepting the drink and holding it against his chest thoughtfully, "Want to be away from folks, but always end up right in the middle."

He lifts the drink to his lips, taking a sip that turns into a noisy gulp as he lets his words hang in the air.

"An' realisin' that maybe yer there because that's where you wanna be."

The Canuck shakes his head, shrugging his shoulders and slumping down into one of the sofa chairs with a heavier thud than his build and frame would suggest. He steeples his fingers over the opening of his glass, resting it on the arm of the chair and staring off into space. He makes himself at home.

"She don't wanna talk t'me," Logan ventures, "Ran her off so many times, she don't feel wanted. How d'you even start after somethin' like that? 'Oops, I'm sorry I disowned you?'"

Wonder Woman has posed:
When Logan sits, Diana moves to the corner of the sofa that is closest to the sofa chair that he chooses to sit upon. She is seated in a graceful swoop of a motion and is swift to keep her gaze on his face as he speaks. She doesn't lean back in the sofa, she remains with her back straight on the edge of the furniture.

A soft smile graces her red hued lips. "Logan, if she did not want to be near you, you would never see her again. As odd as it may seem, she is still hovering around your world because she's watching you, waiting for you to prove to her that you are here, now, today. Your responsibility in all of this is to simply keep extending olive branches. Because eventually, she will take one. She's nervous, she's a wild one... it takes time and effort, and no it will never be easy. But both of your souls will greatly benefit from it if you simply continue to try."

A sip of her own water is taken before she sets it off to the side on the table beside the leather sofa she's occupied now. "I dealt with some, just being an outsider with her here. She seemed to trust me more than she's likely trusted most others, but... you are the one she wants to be near to the most. I assure you on that, even if it does not seem that way in any given moment." A soft smile is shown again to the man before her.

"Offer to take her to see your favorite movies, or to even a sporting event... though I would suggest finding seats that are not quite so immersed in a sensory overload position for her. The 'nose bleeds' as they call them." She says that last part like it was the very first time she'd ever uttered that term in her long lived life and it seems to amuse her just to say it.

Wolverine has posed:
"I guess I got so caught up in survivin' I forgot 'bout what that costs," he sighs, "Figure if I push ev'ryone away, I'm jus' gonna end up the last man standin' again. Don't want that anymore."

The Canuck lapses into silence for a while, staring off into the distance at some fancy Themysciran fixture on the wall. It's a fancy place, and he's only just now really picking up on that. The Embassy doesn't seem at all like the sort of place he should be - it feels more like somewhere they'd politely turn him away from at the door. Yet here he is.

"Movie, huh?" Logan weighs that option up in his head, drumming heavy fingers on the arm of the sofa, "They're playin' True Grit at one a' them ol', done-up theaters. Think she'd wanna see that?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a little grin at the first part of what Logan says, though it took a second or two for it to make an appearance upon her sculpted features. "That sounds familiar to the other half of this conversation, not present here today." She quietly teases back to the man with the storied life history. She doesn't know all the details about Logan's past, very few of them in fact, but she knows enough about Laura's to make a hunch that Logan had it just as bad--more than likely.

The bit about the movie though gets a nod from the Princess. "I would suggest tacking on a little more than just the movie, like a trip to a restaruant as well. But yes, I would think she would go... it might take some convincing, or you finding her in the right moment. Perhaps when she looks bored or disinterested in the happenings going on around her. Then, even just 'getting out for a bit' can be an enticing offer."

In the end, Diana just shows him a light smile. "She will come around, so long as you put the effort in. That is all any parent need do, never... stop trying. But then again, I do not have any children. Maybe I am wrong!" Her dark eyebrows raise up as she makes a playfully surprised expression then.

Wolverine has posed:
"I have a few," Logan says of children, sighing and sagging into the sofa a little more, "Here an' there. Don't play much of a part in their lives - some of 'em might even look older'n me now."

He sits up suddenly, leaning forward in the chair and turning the full intensity of his stare to Diana.

"That's why this's gotta be diff'rent. She doesn't have a mother. She needs a father who's interested in her instead of jus' his own shit. What they did to her in that lab? That's - I know what that's like."

A sigh, he lifts a hand to run his fingers through the shaggy and unkempt black hair on his head: "An' if it means anythin', Princess, you treated her like a daughter - I think you know a bit more 'bout child rearin' than you might think."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's gaze breaks from Logan until he sits up in the chair again and she looks back to him, its then that her right arm goes to rest on the arm of the sofa beside her and she softly smiles at him before gently shaking her head. "I see children on a very nearly daily basis and I have since I became a public figure several years ago now. Seeing their faces light up when they see me is the... well. Its the fuel that keeps the fire of being a public figure burning for me. To see what I do, effect children in a positive way? I love it." The Princess' light smile grows and then fades quickly again.

Her voice grows a tinge more serious then as she leveles her gaze upon him andher slim pointed chin dips just a little. "If you ever find the people who did this to you, and to Laura... Consider me there to help you end their wicked ways. I will not stand for such a thing to exist on this planet, harming innocents for whatever ill-purposes they have conceived. They will be stopped, through peace or through force."

A breath is taken then and Diana turns to her glass of water to pick it up by its rim with her slender finger tips. "My worst sorrow is knowing people exist who could find it in their hearts to do such things."

Wolverine has posed:
Logan regards Diana in silence for a moment. His brows knit together, as though he's trying to focus on something that is just out of view or too undefined to make out clearly. Only after a stretch of silence has passed does the corner of his mouth curl up into a half-smile, and he nods his head.

"Yer a genuinely good person, y'know that, right?" he asks, nursing his own glass in two hands, "Lot of folks pretend at it, or put it on t'make up for when they did evil things once upon a time - I'm that latter kind, makin' up for my transgressions. But you? There's jus' ... it's only good. Only pure n' honest good."

The half-smile becomes a full one, unusual and vaguely predatory despite his intentions given his rough features.

"That's why people smile when they see you, Princess," he adds quietly, turning to look into the glass he holds, "You remind 'em there's still good in the world an' it don't have an agenda."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The compliments from Logan are received with a smile that slowly shifts into a playful grin as though she enjoys hearing it from him a great deal. "That is kind of you to say." She says lightly and quietly in response after taking another sip of her water and then placing the cup between her hands on her lap.

"I had a long time to practice and become how I am today... I was not always, as I am now... However it is that I am now." The last part is said a bit quietly with a humility to her words.

A quick but brief smile is displayed then. "When I was young, I was arrogant and my bravado was a little too high. The Princess on an island where there were no other children. I had been raised... as though I was surrounded by nothing but undying affection. It went to my head early on, and it took a number of sobering moments to pull me out of it and put a bit of well needed perspective in its place. That perspective is what helped me become a more well rounded person and, I am thankful for it beyond words... even if it came through some heart break too."

Wolverine has posed:
"That's how it is. I was a rough an' violent man. Still am, if I'm honest, but then I learned how t'turn that into somethin' good - or better. Found a code to live by. I don't hit the mark ev'rytime, but I keep tryin'. Sounds like you keep tryin', too. Lot of folks out there grateful for that, I'm sure."

Logan listens to her story in silent, his eyes fixed on her. For all his gruff exterior and 'woe is me' attitude from time to time, his attention on her is absolute. The way his blue eyes lock with hers, and his head dips from time to time. He listens, rather than hears.

"Jus' as long as you un'erstand who you are today? That's a good person. World's dark enough, needs some people to light it up like you do."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The compliments from Logan are well received and the make Diana clearly show amusement from them, but she's one to react with a kindness when shown it in return. "Perhaps Laura can help you as much as you can help her." She says then though. "If you are still feeling these 'violent' tendancies, maybe she can help you think of better ways to handle confrontations, simply by knowing that she is there now, needing you to guide her into her own life as we needed guidance into ours."

"But, thank you, still. Your words are kind. I am simply doing my very best to be here for those who need me. This... public lifestyle is still fairly new for me. I spent a century mostly in the shoes of similar variety to everyone else in the world, hold a job, earn a wage and experience the world around me. I needed that much time, really, just to feel as though I could fit in and not be such a naive presence after spending the majority of my life on an island where day to day life was, and yet remains, so very different to the rest of the world."

Another light breath is taken then and Diana glances toward the doorway. "I have some of Laura's things still here, if you would like me to have them boxed up so you can return them to her? Clothing that we purchased for her, that is really all she had here."

Wolverine has posed:
Logan pauses for a moment, eyes still fixed on Diana's. His brow creases, his eyes continue to give her that searching stare that seems to have crossed his face and never left. When she mentions Laura's things, however, the spell is broken and he nods his head. He takes a last sip of his drink, placing it on a side table and slapping his thighs before rising to his feet.

"Yeah, yer right," he sighs, giving that 'ow my back' sort of grunt more out of habit than actually feeling discomfort, "I prob'ly took up enough of yer time already. Like you said - public figure, an' here I am borin' you t'death with my knucklehead problems."

Once he's on his feet, his hands once again disappear into the pockets of his suit and he looks to Diana: "Is it a lot a' boxes? I didn't bring the truck."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana just shows Logan a little grin as she sets her glass down and moves to stand up. "No, it is just one small box." She tells him. "Laura is not exactly a large person, you know." She states in good humor. "Could fit a full wardrobe from her into a fairly 'tiny' box." She even uses her hands to mime out a small little package sized object in front of her then.

"And you are not boring me!" She corrects him with a measure of strength to her words. "I am always happy to see you and I've enjoyed our interactions greatly thus far." She steps toward her desk and pauses then. "You have yet to display any of this supposed 'violence' that you claim is in your heart." She tells him, showing a grin on a momentarily lingering gaze.

The Princess is soon then to key up the front desk of the Embassy and she relays the request to get Laura's things brought to the foyer. She then looks back to Logan. "I really do want to know how things continue to develop between you and she, I miss having her around here admittedly. She helped add... flavor to this place." Diana says that with a clear and present grin.

Wolverine has posed:
"I'll bet," Logan turns at the shoulders to look around the room, "A mean n' angry flavor - just like her dad."

The word almost sticks in his throat, but he says it all the same. He waits patiently as Diana calls for Laura's things, simply lingering around near a piece of art on a pedestal. He reaches out for a moment to touch it, enough to give it the slightest of wobbles which he immediately ends by grabbing a tighter hold of it and steadying it again. Hands return to his pockets reproachfully.

"Well, I'm sure yer welcome up at the School any time," he suggests, "The kids'd love to see a dyed-in-the-wool celebrity, 'specially one who's actually settin' a good example. Laura'd prob'ly like t'see you, too."

He weighs something up in his head, then turns to her more fully and asks: "Why don't you come up with me? I know yer busy, but bein' in the public eye an' all? That must get tirin'. We got a guest house. Y'could call it an outreach visit or summin'."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana looks up to see him steadying the small bust of Athena before it would tip over and it makes her grin just a little as she steps back around the desk and listens then to his offer. She tilts her head and shows a warm expression on her face at the kind invite. "I would love to, but I would have to schedule things around such a visit. One thing that has come from being a public figure is living a very regimented life now... I do miss picking up and going on a whim like I used to."

She's a tough one to get to do things, even if inside her heart she wants to. She's dedicated herself to the public figure lifestyle now. "But, that does sound enticing. That is one of the most beautiful parts of the country, I love the drive up through Westchester, especially in a couple months when the trees start to turn shades for autumn. My second favorite season, behind the snow of winter." She shows a grin then. "The seasons that Themyscira was not graced with, you see. Spring and summer weather?" She joking scrunches up her nose. "Been there, done that."

As she draws near to him again, there's a light knock on the door and then a tall redhead, even taller than Diana, steps into the room dressed in a nice jacket and leather pants, she holds the box of Laura's things and offers them out to Diana who moves toward her to take them. "Thank you, Adrastea." She tells her sister who then nods and glances over to Logan to give him a 'stink eye' kind of stare. Amazonian women!

Wolverine has posed:
"Even public figures get a little time off here 'n there," Logan suggests, but he lifts his shoulders into a shrug and steps away from the bust, "Give it some thought. Maybe one of yer secretaries can find you a few days in a row where the world don't need savin'. Maybe in autumn? Come watch the leaves change, like you said."

As the redheaded Amazon enters, Logan eyes her up and down for a moment and then turns his attention to the box. The displeased look doesn't go unnoticed, however, and he glances up at her from his more diminutive height, clicks his tongue against the side of his mouth and winks at her.

"Thanks, Adrastea."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Adraste'a flame-red hair is tied back into an intricate braid that falls down behind her shoulders, its a very classically styled hair-doo on a very classically pretty warrior woman. "You are welcome." She says in a sultry tone back to Logan, though her stare still looks hardened and concerned for his intentions and true nature...

With the box, Diana turns back to Logan and steps back to him, she grins at him softly. "I would love that." She tells him in response. "It really is a wonderful time of year... and the summer has been... quite long thus far. Only a moderate amount of 'saving' has had to take place at least though."

She offers him the container of clothing, all basic stuff, nice jeans and teeshirts, the kind of things Laura definitely would've picked up, a hoodie or two most likely too!

"I will schedule for it, now that you have enticed me into it." She says back to the rugged Canadian man.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan gives Adrastea the look that has belied bad intentions since time immemorial. But it's just a look, and when Diana offers him the box he reaches out to take it in his arms. He looks through it for a moment, endlessly curious about the daughter he doesn't really know anything about save the grim, brutal facts of her upbringing.

"I'm heading back upstate tonight," he explains, tucking the box under one arm, "School year's startin' up an' they need me around to ... secure the place. Or somethin'. I don't fuckin' know."

He looks momentarily abashed, meeting Diana's gaze, "Sorry."

Her scheduling plans get a nod from him, "Good t'hear it. It's nice country up there, yer right. 'Specially when it gets colder. Never was much bothered by the cold but the heat? Summer can't end quick enough."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Adrastea, still in the doorway, opens her mouth agape when Logan so brazen curses in front of the Princess. But Diana just grins at it and she shakes her head from right to left. "Say nothing of it, I have heard, and will hear, far far worse things to come in my life's time."

"I do enjoy all the seasons, but the summer weather can wear on a bit long, as does the harsh colds of winter. Spring and Fall are... very nice around here. But yes." She motions then to Adrastea. "She can make sure you get back to where you came in. I will place a call to the School, let them know when I might be able to come and stay for a weekend or so."

She offers her right hand to him. "Thank you, Logan, for trying to be there for Laura. She's a special young woman, and she's going to make a big impact on this world. Even bigger if she gets the right kind of guidance..."

Wolverine has posed:
Logan fishes his hand from his pocket, the cloth momentarily catching and prompting him to shake his hand a little aggressively to free it. Not exactly the picture of polite society elegance. Nevertheless, when he finally frees it he reaches out to clasp Diana's hand and give it a shake.

"Thanks again, Princess," he says shortly, looking but failing to find some sort of gilded frill to tack onto the sentence, "I'll see you in Autumn then, I guess. Have a nice day."

As he says that, he turns about and follows Adrastea out into the corridor. As they begin to walk, Logan's muffled voice can be heard making conversation with the towering Amazonian redhead.

"So, you like cigars ... ?"