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Latest revision as of 20:57, 14 September 2019

Your Stuff
Date of Scene: 25 August 2019
Location: Roof Tower - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Logan delivers a parcel to Laura and gets ready to take her to the movies.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, X-23

Wolverine has posed:
Logan trudges up the stairs from the base of the Mansion's tower to the top, emerging on to the rooftop patio section wearing what looks to be an ill-fitting suit and hat combination that is about sixty years out of date. He makes a show of it being an effort, but his stamina is impressive enough that it's more out of habit than anything else. Sometimes he just feels like playing the part of an old man, even if he never became one physically.

Under one arm he carries a simple cardboard box, bigger than a shoe box but still enough to be carried easily. He drops it onto one of the tables with a huff, removing the hat and wiping his brow.

X-23 has posed:
    Laura knows who's coming before he reaches the area, of course. "Twice in two days." she comments, looking over as he arrives. "Definitely a record. Almost a new record overall." Their total number of conversations before yesterday: three.

Wolverine has posed:
"I'm workin' on it," Logan offers her, although his tone is more apologetic than antagonistic, "I went t'see Diana. Before I spoke t'you, in truth. Wanted t'know what she thought I ought t'say. Told her how I wanted to change our relationship. Be more of a parent than I've been. I wasn't expectin' t'see you in the kitchen, though, so I didn't have time t'give you these."

He pats the cardboard box on the table, nodding to her.

"She said it's yer things from the Embassy down in the city," he offers, "Stuff you left behind after y'moved back up here. Thought y'might want it back, an' I said I'd bring it t'you."

X-23 has posed:
    That gets a surprised look from Laura, and she turns, giving Logan her full attention. "How is she?" she asks. Right now, there are two "mother" figures in Laura's life. One is Jean. The other is Diana. As for father figures? Well, half of two makes for a total of one?

    "There wasn't much. Some clothing." She moves to open the box. "Nice to have them back, though." One is a red t-shirt with a Wonder Woman logo, and she has a small smile as she looks at it.

Wolverine has posed:
"She's good," Logan answers, stepping back from Laura and the box to watch her go through it, "Busy, but that's who she is, y'know. All th'same, I talked her in t'takin' a trip up her in autumn t'watch the leaves change. Told her she could stay in the guest house for a couple a'days. Told her you'd be glad t'see her, and the other kids'd probably appreciate it, too."

It's not his place to make such offers on behalf of the school, of course, but that hasn't really stopped him from doing things his own way in the past. Besides, what school in it's right mind would pass up a visit from Wonder Woman?

"An' I had somethin' else I wanted t'ask you."

X-23 has posed:
    Laura closes the box, leaving the clothes in it, and looks back up. "Ask." she says, simply. There's curiosity, yes, but as is common with her, it really reaches neither her tone nor her expression.

Wolverine has posed:
"That movie," Logan answers, hands now shoved deep into the pockets of the suit in the time-honored tradition of a man who doesn't know what else to do with them, "I wasn't lyin' or makin' promises I didn't intend t'keep. It's playin' in the city, so we'd have t'leave now and stay the night. I got a house there. Set up a cot fer you in the livin' room but I don't reckon Diana would be raw about yer stayin' at the embassy if you ain't ready for that, yet."

A hand is shaken free from his pocket to brush a loose strand of shaggy, black hair from his forehead so he can better lock eyes with her: "Maybe get ... ice cream, or somethin'? Y'hate beer, I know - but surely you can see the point a' ice cream?"

X-23 has posed:
    "I can sleep anywhere." And true. Being trained as a Weapon pretty much removed any concerns about where one sleeps. Or /if/ one sleeps. She can go for several days without if she needs to...because they /both/ can. "Ice cream is good." THAT she was introduced to and is a fan of.

Wolverine has posed:
Logan's face lights up a little at that, a smile - and not even the surly, self-impressed smirk that he normally gives. A genuine, glad smile. It fades just as quickly, but it was there all the same. He jams the hat back down on his unkempt head, pointing at the box.

"Well, why don't y'go put that away in yer room an' I'll go get the bike."

X-23 has posed:
    She'll take the box, and nods. "I'll meet you out front in a few." she says. It's progress. Of course, how the trip goes will be the real measure.