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Couch with no name
Date of Scene: 28 August 2019
Location: Teacher's Lounge, Second Floor, Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rogue and Illyana talk weird shadow creatures and eternal youth. A demon chews his toes. Fin.
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Magik

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is in the teacher's lounge in the evening, the sun is low so its mostly a dark sky out there. There's a few lamps on in the room though and she's laying on one of the sofa's with her earbuds in and listening to some music off of her phone which is laying on the sofa above her shoulder.

In her hands is a ipad and her eyes are upon its lit up screen which is partially illuminating her face. Teeshirt, jeans and running shoes make up her attire. Ultra casual mode Rogue!

The southern belle is quietly singing along to whatever song is playing on her phone right into her ear holes, the words aren't audible but her lips are moving to them as she occasionally taps at the tablet's screen with a bare finger, her gloves laying on the table in front of the sofa she's laying on.

Magik has posed:
Illyana has a suspicious habit of lacking in regards to peoples personal space. It's a defining, if not particularly flattering, quality of her person to simply /appear/ places that she may or may not have any business... then make the matter worse by looming over the occupants entirely too closely.

She's wearing something simple, a shirt with cats all across it that's tight across her shoulders, but flares out like robes near her wrist and a pair of black jeans. She might be wearing boots too, she's probably w- she's wearing boots. Black ones.

Guess she's given up on expanding her fashion sense.

Her hair is once more cut into the pin-straight princess cut: long around her face, covering her ears, with the bangs trimmed straight across her eyes.

And she's standing over Rogue near where the others head is laying, staring down at her with a blank pale-blue gaze.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is continuing to just sing along to her music and browse the inter-webs on her tablet pc when she suddenly realizes that there's an adult version of Carol-Anne from the poltergeist movies just standing above her beside her sofa, like she'd slipped in from behind where her head is resting on the sofa's arm.

"<Censored>!" Rogue startles on the sofa and immediately rises up and crawls a few inches back into the corner of the sofa with her tablet pc dropping down into her lap and her hands pulling the earbud by its yellow cord out of her ears from beneath her dark brown and white hair.

With several quick blinks of her eyelids, Rogue then summons up a nervous smile. "Hey there, Blondie." She says to Illyana, now grinning. "Ya snuck up on me there." She glances around the room beside them both. "What ya doooin?" She asks, like she's guilty of something and Illyana is here to give her the 'what for' for it!

Magik has posed:
Illyana watches Rogue crawl off away with the kind of accepting gaze that indicates, without ever having to say it, that she is absolutely use to that reaction.. Which she probably is. It's a pretty standard reaction. Then again, it could be suggested, likely leading to this being a standard reaction, that Illyana is very weird.

Which is also true.

"Hiding." She answers Rogue's question, moving slowly, but suddenly, around the arm of the couch to drop into the position abandoned by Rogue's feet. Even her posture is straight, shoulders back, hands in her lap, and staring straight forward.. at least until she turns to regard the other. "Sorry, I am not meaning to startle you."

As if there's another form of greeting from the Queen of Limbo.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue does take her feet off of the sofa to give Illyana all the space she could want to sit down, she drops them back onto the floor and sets her tablet pc off to the side as well. She just grins at the Limbo Queen. "Pssh, nah... I'm good. Nothin' can even hurt me anyway, right? Nothin' that I've really found yet anyhow. So being 'scared' is just like, human nature popping inta my head."

The southern belle leans back on the sofa then and crosses her legs at the knee with her hands ontop of her thighs now. "So whats up in Limbo Lando, anyway? I'm hopin' things aren't going well? Thats the proper way t'say 'going well' right? Its sorta reversed there?" She cracks a knowing grin, she's trying to be funny... Trying.

After saying that though, Rogue turns to her right to reach for her thermos of drink on the table beside the sofa. She grabs it, pops the lid and sips from it before setting it down again ontop of her lap.

Magik has posed:
Illyana grins a little at the explanation of Rogue's startling being purely human by design, but like most things, the expression is darkened by dent of being on her pale face. Much akin to someone with a sinister intent even where none exists at all. "Da, I guess. I am rarely surprised anymore." Speaking much to how human she is. Glancing away to stare down at her hands, fingers laced together on her legs. "I pretend sometimes. I think maybe I get better at it."

Again the Queen glances up and shrugs a single shoulder, "I do not know... Not really. I have not been in a week. This is eternity in Limbo. Could be full chaos, but I have informats keeping me aware of what is going on." Imps, most likely. Horrible creatures, certainly, but they're good for menial tasks. "Last time I am going there, it becomes six month visit. Only several hours here, but... This is a lot of time for me. It becomes very awkward keeping track of things I feel I am missing, makes ideas..." Waving a hand up near her temple, "Solidified in my head that are not yet so solid here." Motioning around at the room.


Rogue has posed:
Rogue just idly wobbles her drink cup back and forth on her lap while she looks at Illy to her side and just slyly grins at the woman, how she talks and handles herself. Its all so strange, but also endearing in a way too. "Right... time passes differently there. Not sure I'd like that. I don't wanna go spend a few hours in a place then come back and have missed like... weeks here. That'd kinda drive me crazy. Let alone more time than that. But... I am not immortal, even if I can survive a shotgun blast to my face. Time is still draggin' me toward a graveyard someday either way..."

She smirks at Illyana then, not afraid to be a bit morbid around this girl, as she knows the Russian gal can handle it.

"So like the 'informants' they just show up at your will and... give ya a rundown of what kinda... I don't know, hell'ish wars are raging?" Truth be told, Limbo fascinates the southern girl, how could it not though? She experiences a lot of weird things in her life, but nothing on that level!

Magik has posed:
Illyana delights, in a strange impassive way, in the morbid. She's not Goth by design, anyways. Life has made her that way. She jokes a lot that she's only 9, which is technically true despite how old she appears physically... not many people can walk through that kind of absurd reality and come out with half the poise she has.

Even if she is a murder hobo.

"Usually it is other way around." Flip flopping her hand, "Time passes very slowly here, but I suppose is nothing stopping me from going further in time... maybe backwards too." Her pale blue eyes narrow slightly, even thoughtfully, "I will try this one day, I think. Ultimate experimenting in chaos theory?" A big shrug with tiny shoulders. She's surprisingly tough for someone so small, though.

"Death is inevitable, da." Bobbing her head in a slow nod. Accepting the truth of it, not even seeing the morbidity at all. This is this.. facts are facts. "I have sometimes thinking how mortal I am. I know it is not easy to 'kill' me, but with how time moves... can I stay alive infinitely? Interesting thought, little application. Who would want to live forever?"

Informants, Illyana turns away from Rogue to point at one fo the shadows created by the angle of the big double doors and setting setting sun, "There." A small black creature is huddled in those shadows watching. Few people would think to look for them if the Demon Queen pointed them out, but they are everywhere she is. "They follow me everywhere. They always somewhere near me, waiting. This one is harmless, mostly just tells me things.. sending messages back to Limbo to those I am leaving to command army incase of vosstaniye... but there are others." Which she does not point out. They are less pleasant.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just lightly shakes her head at the initial part. "I don't wanna live forever. I just wanna be alive while I'm here." She says with a slight grin to the words before she raises a hand up stroke her hair back behind an ear. "If you figure out how t'manipulate time t'help me stay young as long as possible though? I might not complain tooooo much." This gets a little smirk out of the southern girl.

Her green eyed gaze follows the motion toward the doors though, and the darkness behind one. It takes her a second before she zeroes in on the motion in the shadow and it makes her eyes peer as she leans forward then on the edge of the sofa. "Woah." She states quietly. "Thats trippy. Like a... creepy movie." She stares at the 'thing' a little longer before she looks back to Illyana. "Was there ever a time where they creeped you out and you just sorta got used to'em?" Rogue then asks as she sets her cup forward onto the coffee table beside her gloves that are laying on it folded over each other once.

Magik has posed:
The nueances of jokes are something Illyana is only just starting to grasp, having forgotten much of that in far too long spent amongst Demons who rarely engage in it, but she grins slightly in her creepy little way at the request for extended youth. "I will put you to top of list if I am ever figuring this out. Is dream of pipes, perhaps. What is youth, really?" Motioning at herself, around her with those same hands turning in small movement of her hands. "When I come back, Piotr is standing there where I disappeared.. he has not changed a day, but to me is half my life. My perception of youth is skewed, I think."

All conjecture, she's a unique perspective of time anyways.

Nodding then to the woah. "They are always there.. these dark things. In some places they have more easily the ability to move back and forth between Limbo, or whichever realm they are coming from, to Earth.. I think maybe I make it easier for them too. Like a beacon of unholy?" She bobs her head a little, looking down at her hands. "When I first introduced to them, I am a child. Children always have a great deal more easiness accepting of things that are unusual.. so I am growing up around them." She looks to the dark shadow where the creature is watching her with empty black eyes.

"They scare me at first, da. Like anything would that is frightening, but they also become friends when I am having none. Now I am their Queen. Part of me will always very much be like them." Even her own shadow sometimes appears monsterous, as if some juxtuposition of her Dominion over one embodiment of Hell always clings to her, no matter where or how she looks.

Rogue has posed:
"Since you were a child..." Rogue repeats, almost like its a question, but she's really just wrapping her head around that bit of information. It makes her shake her head back and forth in fact. "I can't even imagine that..." She then glances back to Illyana at her side. "I grew up just... like a classical American redneck girl. Didn't even have an air conditioner in my the two houses I lived in. Spent all my time just runnin' around outside, chasin' butterflies, then... later boys." She shows a slight grin there, but it fades pretty quickly.

Rogue's eyes drift down and then back up again to where the black-eyed demon is in the shadows. She just stares at it. "Never seen creatures like it that didn't just outright attack. Its weird seein' one that just... sittin' there, not wantin' us t'be dead." She grins lightly. A moment later and she's glancing back to Illyana. "You name'em?" She asks. "Whats this one's name? Floyd?" She glances back to 'it' across the room. "Looks like a Floyd t'me."

Magik has posed:
Illyana nods, still looking down at her hands in her lap. She's barely moved except to motion around or look in Rogue's direction, as if a single position is just as comfortable as shifting around. "I grow up killing and fighting for survival constantly." Not realizing how obtuse that sounds until after she's said it, she glances up.. "But Limbo does not have air conditioning. So we having this in common." It was an attempt at a joke, but her grin only makes it darker than a joke should be.

So she looks back down at her hands, "They still want us dead. They just knowing they do not have the ability to carry it out... maybe the grow comfortable under my command? I rarely ask them." Glancing sideways at the creature who turns a little to stare at her. It's a long match and, ultimately, the thing seems to realize the challenge and looks away. "Floyd." She repeats the name, nodding once, "I think this is good name. Like barbor on Andy Griffith. I am liking this show."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue definitely does let out a light laugh at the bit about having a shared lack of air conditioning as children. "Well thats one way t'make our childhoods look a lil' similar at least." She says back to the blond with a sly grin on her lips. Then when Illyana warms to the name she'd given the beastly thing that is across the room from us, Rogue laughs softly again and looks back over to it just as it breaks away from Illyana's intimidating gaze.

"Can't say I blame him for givin' in on that starin' contest neither." The southern belle says back to Illyana, still holding the remnants of a grin as she exhales then and shakes her head. "Well, even after all ya went through, ya still triumphed over it. YOu're here t'day, helpin' keep us safe and secure here. So that means ya've done nothing but a kickass amount of kickin' ass. Which nets ya an A plus from me, lady."

Rogue then tilts her head back to look to 'Floyd' and she tries to engage him in a staring contest now to see what he'll do with HER givin' him the stink eye! Probably not much.

Magik has posed:
Illyana returns the laugh with a tight grin and a look back down at her hands, "Is the small details that are connecting worlds, da?" The creature all but forgotten in favor of the single sliver of black nail polish on two of her fingers. Her brow furrows as she starts reach down and scrap a bit more off, pauses, and then settles her palms flat upon her thighs as if second guessing herself. Once it's gone, it's actually gone, right? Metaphoricalisms.

"It was very smart of him to look away. In Limbo there are only two meanings to prolonged eye contact... one is an attempt to acquire.. mating? Nyet, to marry, beings are created differently there... the other is to challenge." Her expression hardens just a little, "Neither of these options are viable to him. He dies regardless of his intent." Glancing up then at Rogue, grinning a little. Perhaps she's trying humor again. Perhaps she needs to work on that.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is still doing the staring contest with Floyd when Illyana relays to her the information on what such a gesture would mean in limbo and this makes Rogue suddenly laugh and look away, so Floyd wins the staring contest against her, so it seems. "Oh my god." She says then as she looks to the Queen now instead.

"Ya know, people give me a lotta heck for flirtin' with others, like Lorna's dad. I do it just for fun, I like t'make people squirm and feel that little bit'a red head under the collar along their neckline. Its, I don't know, gratifying." She says then, trying to explain herself to Illyana, even though the Russian didn't ask for an explanation. "I guess starin' at people in our reality has basically those same two meanin's though." She says with a slick grin before she shakes her head left to right.

She glances back to Floyd. "My apologizes, lil fella. I don't figure I'm your type anyhow." She smirks again before she looks back to Illyana. "What do you mean that he dies regardless though?" She asks, having not understood that part quite through.

Magik has posed:
The small creature makes a little motion of its lips, like quivering, that shows off rows of sharp teeth interlocked together cartoonishly when Rogue looks away from it. Clearly appeased by this small, if unintentionally unfair, victory. Illyana side glances at the small thing and it nearly skitters away, but definitely closes its mouth.

When she looks back to Rogue, it's with another bemused, if darkly so, grin. "I am never very good at flirting. Betsy was ..." Her head cocks a little, awkwardly, as if remembering something she'd temporarily forgotten. It knocks the wind directly out of her sails for whatever she was going to say. "I am never being very good at it. It serving no purpose in Limbo, so I do not learn it." Lips pressed into a fine line across her face as she looks back down.

The creature waves a hand at Rogue in a /very/ human like gesture as if it is saying 'fu'get abou et', then resumes staring at Illy, waiting for her to tell it to do something. "If it attempts to marry me, it would assume my crown as ruler of Limbo. They follow archaeic patriarchical structure.. so if he attempts marriage, I have to destroy him to prove.. One: Nyet. Two: Bring it." Counting these things off on extending fingers. "And if he challenges me, same thing. Cannot let that stand. Seen as weakness... so he is destroyed." Turning a little to glare at the darkness.

"Like all things, they do not want to be destroyed. So they wisely look. Away. From. Me."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't notice the creature celebrate its win over her in their staring contest, because she's looking at Illyana. Illy's bringing up of Betsy gets a small frown from the Belle because she knows that Betsy has gone off to be Betsy again, solo and elusive... like a Ninja. She doesn't know Betsy that well on a personal level, so she can't say much about it or her.

"I think you'd own the flirtin' show, Illy." Rogue says then to her. "But you'd have t'do it your own way. Maybe not like how I do it, but more like how ya do that starin' thing. Starin' is a powerful flirtatious tool if ya use it proper, and I bet you could wield that tool just as good as ya do those wicked skills'a yours, let alone those weapons ya got too." She shows a slight grin then.

She does look back to Floyd in time to see his wave, and long enough to watch him as Illyana explains his fate should he challenge her for the throen of Limbo. "Now that ya say it all like that, n'just lay it all out there, its startin' t'make more sense t'me. So the toughest ones just puff out their chests and come up all on ya, like they're demonic badassses, and they challenge ya for the throne?" She looks away from Floyd, back to Illyana.

"That happen very much? Marriage proposals or death challenges? I'd think that'd get kinda old... But maybe thats why you're takin' a vacation from it?" She asks, showing a slight grin again there-after asking that.

Magik has posed:
Illyana is clearly glad for not having to speak about Betsy and her newfound return to herself, be that whatever it is. Some people deal with scars, some people put makeup over them and giggle.

Everyone is different.

Moving right along.

"Maybe." She muses quietly, turning away from Floyd, "I have been accused of being very intense when I do not mean to be. Perhaps I just come on too strongly.." her shoulders rise slightly, then fall back down. "So you are saying I just walk up and stare at someone without blinking until they accept my offer to go out with them?" her eyes go dramatically wider, turning to stare at Rogue in demonstration. "Privet, person of interest to me sexually. Do you wish to engage in recreational dining to facilitate furthing of social relationship that transcending friendship?" Maybe she doesn't need /that/ much help with humor, but she's warming up a little. Also grinning, even if it is no less eldritch, and short lived as she looks down at her hands on her thighs. "I do not know. Seems kind of aggressive."

As for Limbo mating/challenging practices, Illy rolls her eyes, "More than I am comfortable with.. the longer I am gone the more 'free will' they exhibit, so it is double edged sword. I take time away to keep from being target of endless challenges, only I am coming back to /more/ challenges." She doesn't look upset about it, though.

Very few things really upset her... if judged by demeanor alone.

"Means less demons, though. So is... maybe not so bad? Cathartic. Maybe I am letting them have enough rope to hang themselves so I can kill many of them and call it fair." She pauses a moment and grins, "But I do like vacation. Air conditioning." Pointing around. "It is nice."

Rogue has posed:
The demonstrated diner propoosal gets a firm and steady laugh from Rogue who then leans back again on the sofa behind her. "Yeah, I mean... ya might wanna trim some fat off'a that pick-up line, but ultimately you're on the right path. Also, slide a bit of a smile in to it, so it doesn't come quite across as an invitation to a potentially deadly ambush trap." She cracks a grin to the Demon Queen then. "You got game, Yana. I'm sure'a that, ya may'a grown up in Limbo, but your true home is here with us, so I'm sure that means ya can figure this stuff out just as good as the rest've us have, likely better than mosta the sorry saps around here..."

The second bit about her Limbo Politics and the Air Condition just makes Rogue continue to grin and shake her head right to left gently as well. "If ya ever get over-run by'em and ya need a punchin' hand, just let me know. I'll happily help ya squish a few unruly usurpers. I don't wanna stay there for years and years of the real world time, mind ya, but a few hours'a smashin' jerky demons tryin' t'take my friend's kingdom away from her? Count me in, Sugah..."

Magik has posed:
Illyana nods at these wise words of advice for her game, "I do not know what this means, game, but I think... mostly from watching television programs.. that best way to get over someone is to find someone else." She furrows her brow at it and shrugs, not necessarily indifferently, but self analysizingly. "Hard, though. First. Lots of... baggage." Not the point, so she drops it. Lets it slide off her shoulders like rain across a tarp as she grins a little towards Rogue with a side glance. "Maybe. Doug asked me out. I know him too long, maybe. Too close... friends? Not sure how it works. Things happen so quickly with matters of heart and I only have a very small one."


"I will let you know. Always is some army to smash in Limbo, always a threat barely contained.. People do not understanding what I do there, I think. Want me to stay here, always, but I cannot do that. They get emboldened when I am not there to lash them down, bend them to my command.. The longer I stay away, the more likely they are to invade Earth." That might be why she lets so much time pass, just so she has something to smash when she gets back. She's a very volitile murder hobo. "I think maybe I take students one day, with some of older staff to make sure they are safe, so that they understand me better." Her gaze settles on some point upon her knee, blinking owlishly, "I think they do not believe I care how they look at me. I am not a monster.. just a very different kind of woman."

There's a little grin though, "You would only lose a few seconds on Earth if we spend hours in Limbo.. at least right now. Maybe different depending on what is there to punch. It would be a very much fun."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just shakes her head again then and glances down at her phone as it buzzes with a text message. She picks it up and holds it in her lap but doesn't look at it yet. "Ya can't just hop outta one hot'n'heavy relationship and jump inta another though, Illy." She warns her demonic ruling friend. "Thats called a 'rebound'. They can be useful t'help ya clear your mind'a the previous relationship, but they never really end up being healthy all that often. Just ya, physical, like a mental reaffirmation that you're still desired'n such." Rogue states then with a slight smirk.

"I looked for one after I ended it with Gambit, but its pretty touch t'find in my situation. Most people run for the hills when they say me takin' my gloves off, not get, ya know, opposite reactions." Rogue glances down at her phone for a moment as she flips the screen on, then just turns it off again and tosses it back to her side on the sofa. She gives another glances toward Floyd since its kinda, ya know, hard to look away once you realize there's a demon in the room with you.

"If you do take Students'n such t'go do that. Count me though, cause I'm curious as... well, Hell now." She glance sback to Illyana and shows her a wicked grin. "Pun entirely intended. As for slang, we just gotta get ya t'watch more modern movies, you'll learn fast. Gotta do more movie nights. Pester Pryde t'put it together, like she's so good at doin'."

Magik has posed:
"Rebound." Illyana repeats that word, inclining her head a little, "That is what i was." Some of the hurt is gone, but there's no telling how long she's gone off to Limbo in the days since and spent weeks there while no time at all passed on Earth. "I would not want to do this to someone. I do not need to be desired, it is not something I have ever cared about." At least not until recently, right? She closes her eyes and lets her head hang forward with her hair brushing down about her face.

"If someone cannot see past the physical part of relationship, they do not deserve you." Her voice is quiet, "As if this is decision you made and are capable of changing it, but do not do that specifically as afront to them." She rolls her eyes and sits up straighter, "I understand the nature of preconceived notions. People run from you when you pull off gloves, everyone tip toes around me like I am about to hurt them..." She glances side long at Rogue. "You are worth more than that, so am I."

The moment passes though and she brushes hair back behind her pale ear, glancing at the phone tossed off to the side until it hits the cushion, then down to her own hands in her lap. "I will let you know. Very hard to get this field trip approved, I think?" The smallest of smirks. "I very much enjoyed movie night... I will pester Katherine. With ice cream. I like ice cream... and cheese."

Rogue has posed:
"You got a bigger heart than you realize, Rasputin." Rogue responds to that first part about Illyana declaring her desire not to want to 'do that to someone'. She smiles at her as she watches her lower her head down, knowing that feeling herself. "But yeah, if you really do want to setup a field trip t'Limbo, you'll wanna track down Scott or Jean, t'run it past them. I'm not sure which one t'suggest first as they'll both likely look at ya kinda weird, if not outright deny it, but... if you pitch it right... I could see them comin' around to it. A safety training exercise would make sense. But we very nearly had a disaster up on the moon recently, not sure if they'll take more brazen chances so soon. Worth a shot though."

At the part about them being worth more, Rogue raises a bare naked hand up and extends her arm with her palm out. "Air high five for bolstering our mutual egos up a little more, yeah?" She asks with a sly grin now. "Unless that means Floyd over there will think I'm about t'fight ya and make him jump me t'protect his Queen." she gives a little glancing -glare- of a challenge at the demon in the door's shadow.

Magik has posed:
"Da, perhaps is better left for another time when memory of Moon has faded more." Illyana says with a half smirk and side glance at Rogue. A smirk that slides off her face slowly as considerations for her heart are really brought to reason on her thoughts, "I guess. Do not know.. Sometimes things to me make more sense in colors of black and white. Is either good or it is not good. Sometimes good thing is done for bad reason, so adding shades of small grey... sometimes bad things are for good reasons.. more shadowy, but..." She shrugs, "Does not leave room for me to worry how I feel about it. Hurting someone to make myself feel better is bad thing for selfish reason. They hurt now, so they rebound and hurt someone. Cascading effect that becomes problematic in nuclear place like School." Since this is her base of all real interaction. Her disdain for humans is no secret.

"I will ask Jean. She seems more inclined to agree." Flipping through the conversation as carelessly as she does time itself.

The extended hand is given a long look, her left coming up slowly. It shimmers a little, a half sleeve of her Eldritch armor forming up to her elbow as she reaches out towards Rogue's hand as if she fully intends to give the highfive without any air between them. It might be an experiment... very little can hurt her while she's wearing it.

Floyd is playing with its clawed toes, laying on its back like a kitten. There's something to be said about proximity to Illyana and how it bleeds off onto the creatures she commands. Little things, small details, apparently become more amusing to the horrible monsters she controls. Regardless, it certainly doesn't seem concerned about the Queen. She can take care of herself.. and responds poorly when demons forget that.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches the shining energy armor cover over Illyana's hand and that was something she hadn't really considered, their palms are able to impact without any reprecussions from Rogue's touch because her mutation requires skin on skin contact, and whatever that armor is? Its not Illyana's skin.

"Wow. Forgot about that." Rogue says then as their hands collide and she flasshes a grin to her friend. She then lowers her hand and points at her. "See, you're full'a surprises. Wisdom and powers. Not to be trifled with. Ya hear that, Floyd?"

Rogue calls out to the demon rolling around on his back like a playful cat and she glances over toward him to grin before she looks back to Illyana. "No wonder they bow before ya, you're a force t'be reckoned with."

Magik has posed:
Illyana lowers her own hand, clinching her fist as the energy armor desummons up into her fingers with the slightest of shimmering across her skin, "Da, always have to have one more surprise. Never know when years worth of Russian poetry will come in handy in middle of major combat against superior enemy." She muses quietly, even teasingly maybe. Hard to really tell.

But she's definitely amused by the idea of reading poetry to someone until they pass out in the middle of a pitched battle.

Floyd glances over, but then goes right back to playing with its toes. It knows better than to question the logic of this unspoken threat against it. Oh no, it enjoys living, in so much at it /is/ alive. Do not rise the hackles of the Queen of Limbo: It is bad for health.

Also, she might read it poetry.

"Was not always so. One day it may not be so anymore." She lowers her hand back down to her leg, shrugging one shoulder absently, "For now, I must enjoy romantic comedies from safety of couch in burned out building on field of black soot." Dramatic sigh.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shares in that dramatic sigh with Illyana then as she leans forward again on the sofa and reaches out to gather up her gloves. She starts to put the right one on first, wiggling her fingers and bare wrist to help get the glove on while being light with it. One thing Rogue learned a long time ago now is that with this strength she has, she can rip her clothes easier than a normal person can rip a Klennex, so she has to be gentle and... its a balancing act.

"I mean, when ya put it that way, it sounds both fun and dramatic. So I entirely get the long face and droopy demeanor." Rogue responds to Illy with a little hint of a grin. "But, jus tmake sure ya pick the good romantic comedies, and not the other kind... ya know, the torturous kind." She nods across the room to the demon playing with his toes. "Even he couldn't handle some'a the terrible sappy movies out there."

With the right glove on, Rogue smirks at Floyd. "God, thats adorable, for a wicked demon that wants to eat my face off." She starts to get the left one on then and glances over to Illyana with another grin. "I'll give ya a list'a good movies t'find, yeah?"

Magik has posed:
Illyana has very little possessions and is suspiciously missing the new phone she'd only so recently acquired. Likely the first thing to go before she started scraping the polish off her nails. "Always is taking good with bad. For every thirteen going on thirty there is Out of her League." The fact that she knows the names of these movies not withstanding... the Queen of Limbo smirks in that dark way and glances over at Floyd playing with his toes.

"Like me in Limbo, the longer they remain here on Earth the more human they become... A few hours home and he will return to his usually, less cheerful self.. and I will become darker, more prone to angers." Just another fact of her existance. She accepts this as easily as she accepts anything.

Turning back to Rogue with a little smile partially hidden by the hang of pale-blonde hair across her face, "I would greatly enjoy this. Maybe this is movie we pick next movie night. I am sure Kitty knows very many too.. I will bring Ice Cream... promise that I will not bring it from Limbo. Very different food there... Probably not so good for human consumption."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listens to that bit about Floyd and she has to pause her glove-putting-on'ing to stare at the little fella as he rolls around on the floor in the shadow of the door. "Thats kinda sad." She says then. "Maybe thats his true personality startin' t'come out, a more playful one, like that little wave he did a bit ago. Now that, then he goes back t'Limbo and gets turned... angry?" She glances to Illyana. "Feel bad for him then." She holds a calm expression for a moment before she just smiles lightly and shrugs.

Her glove is pulled up and on over her left forearm then and her hands drop down to her knees. "Guess its just how it is, outta my hands t'do nothin' about it." Rogue grins at the movie talk. "Kitty knows'em way more than I do even, I only got a few that I like, while most've make me kinda mad about 'things'." Like an on again off again with a Cajun who's personality has changed more than the seasons in the past couple of years.

"Either way, yeah, I'll try t'get ahold've her. She's got a new boyfriend now, so she's pretty hard t'tear away from him. You know how she is when she's madly in love." Rogue grins more openly to Illyana then again.

With a heavy inhale, Rogue picks up her phone. "Guess I better get myself t'bed... with school back on, I gotta a lot more stuffs t'do..." Now she does the dramatic sigh.

Magik has posed:
Illyana glances at Floyd as well, still tugging at his clawed toes as if they are endlessly amusing and there's no sign of that changing. Her's is not nearly as affectionate a stare as what she says might indicate, "He is with me more than most. I chose him because he protected me when I could not protect myself.. now I do the same for him. Limbo eats its own." Her childhood friend is a Demon.. The implications are pretty plain and overtly depressing, even to her own ears. "But you are maybe right. I will not send him back to Limbo anymore than I am having to."

She too stands up from the couch. A practiced, easy grace of a small woman who assumes a regal like stance without really thinking about it. A lot of the walls that had begun to crumble have quickly begun to errect around her, it doesn't take long for months worth of work to... just end.. and reverse. So is life. "Does she? Is it weird science teacher she is always with now?" A little frown, shaking her head, "I suppose he is better than last. At least he is inclined to not make me destroy him in pillar of fire."

Smiling slightly, nodding to Rogue's dramatic sigh, "We will pull her away from him. If I have to teleport her without warning.. what is kidnapping amongst friends, da?" Clearly joking, darkly... probably inappropriately.. but still joking. "Dasvedanya, Rogue. Blagodaryu vas for company.. I am needing it more than I realize sometimes."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is pleased to hear that Illy is going out of her way a bit to protect this shadowy little toe chewer in the corner of the room they share. She grins to her friend and reaches out to pat Illyana's shoulder as she reaches to pick up her drink with her other hand. "You ever need t'talk with someone, don't hesitate t'find me. I'm here for ya if ya need to vent or whatever, just lemme know." She holds the drink in her free hand, phone slipped away into her back pocket.

"And yeah, we'll kidnap Kitty away from her new nerdy boyfriend, who's still better than the last nerdy boyfriend, if we gotta. She'll understand. Besides, I know how t'convince Lockheed t'work on our side if we gotta stoop that low." Rogue whispers then. "Its cheetos nachos." She then smiles big and beautiful before stepping past the sofa and heading toward the doors, which takes her closer to Floyd.

As she walks past him she lowers a hand to wiggle her fingers at him. "Night night, ya little ankle biter. You be good now..." She teases the demon that likely wants to devour her soul.

Magik has posed:
Floyd glances back, up, at Rogue then chews on his toes.

No accounting for taste or whatever.

Illyana smiles, wanning, but she smiles and dips her head. "I will keep this in mind." About Lockheed, glancing over to Floyd with narrowed eyes. He pops up and glances at her, then nods to unspoken command, and darks into the darkness as if there's far more to the shadow than just a corner.

Illyana shimmers slightly, brings up her left hand and swipes it right, disappearing as it passes across her. Where she goes is anyones guess.

Probably to engage in a year long war in Limbo.

She's a very strange woman.