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If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them
Date of Scene: 11 August 2019
Location: Club Lux, Melville
Synopsis: Kate invites Matt to Club Lux as part of her new lifestyle, and to catch up. Instead she ends up in a heart to heart and considers taking a trip to the West Coast. All to pay back a certain Green Archer, of course - she's not running away! Or is she?
Cast of Characters: Hawkeye (Bishop), Daredevil

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Since telling John they shouldn't see or talk to one another anymore, and the disastrous personal ad that hadn't really accomplished much but a lecture from JJ, Katey had thrown herself at the remaining option in a fit of pique: Society.

She'd been visiting the Country club with her parents, and on her own, and smiling at all the right people. She'd even gone on a couple of dates there - out of the public eye.

Her father was, understandably, delighted, certain that his daughter was going to take up her rightful mantle, and step into his shoes, or if not his, at least a pair of Loius Vuitton's as was only right.

Kate, as it happened, was miserable, but at this point, she didn't care anymore. She was miserable anyway.

Tonight, in an act of defiance - against herself - she'd taken her father's Black Card, dressed in her gala clothes, and taken the towncar to Club Lux. She'd even invited, and sent a car for, her friend Matt Murdock, to make this whole new life change official.

If she couldn't be one Kate Bishop, she'd be another.
5rNow she waits in a private booth on the balcony, overlooking the dance floor, a bottle of champagne nearyby, and a glass poured, waiting for Matt to arrive.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt had been surprised by the invite, but, still he put on his best suit, and got in the car when it arrived, firing off a quick text to Elektra about what was going on, figuring the odds of he and Kate in public ending up on the gossip page to be reasonably high. If anything he figured Elektra would be amused.

Once the car arrived Matt made his way inside, walking from the relative calm of the street into the woven layers of sensation that was Club Lux. There was the sound of the music, the tap of couples' feet on the dance floor, the clink of glasses, the tinkle of laughter, the sounds of a hundred hearts each beating with their own rhythm. With that came the scents, the perfumes and colognes stood out strongest, especially from the guy on his left, who must have bathed in the stuff, he wrinkled his nose and pushed on behind the tap of his cane fixed on the familiar sensations of Kate amidst the tumult of the crowd.

Reaching the balcony, he has one of the wait staff show him to the right booth, playing the part of the blindman, offering a quick 'thank you' before nimbly slipping into the booth across from Kate.

"This is a surprise," he grins as settles. "What made me rate an invite to... whatever this is?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
They'd been alerted her guest was blind. That didn't mean, however, that someone able to help had snapped right to the moment Matt had arrived. If Kate could work herself up to it, she might have lodged a complaint, as it was, she found herself smiling, watching Matt approach, both with and without an escort.

"Club Lux," Kate tells him, looking around the room with its dim lighting and gently strobing disco balls sending rays of light here and there, dodging in and out of the dancing bodies, and those sitting at floor level. "I thought it might be nice for a change. Champagne? My treat. Or, we can have anything you'd prefer brought."

She holds up a hand to signify the waiter should wait to see what Matt would like.

Daredevil has posed:
There's a ping from his phone as Matt folds up his cane. He checks his phone to play back the message:

Elektra >> Have fun, darling. Try not to take her innocence...

He rolls his eyes and chuckles, giving Kate a slightly embarassed smile. "Elektra, says hi," he says putting his phone away.

"Heard of the place," Matt says about their surroundings. "Is it half as decadent as they say?" he asks considering the drink options. "Sure, been awhile since I've had champagne."

"And thanks for the invite, this is definitely different."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Huh? She does?" For a moment, Kate's club Lux facade breaks, leaving her wondering why elektra would say hi.. then it hits her: Matt. He must have told her where he was going, or who he was meeting. "Oh, yeah, say hi for me, too." Forgetting for a moment that it didn't quite fit the socialite code. Then again, she didn't need to be a bitch, either.

Kate nods to the waitstaff, who pours Matt a glass, and then leaves. Kate likely to attend to future glasses, or not, depending on her mood.

"I thought you might like to see how the other half live. We never did get here when we were dating." And speaking of dating... "Things are well with you and Elektra?"

Kate sips her champagne, still her first glass. Thigh night is young, though.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt allows a small smile, "Yeah, of course she does," he says and then he gives a slight nod when Kate pieces together why, there were no secrets between him and E. "Will do," he says of saying hi.

When the glass is recieved he takes a sip, trying his best not to let how much the bubbles tickled his sensitive palate while the waiter was present.

There is a nod for the choice of venue, "Definitely beats Mrs. Van Der whatever's party we went to? I think even the waiters were falling asleep at that one." Of course that had been a formal brunch not a club or even a ball. Still it made a stark contrast.

Kate's question gets a nod, "Yeah, it's really strange, before," he means when she died. "We never thought we could slip into 'normal', that it would always be push and pull and if it wasn't it'd be boring, right now, it seems like we were wrong."

Of course where the Black Sky and the Devil of Hell's Kitchen were concerned normal had an entirely different meaning but somehow they made it work.

"How about you and the guy you were not-dating? That still going on?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"She throws awful parties," Kate winces, "One year there wsa even a summer picnic for her dogs. these really ugly Shitzuh's Charlie and Wilbur - and no, I don't know why. I hid in the library. Me and about five other guests, including her huband." Kate chuckles. "Smoked my first cigar that afternoon. And he's since died. He was a nice man. I never understood what he saw in her."

Kate smiles at the memory, then thinks to point out, "Oh, she knows this isn't a date, right?" Nodding as he talks about their life. Again with that soft sort of smile for him. "That sounds nice. I mean, other than the creepy dead girl part. But you really figured things out?"

Kate didn't know the entire story, but she'd pieced together enough to know that they'd had a fraught past, and it circled around who and what Elektra was - and not the money. Long before the woman had even become Black Sky. "So, what's normal look like?"

Kate was curious, not just for politeness' sake, but because maybe it would help her. Maybe if she understood how you made irreconcilable differences like theirs work, she could figure out how she and John could be actual friends, not that farce they were creating.

It was a thought she stomped on pretty hard, and pretty fast, unless it brought its friends loneliness and regret, because darnit, she missed John. And not just the fun they'd had in bed. Then again, that whole ordeal was why she was here now, changing her tune and working within the world she knew. If you were going to live a facade, why not make it one with fancy shoes and fast cars, and daddy's unlimited credit card.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt laughs, an easy and warm sort of chuckle, "Did the dogs enjoy it at least?" he asks wryly. "And maybe one of those society marriages?" he posits. "Though even in the regular kind you get all sorts of weird matches, did wills for a client the other day, married couple, the woman was all fire and fury but you could have sworn her husband had died already." Matt shakes his head. "Takes all kinds."

Then he adds, "How was the cigar?" he asks. "Never had one before."

"She knows me, so she knows it's not a date," Matt says confidently. "And I wouldn't say we figured things out so much as things figured themselves out. When she came back, things were just different, the old bullshit didn't matter any more."

"And normal? For Elektra and I that looks like not arguing all the time, not trying to manipulate each other to seeing things our way and just enjoying who the other person is and our time together, it's pretty great."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I think the dogs liked it? There were these little waading pools in the back yard. I remember this one gentleman - who I won't name - took off his shoes and put his feet in to cool off. You'd have thought he'd poisoned her poor little ones. She had staff dump the pool and refill it, all the while reassuring her boys that it would be okay. I don't think they noticed or cared, but that's about when I found the library." She chuckles over her champagne. "It was good, actually. I expected to be sick, like in the movies, but they showed me how to not inhale, and to roll my tongue so I could make smoke rings. Not really a useful life skill, but it beat the alternative."

Which is to say a party with the dogs.

"Did you tell her we used to date?" Kate asks. Even if that wasn't really dating either. "And that you dumped me for her while she was still dead. Though, I guess technically she still is, isn't she? Or something." The rest of the world might have gotten the 'this was an elaborate plan' memo, but the rest of the Defenders who were close to Matt had gotten a different story.

The rest, though, that was really where she and John had been at, both of them having expectations of the other, or these ideas in their heads. John might argue that he didn't, that he'd put everything out there, but he also didn't believe Kate when she told him she wasn't trying to get him to fall for her, and he kept treating her accordingly. It had hampered their friendship as much as his idea that he got to decide for everyone else how much they could like him, without ever admitting he was the one who wasn't willing to let them in. It was fine and well to say you had demons who'd happily torment my friends, but the fact of the matter was, or so Kate believed, John would push anyone away, even someone as competant as he in dealing with them.

And Kate? Kate had no clue. She believed she didn't want more, but really she did. Maybe not the more John was afraid of, but more than just the surface friendship he offered. The 'sorry love, gotta go and do life somewhere else, was nice knowing you, but don't look me up'.

The irony was she'd been the one to cut all contacts... and he'd come to her asking why.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt shakes his head. "I've met some clients that loved their pets, but that's extreme," he says with a chuckle in his voice. "And I'd definitely pick learning to make smoke rings over putting up with the Dog Tyrant."

"Yep," Matt says of telling Elektra they used to date, before blinking owlishly at the whole getting dumped business, before shaking his head and chuckling. "Well I knew she was back at least, just didn't know she was still her." As for what she was now... "Not sure if she even knows, it's been strange."

Well, beyond being the Black Sky.

Kate's inward retreat is met with a curious cock of Matt's head, and a quiet, "Kate? You okay?"

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate crinkles her nose at Matt, reaching for her champagne. "I should be mad at you still, you know. Did I tell you I'd practiced all the way over to your place how I was going to dump you, and then you dumped me?" It had stung at the time - still stung a little bit from time - but ultimately it fit right in with the Kate Bishop's Guide to Bad Life Choices. "I'm really happy for you, honestly."

She grins, then, over her drink, "I'm still going to bug you about it when I need favours."

The grin is very shortlived, because honestly? Kate wasn't okay. She could put up a good facade, and she could keep face and sell a story with the best of them, but inside she was a bit of a hurting mess.

"Sure," she lies. "Things have never been better. I'm getting along with my parents. My social life is busy. I've started dating again. Why wouldn't it be okay?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt laughs and takes a sip of his own champagne. "So, what you;'re really mad about is I was quicker off the draw?" he teases before his expression softens. "Still, could have done that waaay better, thanks for being a friend though." He puts his hand on her arm across the table.

The prospect of being bugged about this gets another of those Matt Murdock tight, amused smiles as he turns his red shades skyward. "Of course you will," he says lowering the shades in her directions. "That's what friends do right?" Lord knows he, Foggy and Karen operated that way.

Matt listens to Kate's list, with a considering expression before replying: "Pretty much all of those things, really. I know you Kate, you're not that woman."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Pretty much," Kate agrees. "I knew you were hung up on her. Totally sucks to be dumped for a dead woman, but I guess that turned out for you. And I could see it. You weren't even there half the time. I mean, I wasn't expecting it to be anything it wasn't. We were a united front against mutual enemies. Just.. I guess after Hawkeye I felt a lot bruisy about my ego."

Which was true. Even if she also knew she and Clint weren't a good fit.

Kate watches that tight lipped smile, and frowns. "It really was a joke. I can stop if you want. I mean, I'll slip up." Because Kate. "But it's me. My entire life has been a mess of things like that."

Witness John. She still wasn't sure how she'd messed that up. And yet, somehow she had.

She sighs and pulls herself together, tightening into her club demeanour. "What am I then, Matt? All you've seen is the same thing everyone else has. Whatever it took for the situation I'm in."

She takes a long swallow of champagne and points out, "My father was right. Private Investigations is a lousy way to make a life. Ask JJ, she'll tell you. She's been trying to convince me of the mistake I was making since I asked her to teach me the ropes. All I really know is socialite parties, fundraising galas, and how to smile on demand. I've just decided to embrace it. No more begging my father for money before the monthly stippend comes due. Not more trying to make ends meet, or sitting outside the Motel 6 in the middle of the night watching couples cheat on one another with each other."

He gets a flat little smile that doesn't reach her eyes - not that he can see that. "I had to grow up sometime. Besides, you should be happy for me."

Daredevil has posed:
"That makes sense," Matt says about the post-Hawkeye ego brusing and how Kate being dumped for Elektra poked those bruises.

Matt shakes his head, "It's not a problem, just meant friends tease each other that's all."

"Brave, principled and caring," Matt answers Kate's question. "You decided to jump into the fight for good in this city when you could have sat back, you almost sent yourself to the poor house instead of taking your family's money, and you do your Hawkeye thing, and were taking cases that weren't going to get you money because you cared about those people you helped whether it was going to help you or not."

He offers her a smile., "That's the Kate I know under all the situational stuff, that part didn't change. Anyhow, could be wrong, and if I am and you're living your best life with all of this right now, then I'm happy for you, one-hundred percent."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Friends joke," Kate agrees. Sometimes because there really was nothing else you could do with a thing. "And who says I can't be those things and rich?"

She settles back in her seat and gives a long look out over the dance floor, trying to quell the rising protest inside. The one that wanted to agree with Matt as well as the one who wanted to throw it in his face that he didn't know her - even if he did.

The truth was this wasn't anymore her than so many other faces she'd put on. The truth was she was running out of faces to hide behind. At least this one nobody expected her to be real..

"I can't fight everything," she says finally, watching a couple on the floor make a sensual statement of themselves, grinding together in time to the music. Odds were they didn't know one another. Odds were they'd hook up and say goodbye without exchanging names. Odds were they'd do it again with someone else tomorrow night. "At least this way nobody expects anything genuine from me."

It was maybe too telling a statement, one she regretted as soon as it had left her mouth, but too late now. Instead she shrugs and downs the remainder of her glass of champagne, moving her arm to call for a waiter to refill the glass; offering to have Matthew's topped up as well.

Daredevil has posed:
"You totally could be," Matt says taking a sip of his champagne. "Though probably not in this club," he offers with a smile.

That wasn't entirely true, you could be those things anywhere, Danny probably had some K'un L'un saying about it.

As for the couples on the floor Matt can feel the visceral need of their attraction and like the music he did his best to block that part of his senses and focus on what's right in front of him.

"Doing it all, wearing you out?" he asks her with genuine concern. All in this case being, well, all. Being her, fighting her parents' influnce doing her two jobs, all of it.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"This club isn't so bad." Once you over looked the excess. The sex. The drugs. The wantoness of the place in all the many ways taht could be expressed.

She gives a negligent wave to the waiter once he's refilled her glass and topped up Matt's. He doesn't expect to e treated like a person here. His tips see to it that he doesn't get such foolish ideas. Seen and not heard; fixtures; that was the way to succeed here at Club Lux. You didn't get far unless you left your ego at the back staff door.

"Wearing me out?" Kate sounds genuintely confused for a moment before smiling another of those Country club smiles. "Maybe? I'm not sure any of it makes a difference anyway. Besides, I throw the best parties and fundraisers. I'm meeting.. interesting.. people, and really I'm not sure why I was fighting this anyway."

All she'd done was trade one dissatisfaction for another.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt offers the waiter a "Thanks," when the glass is topped up. You may be able to take the boy out of the church but you couldn't take the church out of the boy so to speak. When you were raised by nuns you learned your manners.

Matt 'hehs' "Sounds like fun," he says dryly with a bit of a smile. "Anyhow I shouldn't judge, if this makes you happy then great, or hell, mix it in with the other stuff, whatever Kate Bishop you end up being I'll still be around to be a pain in your ass."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
There's in inward cringe from Kate as Matt offers a thanks and she doesn't. It's really against her nature, but the facade of the place demanded something else. And besides that, she wasn't supposed to be feeling guilty about these things, was she? Wasn't this how she was going to blend into the scenery?

Kate felt like a Stepford Wife. Only with a lot less wife and a whole lot more unhappy.

There's a sudden spark of laughter from the girl - much more like her old self.

"Well, it was this or move out west and teach the Green Arrow person some manners."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt catches the flinch but doesn't comment, only pauses a moment to parse it and move on.

The laugh is met with a smile, "He doesn't seem like the sort that wants to learn," He shakes his head. "Seriously that guy has issues, I mean you hear about guys who have their heads that far up their asses but when you find one in the wild..." another shake of his head. "Anyhow, this seems like the lesser of those two evils."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"Better company," Kate quips. Though, given some of the set at the Country club, and who her father was hoping she'd find a match with, Kate wasn't all that sure if they were that very far apart. Better dressing, perhaps. Some even bothered to make conversation with her. But beyond that, she was a prize and she knew it.

"Can I ask you something?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt snorts, "That's setting a low bar," he offers with a grin as he settles back in the booth.

Like Kate he doubted the men in her set were much better, after all he'd been to their parties when he and Kate were dating and heard the things they said when they thought nobody could hear.

"Sure," he says to her question, setting down his glass.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"What do you do when you think you've made a huge mistake, but the way things were wasn't okay either?"

It wasn't precisely what she'd meant to say, nor had she intended to say anything at all. And yet, here she was, not two glasses of champagne in, whining like a schoolgirl about a no win situation. Really, the West Coast was beginning to look like a more viable option by the minute. At least she could lick her wounds and hide there. Maybe she'd take on a whole other identity..

Daredevil has posed:
That was a question... Matt ponders it, picking up his glass and having a sip while he mulls.

"In that situation, look for the third path, if you can't find one pick the lesser of the two evils and fight like hell to make it better," he offers as far as an answer. "Not sure if it's much heelp but it's what I'd do."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:

Kate shakes her head and sighs, swirling her very expensive champagne in a way it wasn't meant to be swirled in a glass, watching the bubbles pop against the sides of the flute.

"The thing is, I told someone I didn't want to see them anymore.. I got tired of being treated like half a person. I don't even know if they realize they're doing it. They just kept saying they were doing it for my protection, but the thing is, they never asked me if I wanted to be protected. And if I'm that incapable, why would you want to be with me anyway?"

She frowns and puts her glass down, pushing it away from herself.

"Every time I tried to tell them that it wasn't okay to make those decisions for me they kept telling me they said they'd never love me and I couldn't ever figure out why we kept up ending there when that wasn't what it was about. At least not the way they meant. I just wanted to be a real person, instead of someone they could leave at the drop of a hat and not have a second thought about."

"And the funny thing is," If you liked irony, "I was right. They walked away. Being right feels really lousy."

Daredevil has posed:
There's a 'heh' at the maybe, but hey it was better than being way off.

"Sounds like a jerk," Matt says with a self-effacing smile. "But I don't get to throw stones on the whole protecting others by keeping them at a distance. I mean I kept my best friend in the dark for years about what I could do."

"As for why he'd want to be with you," Matt begins to protest that he'd dated people who were less capable of dealing with things, and that was true, but they had been flings, relationships doomed to die, his only serious ones had been with people who could give him a run for his money. "Never mind, I see your point there."

"Usually does," Matt admits. He had his share of moments where right was coupled with suck, lots of them as a matter of fact. He lifts his hand to signal the waiter they were going to need more champagne.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"And here I was hoping you'd have some wonderfully brilliant solution that I just wasn't seeing."

She'd seen his face as he'd stopped himself on that protest. She could make a good guess at the conclusion he'd drawn - the same one she had. Either she was capable or she wasn't. And only one of those people were worth being with. Friend or otherwise. Kate knew she'd lied to herself about Clint, but she didn't think she was the one lying to themselves this time.

"So how do you deal with it? Last time I tried dealing with it, I ended up going home with him." She nods to the waiter to our that next glass she's almost certain she'll regret, but it wasn't like she was driving, and unless she stupidly told the towncar to go somewhere other than her parent's place or her own apartment, she figured she'd be safe. "I mean, it worked out for you. The whole Elektra thing. And I'm not sure that's what I think this is."

Kate manages a wry smile at that. "I think if it were that he'd have had reason to run. I don't know. What makes a person do things that they know aren't making them happy?"

Possibly a stupid question from someone who was doing just that.

Daredevil has posed:
"Sorry to disapoint," Matt offers with a bit of a grin. "Really talking to the wrong guy when it comes to relationship advice."

Though that doesn't stop him from giving some anyhow. "Deal with what? This guy not treating you as an equal? You don't, you move on find someone who does.. Let him sort out his shit on his own if he ever does, it shouldn't be your problem."

The Elektra thing cast doubts he got what she was asking about, "Sure, it worked out but like you said, doesn't sound like its the same thing," he says. "You and this guy seem more like," he nods to the dance floor. "Those people."

He lifts his newly filled glass to his lips but pauses at Kate's question: "Catholicism?" he offers glibly before taking a sip. Once the glass is set down he gives the question more thought. "They think there's something worthwhile in it for them. Something they need. Even if it's not really there."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"You're probably right," Kate says, pinning a smile upon her lips, and lifting her glass. "But I have to say, it's really hard to believe in the whole there's someone out there for you Katie who'll see your worth when so far I've got a long line of guys who.. didn't."

The smile fades.

"Anyway, it's not like we were dating. Just, he was someone who I thought understood the life we lead, you know? It was nice having someone I didn't have to hide that part of myself away from. Only, I guess he didn't see it as.. well, I don't know what he saw. But he didn't believe in me. I'm going to miss him."

Daredevil has posed:
"Maybe it's all bullshit," Matt says about the whole the right person is out there thing. "Maybe you just need to find someone willing to work for it. Who knows? Wasn't like I was looking for Elektra when I found her, and it wasn't like our thing was always like it is now, I walked away at least twice, but I will say we respected each other, even when we were at each other's throats."

"I'd say ask him what he saw, but that sounds like it'd end up in bed, so, maybe it's just best to take the hit, pick yourself up off the mat and keep going," he says. "There might not be a Mr. Right out there, but it sounds like there's definitely a few better than him."

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate laughs, "It wouldn't be the worst way we ended up in bed, that's for sure. I threw rocks at him, Matt. Well, his house. Wait, I think I threw one in his kitchen too. I think I broke his teapot." She winces even as she laughs, then sobers herself with a sip of champagne. "I could ask him. Pretty sure he'd come up with some story that let him believe his little protective bubble was.."

She stops herself. "That's not entirely fair. I mean, it is, just not entirely? He kept saying I had no clue what he dealt with. And I kept thinking, what did he think I dealt with. I can't really imagine what it was. I mean he does magic, which is really weird, let me tell you, to admit you have to kind of believe in, but even so.. I felt so stupid and worthless. Like he'd just pat me on the head and said good girl, go play out back while I do the real work."

"The thing is," Kate says softly, "The thing is, I think he believes himself. Or he wants to. I just wish he'd tried to see me."

She grins at the 'few better than'. "Not that Green Arrow." Then, "I guess I don't think he respects me. Maybe that's it. And you and Elektra got lucky. Everything that could have made it impossible, and you still fought to get her. Not sure we all get that lucky."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt laughs and rubs his fingers between his eyes. "You threw rocks at him? In his house? Are you sure you don't need my professional services instead of my advice?" he jokes shaking his head. "What happened though, I mean you can't give me that and not tell me the rest."

"Magic..." he says with a shake of his head. "Yeah, that's a hard one to bend your head around isn't it? Like I get that it's real, but at the same time my mind is just shoves that into a little corner of my head and keeps it there, probably just to cope." Angels and presumably demons were in that corner too. Matt preferred them in his Bible rather than in his life.

"I can understand that," Matt says with a deep sip of his drink. "Sounds like you really care what this guy thinks of you."

As for the other things, he nods, "Yeah, it was lucky," he admits without argument. "Very lucky." And not just for him and Elektra but everyone the Hand would have hurt if their prophecy hadn't taken an unexpected turn when it came to the Black Sky.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"I'm not even sure I remember why I threw them. I remember I was angry with him. Think he hadn't called me and I was all that's not how you treat a friend. But it could have been - well, okay, it's kind of embarassing to admit you liked sleeping with the guy and were a little miffed he didn't call back. I don't even know how I found his house. I was wandering around and are you really going to make me tell the rest?"

Kate laughs and flushes. "I threw rocks at him. And I don't know. I guess I care what he thinks? Maybe I care what I think. I thought he saw me as more than that, though. More than someone he had to make decisions for. Or lie to himself about. Maybe I just wanted the one adult thing I thought I was doing to not be as big a mistake as everything else."

She nods, though, when he says he and Elektra had got lucky. And it isnt' lost on her that had things gone the other way they might not be sitting here having this delightful, if embarassing, little chat over champagne like they had no cares in the world.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt laughs, which is rare from him, he mostly chuckles or offers little 'hehs' of amusement, but right now, he's laughing.

"So, the important question is did you get him?" he asks with a grin. "Or were you too far gone by that point?" Cuz he doubted that was something that happened sober. "And, having dabbled in being an asshole I am sort of impressed he got rocks, best I got was a shake dumped on me."

"Hm," he offers thoughtfully when Kate flips things around making it not about what this John thinks but what she did. "Good point," though he doubted it soften the blow all that much.

Matt's aware of it too and takes a long pull from his glass to empty it. But for the feelings of two people, the whole business of the Hand would have ended very differently.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
"If that's a polite way of asking did I sleep with him, yes. I just tell myself he didn't take me to bed to keep from getting hit by rocks. Though I think by then I'd sobered some. We sat in his kitchen, on the floor no less, and talked. I wasn't really good at saying what I wanted then either."

She takes a long swallow ofher champagne, and then another, draining her glass as well.

"And I should probably stop there before I go and do something stupid like thinking a second round of let's break your windows is the way to get his attention." She gives an impish grin. "Though it would be funnier if I brought a new teapot this time instead. Likely a lost cause. Besides, knowing me I'd do something stupid like fall for the guy, or worse, he'd fall for me and then it would be a right mess."

She ponders. "I could at least check out the West Coast. I mean, I don't have to stay there. Maybe go throw stones at the other jerk." Or, you know, shoot arrows at him. Maybe TP his house. Heck, Kate could be inventive if she needed to. Double heck, she had arrows that would help with that.

Daredevil has posed:
"Nah, I mean did you hit him with a rock," Matt says with a laugh. "Or were you too drunk. I don't want to think about you guys having sex, so, thanks for the mental image."

"Probably best to stay away, maybe ship him a kettle from the West Coast," Matt offers with a chuckle.

"Couldn't hurt to look, especially if it lets you mess with the Green Arrow," he says.

Hawkeye (Bishop) has posed:
Kate blushes furiously. "Oh.. I thought.. And I think that's our cue to maybe call it a night. I've got the bill, and the car will drive you home."

As for Kate, she still hadn't decided where she was headed. The night was still young.