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Island Princess Tea Party
Date of Scene: 19 September 2019
Location: Themysciran Embassy - Manhattan
Synopsis: Diana and Lorna have tea and discuss the struggles of ruling and being a public figure.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Polaris

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had received word of the call from Lorna Dane and had made preparations with her schedule to accept the Princess here at the Themysciran House in Manhattan.

Afternoon in NYC, sun is up outside and the weather is quite night today. Inside the air is cool and clean, the home feels quite lovely. Lorna would've arrived at the house, and been greeted by the staff in the main foyer, then brought to a lounge within it where Diana would soon arrive to meet with her.

The lounge is a lovely space with fine furniture, art and decor. It only takes a moment before Diana does indeed arrive, wearing a white dress, her hair tied back into a bun on the crown of her head and two strands of her dark locks framing the sculpted features of her face.

As she steps inside the room she smiles to Lorna. "Hello!" She says, joyful tones to her husky accented English. "It is so good to finally get to meet you. I have heard so much about your people..."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had gone through all the proper channels, and been of the utmost polite and decorous regarding scheduling. It was something that mattered a great deal to her, how others viewed her would easily be how they saw her country and her people after all. For good or ill. Considering that Themyscira was supposed to be another island Nation, Lorna was highly interested to finally sit down and chat with Diana. More over, it was a connection that she could establish without the shadow of her father lurking over her shoulder, nor did it require ties to the Hellfire Club.

The green haired Princes had donned an outfit that would look curious in a boardroom, but neither was entirely meant for Genosha's tropical climes. She wore a pair of turquoise slacks, edged in gold, and a matching blouse. The sleeves of which were made of a sheer material and shimmered into deeper hues of blue and purple. A belt of various metals hung low on her hips and matched the various bracelets and necklace that hung about her neck. And while she didn't wear a tiara, there were bits of matching metallic pieces in her hair and seemingly floated without damaging or pulling on a single green curl.

Lorna smiled, her expression warm at the greeting Diana offered her. "Yes, hello! Thank you for having me. I've truly been looking forward to having a chance to just sit down and talk to you. You know, outside of a crisis." She offered.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"That is the preferred time to have a talk, I should say." Diana responds to that last bit with the summoning of a little grin there-after before she steps off to the side of the lounge area where a kitchenette is located. "Would you like something to drink? Tea or water? I believe there's some lemonade here yet still from yesterday's visitors..." She moves then to open a cabinet that is actually a refrigerator.

"I saw you on an internet show." Diana then states as she reaches for two glasses, then turns back around to face Lorna. "I had to watch because I was just so very curious... what with your father's recent activities. He is quite the... bold individual." She clearly choses her words as carefully as she can but does show the hints of a small grin.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stifled a laugh as she trailed along after Diana, but it lingered in her smile and in the corners of her lips none the less. "Tea is fine, thank you." She lingered back at a polite distance, glancing around idly as she inspected the house's kitchen at large with a curious tilt of her head. Her hands fidgeted with the metal of her bracelets, twisting the metal this way and that before reforming it without so much as a thought.

At the mention of Diana having listened in on her interview, she arched an eyebrow upward. "A lot of people have seen or listened rather to that show. Curious how many people have wanted to talk to me because of it. I didn't think I was that unapproachable before it." She murmured, but still turned her gaze back to Diana.

"My father is indeed bold, to put it politely. A political hurricane is more appropriate. He's gone through a great deal of torment in his life and it shaped him greatly. It's unfortunate that that shaping was not for the better."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana pours them both a glass of tea and smiles lightly as she steps out of the little kitchen area to walk toward Lorna to offer her the glass of her own. "Please." She motions to some of the lovely furniture in the room. "Have a seat." She'll follow-suit and seat herself on the edge of a chair then, keeping her posture rigid.

Her brown eyes remain on Lorna's face as she listens to her speak and it makes her grin very gently. "Yes, he is a polarizing figure." No pun intended. "But, with as much power as he does seem to possess he seems to have some level of restraint in how he uses it, or we would likely have much bigger issues with him than we may otherwise have..."

Diana takes a sip from her own glass of tea and then sets it forward onto the coffee table on a glass surface. "You are a relatively new public figure, and one of royalty now. You are likely getting a lot of new eyes upon you that you haven't otherwise experienced before." Diana shows a light grin then. "I have been there before, myself... It is a lot to take in."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna followed along, accepting the tea offered with a smile and she made her way to sit down on the rather plush seating offered to her. The mutant Princess crossed her legs, sitting on the edge of the chair so she could maintain her upright posture without sinking back completely against the cushions. She smiled over the edge of her glass, sipping at the tea as she listened to Diana speak.

"If my father truly wanted nothing more than to cause harm, he'd use his powers to flip the Earth's magnetic fields. To switch the polarity of them could mess up all of the human's technology that is based on them. Which is quite a bit. Birds would be lost. Navigation.. and so on. But that's all just the surface issues. To truly mess with the magnetic fields could lead to many more issues globally." She exhaled softly, shaking her head.

"But he wouldn't do that, not if he could help it. My father is many things, but putting our people at such a risk would not be one of them." She inclined her head in Diana's direction again.

"I am, I've been living on Genosha for little over a year now. And I'm still struggling with it all. I can't imagine that it would ever be easy to grow up in such a spotlight but I can't help but wish I'd had a few more years to get used to it all."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The talk of Magneto is listened to closely, Diana knows him because like it or not he IS monitored by the Justice League, as he's done a variety of 'questionable' things that has warranted him to be enough of a rogue element that it is necessary to keep tabs on the man. "Let us hope he does not find a reason to do as such." She softly says with regard to the hypothetical situation that Lorna presented with the magnetics of Earth.

"He seems far more reasonable than that though, yes, but I have never spoken to him myself." She admits.

A light smile is shown then. "You have been thrust into both worlds, without any preparation... or enough of it to really help you. Even I can see that. After all, I spent hundreds of years on my homeland isle before I left it, and another one hundred years roaming the world of man before I made myself a public figure when we started the Justice League. That... gave me a lot of time to prepare. I wish you had had something similar to aide you, but you seem to be doing very well, all things considered."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled weakly and nodded, glancing down at the tea in her glass. "He's been more mild in the past few years. I think him having to rule Genosha has helped somewhat. It's made him more focused. I just worry if something should go wrong, you know? There's so very many ways that other countries could target Genosha, and if that happens, I truly fear what he might do." She murmured, her lips pursed together.

"Which is why I've been so desperate to find other countries that would sit and talk with us on a formal level. Attempt trade deals, negotiations, anything." She sighed, "But so far it's threats or being outright ignored. No one wants to deal with my father, even if indirectly, through me." She grimaced and sipped at her tea again.
R "Thank you, I'm glad to hear that it seems I'm handling things well. I'm still trying to navigate being involved in ruling a country. Never mind my family situation and being out as a public figure. It's rather difficult to find the balance. It feels like most days I'm in the deep end of the pool and trying to just keep my head above water."

Wonder Woman has posed:
A soft and subtle nod is given to Lorna's words on the political situation with her new kingdom. "I wish that I could offer my homeland as an ally to yours, but I... do not think that my mother would likely see eye to eye with your father." She states then with a sly grin showing for just a moment. "She is a challenging one to convince of the merits of any man, let alone one with as colorful of a history as yours possesses."

Diana then lowers her pointed chin just a little as she stares at Lorna. "If you feel as though the things that you are having to do are too great for you alone to handle, then you need to find assistants to aide you. People that you trust, who could help relieve you some of the burdens that are being placed upon you by this new life... with its new expectations for you to take on. In time, you might grow more accustomed to dealing with it all... but I have found, that a little help goes a very long way. At least when it comes from the right sources."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna a nod followed, "Perhaps rather than open allies, your mother might be willing to agree to tutor me in the art of ruling? I'm not my father, obviously, and he has named me next in line. I have vague ideas from human monarchs, but I don't believe that my situation will be equal to their own. I don't know how long I will live, and having ruled an island for so long, your mother must have suggestions for defense capabilities?" She tilted her head, knowing the question was bizzare to say the least, but one she was willing to pose all the same.

"The list of people I trust is shorter than I would like. And even shorter for those that would want to help me in any rule of an island nation of mutants. There are a great many that want me to change everything there, or perhaps, want to use me." She grimaced, and shook her head, sipping at her tea.

"Particularly with my father, I have become a target for his detractors and those who hate him as much as a target for those that worship him."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"It is certainly something that can be asked of her." Diana says with regard to her mother. "But I have to indicate just how very different the situations are with Genosha and Themyscira. Themyscira resides with a protective shield of magic that keeps it out of the visible range of anyone who is even near to its waters. It is protected from natural disasters such as hurricanes, or even from ships that might sale close to it. Entering that barrier requires a certain approach pattern, that most do not know. That is Themyscira's greatest defense. Beyond that? Well... we are a warrior people, and our people are ageless. They can die from physical injury, yes, but those are thankfully rare. So with the time we do have, we spend it training, practicing, for a fight that hopefully will never come to Themyscira's shores. I would... guess, and this is simply a guess, my mother's greatest advice for you would be to always aim yourself toward a leader who is diligent resolved, but kind and fair."

A small smile shows then and Diana draws in a breath and shakes her head. "You will never please everyone. It is an impossibility. The best you can do is spend every day being the best person that you can be. The best version of yourself that you can be. That is your goal for proving to the world that you are your own person, and not a recreation of your father. You are you, and that is all you should ever try to be."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna reached up with a hand to comb her hair back from her features with a barely restrained sigh. She paused, sipping at her tea as she mused over what Diana had to say. "That is certainly something to consider, somehow establishing a barrier that covers the whole of the island. I don't think we're fully capable of it, though I'd like to try something. Defensive measures that is, in case our powers are taken away.." She murmured, more or less thinking out loud.

She set her glass of tea down on the end table beside her, folding her hands on her lap. "So you don't think me foolish or a dictator to say I'm not entirely comfortable with making Genosha a fully democratic state? I've been lectured more times than I can count what I must do, or should do. I've been warned repeatedly that I'm a fine line to becoming another version of my father for years.. it's only been recently that people actually care to contemplate what that means."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Perhaps you could talk to the people of Wakanda." Diana offers as a suggestion then. "Their entire country is covered in something similar to that of Themyscira, only it is man made, rather than a divinely gift of protection." She draws in a breath then and softly releases it again. "I... do loathe the thought that your country is not safe enough as it stands today, as all of our homes should be. But I understand that you are trying to create a refuge for a people who suffer a fair amount of disdain in this world. And no, I do not fault you for not being a democratic government." She shows a sly grin then. "That would be hypocritical of me considering my own people."

Diana then tilts her head just a little and she keeps her gaze locked onto Lorna's own. "You do know that it is... impossible... for you to 'become your father'." She states then. "Right?" She adds quickly there after.

"Because you have lived your own life, you have your own experiences, your own thoughts, emotions, desires, whims and will. You cannot become him. Even if you were aiming to try to be... it simply is not something you can do. You will always be you, Lorna Dane, not your father. It does not matter what other people say you may or may not be, they are not you. The sun will never become the moon, and the moon will never become the sun. But you can both still shine brightly in your own individual ways."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna inclined her head, "I've been thinking about Wakanda a great deal, but considering when I approached my sister about it.. well, Wanda has worked with the King and all. She said it's unlikely he'd be willing to work with Genosha either. Much as Aquaman feels about my father still being ruler and there is no love lost there." She sighed again, closing her eyes briefly.

"But I'll just have to keep trying myself to see what there is to be gained or not. Otherwise, I'll never know, will I?" She mused, and sat back in the chair finally. It seemed that Diana's warm personality and reassurances had finally managed to get the green haired woman to //relax// for once.

"I am aware it's impossible to become exactly like my father. But it doesn't stop people from saying so. Just because we share the same powers, they think we're interchangeable. As if the North Pole or the South aren't their own magnetic spheres. We're opposite polarities, him and I. Not that that means much to other that compare us." She shrugged, smiling weakly.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Well." Diana starts then as she sits up straight and places her hands atop her lap with her palms together. "I cannot speak for the island of Themyscira as as a whole, but should you need help, you will at least have -this- Themysciran there offering to aide you in a time of which you desire it." She levels her gaze again and shows a light smile. "I can offer that much."

A breath is taken in again then and she has to shake her head just a little. "Remember though, you are not the mutation that you share with your father. Who you are will be defined by the choices you make and the actions that which you take. Especially when it is your time to rule the island nation thatyour father has established. It is then that the true spotlight will be upon you, and it is then that what you choose to do with it while it is yours that the legacy will be crafted that you leave behind."

Another short pause. "And you will have help, if you accept it from others. The burden will not solely be yours to take on. Unless you make it so."