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Latest revision as of 04:24, 23 September 2019

A Raven Berates
Date of Scene: 23 September 2019
Location: Living Quarters, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Raven berates Colette for something that is DEFINITELY not Colette's fault this time. She does so in front of Diana, to her huge embarassment.
Cast of Characters: Raven, Stardust, Wonder Woman

Raven has posed:
    It is a normal day at the tower.... More or less. While there are no currently emergent situations going on at the tower, there is, well, a tour going on. Raven, however, isn't aware of that. She's not aware of much at the moment- having just awoken in the early evening hours. The sun has yet to set, but it is moving towards the horizon at its usual languid pace.

    Idly, Raven steps free of a seemingly-liquid pool of shadow upon the wall, its grayness deepening heavily into an outright blackness that seems impenetrable by any light... And then, shortly after, Raven pushes free of it as if it had been a doorway the entire time. Without making so much as a noise, Raven makes her way across to the kitchen, and sets up the Titans' coffee machine. All of it seems altogether routine, and Raven is grateful that, for the moment, nobody is present.

Stardust has posed:
    While Raven was sleeping, Colette has been showing Diana the facilities that will be available for the upcoming training sessions. Specifically the Danger Room. It's a lot of fun, and Colette couldn't resist showing it off. The programming has expanded a lot over the last couple of years, particularly when Colette figured out how to download computer game assets into the Danger Room computers and create scenarios based on them. The recent Assassin's Creed: Themyscira provided an environment that Diana would no doubt find quite familiar, a cliff-top training ground loosely based on an actual location on the island.

    Colette had run through the trainees that the Titans have, giving Diana a background on what their strengths and limitations are, and discussing her notions for what she felt they needed. Primarily this was about getting them to work together as a team. Generally they're quite capable individually, but are unused to the extra complexities - and possibilities - of fighting together. Also it's primarily defensive, at least at first, and particularly in the case of Kian, the avian pacifist. Most of all, Colette wants them to learn how to watch each other's backs, though a bit of actual close-quarters combat training would certainly be in order for those who want it.

    After going through her notes and ideas, showing off the capabilities of the system, and beating up a few digital mooks just for fun, Colette has invited Diana to come into the living quarters for refreshments. Even digital mooks get tiring to beat up after a while. "Nothing alcoholic," Colette is telling Diana with a grin. "But we have a wide selection of sodas, fruit juice, and mineral water. If you're hungry, I can order something in. So... what do you think? Of the training, I mean. Apart from one-on-one melee, I was thinking I'd like to pair my guys up and get them used to covering each other's backs when facing a larger number of opponents."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is in civilian clothing, a black faux-leather jacket and some black jeans, a white camisole style shirt beneath the jacket. Her dark hair is tied back behind her shoulders into a loose pony tail and her sunglasses are resting on top of her forehead just over her hairline. She'd been asking quite a number of questions about the Danger Room, mostly related to its safety protocols, though the program of Themyscira had gotten her to melt a little on the inside and outside, She'd gushed about how real it felt and made her feel homesick, but in a good natured way.

Once they've left that behind though, and are within the commons of the Titans facility, Diana meanders a bit as she lets her gaze roam over the interior of the room, taking in the various details of the Titan's setup. A glance is given over to Colette then from the tall Amazon Princess, her current footwear being a pair of ankle-high black boots that raise her up just past 6'0" in height.

"Water would be more than fine. I am not hungry as of just now, but thank you." She says with a smile and that smile lingers then at the question. "To be entirely honest, I am very impressed. It... comforts me to know that you and yours have such an extensive amount of technology to help you achieve the training that you need to stay safe aaaaaand function as a better team together. I have often worried about your safeties when it comes to this very dangerous life that we are living. But. It seems as though things are as good as they possibly could be to help prevent that. Yes?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven doesn't jump, but does seem to twitch at the noise of Colette's voice. She can overhear that a conversation is happening nearby- and enough of it tells her that it's Colette, with some other person that Raven doesn't recognize. She isn't above lambasting someone in a semi-public fashion, though- as things are about to show. It's just unfortunate that it's over a misconception.

    When Colette approaches, Raven is facing away, toward the coffee machine. There is a... Moment of contemplation. Raven is waiting for the coffee to finish. She can multitask. Before Diana has a chance to speak in proper earshot of Raven- such a voice would have made her reconsider her actions, to save some degree of face- Raven starts laying in with a more dramatic greeting than usual.

    "Come to make more comments? Give me more -suggestions-?" The way she says the last word is... Rather darkly emphasized. She hasn't turned to face Colette yet. "I thought you were above it. I was under the impression that while you may not be the bastion of maturity that you at least had sense or tact. It seems I was wrong." To say that Raven is having this conversation without Colette's help is, to put it lightly, an understatement. Whether she'll allow Colette a chance to speak at all is the real wager.

    "In front of the entire team. Let's single out -Raven.- Let's tell the lonely goth that she -specifically- needs to train with the most beautiful women on the planet." There is, then, a pause. Raven detaches the pot from the machine and starts pouring her cup. "The knowledge you have is privileged. It was learned in confidence."

Stardust has posed:
    "Hiya Rae," Colette says as a passing greeting as she heads into the kitchen area and digs around in the fridge. "The force generators produce about twenty tons of force at max," she tells Diana. "So potentially it can be dangerous. But the software has all kinds of safety protocols built in. Some of us like switching them off, but when someone more breakable is training, you can basically turn down the impacts to almost nothing. Honestly I'm more worried about someone breaking the Danger Room than the Danger Room breaking anyone. Twenty tons sounds a lot, but Negasonic's explosions, for example..."

    She comes out of from the fridge bearing a couple of bottles of Badoit spring water. Her favorite brand, French of course. She may speak without an accent, but that doesn't stop Colette feeling her Frenchness.

    Colette is about to continue discussing her favorite room when Raven's floodgates open. "I... What are you... It's..." she attempts to interject, looking increasingly puzzled, and flashing Diana a slightly embarrassed 'sorry about this' smile. It's only when Rae actually mentions the training that Colette has any clue what her team mate is on about.

    "Uh. Raven? Rae? Rae?" Colette raises a finger in the air, attempting to hold back the flood like king Canute. When Raven finally subsides, she says "Okay. So, first... I singled you out because do you think I could even keep the boys away? Not like I needed to tell them. Second, I'm not the one saying anything about... anything... in front of other people." There's another apologetic glance towards Diana. "And third, what the..." Colette has remained quite calm through Raven's outburst, but a frown of frustration briefly flickers over her features. "I don't know what you thought I was getting at Rae, but what I was actually getting at was that I have arranged for some of the best fighters on this planet to come and help people learn about combat. And every time I have ever tried to get you to do any kind of fighting training, you tell me it's completely irrelevant to your skills. What happens if you lose your powers, or there's some kind of ward, or something? /Sarcasm/ the bad guys into submission? If I picked you out, it's because Vorp and Robin are both skilled martial artists already. They can look after themselves, even without powers. They're not the ones I worry about!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Negasonic...?" Diana was about to form a question with regard to who that was, but before she could complete the sentence she registered Raven's approach and washed her breeze on by into the lounge area toward the counters and promptly place her back to where Diana was. What came next, the interaction between Rachel and Colette just gets a slight smile from the Princess. She knows this is a Titan-thing and not her place to even likely overhear it, but with how her hearing works, it is a bit too late for that now.

So, Diana just looks away after acknowledging Colette's expression given toward her, and she proceeds to just walk around at a casual little strolling pace while the two Titans speak to one another.

She finds a pair of cups that seem to be out of place on the counter top so she just picks them up and gently places them into their proper-looking homes amongst the others and then turns and looks back to the two of them. "I am always willing to help others in need of combat training, as well, if time permits, of course." The Princess states then in her smoky flavored voice with that distinctly non-American accent to it.

Raven has posed:
    Colette tries, but Raven is like an oncoming train. She hasn't turned yet, but now her cup is poured. That she's not taken a drink is altogether unusual. "Oh really? You needed to call me, specifically, out? The others are... Open with themselves. Vorpal, Garfield. Others. They have exposed that part of themselves, and that is fine. I wanted to keep it to myself. Keep it private. I can't do that any longer. I thought we were out of high school." Says Raven, Mean Girls Incarnate. "Which means that you now get to hear this, it means that I don't get to keep anything to myself because someone else will investigate my room or look at my books and then do what they can to tell others as much as possible. Like in a meeting. I imagine you have prepared a powerpoint presentation about my love life that was on the docket for the next Titans general assembly."

    Raven, then, takes a long sip of her coffee, just as Diana speaks. She had expected some sort of Amazonian emisarry, perhaps from the Themiscyran Embassy. She'd expected someone who Colette was just giving paperwork to, or some random new member that was getting a tour. Apparently, that's enough to stop a train. Raven spits out her coffee rather suddenly, and without much more notice, sets the cup down on the counter.

    Her hood goes up of its own accord. She doesn't turn to face Colette and continue her diatribe.

    Quietly, and very slowly, she begins to sink into the floor, as if it were quicksand.

Stardust has posed:
    Colette gives another apologetic glance at Diana. That's when she realizes she's holding both bottles of water, and hands one over wordlessly. "Rae, please. Stop." Her words do not stop the flood though. "Rae, I don't know why... this has nothing to do with... will you just listen? Please?" Her next apologetic glance to Diana is accompanied by the private thought that Diana probably doesn't have to deal with stuff like this at the Justice League. On the other hand if she does, it would probably be quite exciting. Imagine Superman getting into a massive sulk with Batman because he'd misinterpreted Batman's tactical analysis as an attempt to interfere with the Kryptonian's love life.

     Colette takes a step or two towards Raven, still attempting to slip a word in. "Will you just... listen? You've got completely the wrong idea..." The flood keeps coming though, and Colette seems helpless to stop it. She hasn't tried yelling yet. She can speak very forcefully. That comes with having a trained voice. She can really project when she wants to, and could probably shout loudly enough to drown Raven's complaints out, even if not actually stop Raven talking. That doesn't happen though. It would probably only make things worse

     When Raven starts sinking through the floor, Colette moves quickly, stepping close and hissing her next words down at Raven. "You're the one acting like you're at high school! This has nothing to do with... that! I would never reveal anything..." her voice returns to normal volume. "...This is about keeping you safe! Dammit Rae, I worry about you getting hurt. How is that so hard to understand? This is an opportunity to get better at fighting, for your safety. Nothing else! Come back..." she holds her hand down towards Raven, offering it as if offering someone lying on the floor a hand up, but her eyes turn to Diana. "Sorry about this, Diana. She's... I'd really like her to get some combat training, but..." But what? Colette doesn't really know how to address that. Besides, she's already vented at Diana about the troubles of herding Titans and doesn't really want to impose on the Amazonian any more.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the mineral water bottle is thrust over to her, Diana reaches out to accept it and its about at that moment that Raven's coffee is spit out and her hood is just going up to encase the young woman's face. As Raven starts to retreat, Diana's brown eyes go to look upon her, with a calm and even stare, the Princess just sliiiiightly tilts her head toward her right shoulder as she draws the water bottle back and twists the cap off.

She doesn't want to interfere in this, its clearly a heated subject between the two of them, but she feels for them both, she has seen conversations like this before. Not between Superman and Batman, no, those are far different spats, but still very dramatic!

"It is all fine." Diana replies to Colette. "I can certainly return another time as well. I plan to bring a couple of my sisters with me next time, they will be coming here on their own eventually, to help offer those of you who wish it--Amazonian training within that Danger Room. I suspect that they will be very impressed by its technology as well."

Before Raven can flee though, Diana does offer her a smile before raising the water bottle up for a sip.

Raven has posed:
    Raven is sort of in sensory overload at the moment. The sinking into the floor isn't exactly an escape from her as much as it is a mild reflex out of embarrassment. Colette's approach causes Raven to turn, slightly. It's almost as if she's pulling the hood down in front of her face, trying to hide as much of her as the thing is capable of hiding.

    Whether Raven has understood Colette's intentions or not is unclear- what is clear is that she is -beet- red. She hasn't stopped sinking, at that point. Instead, she just looks away from Colette after thinking about saying something. Luckily, she doesn't -sound- like she's on the verge of crying, at the very least. She just seems to be... Overwhelmingly bruised, as it were, that someone like -Diana- had overheard such a conversation. Diana's mild inaction isn't exactly helping- Raven doesn't have any idea what the woman thinks of it, which means that her imagination can run wild with how Diana now perceives the Titans.

    "I uh," there is a pause, "I should probably leave." she remarks, more to herself, partially to the room to explain why she's sinking into the floor. She's clearly not centered anymore, or at all, at the moment- and it doesn't look like she's going to take Colette's hand.

Stardust has posed:
    When it becomes clear Raven isn't going to take her offered hand, Colette steps away and lets her get on with sinking, and looks over at Diana. "Sorry," she says with a slight shrug. "Raven's... had a lot of stress lately." The words are as much for Raven as for Diana, if Raven can still hear. Colette may not exactly be happy with Raven putting her in a spot like that, but she'll still try to cover for her... friend? as much as she can think of a way to cover for that. Which isn't a lot, to be honest. "She didn't... she probably isn't happy you saw that, I think she wasn't expecting someone outside the team to be here. Uh. Sorry. Raven's life is kind of complicated."

    Colette unscrews the lid of her water and takes a swig. "Aaanyway, yeah. You and two of your fellow Amazons would be ideal for the training I have in mind, I'm sure. Thank you so much for this Diana, it'll be a huge help. I think if we give them one good session of just kind of illustrating the issues and getting them thinking as a team, the rest... well, even Robin would love to do some more training with your Amazons after that, and he considers himself the world's greatest swordsman." She grins wide, obviously trying to change the subject. "In return, if your guys would like to use the Danger Room from time to time for their own purposes, just get in contact and we'll arrange some time for them."

    Colette falls silent for a moment. She can't quite leave it alone. "I'll go talk to her later. Um. Raven I mean. Not straight away," she explains. "She'll want some time by herself right now, I think. Thanks for everything, Diana."

Wonder Woman has posed:
After Raven fully slips away into the dark, Colette's voice draws Diana's eyes back onto her and she summons a sweet smile for the remaining Titan. "It is okay. I do not know much about her, but I have seen some of the things she is capable of. She is very young, and yet, very powerful... I am not sure I could easily handle such abilities at such a youthful age, better than she is. I might have many frustrations bothering me as well, likely far worse. I admire what she does though, because she yet seems to be on top of things. I hope that she is okay though." She states this, holds her smile for a moment longer and then glances around their immediate area.

"Yes, Galatea and Adrastea are already interested in helping. They're my most combat... enthusiastic sisters who are with us here in the US." For a moment, Diana shows a grin to Colette before she takes another light step toward the other side of the room, where they'd come in from.

"I look forward to it though, I would like to get to know your friends and companions here better. Vorpal, Cassie... yourself, I know the best. The rest? Well... I'm eager to find out more about them. Raven included, of course. Tell her I said I hope that she is feeling better soon." Another light sip is taken from her water then.