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TITANS: Meeting, At Last!
Date of Scene: 18 September 2019
Location: Crime Lab, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Robin retakes the crown, directions are considered, decisions are made, and Raven is voted down on her plan of building a trebuchet to fling Beast Boy from the tower.
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Raven, Robin (Wayne), 87

Stardust has posed:
They said it could never be. They said it couldn't be done. Yet somehow, schedules have converged. The long-planned meeting is taking place. Stardust, Robin, Vorpal and Raven, the current core of the team, those... may the gods have mercy on us all... who have the most influence on the team, who determine its direction, are gathering together in the crime lab to do exactly that.

    Or attempt it, at least.

    Colette, who has been bothering everyone with endless messages to their T-Coms, has called for the meeting at the crime lab. It's quieter than the living quarters, which often get a fair bit of traffic these days. There are things to discuss that are a matter for the core members to decide between them. It's also convenient because it's got lots of monitors scattered around, which Colette has showing the battle against the Knock-Off Titans from many different angles, an assortment of looping video and stills. She's spent a good hour or so setting it all up, and is now sitting with her feet up on a console, unaware that her feet are typing an ever-growing row of WWWWWWW along one monitor, and is drinking a soda. The meeting is due to start at any moment. Hopefully everyone will actually show up.

Raven has posed:
    When did Raven get there?

    Not even the cameras really show it. In one moment, Raven probably isn't leaning against that solemn corner. In the next, Raven is there, sipping coffee. She says nothing- well aware that she has arrived for a meeting, regardless of the fact that she had to be told that the meeting was going to be in a different room in order for her to consider the ruse as enough to consider the meeting particularly important. The looping video and stills don't seem to captivate her attention- as she was there for them.

    Instead, Raven just... Looms. Looming is her job, for now, and she's going to do it.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin made his way to the Crime Lab, dressed in his uniform and all. When he enters, seeing Colette with her feet on the console, he just tuts his tongue. "You're typing." He comments, crossing his arms in disapproval.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal is not sitting on a console. The last time he did that, someone threw a newspaper at him. Instead, he's sitting on a surface that cannot possibly cause any malfunctions by pressing buttons- a chair.

There aren't any buttons on the chairs, right?

"Thank you all for coming to this meeting of Vorpal's Fanclub International. I believe Stardust has a motion to bring to the table, right?" he grins and looks over at Colette.

Stardust has posed:
Colette glances over to Robin with a nod of greeting, then responds "I'm... what?" She stares at him for a moment, and follows his eyes to the screen full of double-yous. "Oh." She gives a shrug. "Guess my feet have something to say. I wouldn't want to restrict their artistic freedom, though I must admit it's not exactly inspired." She does lower her feet, but leaves her foot composition undeleted on the screen.

    Colette didn't remark on Raven's arrival, but she must have observed it as she says "Wow, everyone made it. Okay. I have two items for the agenda. Raven may or may not have a third, that's up to her. Item One, Robin has returned." She points at him, in case anyone was unclear. "He says he's back properly this time. I'm gonna assume he's planning to resume the mantle of leadership. I suggest that given he's been away for more than half a year and left those responsibilities to others, that should be a matter we discuss rather than just... you know. Wave away."

    " We have been without a leader for six months," Colette continues." There has been no agreement on who organizes stuff, who deals with the Citizens for a Bitter Tomato group who funds us, who deals with the newbies. Most of that fell on me because I'm the one stupid enough to do it when nobody else was. Taking extended leave without making sure that stuff was looked after was not good leadership from shortstuff here. Leadership is responsibility, Robin leaving the way he did was not responsible. That needs saying. "

    Colette pauses a moment. "Also, having said that, he has my vote. He's the best leader amongst us, and despite all that, I have faith in him. Far as I'm concerned, he's still leader if he wants it." That seems like a fast turnaround.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Point of Order: Motion to dissolve and destroy any evidence of this ever existing. All in favor:" Robin holds up his hand, along with whomever else. "The ayes have it."

  As Colette brings up things concerning Robin's leadership, he keeps his arms crossed. "What happened was out of my control. But yes. It wasn't the best way to do it. I needed to get to taking care of business in Gotham and abroad."

  Damian looks to Vorpal and Raven, judging what their feelings are on the situation. "What do you two think?"

Raven has posed:
    Raven stands there and, momentarily, considers leaving the meeting as Vorpal introduces it. That is certainly a club that she is not a part of. She cannot have anyone spreading rumors of it, either. There is, however, enough self-control that she lingers. Her expression darkens for a time, a raised brow greeting Colette's statement.

    "I do not care." she remarks, rather bluntly. "If Robin wants to lead, then he has a right to the position. Putting someone who doesn't want it in the position is just going to lead to worse."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I don't mind short-stuff being made leader, as long as he doesn't rummage through our stuff again." Vorpal smirks, crossing his arms. "But I think there needs to be a caveat put in that he has to clean the toilets for a year if he goes through our stuff again. My underwear drawer has never been the same."

He looks around, "So, any objections?"

Stardust has posed:
    Colette raises an eyebrow slightly at Robin's reaction. She was expecting at least a tiny outburst from him. However, one of the reasons for his absence was to give him the opportunity to find himself - and perhaps he has done so, at that. She's not going to say anything right now if he's not though. "Motion carried, unanimous." She flashes Robin a grin. "Welcome back, boss-man. "

    "Two short points before we get onto the second item. First, Gar seems to be spending a lot of time around the tower, looking slightly lost. I propose we invite him back as a full member, we can use his experience. Second, I have made arrangements with Diana to help with a short training program for team combat defense for the newbies. She'll be bringing some of her Amazons. I'll give times to anyone interested in participating. Rae, I know fighting isn't your thing, but there may be times when magic isn't working for you, it would be useful. Just a suggestion.

    "That out of the way, second item. The Fakes. I have sent a file with everything we've got so far to all of you. This is very clearly targeted at us. There is very clearly a lot of money behind it. I think it's a safe bet there are Fakes of more than just myself and Rae. I'd also bet this is connected to the breakouts of various of our old enemies. We need to do something about this. " She nods her head towards Robin. "Over to you, boss."

Raven has posed:
    Raven pipes up at the mention of Beast Boy lingering around the tower more often nowadays. At that, she has only a simple counter-notion to give. "I propose we construct a trebuchet. I think, with the proper materials, we could land him in New York. I know of a veterinarian that may be able to find out what's wrong with him."

    There is another sip of her coffee. Raven clearly believes her motion carries the most weight. Then, there is mention of Amazons and training and Diana. "I will... Pass on training with the Amazons." She says nothing more on the matter, but Colette gets a look of some variety. There are others that share its form of dagger, so it is difficult to tell what she's on about.

    The mention of the Fakes just gets a groan of annoyance from Raven. Hard for her to feel anything other than disdain on most days, and this time, it's worse than disdain. Someone tried to ape her style.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Aw, c'mon Rae, he's the only one around here who thinks I'm worth giving the time. Get rid of him and I might just get more eccentric." Vorpal looks at Colette. "I am afraid I can't really vote on this. I'm emotionally involved, and despite what SOME people might think-" he grins at Damian "I do have enough self-awareness to recuse myself when compromised. I trust you guys to make the right decision."

He grows somber at the mention of the fakes, and he humms. "I feel a little insulted. They clearly targeted you two, but they thought I wasn't a credible threat?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian furrows his brow at Vorpal. "Get a fucking janitor. Your underwear drawer wasn't even in the chest of drawers, disgusting."

  When the motion is brought to the table however, Damian goes quiet. Then nodding, he starts to make his way to the console, bringing up some prepared images and such. "We need more intel than what we have. But suffice to say that there is a significant threat to the team. I suggest we keep Negasonic Teenage Warhead under wraps for now. She will be the X factor (ha) that they don't have."

  Robin removes his mask, looking to everyone here. "The Fakes, as they are, present enough of a threat and mystery that we must focus on the defensive first, then once we gather enough intel, can go on the offensive. It can be posited that there are more of these fakes out there. One for each of us."

  "I've trained with Diana and her Amazons. It will be nothing you've experienced before."

  "Beast Boy shall be a Titan again. He, reluctantly, has my vote. And it's a quarter past eleven."

  "I have a fair amount of concerns with some new members. Though I suggest we incorporate another: Zachary Zatara, a branch of the Zatara family, and cousin to long standing Justice League member Zatanna Zatara. I suggest floating him a T-comm and seeing if he can pass the test."

Stardust has posed:
    Colette returns Raven's look with one that's remarkably blank. No daggers, but really nothing else either except perhaps a hint of 'I expected you to say that'. She had to try. Even Kian's getting dumped into the Amazonian training, and the Akiar's a pacifist. However Raven has refused to train with Colette often enough before that she wasn't expecting to get anywhere there.

    "You're probably best placed for intel," Colette says to Robin. "They have big money. There can't be many organizations with access to unconventional aircraft, the money to create their own evil super-team and some type of grudge. One possible angle I'd thought of. If they're planning to clone us all, they're going to have trouble with Daro. She's virtually unique. There's only so many ways they can approach that. Agreed on Nega, we definitely keep her low profile on this. For various reasons."

    Colette swipes and pokes at a screen, and pulls up a clip of the end of the battle against the Fakes. "I'm pretty sure they're trying to do us all, Vorp. Don't take offense. Look at this." On the screen, the downed Fakes, Darkstar and Peregrine, are evacuated one after the other through some kind of portal. They look more like /rips/ than rabbit holes, but it's telling. She reverses the playback, freezes a frame and zooms in. A hand can be seen reaching through the portal, gripping Peregrine's arm. She pulls up a still image of almost the same frame, clearly post-enhancement. It's blown up a lot, and the details are not clear, but it does look rather like there are claws on the ends of those fingers. Colette turns to Vorpal with a raised eyebrow, but says nothing.

    "Zachary Zatara?" Colette repeats to Damian with a slight frown. "That name's familiar. Sure, bring him in. I can include him in a Danger Room training session with a few of the others and see what he can do. There's that not-spider-man kid who needs a proper evaluation, too. Let's do them together."

Raven has posed:
    Raven doesn't have much to say about the duplicates, at the moment. That means that, for the moment, she can only respond to Vorpal. "If you get more eccentric, you just might cease to exist on this dimension. That is a fate that I am willing to live with, and a risk worth jettisoning Garfield over the East River." Then, Colette announces she has been voted down.

    "I have no strong opinion on Zachary, but if he fits the Titans, we will know. As for the other Spider, from what we've seen, he fits. They should be tested."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I'm in favor of Zachary. It will be nice to have a magic-user in the team who does not want my utter and total annihilation." The Cheshire cat raises an eyebrow, and then shakes his head. "They're trying to clone me... but I'm fairly unique myself. There's only one Cheshire cat, you know... so I guess they will probably have someone with cheap portal powers and a second-rate telekinesis masquerading as chaos magic."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Guessing in the dark only prepares you to be wrong, Vorpal. Whoever these fakes are, they are more formidable than some cut rate clone."

  Damian crosses his arms, looking at the display. "As for Other members...I must voice my concerns with Kian. I am convinced he is not ready to be a member..."

Stardust has posed:
    Colette pulls up another image, of the hatch of the hovering vehicle. Even at maximum enhancement, the figure that kept in the shadows is barely visible as anything other than a shadowy shape, possibly armored, what looks like a single red eye glowing in the face. "And this, obviously the leader of their gang. Presumably Nibor, the Anti-Robin. Not much to go on there. My guess is that Fake Robin and Fake Vorp stayed out of the way because they saw me and Rae and wanted our opposite numbers to fight us. Probably trying out how they compare." Her eyebrows furrow. "Though I wonder if..." she glances towards Rae, and shakes her head.

    "You're right about Kian," Colette says to Robin, settling back in her chair. "He's not ready. Yet. He's getting there though. He can offer us a lot. It's up to us to figure out how to get the best out of him. He's an extremely good flier. He's a pacifist, but he has no qualms about destroying equipment. Or robots. And he's really, really good at that, I've been getting him to toast drones in the Danger Room. Chain lightning is very effective against a swarm. He can act defensively, and he can manipulate electro-magnetic radiation. So, deflecting laser beams. Making everything dark. Dazzling flashes of light. If we can't make him a valuable member of the team, that's our failure not his."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"I think Kian is perfect material, D," the Cheshire cat frowns, looking at Damian. "I would imagine a strategist would appreciate the unique challenge that such a non-typical member of the group poses, combined with the boon of resources that he comes with, as Colette said. Are you... scared by the challenge?" he raises an eyebrow.

Stardust has posed:
    Colette picks up a piece of paper, crumples it into a ball and throws it at the image of the shadowy figure she'd dubbed 'Nibor' on one of the monitors. "Well then," she says getting to her feet. "As the third item appears to be off the agenda, I think we can call this meeting to a close. All-in-favor-say-nothing-motion-carried." Democracy by motormouth. "Besides, I haven't eaten yet. Anyone in the mood for chinese takeout?" She stops in the doorway."Oh, and Vorp. I may have a lead on the fae business. Let's chat about it soon."