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Latest revision as of 04:30, 24 September 2019

Coffee Bean and Music
Date of Scene: 24 September 2019
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: Hector and Wanda meet by chance in a coffee house, and Wanda finds out he recently won training from Janet and Steve in a charity auction
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Zorro

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The Manhattan coffee shop is one that Wanda has been to before. Dressed in civilian clothes, a black skirt and boots and a purple blouse, she found herself outside of it. Looking at the place and letting a few memories wash over her.

The auburn-haired woman almost walked past it rather than go in, and even took two steps down the sidewalk to continue on, before drawing up short. A determined look came to her face and she turned to walk back to the door and pass inside.

The interior is moderately busy for a weekday evening. There is a duo playing guitars over in a corner, the live music having brought in more people than usual. Wanda moves over to the counter, getting herself a cappuccino and a lemon bar before looking about for a seat.

Zorro has posed:
Hector Rodriguez walked down the street with a determined look on his face. In his right hand he gripped what appeared to be a thick book with a scarlet flower on the cover. This of course, was the script for the Scarlet Pimpernel, the play he was about to do in Broadway. Hector, being the ever-cautious type, often reread scripts obsessivly whereever he went, today not being an exception. Today he had just been practiceing a scene in Central Park and decided to go for a walk around Manhatten before catching a bus back to Queens. He stopped upon seeing the coffee shop and, after a moment of contiplation, walked in.
     Upon walking in, Hector let out a sigh of both annoyance and amazement, it was busier then he expected in here. Upon reaching the cash register, he ordered a cinnomon cappichino and a cinnomon roll and started to look for a seat, eventually finding one in the corner of the room. Hector looked around and, thinking no one would be watching him, flipped opened his script again and started to recite a monologe from the script in the English-Accented voice of his character, Sir Percy, and started to make erratic hand gestures just like his character.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff's eyes go to the duo playing guitar. She draws a bit of a deep breath, something about them causing her a moment's emotion. She shakes her head though as if to rid herself of the thoughts, and then moves over to take a seat at a small comfortable next to a sofa and a table.

She sets her drink and snack on the table, adding a packet of sugar and stirring it slowly as she takes a moment to people watch. Mostly students, with a few older people sprinkled in, Wanda being one of the latter. She takes a sip of her drink, a small one to test the temperature, then sets it down to let it cool for a few moments. Her eyes finally make it over to the corner nearest to her, glancing with curiosity at Hector as he speaks aloud to himself.

Zorro has posed:
As Hector continues his accented monologue, he has a familiar feeling run down his spine, the feeling of being watched. He has had that feeling multiple times as both Zorro and as himself. He turns around and see a woman staring at him curiously. Hector immedialtey stops his monologue mid-word and awkardly waves at the woman. He then starts to sip his coffee again.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda sees the wave and gives a friendly enough smile and a bob of her head in acknowledgement back. She takes up her fork, sliding the plate with the lemon pastry on it closer, but not starting in on it yet. "Are you rehearsing for a play or show or something?" she asks Hector sort of idly, glancing up after the question but it seeming just meant as simple chit chat.

The pair of guitar players have finished their last song and then start in on Dueling Banjos, but played on guitar. A few people in the crowd make jokes, but the upbeat song soon as people tapping feet along to it.

Zorro has posed:
Hector gives Wanda a friendly smile as he says to her," Yes, i actually am. The Scarlet Pimpernel is coming out on Broadway soon and i am studying for my role." Hector decided not to bring up the fact he was the lead, not wanting to draw attention to hismelf yet. He then grins as the muscicians start to play a dueling banjos bit, his foot tapping along to the beat as he does.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
"Oh, wonderful," Wanda says as she hears Hector's answer. "I made it out to Broadway a few times when I first came to New York, dragged out there by a friend more often than not. Though... it's been... wow it's been a few years now since I made it to a show," she comments. "Life has a way of finding uses for your time if you let it," the auburn-haired woman adds with a little shake of her head.

She uses her fork to break off the corner of the lemon bar and bring it to her lips. The sweet-tart pastry getting a soft, pleased sound as she tastes it and chews it slowly. Once she's finished, she says, "I'm only somewhat familiar with the story. What character are you playing?" she inquires as she looks back to Hector again.

Zorro has posed:
Hector nods as Wanda explains her familiarity with Broadway. As Wanda took a bite out of her bar, Hector picks up the cinnomon roll and takes a bite, the tasts of cinnamon and sugar filling his mouth. He finishes his bite at the same time Wanda asks her question. Hector hesistates for a moment before saying," I am actually playing the lead, Sir Percy, AKA The Scarlet Pimpernel himself. I must say, it is an exciting role."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's eyebrows go up a bit in an expression of approval for the man. "Congratulations," she tells him. "And now I am getting the feeling you are probably someone that I should recognize, were I not so uninformed about the entertainment industry?" the woman comments. "How long until it is set to open?" she inquires about the play.

She takes another small bite of the lemon bar, then takes a sip of her cappuccino. A college-aged couple come in, getting two coffees and sitting on a couch on the other side of Hector. They immediately ignore everything else around them to begin a series of kisses and comments interspersed with laughs and giggles. Young love.

Zorro has posed:
Hector grins and takes a sip of his cappuccino as Wanda congratulates him on landing the role. That was exactly how a lot of his friends and acquintances reacted upon hearing the news, and he never grew tired of hearing it. Upon her comment on familiarity, Hector leans in and whisphers to her, not wanting to draw attention to himself," My name is Hector Rodriguez. I am actually quite well-known in Broadway. My most famous up to this point being The Phantom himself from the Phantom of the Opera."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The woman's expression seems suitably impressed. "I have seen that before, though it was a few years back. I don't know if that might have been you or not then," Wanda says, looking thoughtful. "Well, Mr. Rodrigues, I hope that the new play goes well for you. I will have to see about grabbing Janet and coming to catch a performance when it opens up," she tells him.

Another sip of her beverage. The girl from the couple looks up having caught Hector's name. She nudges her boyfriend and motions over towards Hector's corner as she tells him quietly, "Hey, that's the actor, Hector Rodriguez, he just said it."

Zorro has posed:
Hector's eyes widened upon hearing her name-drop Janet van Dyne. He then suddenly flashed back to the night of the auction and remembered the dolls that were up for sale, and seeing a pcture of their owner, The Scarlet Witch. He then extends his hand for a handshake while saying," Your the Scarlet Witch? I wasn't expecting to run into another Avenger so soon. I've already met Janet for combat training. She and Senor America have taught me many interesting things. Send her my regards."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is actually used to not being recognized, not so much that her face isn't recognizable as that people tend to focus on her uniform to the point they look past her when she's not in it. She reaches over to shake Hector's hand as he offers it. "Yes, I am. Please, Wanda," she says. "Oh, so you know Janet? Yes, she's a darling isn't she? A more vibrant and energetic woman I think you'd be hard pressed to find," Wanda says with a warm smile.

"Combat training you say? And with Steve as well? Was that something for your play?" she asks curiously. If Hector is quite astute, he might notice a twitch from Wanda at the mention of Captain America.

Zorro has posed:
Hector fails to notice Wanda's twitch and grins as he says," No, it wasn't for any play. I won it in the Wayne Charity Auction. I took em for the obvious reason, self-defense. Now, it will be much harder for any random schmoe to rob me in a alley. Miss Van Dyne and Steve were great instructors. They seemed to really know their hand-to-hand combat."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives a slow, thoughtful nod of her head. She has a soft accent, Eastern European which is usually far from a soft sounding language, but her accent is mild enough to only be flavoring for her English words. "Steve in particular is probably one of the foremost hand to hand combatants in the world. He trained my brother and I when we first joined the Avengers," she confirms.

"Did you get to see Janet shrink? If not I'll have to give her a hard time for not after you paid so much for the lessons," Wanda says, though her soft smile making it more joking than anything.

Zorro has posed:
Hector takes another sip from his drink as Wanda told him the connectiion between Cap and her Brother. Hector then grinned when he heard Wanda ask if he saw Janet shrink. He then said,
     No, i did not. You don't have to give her a hard time. In fact, tell her that i am offering her free tickets to the Scarlet Pimpernel when it comes out next month. It is a thank you for the combat lessons."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff gives a soft smile and says, "I will definitely pass that on. And insist that she take me with her," in her soft, slow-spoken way she has, giving each word its moment in the sun before going on. Someone like Hector for whom speaking is a profession might notice the woman's mannerisms more than most.

Wanda gets another bite of her lemon bar, which has been neglect since they began talking. "Well hopefully you never need to put the lessons to use. But much better to know how and not need it, than to need it and not know it," she comments of the self-defense lessons.

Zorro has posed:
Hector smiles and nods at Wanda's comment on his training and says," Thank you. I hope to see you there on opening night." He then takes another bite of his cinnamon bun before looking at Wanda and saying," I will send the tickets via mail to the Tower soon. Make sure Miss Van Dyne and Mr.Rogers gets them. I will throw in an extra one for you too." He grins upon saying this.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives Hector a grateful smile. "Thank you, I appreciate it very much. I'll look forward to the show. As I said, it's been years since I've made it out to Broadway." She takes another bite of her lemon bar and then there's a buzz from her phone. She pulls it out and unlocks it, and the voice of JARVIS comes through, audible to Hector, close as he is. "Wanda, there is a situation. Can you please return to the Mansion as soon as possible?"

She replies, "Of course, on my way." Wanda takes a fast sip of the cappuccino as she rises. "I must get going. Very nice to meet you. I'll look forward to seeing you on stage," she says. Wanda carries her plate and cup over to the counter and then gives Hector a little wave as she heads into a hallway that a sign indicates is where the restrooms are. There's a little flash of reddish light from within as Wanda teleports herself back to the Mansion.