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Latest revision as of 05:23, 24 September 2019

They Say It's Your Birthday
Date of Scene: 24 September 2019
Location: Roof Tower - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Negasonic's birthday is celebrated with Noriko, Kitty and Rogue with ice cream cake and soda up on the roof of Xavier's
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Surge, Rogue, Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Shadowcat has posed:
The invitation to come celebrate Ellie's birthday quietly was a photo of Lockheed with a birthday party hat strapped between his horns, edited to include the text: Roof Tower, 10pm! Ellie's Birthday!

Kitty has lugged up some drinks and an ice cream cake. The night is a little cool but not too bad for September in upstate New York. The trees are starting to change, lit by moonlight. Up above, a meteor shower is going on, giving them a shooting star to look at every few minutes. One of the benefits of being out of the city this far, the night sky isn't ruined by light pollution from the city, making such things a more impressive display.

Surge has posed:
Nori is fearless! She will try anything once, be damned the consequences. She'll brave the tunnels of Moria with a fellowship of half sized mortals, men, and a grumpy old gay wizard. She'll hang out with Samuel L Jackson in a Dinosaur Park. She'll even sit with JFK in a topless carrage through Texas.

But she does not do heights.

"You know I'm only going because it's you're birthday right?" She's said this for the nine millionth time as she heads, with Ellie, towards the rooftop. "Dude, you think they snuck some beer? You think they'd be made if /I/ snuck some beer..." Eyeing her phone as she prepares to climb up on the roof, "I... really want to get Rogue stoned, is that fucked up? Man, imagine it.." Throwing big, heavy gauntleted fists at nothing as she nears the hatch up to the roof, "Pow, bang, boom.."

Ultimately, she ends up on the roof! BRAVING HEIGHTS... For Ellie. "Nope, I'm going back down..."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had gotten some of the halloween decorations out of the storage area up here and had proceed to string them up along the roof. Specifically the lantern lights. Once that was done though she swooped down and found a chair to lean back in. Her leather bomber jacket on, a dark red teeshirt, blue jeans and leather boots that go up to mid-calf over her jeans. She's just relaxing and smoking a cigarette... but blowing the smoke off toward the east so it flows out off the roof into the winds.

She'd been hanging out with some of her friends in the city this past weekend, its why she wasn't around for the Sentinel thing. These friends had gotten her back into smoking, so it seems.

Her eyes are down on her phone and she's tapping away at it, and glancing up to Lockheed and Kitty. "You're feelin' all right then?" She asks her friend.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie was actually more than a bit pleased about the picture invite in this case. The picture with lockheed in a little party hat is actually pretty priceless. the added value of Kitty being healthy again and not in a horrible coma is also great news, like a birthday present.

How much it pleases her she may deny.

She is wearing her usual jacket and gear, it is 10 at night in late september. Comfortable but not warm weather after all.

Under one arm is a small box, opened once already.

Nori's continued complaints makes her laugh not for the first time. "You're going up here because you love me and because there are railings and it is a totally safe patio you chicken."

"Also I doubt they snuck beer and I too would pay to see Anna Marie high..."

When Surge seems to be chickening out she reaches out and tries to give her a shove through the door. "get on with it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty drops onto a patio chair next to Rogue. "I feel great. Great thing about healers, you end up practically better than you would have been otherwise. Only thing is, I don't remember any of it," Kitty shares. "I had this vague thought of Rachel in my head when I woke. I guess she reached into my mind while I was out. But last I remember was... kind of vaguely remember getting up that morning. Maybe. It's really fuzzy, enough I'm not even confident of that. So, night before I guess. But otherwise? Feel great."

Kitty gets a pair of sodas from the cooler, passing one over to Rogue. No beer it looks like. "Took a bit to talk Peter into letting me come, and even so, it was mostly because he passed out from lack of sleep I was able to," she says. "Guy was so sweet. I guess he never left my side." Lockheed still has the party hat on. "You too I know," she says with a grin to the dragon.

When Ellie and Noriko arrive, Kitty gets up to flash them a grin. "Happy birthday!" she says to Ellie, moving to give her a hug but she keeps it brief.

Surge has posed:
"Dammit." Nori says, first to Ellie pointing out the facts of the situation, "Yes, obviously I do.. otherwise I'd have never gotten this far..." Then the shove, "Fine, I'm going!" Stepping out on the patio. Which is surprisingly unlike a roof at all... It is a roof, sure, but it's not at all what she imagined. "Dude, this is like a roof party with training wheels..." Hands out, almost embarassed at herself for being lowkey nervous about coming out here because she never bothered to read a description.

"Sup, Kitty. You look pretty great for someone in a Coma." Double pointing at the Guidance Councilor, "Glad you're not." Pause, "In a C- Happy birthday!" It's infectious! Spinning on her booted feet to face Ellie. Both arms up, fingers laced across the top of the spikey mess of hair. She's wearing.. clothes. Still summer shit, probably. Cut off shorts, t-shirt, boots... ass load of chains and necklaces. You know how she do.

"Sup, Rogue, Lockheed, you big sexy purple beast you. Is there beer?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just shows a little grin at Kitty before they show up. "Don't go cuttin' Lockheed short now. I mean look at that hat, he's as dapper as dapper gents can get." She flashes the dragon a smile and then looks to Noriko and Ellie as they stride on in. "Nah, no beer." Rogue says with a heavy sigh. "Its a school night. We'd get fired if we were caught servin' ya'll booze up here." Rogue leans over to the little silver ash tray she has sitting on the stone castle-style wall and she puts her cigarette out.

She doesn't stand up to offer hugs. People generally don't want a hug from her, so she's used to phasing them out.

"Eighteen now, Teenage Warhead." She says to Ellie with a sly grin. "Oh how I miss my eighteenth year...." She sighs then with the drama that only a southern belle can muster. "Live it up while it lasts!"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie chuckles some more when Nori admits she is right. Then the reaction to the roof patio. "Secret Teacher patio.... if you flew you would have seen it before now..." because yeah Ellie can sort of fly. It is more like a controlled explosion, but like Cannonball but not quite as much finesse. Though she has been practicing it a lot at Titans Tower in their Danger Room.

"You do look much better not being a coma scaring everyone Kitkat." and she hugs the older woman, being pretty gentle. I mean sure she was healed with mutant gifts and all that, but last night Ellie saw her in the hospital bed with some spooky bad charts.

"lockheed! you look absolutely fantastic." she nods very serious to the dragon. "I appreciate the photoshoot on my behalf."

Then to Rogue "I've got like two years left on my callsign... going to be Negasonic Warhead sooner than I ever thought.. or maybe Negasonic.. shit."

"Well fired or brain controlled.. or something.. soda and cake works can always do beer behind people's back another night." she moves to a chair and sets down the little opened box.

Which is about when a second box, black wrapped with a silk purple ribbon, appears by the first box from thin air. "The fuck... have I mentioned lately our lives are wierd."

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed preens under the praise, causing Kitty to laugh and shake her head. "He's already getting treated to enough cheesy poofs I'm going to have put him on a diet next week," Kitty says of the dragon fondly.

She grins and asks Noriko, "Ah, you haven't been up here before? Yes, pretty great spot isn't it? Sometimes the girls who wanted to sun without being oggled would come up here rather than doing it at the pool. Not Anna-Marie of course. What's the fun of sunning without oggling?" she asks, flashing a grin over at her old roomie.

Kitty passes out beverages to the two girls and then says, "Well, no beer, but the ice cream cake is Jack Daniels Chocolate Chocolate Chip. Which, really tastes nothing like whiskey, they just tack the name on to charge you an extra $5," she says. Kitty starts cutting slices. "Ooo. Did you make friends with some magic person somewhere?" she asks. There's a wrapped box sitting nearby though Kitty doesn't get it for Ellie yet, she's got enough to go through.

Surge has posed:
Nori really doesn't know Rogue very well, but she'd totally take a Rogue hug. She takes a Kitty hug. Basically if it has boobs, Surge will probably hug it. She's shameless like that.

Bitch has zero male friends.

It's a thing, check the logs.

"Thank yooou." Acceping a soda, she meanders away from the magic box, instinctively because magic is weird, towards Lockheed. Intent on making her first male friend. "You are fucking adorable!" Kneeling down, arms dangling over her thighs. "I'm sure you get this all the time, but you come here often?" To the dragon.

Because she's almost certain already high.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue leans forward on her chair then, or sits up on the edge of it rather. Her hands shove her leather jacket sleeves up to her elbows and then her right raises up to run gloved fingers through her snow white bangs that are draping down the right side of her face just now. She grins at what Kitty says about sun bathing. "Why do ya think Ororo's apartment is up here? She's a nudist, ya know?" Rogue states with a sly grin and a glance in the direction of Storm's attic.

She then looks back over to Ellie. "Negasonic Warhead still sounds pretty badass, if ya ask me, sugah." She says in that sultry southern voice of hers. "Stick with that. It'll do ya right." Rogue dips her right hand down into a bag beside her chair and she pulls out a black leather biker jacket that she tosses over to Ellie then.

"Wear it, especially when you're ridin' on the bike that me an' some'a the kids finished downstairs. Keys are in the pocket." Jacket, and a bike. "You're eighteen now, you can die for your country in war, means ya can die on a motorcycle too, in my opinion." She pauses with a grin. "Only... don't die on a mototrcycle, seriously."

Rogue's green eyed gaze glances over to Lockheed and Nori. "Careful. He'll love ya forever if ya talk to'im like that."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie contemplates telling Noriko that Lockheed is completely intelligent and probably smarter than some of their classmates. Then again watching her make cute noises at the dragon is fun in it's own right so she lets that one roll for the moment.

Soda accepted she pops it open and sips it. "That sounds like excellent cake even if it isn't actually boozy.. which probably means it tastes better if I am honest."

She was reaching for the small opened box, then has to change course rapidly to catch the thrown jacket and blinks a couple of times at Rogue. "Holyshit..." she digs around in the pockets now and pulls out the keys to the bike. "Fuck... who helped with it.... if it was Kaydin I need to have a mechanic look it over because Zippy would sabotage it..." she turns the jacket over in her hands, considering patches and spikes in her head. "I am pretty sure if I start a launch blast as I am wrecking the blast shield would protect me from the impact." she notes amused. "But yeah... that could cause a serious traffic incident if during rush hour ..so since I am not invulnerable like you I will be super careful" she hugs the Jacket and leaves it in her lap.

"So remember that world history teacher we had like.. two years ago.. the really hot one with the British Accent, Lara Croft?" she taps the box. "I think she gave me a dangerous magical gift ... but man she really got me.. unless it isn't what it looks like..." she opens the box and carefully draws out a leather band necklace with five sharp and pointed teeth, they look like dinosaur teeth really, the middle one has a ruby gemstone set into it. "Dragons teeth.. I think.. I mean.. the card says she found it and thought I might like it.. but also talked about the legend of Cadmus and the sacred dragon of the god of war Areas... to sow dragon's teeth means to cause something that breeds dispute... which... I mean.. very me..but... she was an odd one..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Lockheed certainly does love the attention. His wings give a little flap and he preens, the party hat held on by a string about his little dragon head. Kitty laughs and shakes her head. "I can't criticize him after med bay," she says of the dragon who was at her side as much as Peter Parker was.

Kitty smiles to Ellie and nods. "Yes, I think you have a point there on the alcohol taste," she says, before falling silent as Negasonic opens up the gift. "Wow, that's pretty awesome that she remembered your birthday. Let alone something like that," Kitty says of the necklace.

She moves back over to take a seat again, and the mention of the bike for Negasonic has her grinning. "I'm so glad those seem to have gone over as well as they did. It was just sort of... stumbled into them and thought, why not. But I honestly was a little worried people would just look at them and see a bunch of old junk," she says of the motorcycles.

Surge has posed:
"Whoa..." Nori pushes up to her feet and looks at the black jacket tossed in Ellie's direction, "You got a motorcycle? Dude, you're taking me for a ride after this..." Motioning around at the party, specifically the cake, possible at the dragon. He's cute.

The box draws her attention as well, but more specifically the necklace pulled out from it, "Okay that looks fly as fuck.. I want to draw you like one of my French Girls wearing it... wearing just it... Hot world history teacher has good taste." It's okay because it's from Titanic and not at all perverted.

Nori is not a pervert.

She does finally crack her soda, "party time." Sucking fizzy foam from her fingers and guzzling with the can up turned. "So much better if it were beer."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue points to Kitty at Ellie's question about who helped her. "She did quite a bit. Hambone and a few'a his crew. Not Kaydin... Kaydin weirds me out, like Tweek from South Park, except less charmin'." She grins softly then before she looks at that necklace and listens to the bit about the teacher.

"Don't think I recall any hot British teachers teachin' here... musta been while I was in New York." Rogue looks forward and examines the necklace a bit more closely, then looks over to Lockheed. "Don't worry, Purpley. I won't let'em turn your teeth inta jewelry." She smiles to the little dragon and then looks back over to Ellie and Nori.

"I hate t'be a buzzkill, but I'd say wait till first light t'drive it for the first time. Plus, I thik Scott's goin' hard on the curfew again with the Sentinel stuff goin' down. Don't wanna get on his bad side right now when he's like that."

She reaches over for her black metal sport thermos and flicks the cap off of it, then places it in her lap, ice quietly sifting around inside of it. "That cake does sound good, but there's so many damn birthdays around here, I gotta draw the line on more caaake somewhere!"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Okay instead of Zippy I am totally calling him Tweak from now on..." she flashes Rogue a grin.

She holds the necklace up to her neck. "I am just wondering if the thing is cursed by Ares or if she just found some dinosaur teeth and all.. and is that actually a ruby..." she shakes her head "Maybe I will have Raven take a look at it." tucking it back into it's box without trying it on. "Later Nori." about the posing like a french girl wiht the necklace. It is teasing flirty though not later like she is mad Nori brought it up.

"I can see why we would want to not wreck it on our first ride and .. fuck curfew still right... I am going to need to get a buddy and go visit the Titans soon though, proper channels though and all that.. and Long Island not downtown."

Next up she opens the black box, peeling the ribbon off and just stares into it. "Does anyone speak Russian?" she fishes her phone out while she asks "Because I think Illyana gave me a mumified hand of a midget..."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gets the wrapped box, it isn't all that big, only a little longer than Ellie's hand, and brings it over to her. "Of course I speak Russian. I spent how many years chasing after... that is... I speak Russian," she says, laughing and if Negasonic offers, she takes the card and looks at it. "It says four... um... desires? Wants? Four desires. Use them wisely, Happy Birthday" she says of the card.

Kitty passes the present over to Ellie then as she goes to take a seat again. "So, yeah, be careful with that? Like, think of every story, ever, dealing with that sort of thing?" She motions to the box. "I suppose this should go well with the bike," she comments of the present before Negasonic has opened it.

Lockheed flaps his wings a few times and flies over to land in Kitty's lap once she's seated. It seems he's still a little clingy after her recent spell in the medical bay.

Surge has posed:
Noriko slides over to Ellie to stand behind the Warhead, slinking gauntleted arms around the newly minted adults waist. She lifts up a ltitle to look down in the box, "What the fuck is that? Is that a bull dick?! Who the fuck wo- oh Illyana. Of fucking corse it's the Blonde Russian Psychobear because why wouldn't she give you a petrified bull dick." As far as Surge is concerned.

"She fine doe."

Because she's not here to defend herself. Suck it Illy.

"Is that even a language? I look at the words and I suddenly want socialism and stronger centralized governance over trade and consumer goods... is this natural? Is this magic? Quick, someone say something capitalist before I irrect a status of Stalin."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is taking a sip from her sport bottle of whatever is inside of it and then shifting her eyes over to what Ellie is holding. "Lets not talk about bull dicks and erecting things in the same sentence."

She glances over to Kitty and grins at her as she stands up and steps over to look at the item in question. "Illyana is a lot more complicated than any of us realize, so I've come t'learn..." Rogue then points down at the thing. "That. Is a monkey paw." She says. "That is also legit, voodoo shit. Lets not forget that much like Kitty chasin' after a Russian, I chased after--and caught--a Cajun who used t'be pretty damn smart and a good conversationalist once upon a time, he'd tell ya t'steer clear'a that thing."

Rogue steps back over to her chair. "Monkey paw wishes always come with negative side effects. They make ya think ya got what ya wanted, then they trick ya and play with your words t'screw ya over."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Tony Stark." Ellie laughs and points out to Noriko "Like Rogue said... pretty sure this a monkeys paw... for fuck sake... " she carefully puts the lid on the box and sets it with the dragon tooth necklace. "I repeat. Our lives. Weird as fuck." pause a beat "These can go in my locked chest with the plasma rifle from Atlantis. Basically my own little Area-13.... until I get a law degree on wishes..."

Case point.

The box from Kitty is taken and opened really carefully now because who knows it may be a bomb at this point. Not a bomb, a pair of really nice looking sunglasses, they look a bit tactical but are perfect for motorcycling without a face guard. She studies them. "Hey these have a small HUD in them for maps and gps and stuff."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty smiles to Ellie. "And you can upload other stuff. They don't have a lot of processing, but I'll send an app to your phone for them," Kitty says. She doesn't ask for the password. Hah. Passwords. Whew, good stuff.

Kitty relaxes back in her chair and yawns. "Ok, I know I was essentially sleeping for two days. But damn that healing thing takes a bit out of you," she says. She reclines and crosses her legs, while Lockheed makes himself comfortable. "Happy Birthday, Ellie. Hope it's ended up being a great one," she says warmly before Kitty's eyes drift closed after a few minutes.

Surge has posed:
"Seeya around Kitkat. I'm glad you're awake now." Nori isn't very good with the nice people words, but she means well. "This was pretty great for someone who just came out of a coma." Said for the general populace of people assembled upon the rooftop, slipping away from Ellie's back so she can continue un wrapping her presents. There's soda over there! "Soda is like beer for diabetics." So bad at the nice people words.

Rogue has posed:
"Yeah, Monkey paws are cool for displaying behind a glass cabinet... but in our 'fucked up life' you're liable t'summon a God knows what if ya go tricksin' around with that thing." Rogue states before she glances over at Kitty getting up and preparing to head downstairs. "I'll walk ya inside. Best gift we can give these two lovebirds is t'leave'em up here on the Romance Roof t'gether." She's teasing of course and the smirk shows it, maybe.

Rogue stands up and saunters past Nori and Ellie. "Happy birthday, Explodey." She tells Ellie and offers a gloved high-five to Noriko. "Don't get the diabeedus, yeah?" With that said and done, she'll follow after Kitty and the winged Purple Heartbreaker.