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I'm Really Lycan This
Date of Scene: 25 September 2019
Location: Movie Cineplex 12, West Chelsea Hill
Synopsis: Selene and Stephanie meet to discuss the Lycan threat and their recruitment of enhanced individuals
Cast of Characters: Spoiler, Selene (Underworld)

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl got word to Selene that she wished to meet. Find out what the latest intel was on the Lycans in Gotham as well as gain some additional understanding about them in general. She'd suggested the Cineplex 12. They were having a revival of Drop Dead Fred, which was pretty much a sure thing to be an empty theater that they could talk in without interruption.

Though she couldn't really show up to the show in her Batgirl uniform without disguising it, so instead she set the meeting for the backup projector room, overlooking the theater.

Batgirl got there early, moving over to look down at the empty theater. "Seriously, whoever came up with this idea had issues," she comments to herself as the movie starts up.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene had received the message and decided to make it a priority. She knows how she needs to be on the good side of the bat-family after all. So she'd responded and agreed to meet at that location.

She doesn't really disguise herself, in that she's wearing black on black and even pays for a ticket, smiles to the teenager behind the glass and thanks him for the discount because he proclaimed to 'love her outfit'.

Striding inside, the pale skinned Selene gives a glance to the food concession area, but bypasses it, handing her ticket to the middle aged woman taking them who did NOT seem to approve of Selene's outfit, giving her a measuring stare and a frown.

Nevertheless she proceeds onward and upward.

Batgirl will hear some soft noises and when she turns around, Selene will be there, her black leather jacket swaying around her legs as she settles into this backup projector room. "Do they even use this room anymore?" She asks, her brown eyes glancing around inside it before she looks to Batgirl then.

Spoiler has posed:
The Batgirl with the blond hair shakes her head. "Nope, why I figured it was a safe enough place to meet. Now they have everything all digital and they don't need a whole big room for a second project in case the first goes out. The backup fits right beside the first," she says.

She doesn't reveal that she knows this because Harvey McKenzie, who worked here when she was 17, invited her up here to watch movies for free and then tried to put the moves on her. Didn't even try to kiss her first either. Just over the clothing groping. Which probably wasn't going to feel as good with the cast he ended up in for it.

Batgirl leans back against the window that looks out on the empty theater. "Appreciate you taking the time. We can keep it quick. I know Batman isn't planning on me being as directly involved with the Lycans, but still best if I stay up on them. Not to mention, never hurts to meet an ally face to face," she says with a smile.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene gives another glance around the room while Stephanie explains some of that story. "Its a shame." She softly says in that European accented voice of hers. "You know one of the things I admire about this city is how much it reminds me of home. Far more than Manhattan..." She lets her random comment trail off then and there before she places her eyes back upon Stephanie's.

Selene walks over to the front side of the room and she pauses there to seat herself on the edge of one of the desks, her leather clothing making a whisper noise of leathery flexing as she moves as such.

"You're young." Selene observes after Steph speaks. "I'm assuming thats why Batman doesn't wish you to get involved in it. He knows that its a much more brutally demanding situation than he's comfortable with you going up against. It isn't thieves or petty criminals. Its hungry, monstrous, creatures." She doesn't say whether or not she agrees with that, she just says its what she assumes Batman's viewpoint on it must be.

"I'm happy to meet allies though, I have so few of them here after all..."

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl leans back against the wall, crossing her arms beneath the bat logo on her uniform. Not that she's conscious of it, but she doesn't cover it up if she can help it. "I don't think it's the brutality of the opponent. The opposite, actually," Batgirl says quietly. "It's the moral implications of the matter. As heinous as our opponents, have been, we don't kill," Batgirl says.

She purses her lips a little bit, her expression conflicted. "But this is an opponent... there isn't anywhere to lock them up. And, I've heard what you've indicated about there not being a cure. But then, maybe there just isn't a cure yet," Batgirl says. She gives a soft sigh. "I don't think he wants me to have to make such a choice yet."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene leans there against the table in the corner of the room's front and she glances out toward the theater for a moment while she listens to Steph's words. She then shifts her gaze back onto the young Batgirl.

"I wish there were a cure." She replies then. "My people have looked for it, a way to turn them back into people rather than the animals that they've become. We've put a lot of money and research into such things. Its why we have the synthetic blood for us to drink, so that we can no longer be a pending threat to humans. But a 'cure' for the Lycans is something we've made no progress on. No more than mankind has made progress on curing cancer, or any number of deadly ailments that plague the world... Thats not to say there isn't one, no, of course not. But... it does seem a bit unlikely, any time soon."

The Vampire takes a light breath and she glances back once more to the theater. "It is best to avoid engagements with them, if you cannot kill them. I can handle that part... well enough. But yes, there is no holding facility for these creatures, there is no... 'Arkham' that can handle them." Another pause then.

"I broke into Arkham earlier this year, to kill one, before it killed everyone inside that facility."

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl's muscles along her jaw tense slightly but it is at the mention of lack of a cure, not seeming like it is directed at anyone or anything other than at the state of the Universe. Stupid universe. Things were so much better without you.

She lets out a soft sigh, not having expected to find any answers to the moral dilemma beyond, "Let Selene handle it," that had been Batman's instructions. Not expected, but a girl could hope.

"Lots of breaking in and out of there lately. Starting to think they should just have a revolving door to save on wall repairs," Batgirl comments. "For that matter, sometimes I do think they have a revolving door on it," she says with a sigh.

"Well, I'm glad that you're handling matters. What is the latest situation with them? Even if I'm not involved in dealing with them directly, I can keep an eye out if I know more of what to look for," Batgirl says.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"Yes, a wall was destroyed the day I was there as well. Harley Quinn was in the process of escaping... as a matter of fact." Selene replies with regard to Arkham but then she just places her hands into her jacket pockets and lowers her eyes for a moment while she pulls her phone out and then brings something up on the screen.

"The Lycans are attempting to pin Manhattan in on both sides, Gotham to the west and Brooklyn to the southeast, likely spreading north should they gain a foot hold there. They're ultimate desire is to box my people in in Manhattan, though we have a presence in upstate New York as well, which... we've found their scouts looking for us there recently."

Selene raises her phone up then and offers the image on it to Stephanie to view. "This is Lucian. He's the leader of the Lycans, across the globe. The leader of the Lycans that my people are at war with." She states, calmly, her voice warm and soft. "He's here in the United States now. Which means they're likely giving up their footholds in Europe all together..."

There's a small pause. "Its not a good sign."

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl moves a little closer, arms still crossed as she looks at the image of Lucian. "Why do you think they would be making a move now?" she asks. "I get the feeling this is an... old... problem? How many years? Why hang on for so long but then migrate out now?" the blond Batgirl inquires.

She looks thoughtful for a moment. "So they recruit new members and... what, bite them, to pass on their... condition? What about your people? Do you add to your numbers as well from modern people?" she inquires.

Her head tilts a bit after the question, looking at Selene and then finally looking back to the phone again at the image. Committing it to memory. Making sure Oracle has a good copy of it for the records.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
The phone is pulled back then and deactivated, then slipped back into her jacket pocket. "We had them very nearly eradicated." Selene replies, her eyes darting out to the theater for a pair of seconds before they drop them down to her lap. "Before things heated up here in the United States. We found out their plans here, to capture mutants and metas that were congregating in this part of the world." She looks up then at Steph again.

"The Avengers, the Justice League... these groups have been pulling people with immense power to them, both good and bad. They're like a... bug light to the super empowered." Selene states with a faint smirk. "The Lycans realized this could be a ripe breeding ground for powerful new recuits, and thus... here they are. Attempting to bolster their ranks, their numbers, with more powerful incarnations."

"And its working." She then states. "Last night, two of my people were attacked by Lycans that were very nearly invisible. Hybrid mutant and Lycan genetics, combined." Selene then shakes her head. "My people are trying not to add to our numbers any longer. Though you'd be surprised how many humans actively volunteer to become a Vampire, once they find out about our existence... As for how long, well... a very long time. I was turned at nineteen, and that was almost six hundred and thirty years ago now." This part, she seems a bit remorseful toward, even still today.

"I didn't volunteer, though, mind you. But, I'm grateful to still be here." She doesn't sound TOO convincing in that.

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl listens attentively. If someone had told her when Steph was 15 and sewing her first Spoiler costume, that one day she'd be wearing a Batgirl costume while she convers with a six hundred and thirty year old vampire about how to stop mutant werewolves?

She has no clue what she'd have done but the girl in her wants to squee about it anyway. "Wouldn't have thought you a day over 560 if you hadn't said it," Stephanie tells the beautiful black-haired woman. "Seriously, do you even have to worry about putting on weight?" she asks with a small grin. One with a bit of warmth, having picked up on some of the tone and micro expressions as to Selene's feelings about the matter, so injecting some levity. That's what she does.

"So any kind of gathering that might involve enhanced might be a place to find them. With the situation with the Sentinels and everything, I don't wonder that a few mutants might find the thought of a militant group, and the protection it might yield, appealing," she says thoughtfully.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's response to the light hearted comment and question is just to show a grin, a grin that seems both entirely natural and really out of place on the woman at the same time, a ghostly reminder that she was human, once upon a distant time. "Drugs, alcohol and wretched foods can alter my physical form as they can anyone else's. Though it may be at a much slower pace. Some of my people, are not the most pleasing to look upon. But yes, I don't consume normal food often. Indulging only now and then. I did have part of a beer this past weekend! It was delicious." She shows a serious face and even adds a light little nod.

But back on topic, Selene stands up again and steps over to where a shelf of old movie posters are. "Lucian and his people are praying upon the homeless, the ones with powers that do not have a regal school to attend, or a family willing to 'try' to help them cope with what life has given them to work with. There's a lot of mutants and metas that simply are not in a great position, that lack a place to go. Who don't even fit, or are welcomed, into the US military. These types? They'll not just walk to join the Lycans, they'll run."

As she flips through the posters and glances at them, she looks back to Stephanie. "Gotham has a lot of that type of person, so it seems. Lost and wayward youths... Looking for a calling, a purpose, a family."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown flashes a truly warm grin at Selene as she hears of the beer. She doesn't reveal she's too young to buy one herself. If Selene can't already guess her age, Stephanie isn't going to give any more clues to her identity than need be. Not that she distrusts Selene. It's just the right habit to be in.

"There have been hard times in Gotham. But she endures," Stephanie says, her loyalty to the city evident in her tone. "But, yeah. It can be hard for some of the younger, especially. Throw in a mutation or whatever to make them stand out as being different and... well. It can be lonely, and a group can be appealing to someone like that."

Did she manage to keep from her tone how much of that applied to herself? Stephanie will have to play back the tape later and see. "So do you have more of your people working on the other side they are trying to hem you in from?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene's eyes stare at a poster for an old Dracula movie and it just makes her momentarily smile before she glances back onto Stephanie.

"Some." She says as she leaves the posters be and turns around to face the young woman again. "Our numbers of well trained Death Dealers here in the US is below a hundred and we believe the Lycans have bolstered their numbers from between two to three hundred now. But... they're mostly untrained, they are sloppy and brutish. Simply... powerful. Not to be taken lightly even if untrained and unskilled. Thats where my people have a distinct advantage. But..."

Selene releases a light sigh then and glances out toward the theater again. "The New World Coven, as its called here, is young, still standing on shaky foundation. Our leader, Amelia, is wise and capable... but bold and perhaps arrogant toward her own safety. She expects to have an army of Vampires trained as highly skilled as myself and my lieutenants within a year. Which... is a lofty expectation."

Selene moves to a old film reel storage container and picks it up to open it out of curiosity. "So yes, its complicated, each side has its own strengths and weaknesses to it."

Spoiler has posed:
Batgirl paces back and forth, the room not very big so even at her middling height, Stephanie only manages a few steps before having to turn for the return trip. "And those are new recruits, not others coming over from Europe mostly?" she asks. "Hopefully not too many are enhanced."

She pauses to glance towards the film canister. "Wow, hard to believe they even have any of those. Though that's a good one. The Court Jester," she says, reading the top of the can. Danny Kaye. Guy is like a comic genius. Or, was. Though, you may have known that more than me," she says, realizing Selene, for all she might look slightly younger, actually lived through his heyday.

"Alright, well, we'll see if we can step up surveillance where we can. Knowing to keep an eye on enhanced groups may help. I'll try to make sure the others know to pass any intel along," Batgirl offers.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene looks up from the film can and over to Stephanie who recognizes the film thats supposed to be inside it. "Its empty." She says then. "Almost." She holds it open for Stephanie to peer inside and there's a pack of cigarettes inside it and a book of matches." This gets a little faint grin out of the Vampire before she closes it again and sets it back onto the shelf she found it.

"Sounds great." She tells Batgirl then. "Listen. They're smart, the leaders of the Lycans. They're going to do everything in their power to avoid your people, they know that you rule the night in Gotham. They'll hope that by staying in great numbers that you and yours will be less likely to... swoop in on them, as you're known to do. They won't travel alone, and their natural abilities to sniff out trouble might make your ability to stealth your targets less capable. So, be careful. Should you find any one who you believe is amongst their ranks, do please reach out to me."

Selene nods her head gently once then to Stephanie.