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Business Meetings
Date of Scene: 30 September 2019
Location: Study Hall - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Andrea meets Roberto to discuss the future.
Cast of Characters: Sunspot, Rage

Sunspot has posed:
Although Roberto tries to visit the school at least once a week, he is not usually here for business. This is where most of his friends and 'family' live, after all.

But today it is an exception, as Sam asked him to come to talk with one of the students and set up an appointment. He also gave the Brazilian young man a brief note about the girl, so Roberto didn't realize she was a fairly famous singer until he was one the way to the school. Oh well, he figures out he can improvise some, but he is still reading online information on his cell when he arrives to the Study Hall. Only then he looks around as he pockets the phone.

Rage has posed:
Heading into the study hall is Andrea, who walks with confidence and purpose in each step she takes. Dressed in a pair of designer jeans and a button down blouse, she only has a hint of makeup along her lips and beneath her eyes. She may be seventeen but she can pass as older with the way she carries herself. There is just something feral about her beneath the surface. "Good afternoon. You must be Mister DaCosta." She says with clipped professionalism as she offers a hand out to him to shake. "It's an honor to meet one of Mister Guthrie's friends from his time as a student. I've heard the stories."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto is wearing a tailored dark blue three piece outfit with a brown tie. He also looks older than twenty, which is almost a necessity for his job. When Andrea shows up, he recognizes her immediately and offers the young woman a friendly smile. "I am... and the honor is mine," and as he shakes her hand, he groans. "Whatever Sam told you about me, I was young and stupid. That is my alibi."

Rage has posed:
"It's fine. I think everyone here is young and stupid and we all do things we will regret in our twenties." Andrea says with a smile as her handshake is firm and tight. "I am sure I've done something stupid this morning that will bite me in the ass in a few years and won't even remember it. Sam said that you are apart of something called X-Corp, but he didn't tell me much of it. He did think that my charity may be a good fit for your organization though."

Sunspot has posed:
"Please, sit down," offers Roberto, gesturing a nearby table and picking a nearby chair as soon as Andrea is settled. "Some of us where dumber than others. Sam had much more common sense than most of us, so I have no doubt he is great here."

Ah, X-Corp. "He didn't? Well, it was in part his idea. X-Corp is both an international corporation and a non-government organization designed to support mutants. We offer analysis and training so super-powered people can learn the basic of their powers and how to use them to find work. Also financial support for mutants attempting to create their own business. And legal support when warranted."

Rage has posed:
"That sounds perfect and right up my alley." Andrea says with a grin to him. "My charity is called Starlight, which is loosely named after the Jem and The Holograms cartoons my mother used to watch. I run a suicide prevention hotline for mutants with twenty-four crisis counselors that can be reached. I've been able to utilize it at times to find mutants who are in dangerous situations and help provide them support and get them into safe spots." Taking a seat, she folds one leg over the other, then places her hands over the tops of her knees. "It's hard to manage it on my own and I'd like to be able to incorporate it into something larger with more resources."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto nods, looking thoughtful. "That sounds interesting," he states with a smile. "We can likely improve the infrastructure of the hotline with Doug Ramsey's help, as well as quickly track down calls in the case of danger. And I bet we can find a few suitable mutants to work as online counselors or even volunteer some time and a place to crash for those who need it." And who won't find help with the authorities, which is often the case in America.

Rage has posed:
Nodding her head, Andrea slips her phone out of her pocket and taps away at the glass a few times with her thumbs. "I was able to find a few students here through my hotline. It's always a bit crazy when I show up in person to find them. They are usually expecting some normie, not a celebrity. But I believe in being the face of my product. I am not going to throw money at something and smile for cameras. I want to make a difference for mutants and I believe in Xavier's dream of unity being established. I am sure you've seen the news or read the media reports. I've been shot at, stabbed, beat up and worse, but here I still stand. I am not going anywhere and I don't plan on slowing down. I looked up to Dazzler as a kid, and I want to be someone that young mutants can look up to as well. I want them to know that they aren't alone, that people do care and there are people with the means to help them."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto hrms at the comment about being shot and stabbed. That seems a common trend among influential mutants when going public, himself included. "How long have you been a student here?"

Here as 'in the school where young mutants are trained to fight'.

"Dazzler went through hell herself," he comments. "But she is still out there fighting. It helps to be a powerful mutant to survive in the open. Hopefully it will get easier for the kids starting now."

Rage has posed:
"I have been here a year, before that I have been home schooled since I was ten. I grew up in the Disney machine when I was young and had a child celebrity life. After Dazzler was released from her record label due to being a mutant, is when I decided to finally come out to the world with my own secret, and then join Xavier's. I am the most influential mutant among the ten to nineteen demographics and I felt it was my responsbility to no longer hide who I was." Andrea tucks the phone into her front pocket again, then settles her hands again as she offers a smile to Roberto. "So far the attacks I've received have been from The Reavers, whom we dealt with, and the Friends of Humanity. You know, your standard bigots who have too much time on their hand." As she speaks, she doesn't appear worried, nervous, or scared. It's as if she has simply accepted this.

Sunspot has posed:
The mention of Reavers makes Roberto blink. Reavers cyborgs are among the most dangerous anti-mutant groups out there and have killed a few mutants he knew when he was a student. "The X-Corporation includes some mutants that make good bodyguards," he mentions. "Unsurprisingly, it is the kind of job powerful mutants think it is easy for them. Otherwise... hmm, I will need more information about the support group. But I think it will be easy to hook it up to the overall NGO operation."

Rage has posed:
There is a soft laugh from Andrea. "I am fine. I don't need a bodyguard. Usually that is my role when we go out. Did Sam not tell you about my powers?" She says with a hum in her throat as her brows lift upwards a bit curiously. "I turn into an eight foot tall werewolf with a primitive instinct to hack and slash. I have a decent healing regeneration and heightened senses along with a wolf's instinct to track and hunt." She tilts her chin towards him. "I sent you some files on my charity, which includes my org chart and financial records over the last three years. If you want to have a conversation with my lawyers they are at your disposal."

Sunspot has posed:
"He told me, yes," replies Roberto. "But unless you are invulnerable and resistant to psionics and magic, you would want a bodyguard. You need to consider your enemies are likely to know how to kill you and be specifically geared to kill you, and likely they can find out where you will be at least some times. So having someone around the killers don't know or expect can save your life."

But really, talking about this should be done by the security advisor. That means Scott Summers.

"On a different issue," he adds. "Have you talked with Sam about playing in Mutant Town? He manages a club there."

Rage has posed:
"Yes, I am sure that could very well happen, but even then, if I am to be targetted psionically, there is a good chance no matter who you assign to me won't be able to help unless they're a top notch telepath. By then it most likely will be too late to help me out." Andrea says as she gives him a grin. "And I'd hate to spend important and valulable resources on heavy hitters following a teenager around at the mall. I have a security team by the way. When I do go out, I make sure we have an in and exit strategy planned out." Blowing some hair away from her eyes, she bobs her head.

"Yes, Sam has talked to me about it and I told him I will perform for his club and allow my social media team to help with promotions. I'll even do it for free. I was here when Mutant Town was targetted and set on fire. I want to bring joy to their neighborhoods again and give them something to party to."

Sunspot has posed:
"I don't know. Few telepaths can kill quickly," offers Roberto. "And there are technological protections from psionics. Not fool-proof, but a bodyguard can still help keep one alive." He is willing to drop the subject, though, if Andrea prefers to talk of other matters. Like Sam's club.

The young man nods, pleased to hear it is already being considered. "Good. Mutant Town needs public figures setting example. The X-Men are too secretive for this kind of thing. But some people, like Hank McCoy, are mutants other mutants can look at and admire."

Rage has posed:
Nodding her head, Andrea offers a smile to Roberto. "That's my mission in life. To be a role model for those who can't really speak for themselves, or is too scared to. I want to be a beacon of hope and to fight back against inequality, even if I have to do it through my music." She gives a long stretch of her body to pop a joint or two in her spine. "When would be a good time to get together with your friends at X-Corp and talk about consolidating Starlight into it?"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto arches an eyebrow. His friends? "You mean human resources or do you have anyone specific in mind? I am quite sure a few alumni would help too, though." There are also a few that seem completely unsuitable. The idea of Illyana responding a suicide prevention call is mind-boggling.

After a minute consideration, he adds. "However, perhaps we can gather for some kind of event after a performance in Evolution? It might help bringing a group of us together."

Rage has posed:
"Your other business partners who are involved in the decision making. Unless, it's only you at the helm?" Andrea says as she slips her hansd into her pockets, fingers tucking into the belt loops of her jeans. "I figured you would have legal representation to discuss the possibility of the joint venture who would work through my team to devise paperwork and to ensure that this would be a mutual benefit." She gives him a grin, brows lifting upwards. "But I think having a meeting at the Club would be awesome. I am sure Sam has a VIP area where we can get together in private."

Sunspot has posed:
"I wouldn't say my legal team are friends," admits Roberto with a smirk. "I give them too much work and not enough vacations. Most of my friends are here, and many of them are not involved in X-Corp. But Sam, Doug and Kitty are onboard, and I am sure we can try to rope them to help in your projects."

Rage has posed:
"Hm." Andrea says thoughtfully with a grin. "So they are apart of X-Corp? Is this like a team outside of your business or are they just volunteering to help you out?" She asks curiously. "I am looking for some type of opportunity once I graduate high school this year and I'm not sure if X-Man is the adventure I wish to go on."

Sunspot has posed:
"Some are part of the core organization, some are volunteers," Roberto shrugs. "Not everybody is cut to be a businessmen. Some hero types are unable or unwilling to get 'real' jobs," he quotes with the fingers. "But they are good people and I am happy they are helping with this project. I think X-Corp can change the perception of mutants by the bulk of the population. And make easier to incorporate all kinds of superhumans into society."

Rage has posed:
Nodding her head, Andrea rubs the bridge of her nose a few times. "It sounds like something I would like to be apart of." She says with an honest smile on her face. "And I like Kitty and Sam, obviously. I don't know Doug all that well but I've heard he's like a big brain."

Giving a glance off to the side to the hallway, she offers a smile to a few students that pass by, lifting a hand to wave in their direction. "I heard you like soccer. So do I. What's your favorite team?"