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Sentinels: Eat Something
Date of Scene: 23 September 2019
Location: War Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Lorna updates Scott; the workaholics consider food.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Polaris

Cyclops has posed:
The lights and monitors in the War Room are not at full wattage; it is as if someone put a dimmer on a great deal of the activity in the room. Someone did: Scott Summers is present, still minding a headache, but trying to work all the same. He's actively running some mission simulations, which are going in the background while he sits at one of the consoles.

The chair is entirely reclined, and he has his face towards the ceiling. If he's sleeping, it is impossible to tell: the ruby glasses conceal everything. But knowing the man, he is just thinking hard: he doesn't sleep often when there's some work that needs to be done.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was constantly in and out of the Mansion these days, mostly via portal, to Genosha and back. When she was present, typically, it was in a distracted manner, constantly glued to her phone and in contact with the Genosha Council or someone from the island. She'd effectively ruled the island nation since her father had threatened invasion of the US and any other country using Sentinels. But that had been nearly two months ago now. And Magneto hadn't invaded. (So too had the country sent out wanted notices for Trask.)

The green haired woman still tried her best to be present for X-men missions and briefings, trying to help with the troubled students, and still manage it all.

Her clearances still worked, and as she wanted to update files on her father's plans for Fortress M, she wasn't entirely expecting to see one Scott Summers still in the War Room. In fact she'd expected no one, and with a flick of her powers, set the lights on full. She paused, wearing a pair of black jeans and a loose fitting band T-shirt of some kind, it was clear that she'd intended to dress down and get things done that day. "Oh. Man. Sorry Scott, I didn't think anyone was still down here." She hurried out, flicking her hand out to turn the lights back down.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott does flinch, but other than that, doesn't seem to react badly. He shut his eyes - another thing his glasses conceal. The chair moves back up to good posture from recline, as Scott sits forward, orienting to both the screen to check progress, and then to Lorna.

"It's fine, Lorna," says the reserved man, without inflection. He's tired, but keeps most of that out of his tone. "Come in, please. Are you feeling well, from Friday's events?" Scott asks evenly, surveying her physically with a critical eye. It's the same style of look he was giving to the mission simulations.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna entered further into the room, her eyebrows furrowing sharply as she considered Scott and his posture from before; combined with the darkness of the room and the way he spoke.. She figured in short order that he was working himself to the bone. Much like she had a tendency to do. At his question about her health, she shrugged once, "I'm fine. Shannon healed me up, and whatever was left got seen to in Genosha. Hopefully by people that won't run straight to my father immediately. Better he doesn't get the news that I was attacked before he flies his Fortress back to Genosha." She waved a hand in Scott's general direction, and pulled a chair out to sit down herself and drag it over toward him.

"That's sort of why I'm down here, updating files on his intentions. He means to return to Genosha." She shrugged and exhaled a breath, pushing her hair back from her face as she considered Scott.

"How are you holding up?"

Cyclops has posed:
Scott nods, and gestures towards one of the computer systems to his right; there's lots of spots for use, if she'd like to take one of those. He isn't using ALL the systems. Just most of them, on his project.

"Is his exodus related to Trask being arrested? I can't imagine it isn't," Scott asks. "It will be a long time before we see any justice there: it appears the lawyers are going to drag this on a very long time. At least he was denied parole, as he already had fled to Russia."

The question about Scott's health gleans the usual dodge: "I am doing what needs to be done. I am forming several strike teams to get to the bottom of the FoH Sentinel control."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna pursed her lips together as she didn't so much as reach for the free terminal as she leaned back in the chair, twisting around to cross her arms and eye Scott with a lofted eyebrow. "You really need to learn to delegate some more, you know that, right?" She drawled, and waved her hand at the computer nearest to her. It turned on in a flicker of magnetic energy, and she remained facing Scott.

"And yes, I would suppose it is in response to Trask. But Captain America also spoke to my father and he apparently decided to listen for once." She shrugged, and tilted her head to the side.

"When was the last time you ate something?"

Cyclops has posed:
"I have delegated," Scott answers, his tone held in check: no tiredness shown. It's more important to show strength to the team, as always. Though it must not be working, with how many of the X-Men have come to tell him that he looks tired. Still, he'll doggedly keep at it.

"I'm very glad to hear that," Scott answers, honestly relieved that Captain America appears to have been successful. "I should meet with the Captain about Sentinels, sooner rather than later." He pauses. "Or I can delegate." A brief smile shows there, with a nod towards Lorna. He was listening.

The question about his food consumption causes him to look at his watch, and then pause while he attempts to calculate. The amount of time that takes probably says it all.

Polaris has posed:
A snort though not laughter, followed Scott's words that he //had// delegated. "Uh uh. I've been there, done that. Do you know how many times I've run on forty-eight hour days before crashing? An island nation doesn't rule itself, and the time changes between here and there are //killer// when dealing with instant travel via portals. If I wasn't attached to the magnetic poles, I'd have no idea what day it is." She drawled, her voice dry. Still, she smiled as Scott continued.

"I can give him a call, I should check in on Wanda anyways.." She murmured, and as he paused to try to calculate how long it was since he'd eaten last, she shook her head.

"Right, if you need that long to think about it, you need to eat //something//. Can't have our fearless leader falling over in a faint from lack of food. Besides, you'll do better with a sandwich in hand."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott is giving HER a reproachful look now, the same one she gave him, about running herself ragged. Most of it is conveyed in the raised eyebrow and tension of mouth. He doesn't address it directly, just shakes his head slowly, allowing the recognition that they are both workaholics.

"Good; I don't want to run afoul of them during our missions, when we should be working together, not at odds," Scott explains. "I'll schedule in a meal after these simulations finish running." He smiles a little. "Scout's honor. All right?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged lightly under Scott's look, even as a grin pulled at the corners of her lips. "Hey, it takes one to know one Scott. And when I'm on a manic downswing, I can't really help it. But typically, at least, I realize what I'm doing." She offered, and the chair tilted back as she side eyed the computer monitor where Scott ran the simulation. She arched a brow upward as she considered it.

"What simulation are you running?" She ventured finally. Her voice losing some of its humor as she continued her lean to watch whatever it was that Scott was running.

Cyclops has posed:
"Then I hope you listen to your own advice here, and come with me to eat," Scott offers. His tone is serious, but there's a kindness under it: Scott wants the best for the other X-Men in his care, really. "I'll show you," Scott offers, turning his chair back around to face his project, and begins to walk her through several different scenarios involving infiltration of multiple facilities at the same time.

"Their 'Sentinel mold', which I understand is something like a big printer, could be in any of these spots," Scott describes as he shows her.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna inclined her head, as she scooted her chair closer to Scott, and glanced side long at him. "You know, I miss having access to the royal kitchens here? I could just calls for food and they'd bring it to me in the Palace. It's far handier when you're up until 2 AM staring at the same video over and over again, or trying to dig up old files." She flashed Scott a smile, but nodded all the same.

Then her focus was on the scenario on screen and after a beat, she paused, glancing back to Scott.

"You saw my report from a few months ago, right? When the Professor sent me to meet one on one with Sebastian? He can take over those molds, and communicate with them directly. He said previous Trask had backdoors to all of the Sentinel technology and could access it if he wanted to no matter who had it. I wonder if we could use those same back doors somehow."

Cyclops has posed:
"I want to be very careful with how we go about that. Young Sam, our new technopath, attempted to interface with one on Friday, and the result does not leave me optimistic. I want to err on the side of caution, trying to control them," Scott answers. "And I also am skeptical of anything that Sentinel told us, as he's one of them. I don't want to ignore a diplomatic solution if there is one, but if he has all of that power to stop them, he isn't using it, is he."

Scott returns back to the food comment, "Making your own food builds character," he says evenly, but his smile has a tease in the edge of it. "Though I admit I am not a royal chef, and never aspire to be."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged lightly, "I believe him when he said that such a thing exists. It sounds like something Trask would do, and more over, explains how Sebastian is able to easily take over and control the other various Sentinels as he wishes. He //hates// us Scott, but he didn't seem to be in the habit of openly lying to my face." She drawled, her voice dry with a sort of sardonic, painful, humor.

"And if those are the results using mutant powers got us, then yes, I agree. We'll just have to keep that off the table. However, I highly doubt you can use diplomacy with this. Trask? Sure, he's human. But Sebastian isn't simply human anymore. He's what every Nazi wanted to create. A super soldier that only cares about his mission and carrying it out. Whatever he's been up to, make no mistake, it ends with us being slaughtered." She heaved a sigh, as Scott continued on about food and she smiled weakly.

"I know how to cook, but I'm just saying, being able to not leave your work and have food brought to you... is likely just enabling bad behavior, so okay. Yes. You win."

Cyclops has posed:
"I don't want the idea that a robot /can/ lie to us being so terrifying as to make us pretend that It's impossible," Scott says, lifting a hand to rub his jawline with dissatisfaction. He needs to shave, too, he notes. This mild shadow isn't something he likes having. "As we don't have access to that Sentinel that we know of, I'm focusing on the FoH." At least to be able to do something.

"This wasn't about 'winning', Lorna," Scott parries swiftly, one hand lifted in a calming motion, but his smile shows he's not concerned she'd have taken it wrong. "It doesn't need to be a competition, of whose work habits need the most adjustment."

It does look like the simulations have ended. "Now, we'll eat. I'll review these afterward." Scott doesn't want to get up, but he does.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged once as she eyed Scott, "Look terrifying robots from the future sent to the past to kill us all, is a very successful Hollywood film. I'm shocked we didn't have a series of robots coming back after us." She grinned, making light of the horrifying reality that they regularly found themselves in. The X-men it seemed, never got a break in terms of future threats or present ones.

Still, at thought of Friends of Humanity, she could only heave a sigh and wheel her chair back, glancing at her computer terminal with a grimace.

"We're all just a tad bit dysfunctional Scott, it's why getting us to do anything is like herding cats." She shrugged once as Scott spoke of getting up and getting food as the simulation was officially over. "Right. Well, here's where I actually have to follow my own advice."

Cyclops has posed:
An alert comes up on the terminal, and Scott scowls, turning back to the console. He doesn't sit down, but he does bend towards it and start to look at what the information is about the alert. All the best plans, including the ones that involve eating, can sometimes get delayed as easily as that.

"I would not know what herding X-Men is like," Scott says, though most of his attention is clearly on the message. It isn't an emergency, it can wait, but walking away is difficult for the methodical man.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced back to Scott as she finally pulled herself up, and with a wave of her hand the computer she'd been using clicked back off. She eyed Scott as an alert popped onto the terminal and she hooked an eyebrow upward as she glanced back at the computer. Considering that Scott wasn't sitting back down, or rushing off to call for the X-men to gather, so she assumed it had to be a non emergency.

"Right, herding X-men is Jean's job." She teased, and shoved her hands into her pockets as she made to finally leave the War Room.

"How do you feel about left overs? I think someone ordered some Chinese last night, there's definitely pizza up there.."

Cyclops has posed:
"Mmhmm," Scott answers, not entirely listening to her about Jean's ability to herd X-Men. He was reading: in a strained way, as if his vision is a problem. That might explain the low lighting. He stands up fully not long afterward, after tapping a key to send the alert away.

"All right, where were we," Scott says. Lorna's in the hallway, though. He follows her belatedly. "I don't think reheating leftovers counts, but in the interest of time, I don't have a complaint," Scott decides, sighing. At least they're eating.