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The Ferris/Gotham Connection
Date of Scene: 03 October 2019
Location: China Basin, Old Gotham
Synopsis: The Mad-Hatter plots to use Ferris Airfield, and tries to murder Amarok and Hal Jordan as The Green Lantern by blowing up his own warehouse and killing a bunch of his own men.
Cast of Characters: Green Lantern (Jordan), Amarok

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    It was cold, gloomy, overcast, and damp. The fog was rolling in on the docks, making the area darker than it was normally. The warehouse that was labeled "Tetch Technologies was where the lone car pulls up to with a slight pause. Then a stop. The first rental car pulls to a stop out front, and a lone man gets out of the car.

    Hal Jordan was wearing his leather bomber jacket, with several patches and even a name tag, sewed onto the left chest area. It says, "JORDAN". His Ferris Aircraft ball cap was snug, and tilts a little to the left. He is wearing "new" blue jeans, a pair of dark blue sneakers, and has his hands squarely inside his pockets, hiding his green ring of course. Looking left and right, Hal frowns, as though expecting someone to be there.

Amarok has posed:
As Hal glances about, the shadows about the warehouse subtly shift as if to avoid his gaze. A moment later, the door to the warehouse opens and a large dockworker looking man strolls out, his blue collar look disrupted at the top by the presence of a fancy top hat, "Mista' Jordan, I presume? Please, please, come in out of the cold! Let me get you some tea while we finish preparing your order. May I take your hat?" He says in a strangely enthusiastic way as he ushers Hal inside.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal moves closer as he hears the man's voice, and looks him up and down. Taking his right hand out of his pockets, he subconsciously touches his hat, and then shakes his head. "Naw, its fine. I'll keep it. Thank though. I appreciate the hospitality." Hal moves inside the warehouse, his frown obvious, as his eyes adjust to the darkness. "I was told this was the pickup and order point and I was to inspect the technology first hand? SOrry Ms. Ferris couldn't make it today. She's...busy." Right, on Zamaron.

Amarok has posed:
As Hal declines having his hat taken by the worker, the man's cheerful expression suddenly flashes to a look of the purest hate and rage Hal is likely to have seen...this week. And just as suddenly, it snaps right back to 'normal', "Aww, such a sour-puss, alright, come in, come in, the party's just beginning." He cheerfully says before ducking back through the doorway. Inside, the warehouse is dimly lit by a few low hanging single bulb lights dangling haphazardly from the ceiling. All about wander workers wearing similiarly out of place hats as the greeter, with dead eyed stares and smiles as they work. Under one of the lights sits a table with one chair, and a tea pot and cup sat right in the middle, with a small clipboard set up to the side, "Please please please please please, have a seat, have some tea, look over yer order, and I'll be right back with you, Mista' Jordan." Says the greeter as he almost robotically wanders towards the manager's office.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan walks further into the room, and casually looks around at what was going on. He ignores the look the man gives him, but files itaway in the back of his mind for later. His will is ready to raise a shield if required, but for now, he was playing along. "Party huh?" Hal nods, and moves even further inside.

    Hal nods at the tea offer, and sits down, so his back is NOT to the man wherever he goes. He picks up the clipboard, and reads what is on the front. Taking a quick second to give the manager's office a sideways glance in the meantime.

Amarok has posed:
The clipboard is a shipping manifest, showing the parts being purchased by Ferris from Tetch Tech, however, there's a discrepancy. In addition to the parts Hal was told he was to be picking up, is a series of parts each simply marked as 'Party Favor' with a price listing of 'Gift'. As if this weren't strange enough, the various workers wandering around the warehouse seem to be getting slowly closer, with passers-by routinely offering to take Hal's hat, or asking if he likes his tea, or just staring silently at him. After a few tense minutes of this, the greeter returns, carrying a carefully gift-wrapped box, stopping next to Hal and smiling creepily down on him, "Did you like yer tea, Mista' Jordan? The boss hopes you liked yer tea. He worked so hard on it, making sure it was juuuuuuuust right." He holds the box out towards Hal, all the other workers turning their heads to watch, "Please accept this gift from duh' boss, Mista' Mouse." He says as he pulls the ribbon on top, the wrapping falling away like the opening of a lily revealing a gentleman's top-hat. As the hat is revealed, all the workers turn fully to stare expectantly at Hal.

    And then, the power suddenly goes out.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan was reading over what was in front of him - a shipping manifest- when he heard sounds from over near the Manager's Office. Was that a smirk on his face, as he ignores the tea, and decides not to tempt fate this time around. He does pour himself a cup though. Best not to be...rude to his hosts, whoever they are.

    "Party favour? What tha' hell?" Hal's eyebrow does that "spockian" thing that Carol was talking about like the guy from that sci fi show. As it was, he was noticing what was going on, and sighs.

    Puting the clipboard down, Jordan stands up, and turns to face the greeter after saying he'll keep his hat for the 5th time to some random in the room. "It was delicious. I kind of feel funny though...what was in it?" Jordan wobbles a bit, although he was a little rusty in acting skills. After all, he didn't drink the tea, but pretended to.

    Steadying himself, Jordan takes the gift from the boss, and smiles. "Why, thank you. And Mister Mouse, for the generous gift." When the man pulls the ribbon and the top hat was revealed, as if on cue, the lights go out. "Dammit." Jordan says, to himself, and readies himself for what was coming next.

Amarok has posed:
A few scant seconds after the power goes out, there's the sounds of grunting, fist to rib impacts, and then the smashing of a table. Specifically, the table Hal had just been sitting at. What a waste of perfectly ordinary tea that totally isn't going to get the area quarantined as a bio-hazard. A monotone voice, lacking the robotic mirth of the warehouse staff but possessed of it's own robotic feedback distortion, speaks next to Hal, "Hug the wall, run for the door, call the police." And suddenly shoves him that way.

    Barely a full second later, the emergency power kicks in and the low lights come on, revealing Amarok being swarmed by a veritable ocean of creepy smiling workers as he tries to beat them back with a bo-staff, them showing no registration of pain of fear to the point that even the greeter does a calm Undertaker-esque sit up in the remnants of the table, climbing back to his feet as if nothing happened.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan listens, smiles, and does what he is told, not ready yet to break out the ring unless he REALLY had to. "Got it." Hal whispers. Moving to the exit, Hal Jordan looks back as his eyes try and adjust to the darkness in the room. With a flick of his will, he has his ring send a message to the local Police Department without any green glow or revealing his identity.

    When the emergency power kicks back in, and the scene is revealed, Hal Jordan calls out, with a smarmy grin, standing right beside the exit. "Um. Do you need my help? I can help if you like." When one of the adle-brained workers gets too close, Hal Jordan takes a second, smiles, and cold cocks the guy, right between the eyes, knocking him to the deck unconscious.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok doesn't answer, because that wouldn't be edgy....Or possibly because he's focusing on beating back about thirty guys who are bigger than him and feel no pain. He's doing as well as any hooman could be expected to, keeping the mob at bay, even if not seeming to be thinning the herd any, as they just get right back up.

    However, once Hal calls over to him, the flank of goons closest to him suddenly seize up, and all as one turn to look at him before making their way towards him like the Borg. Unlike the Borg however, they know how to run.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan sighs. Yes, a loud, big exhale and sigh. "Oh well. I guess it is one thing to be secret, another to get someone hurt. I guess I should open up more." With a flash of his will, Hal suddenly changes from "mild mannered cool fighter jock" to Green Lantern of Setor 2814.

     Floating above the ground now, Hal says to the "zombies" running. "It appears that you all are having some troubles. Let me see what I can do. How about some time relaxing at the beach?" Splitting off on a two prong attack, Hal imagines a giant tidal wave of emerald energy crashing into all of the peeps charging at him.

    Next, Hal imagines a "heat seeking" missile of sorts, heading towards that top hat located around the table area...the one that was given to him as a present and he unceremoniously dropped when the lights went out. If it finds it, it will destroy the top hat in an emerald fire explosion. Well, small one anyway.

Amarok has posed:
The goons rushing Hal are immediately swept up by the emerald ocean, splaying them about the floor as it manages to dislodge their hats. All of them immediately stop moving, out like a light, except for one, who curls into a ball and begins sobbing hysterically. The top hat missile has little trouble finding the hat, it kicked haphazardly about by Amarok's side of the brawl, and makes quite the awe inspiring display as it lights it up. Unfortunately, nobody seems interested by this, Amarok being a stick in the mud on the brink of being overwhelmed by the other party at hand, a bunch of mindless zombies of the makeshift voodoo persuasion. Speaking of whom, with the heat taken off him by Hal's outburst, Amarok is beginning to gain the upper hand, more and more of the goons being brained properly to 'harmlessly' knock them cold as they slide across the room via force of impact, a few hats flipping off here and there as they land on the brims.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal watches as Amarok deals with most of the goons by himself, standing there with both hands on his hips, floating above the ground. With the occasional flick of his will, Hal takes care of a straggler or two, knocking them out with a well placed hammer or green boxing glove <TM>.

    "How does that look?" Hal says to the man quite capable of fisticuffs and swinging a very long bat. "You done yet, or still need my help?" Hal smacks another straggler with a very large hand.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok finishes the last goon off with a rapid series of swats from the staff, ending in a knee bender followed by a 360 spinning swat to the forehead, sending the hat exploding from his head, spraying microchips and other complicated circuitry everywhere. He then stands there panting for a few seconds before straightening up and slowly looking back over to Hal. He just stares at him for a moment as his breathing regulates, then retracts the staff, the whole thing shrinking to roughly the size of a novelty large pencil, and stowing it in his belt, "...Thank you for the assistance, Green Lantern....Did the civilian get away ok?" Wow. He actually failed to figure it out....World's Greatest Detective he is not.

     He then looks towards the manager's office and begins walking towards it, apparently unconcerned by the weird high tech hats strewn about the floor.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Hal Jordan floats there, arms crossed across his chest now, and stares back at Amarok. For a few seconds. Western standoff style. A smile slowly crossing Hal's face. "Did the civilian...oh? That guy?" Hal thumbs back over his shoulder towards the exit behind him. "Something like that. Said something about calling the Police."

    Floating towards the man slowly, slightly leaning forward, Hal pulls up just behind the man as he heads towards the manager's office. "So I take it this is a den of scum and villany and not a legitimate business, huh?" Hal smirks, knowing the answer already. "Are you going to put the beat down on the Manager guy, some Mickey Mouse I think his name was?"

Amarok has posed:
Amarok doesn't answer, simply kicking the door in. Because subtlety is for squares. Inside is....No one. The room looks like a normal office, with a normal desk, normal filing cabinets, a normal TV from the 70s with bunny ear antenna.....Ok maybe that one isn't all that normal. As the pair enter the room, the TV suddenly clicks on, taking a moment for the static to buzz away, revealing a heavily shadowed man sitting at the end of a long table, his face obscured by darkness. To his left sits a woman with a blonde wig slid part of the way off her head, wearing a dress resembling Alice from the Disney animated version of Alice in Wonderland, and sporting an ear to ear red smile across her neck. To his left, sits a stuffed rabbit with a broken stopwatch leaned against it, "Oh dear oh dear, tsk tsk tsk tsk, this just wont do, party crashers sending my little Doormouse scurrying away, ruining my guests party-wear, up-turning the tables, wasting the tea! No no NO! I'm afraid you're banned from my future get togethers. Goodbye." Says the man in a strange sing-songy kind of way. As he finishes, the TV cuts to a black screen with a digital clock display, counting down from 5 seconds. It likely goes without saying, but Hal's ring is freaking out at the super obvious trap.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    Watching the scene play out on the screen, Hal Jordan watches as the man talks. When it goes black, Green Lantern says, "Is he serious?" 4-3-2... "Who was that insane sonuva...dammit. Hang on!" Hal concentrates, and puts a green globe/shield around the two of them as the countdown reaches 0. "I almost forgot where I was. Gotham. This place has the craziest..." Hal concentrates, making sure all of his indoimitable willpower is channeled through his ring, knowing otherwise, this would hurt...

Amarok has posed:
Amarok turns to run as the barrier comes up, locking him in it's safety....And the goons out there, not in it's safety. With barely enough time for a double blink of surprise, the timer hits 0, and the entire warehouse goes up, blowing sky high and taking out significant chunks of the nearby buildings walls. The barrier holds, as it is just a mundane bomb and thus nothing Hal cant easily overmatch, but the goons are DEFINITELY dead. And all the evidence the warehouse may have had is little more than ash. Amarok doesn't say anything, just slowly turning about as the explosion settles into dust-fall, his hands trembling slightly at the sights around them. On the outside, the cops arrive just in time to still be in their cars when the warehouse booms, blowing out the windows of the nearest pair, but resulting in little more than minor glass cuts and bruised ear drums for the GCPD officers.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
    AFter the explosion, Hal lands them both and somberly looks about at the devastation. "Well, that could have gone better..." Frowning at the carnage and the detah, Hal says, "I didn't realise it would take the whole building. I thought only we were in danger. That is...insane." Hal watches as the Police arrive. "And here they are. Late." His voice was full of anger, but he tries to control it as best he can. No use summoning a red ring.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok shudders slightly at Hal finishes, glancing to him as the police recollect themselves, "....Welcome to Gotham." He says with a quiet and somber tone managing to override his emotionless monotone. As Hal remarks on the police, no response comes from Amarok, and when Hal glances back, he's gone, as if he were just a figment of Hal's imagination. Because ninja like to do that for some reason. Thus leaving Hal to answer the cops questions, or flip them off and leave. Paragon/Renegade choices abound for space cops.