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Sentinels: A long shot mission
Date of Scene: 07 October 2019
Location: Hangar - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Jean joins Scott on a mission he nearly went on alone.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Phoenix

Cyclops has posed:
Scott is troubled. He has been at work, continuing plans to react to the ever-elusive and shifting Sentinel threats, even after coming back from the Savage Lands mission. There's no down-time in between, not really; the Sentinels aren't going to give them a break, and they can't take one.

The stress level as grown for Scott, although he hasn't shown it on the surface. Tonight, though, his tension has reached a very high point, though as always, he's suppressing it, and moving forward. Other team members are still battered or tired, so Scott's lifting the weight that has to be lifted, quietly, alone, in the background.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean has a habit of keeping an 'eye' so to speak over her fellow X-Men, something that started more covertly at the behest of the Professor, when he first formed the X-Men. Jean was his little snitch now and then, simply because he wasn't there in the field. But over time, it just became routine, as a ways of knowing who is doing well and who less so. For the most part, she doesn't give anyone the notion she is occasionally doing check ups. But everything is always different with Scott, and she can't quite help herself when she notes just how stressed out he is.

<<Scott...is everything okay with you?>> He'll hear the familiar voice echoing in his mind, <<if you want to talk about something, or need to, I'm more than happy to do it. You shouldn't carry all the burden on your shoulders alone.>>

Cyclops has posed:
There's some considering, in the emotions that come back from Scott. He's never upset when she contacts him, or checks in on him. He's never embarrassed about it, or uncomfortable. Their history has given this open quality. She can freely check on him, and never faces judgment for it. Maybe that's part of why it's different, he's never told her not to. Because he's never minded her using her abilities: he trusts her. And that's just the way it is.

Scott's considering about answering her comes from trying to protect her, shield her. But he doesn't have some stubborn need, or anything to prove.

<<I'll fill you in, if you'd like, but I am not putting myself in any unreasonable danger,>> Scott answers, with a quiet assurance. Which means there is danger but he's downplaying it.

Phoenix has posed:
<<You better not be, because I'll tag along whether you want me to or not, and then all the Headmaster paper work will be on backlog, and nobody wants that. Especially not Kitty,>> Jean shares before announcing, <<I'm on my way, where are you right now?>>

Cyclops has posed:
Without actually including words, Scott directly focuses on where he is, his location. He's at the hangar, putting together some mission equipment. He's dressed semi-casually, though his vision is definitely through one of his visors, not sunglasses. He hasn't yet started packing a vehicle to take out, but the nature of the spike of stress is probably clear: he was getting ready to leave the mansion.

<< Paperwork is important >> Scott agrees, though it's not the most convincing he's ever been.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean doesn't take too long to show up, dressed as casual as can be herself, just a pair of skinny jeans and a tank top. She really prefers to not be in business suits much, if possible, which make the nature of the school align well with her preferences. It's not often she needs to see an official guest.

"So...leaving us all behind? Or is there more to it...?" Jean asks as she arrives, looking at Scott with a level of concern. "What is this about? Dinosaurs? Sentinels? Trask? Future threats?"

Cyclops has posed:
In that time, Scott pulled on one of his motorcycle jackets: a black one with yellow stripes on down the arms. It's very him. Otherwise, he's kneeling next to some various surveillance equipment, looking through some of the sets of binoculars. He's specific about those, since he's more limited than some people on which he can use.

"I'd never pull a Wolverine," Scott chuckles some, smile brief and fading quickly. "Sentinels. I've gotten a break, I think, on some movement. Just have a stakeout in mind, at this point," he says, pausing to rest his hands against his knees in mid-squat, and look down into the black duffel bag.

Phoenix has posed:
"Well, that's good to know," Jean sounds far too sincere when she says that, apparently having actually been worried he just might, at least this go around. She nods as he explains it, before asking, "and...you thought it best to do it alone without informing anyone that you're going? What if they nullify you again?" She pauses a moment, and then adds, "not sure about your source, but what if it's a trap?" Although to be fair, Scott no doubt have already considered that possibility before making the call.

Cyclops has posed:
"I wasn't going to sneak out, Jean," Scott says, a smile in his tone even if it doesn't reach his expression too much. He does stand up, though, coming out of the low squat and giving her full attention. It's hard to tell where his eyes actually are, but she can probably feel that he's meeting her gaze anyway.

"I left full details about this, and I intend to stay out of sight. I just didn't put out an open invite to sit in a car with me for hours." Scott lets a slow breath out of his nose, and shrugs his shoulders. "I did consider that. But if I get a hit on these people, we could learn where the Sentinel mold is, Jean. It's worth it. And I'll just have to be vigilent."

Phoenix has posed:
"I see," Jean nods at Scott mentioning how he had his basis covered, maybe she just didn't quite get to that update yet. She's been trying to juggle the X-Men side with the school side, but ever since the Professor promoted her in his absence, she's been erring on the side of the school.

"I don't know why you'd say that, I could share a few hours with you in a car and not complain," Jean offers with a bit of a teasing wink. Unable to help herself this one time.

All seriousness taking over Jean's visage, she nods, "that is true. The mold needs to be taken down...are you sure you're good to do this on your own, though? You don't have to take me, but take someone. Anyone..."

Cyclops has posed:
Scott didn't expect her to offer to do that, for some reason. He should have anticipated it. Yet he didn't. For whatever reason, a blush comes up, and Scott rests his hands on the edges of his black jeans pockets. Her teases usually get a rueful, deadpan little smile, but that didn't happen today.

"Well, no, I don't have to go alone. That isn't a requirement of success here," Scott says, with his more usual and expected little serious smile, taking her 'joke' as if it were serious. That's part of his humor, though. "Who would you think would be best at the job?"

Phoenix has posed:
"Are you asking what I really think? Or are you asking what I 'think'?" Jean asks in retort, "because I would nominate myself for being a radar for organics in the area...but in all honesty, Logan, Kurt or Dani might offer better help for this particular assignment."

As an after thought, she adds, "I might have added Remy, but I don't think he's been serious enough lately..."

Cyclops has posed:
"They also need to be someone that I will not personally feel the desire to murder after several hours in a car with them," Scott adds, a partial attempt to respond to her humor with his own. He wouldn't make the joke if other team members were present: there's an image of being serious to uphold, much of the time.

He then mentally seems to kick himself, and look at this logically. "Are you prepared to be able to go?" he asks, finally, tone returned to Serious Business.

Phoenix has posed:
"That's actually a very good point, I guess that takes Logan out," Jean says with a laugh, "not only am I prepared, I pretty much already volunteered," Jean remarks and raises her hand as if this was a class and volunteers were just asked for. "Plus, telekinetic molecular rearrangements ensures we get all our clothing needs right with me, should a disguise be called for...so that's a plus, let's go Fearless," she evokes Beast's own nickname for Scott, grinning widely as she does.

Cyclops has posed:
"Oh, does it take Logan out of possibilities?" Scott asks dryly. He smiles a little bit. "I appreciate volunteers more than having to strong-arm anyone out on my long-shot idea." He truly does, there's a deep honesty in the tone. He also grabs another set of the gear he'd chosen from the rack, putting it in the bag and shouldering it.

"Would you like to select the car?" he asks her, smiling at the nickname, and leading the way. Truth being, of course, he is glad to have her with him.

For mission reasons, of course...