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Latest revision as of 23:23, 8 October 2019

Thor IS back, as it turns out
Date of Scene: 07 October 2019
Location: Dining Hall, Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Tony touches base with Thor about Loki's current scams.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Iron Man

Thor has posed:
Thor was back in the mansion...and here in the dining room, he found the mysterious 'pop tarts.' He had no idea why they tasted good, he certainly couldn't tell you what the ingredients on the back meant, being as at least 80 percent of them are Midgardian creations that had no business existing in the first place, and it never occurred to him you should heat them up first, so he was cheerfully chomping on one of the two that comes in those little packets. Mjolnir is rather casually just sitting on a table in the middle of the room, as if he hadn't found a better place to put it while exploring the mysteries of pop tarts.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony doesn't appear to be looking where he's going, at least at first. "Yeah, bring the car up. Why not," he's saying to one of his assistants that's trailing the inventor. The assistant turns and heads back out, while Tony enters the dining hall, mobile device - a tablet of his own design - in one hand, the other scrolling rapidly over the surface in a waterfall of accurate finger strokes. Tony's eyes tip up to Thor.

"Oh, hey," Tony says, nonchalant, as if they hadn't been missing and suspecting Thor might be dead for over a month.

"Where've you been, Thor? Steve's missed you; it's been truly heartbreaking. Didn't expect to have to witness America's tears, but there they were," Tony deadpans. He crosses, looking at the pop-tarts, but doesn't comment on their lack of toasting.

Thor has posed:
"Asgard's restoration as kept me busy. Busier than I ever thought I'd be. I've also been searching for relics that might help me revive my father. I'd rather not go to Hela if I can help it, but it may be necessary this time."

And then, as a side note, "...These pop tarts are very good. Why did no one speak of them before?" Not that they're especially important or anything, but hey!

"Ah, yes. Steve was having a good time at the dance. He actually kept up quite well." It was a highly energetic performance. "Did he truly miss me so much?" Occasionally, he forgets his Midgardian friends do NOT live for thousands of years, and as such, a month might feel much longer than it is.

Iron Man has posed:
"They come in different flavors, I hear tell," Tony answers about the pop tarts, with a half-smile. "Such insanity as chocolate." He diverts back to his tablet as if flashes some information at him, though he splits his attention, as always, without effort: continuing to chat with Thor.

"Of course he did. Just hides his pain. I recommend a hearty hug next time," Tony continues. "But, okay. Asgard. There's a lot to unpack there, humor me for a moment." A few more taps, then Tony looks back to Thor more steadily. "So. Asgard /is/ restored somehow. You're going to revive Odin. And Hela's not a preference. I think I'm with you so far. Can you fill in any gaps there? Particularly any that involve Loki and a stray Tesseract?"

Thor has posed:
"Chocolate? Truly?" He goes looking for a chocolate one up there, but all the ones currently in stock appear to be fruit flavored like strawberry or raspberry or blueberry. "Alas, there are none that are chocolate now..."

But then, his voice and demeanor seems to drop an octave, and, "...Loki has the Tesseract?" Again? Loki+Tesseract tends not to equal good, and that's what he has to deal with now. "...I have much to speak with him about. Steve had concerns of his own, and so did Kitty."

Iron Man has posed:
"We'll order you some," Tony says without much inflection either way. "JARVIS?" Tony addresses the air.

"Order placed, sir," entones the AI comfortably.

Tony does a quick snap-point at Thor. Tony makes stuff happen. 'Magic' of the Stark.

"We think so, yes. Lots of energy signals related to it, and I think we had a witness; Steve's friend Agent Barnes saw him with it," Tony provides, in a relaxed, informational tone. "Dr. Strange may know even more: Loki took his wizard castle for a while. If you can pry the Tesseract out of him, we can hold it here safely, or organize with SHIELD."

Thor has posed:
"It isn't ideal to leave the stones on Midgard...it makes Midgard an unnecessary target for those who seek them. Still, it's equally important not to leave 2 of them in one place if it can be helped." That's why the Reality stone is with collector and the Mind stone with the collector's brother. "When the stones start to gather, it can be something great...but more often than not, it's a tragedy."
    "I will have to speak with Strange then." Hopefully he still has that everful mug of ale. That was neat. "It is likely Strange can confirm the tesseract's presence as well." Magic is one of the best ways to find that which is hidden.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yep. We're playing ping pong with these stones lately, feels like; they keep coming back here no matter how hard we serve 'em out," Tony comments, aloof, but there's some seriousness to the inventor's eyes as he contemplates Thor. "If he has information, he's not been very sharing lately. Maybe embarrassed about his castle." Tony lets the tablet drop to his side for a time, as he diverts to looking through the array of snacks in the dining area. He ends up with a handful of chocolate covered raisins.

"I didn't have a problem with one on Asgard. That it happens to also be in Loki's pocket? That's when I'll complain. For obvious reasons." Chitauri armies invading New York.

Thor has posed:
"It should never have been in Loki's pocket." He's starting to contemplate himself, now. "I have been careless, if he managed to hang on to that so long without my noticing. It shall not happen again." Thor's not keen on the idea of holding on to it himself...having an infinity stone in his pocket wasn't really his cup of tea, but it's better than leaving it in his brother's pocket.

"I may have to apologize to Strange. It sounds like he was taken advantage of rather badly. The same can be said of the Xmen as well." Not that Thor DID it per se, but he's been asleep at the switch here.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey, it happens. We can't prevent everything. Avengers here: we react," Tony teases, moving past Thor, and attempting a clap of hand to his teammate's huge shoulder, companionably. Should he manage it, he'll also shake his own hand out, and squeeze the fingers some from that impact; ouch.

"Just keep me in the loop, huh? We've got enough going down in these Sentinels, it's given Loki a great time to do a lot of things while we were lookin' the other way." Tony releases a breath, and starts to head out of the kitchen. "Besides, that's his gig, right? Still, if you want to hit him nice and hard for all this, I'd be on your side about it."

Thor has posed:
"...It wouldn't be the first time I've had to give him a thumping." Thor...sighs. "It probably sounds odd, considering what he's done, but he's still my little brother. Adopted or not...I still care what happens to him. He was raised alongside me."

Then there's the Sentinels. "Should I find any Sentinels harassing my friends, they shall be dismantled in short order.

Thor accepts the clap, it's a comrade's gesture, and common on Asgard.

Iron Man has posed:
"Well, sure, family, I get it, fine: bake him a cake if you want to, but we need him to not have a Tesseract, he's bad enough without that," Tony says dryly. "I won't belabor the point, anyway. Just come back more often, yeah? For Sentinel crushing. And, of course, for the pop tarts." A grin is flashes, and a quick wave, and Tony's off, onto the next thing on his busy agenda.

Thor has posed:
"They shall surely be crushed next time I get a chance." And these wonderful pop tarts! These Midgardian foods offer such unique flavors. They too shall be crushed, but inside of his stomach. It's nice to see Tony again...all of his friends here on Midgard. He's been remiss on too many things. No more.