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Blood of The Cheyarafim
Date of Scene: 30 September 2019
Location: X-Mansion Labs and The Brimstone Dimension.
Synopsis: Piotr, Kurt, Rogue, Kitty, Jubilee and Hank retrieve Cheyarafim blood that crystalized in the Brimstone dimension! Now Wanda has more for the making the magic!
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Beast, Colossus, Rogue, Jubilee

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The labs deep beneath the X-Mansion. We're going to call it the X-Labs. In the X-Basement... Under the X-Lawn. X-Chester X-York. Hey look! X-Lab equipment! The Bamfs have been allowed to do... well what they like to do - and Kurt has been in contact with some old friends in Excalibur and there is now a door... in the middle of the X-Labs... An X-Door!!!

    Kurt stands in blacked out version of his suit, shadows gathering around his lack of bright colors. "Father does not... appreciate guests. He does not like people who break in. This is a realm that touches all other realms. All." wetting his lips a moment. "Watch your step. Gravity can feel weird. There are creatures and." he frowns, looking to the not yet activated portal.

    "My kind... in addition to Azazel." looking to the others, "Flying islands... blasted lands... and keep your respirators on... If you like breathing." another deep frown, "Questions?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is in her X-man uniform, though it has been augmented by a jacket over the top with a number of pockets, as well as a belt with pouches. She has a small pack over one shoulder. The same pair of swords she used in the Savage Land are strapped to her back and side. It's a different look for her than most would be used to.

Kitty' eyes her respirator. "I am rather fond of breathing, now that I consider the question," she says. "I've got some spares just in case," she adds, hefting the pack as if to indicate the location of some of them.

Lockheed has been flying about the room, finally moving to settle on her shoulder. Kitty looks over at him for a moment and then gives a little nod. "I think Lockheed will be ok," she says as if having gotten that impression. "Think I'm ready, Kurt. I'm interested to see this place!"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is all suited up, happy to come along with Kurt. "Kurt, I'm going to stick to you like glue. If we step on anything, or anger anyone, we're doing this together, am I Right?" He'll then grab his respirator, and hang it on his shoulders. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Colossus has posed:
Colossus is, again, in his uniform, although he had to get a new one rushed since he got a lot of dino guts soaked into the other one he'd already had ready. He crosses his massive metal arms over his chest, arching a dark brow.

"I admit, I am not entirely sure what we are doing or why. But if you have need of my strength, it is always yours to rely upon, Herr Wagner," he says.

Rogue has posed:
When the talk of 'like breathing' comes up, Rogue raises a black leather backpack up and jostles it a little. "I brought extras. I've learned my mistake when we went to the moon." She glances over to Kitty with a little teasing GLARE sent toward her Lunar friend.

Rogue is wearing a standard X-Men uniform today, since her green and gold got pretty banged up in the Savage Land. This one is just mostly black with a silver X-buckle on the black belt cinched around her waist, which goes along nicely with the X-theme tonight.

She raises the breathing apparatus she'd taken out of her backpack filled with them and places it on, then pulls the backpack on over her shoulders, making her look very stealthy today, aside from her white bangs draping down the sides of her face while the rest of her brown hair is tied back into a bune on the crown of her head.

Jubilee has posed:
Having tagged along, Jubilee is in her uniform as well, that of dark black combat spandex leggings, her gold and black upperbody long sleeved shirt and a half yellow trench coat and sunglasses. "Hey guys. Sorry for being a bit late." She puffs out as she makes her way to the group, looking curious. "Is that door new?"

As she steps in next to Piotr, she bumps her shoulder against his fondly, then looks over towards Kurt for further instruction since it appears he is the head honcho on this excursion.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "We're getting something Wanda needs from us, ja? If we step in something... stick together. This place is dangerous. We're getting crystalized blood from the war where Warren and Shannon's ancestors shoved... well mine. Heaven und Hell, ja? One team, ours. Stick close and be ready to fight the whole way... You can't miss the blood." Kurt raises a hand to pat Piotr on the arm, "We may need a few fastballs mein friend." winking up at the big guy." he looks to the Bamfs and in a moment they set to work, laughing and firing up the door.

    It sparks, fizzes buzzes and spits out a gout of indigo smoke at first before it fires to life... a portal the same color as Nightcrawler's smoke, hazy, and on the other side... as he said a landscape blasted and rocky. It looks like hell. Or the Judeo-Christian version of hell. There's even fire in places. Kurt frowns at the sight of it, and sighs - not needing a respirator, and he goes through, unwilling not to do first what he expects of others, his hair immediately whipping to the side in the winds.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde pulls up her breather unit, affixing it where it won't be easily dislodged. She gets a sheepish look at Rogue's teasing glare about the Moon. No arguments from Kitty on the increased level of preparation for this trip.

"Ok, this coming through clear," Kitty says over the comms, apparently still able to talk well enough with the breathing unit in place. "Ok Kurt, we're with you," she says.

Kitty looks around the group, giving each person a smile. "Glad you made it Jubes," Kitty says warmly. She pats Beast on the shoulder and then starts forward. "Just like old times, Piotr," Kitty tells the big Russian, before moving through the portal, trusting in Kurt as she steps forward and into the Lord knows where.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy pulls his respirator on before helping others. Then stretching his arms. "Geronimo!" he then calls out before diving in to follow behind Kurt. Once through, he blinks, dusts himself off. "This can't smell good. Glad to have this equipment on."

Colossus has posed:
Colossus smiles, "I am always more than happy to throw my comrades wherever they may need be," he smiles. "And go and retrieve them by hand if it comes to that," hs says.

He looks down to Jubilee and gives a soft smile, then nods to Kitty, "Yes. Old times," he says. He doesn't need much in the way of equipment. In his armored form, he doesn't need food or air.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to Jubilee when she arrives and she gives her friend a little upnod, while dressed all in black and wearing a rebreather-thing. Classic night in the X-Men, clearly.

Her eyes then go to Kurt who's words get a closing of her eyelids before she turns to look at the laughing 'BAMFs' who get this door-thing working. All of this just makes Rogue rock back and forth on her black thigh-high wedge-heeled boots. Once the door opens and she can see whats beyond she just exhales inside of her breather.

"I have a bad feelin' about this." She says, mumbles really, mostly to herself. She'd fought a giant battle in Limbo... surely this will be similar to that? Not worse than that? Maybe. Either way, she's ready to follow the others lead.

Jubilee has posed:
"I have a bad feeling about this also. I'm pretty sure this place won't have ice cream or sight seeing tours." Jubilee says as she bites her bottom lip, eager to follow the lead and get through this. She rocks her shoulders back and forth to loosen herself up, then charges her fists with a round of brightly lid sparklers for when they step through the door of the dark. She can at least be a flashlight for the team.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I miss Brian... it's not the same without Brian... Jumping dimensions like this." Kurt's voice comes over comms as he moves freely, sticking to the landscape.

    The ground shakes, wind whips through constantly, and flying reptilian creatures dip, soar... and kill one another in the chaotic skies full of islands like the one they're on, some even having silhouetted castles disappearing in the haze from moment to moment.

    Some islands they can see don't look too bad, and the sky itself actually seems to contain 'holes' showing Earth 616, and other realities as well, it even shows sections of other galaxies. This island looks monstrous. Massive craters, skeletons, and a fort, not a fortress, a short walking distance from the portal.

    "I got the Bamfs to get us as close as they could... Kitty I promised them you would pat them on the head, or kiss one of them on the cheek and the others could touch the spot..." sounding sheepish, "With Piotr here... we stand a very good chance of everyone getting out of here with only a few scrapes. Without him I expected someone to be hospitalized, so this best be worth what Wanda is doing. We need to be fast and direct because..." he trails off as a half dozen raptor like creatures, drooling some sizzling liquid leap upon nearby rocks and start screeching.


Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty steps through, eyes sweeping across the haze that causes vision to come and go. A soft laugh is given. "Alright, I suppose it's a small price to pay for the safety of the school," she replies to Kurt.

She holds out her hand and then makes a little sound. "Ooof. This may make for unpleasant phasing," she says of the atmosphere. "Sure hope I won't have to... aw nuts," Kitty says, not even getting out that she hopes she won't need to phase, before there's already a threat coming their way.

The young woman draws the sword from her back and cinches the backpack down tighter so it doesn't swing around as she moves. "Looks like we've got company," she says, fanning out a bit to have room to react, but otherwise ready to follow Kurt's lead.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy takes it all in, shaking his head, listening up. Jubilee's arrival will get marked with a grin and a finger-pistol shot, before the raptors approaching get his attention. "Let's see if this works," he grunts, trying to leap into the air, seeing if the gravity will be weird enough to let him get the drop on those bad boys.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus tenses his big metal hands into fists, looking over the chaotic landscape with a stern eye. He had no particular fear of the dangerous environment - Kurt's quite right, he doesn't have much to fear from such things, other than being perhaps trapped without a way out. Although odds are good that his sister would find a way to track him - and them - down if he were to get trapped cross-dimensionally.

He takes up the rear, guarding them from behind to make sure no one attempts to flank them. Plus, if he walks in front, other people usually can't see over him.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is floating / hovering while she passes through into this new reality. She's breathing a little heavily inside of her mask covering her mouth and nose, only because the excitement of a new and daunting location like this is a little overwhelming at first, just as Limbo had been, or the surface of the Moon.

"We shoulda brought Illyana along on this one." Rogue quietly says over the team comms, even though internally she knows that she's likely busy keeping Limbo from going crazy.

Her eyes rise up to look around. She peers at one of the distant castles and has an overwhelming desire to see whats inside of it, but... no time for adventure! Her eyes track over to where the lizard things are that are screeching at them.

"Relatives'a yours, Lockheed?" She asks of the dragon. "They don't seem t'have your charm..."

Jubilee has posed:
"Absolutely should have brought Illayna and probably not me." Jubilee laughs as she looks around the new environment with wide eyes, trying not to appear /too/ nervous. "This is crazy. It's like taking a road trip through a D&D campaign, but one that the party won't really come out of alive. No one roll a 1, please." She jokes as she fingerguns back to Hank, firing off a few spinning fireworks that paf about her hands.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Don't let them bite you... Trust me." All three of Kurt's blades are out, one in each hand and the third held by his tail. "Hard und fast. Think like Logan - the longer it takes the more attention we grab." he actually leaps back onto Piotr's shoulder. "Throw me. Hard. Hard enough to hurt Logan, try to put me into orbit. Trust me."

    The creatures shriek and neck frills expand before they charge. Forelimbs raising and sickle like claws extending ... and then another pair of arms splaying out to the side as they charge, cutting up the stone and sending up inky rooster tails in their wake.

    Beast is... flying. Caught in the threat of shifting gravity to fall up into the ether... It's a curious sensation, maybe this is what it feels like to be Rogue? Maybe like Kurt when he's flipping through the air. But Hank is soaring, and a physics expert like him could likely even figure how to throw his weight to control it.

Brimstone Dimension is frigging weird.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty faces the charge, pulling her second sword out and whirling them about her to try to give the beasts pause. That doesn't seem to work, so as the first charges her, Kitty dodges back turning sideways to avoid a bite towards her shoulder. The swords slash out, both aiming to cut lines across the body of teh attacking beast. One strikes home, the other knocked aside as the creatures lashes out and and snaps its jaws at Kitty's arm.

She phases, the teeth clasping on nothing but air. Kitty makes a gagging noise but then follows up the previous slash with a second, causing the creature to fall back, foul blood dripping from the double wounds.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus puts his trust in Kurt's judgement and does as he's asked. He seizes ahold of the fuzzy blue elf, "Let's hope I am not out of practice. It has been a little while," he says.

But it seems like he's retained his form, a trademark twist as his waist and an incredible force to the throw as he tosses Nightcrawler like a rocket, aiming steady and true, before he moves to step in to help guard Jubilee, his fists flying to smack away any potential threats that get within arm's length.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy finds himself in the air, face to face with thsoe approaching raptors. So any giddy giggling he was doing at the feeling of flight is rapidly brought back to reality. Or unreality in this case. Then he realizes something. In this position... he has ten claws to use. Bringing them to bear, he takes on the raptor, and with the twisting of physics... he ands up on TOP of the thing, riding it... down? He waives one hand, hooting and hollering in his best Slim Pickens impersonation, as his claws then dig into the beast, throttling it, bringing it down to land near where he started.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes are up on their attackers and her ears are listening to her team mates. She does look away finally though when Jubilee's hands light up and this makes her draw in a deep breath from behind her respirator. "Here we go..." She mutters whilst Shadowcat is off on her shadowy sword-fighter way, and Kurt is preparing to be turned into a baseball by Colossus...

Rogue's tactic tonight? Use part of this Hellscape to her advantage. She walks with a little sway to her hips as she steps up to a big damn rock outcropping. For a moment, her gloved hands and fingers sweep over the rock until she finds just the right spot... and suddenly detaches the earth from the ground, holding holding up a massive chunk of stone that she raises up over here (little bits of it cascading down over her head, arms and shoulders, falling all around).

Rogue takes to the skies, sweeping over Beast as he's going full claws-out on the baddies, she's sweeping past Kurt as he gets Gimli-tossed... and her goal is to just 'plow the road' so to speak, using her bit of Hellearth to slam into anything that wants to try to bite her!

Jubilee has posed:
".. don't get bit, don't get bit, don't get bit.." Jubilee mutters to herself as she charges up her hands, then starts flinging orbs of atomic firecrackers outwards to the monsters, causing multiple explosions in the air that create shockwaves designed to knock them off track, or catch them ablaze.

Scooting behind Colossus, she uses him as a big, hunky metal shield so that she can lay down cover fire for her friends in the air. If any monsters appear to try and flank them, she'll throw out a blast to knock them off course.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The reptile attacking Kitty, cut and bleeding? Yes. Badly? Quite it seems. The thing vomits out blood and that saliva that actually begins eating in the stone at its feet. Giving a pained shriek, matched by the sound of Hank's 'mount' smashing into the ground. One down for certain... and then a second as a wild swing by the Russian Strongman crushes flesh, bone, and sinew. The shape of his fist reforming the head of one of the reptiles before physics catch up and it it sent spinning across the ground, some of that same saliva making the metal of his skin heat up rapidly - but nothing melting through yet.

    Kurt is actually trying not to go 'WHEEEE!' as he is flung, his expression practically manic as he flies - and he actually laughs when Anna goes past him. He disappears in a streak... Well the sound is there. He does BAMF! But there's no smoke... He just reappears be-lined with a raptor, once his speed has diminished, all three blades plowing through a beast before he is gone again.

There's not much chance for them left with Rogue and Piotr cutting loose, with Jubilee blasting one in the face to be set up for another of the massive man's elbow to crack a neck like dry wood, Anna smashing those untouched, and finishing off he one Kitty had wounded.

Think like Logan, Kurt said... James Howlett would be proud.

Hell. Victor might even blink at what just went down.

    But the way is clear to keep going, for now.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty is glad for Kurt's help, the young woman having held back at first, trying to drive the raptors away rather than kill them. She dodged back to avoid the acidic spittle, leaving it to melt into the stone. A rag is pulled out to wipe her swords clean before they go back into their sheathes, though she keeps her hand on the handle of one.

"Alright, so we keep going, quick in and quick out?" she asks. Kitty turns to look back towards the portal, making sure she has the area firmly in mind so they'll be able to find their way back. "Everyone get your bearings," she says in case anyone hasn't done the same, and then turns back, ready to follow Kurt's lead. "Nice job, muscles," she says, leaving Rogue and Colossus to wonder which of them she was talking to.

(Answer: Both)

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looks to Kitty, and salutes. "Sure thing Kitty," answering to muscles without even thinking. He dusts himself off after crashing his target, and again, gets back to Kurt as well.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue isn't necessarily trying to kill any of the flying creatures either. She's more-so just looking to scare them off, but if any had collided with her rock, well, thats on them and their aggressively acid-spitting-selves.

After the initial fray though, Rogue just turns and lobs the rock off into the grimy and creepy horizon. Then turns back to smirk at Kitty's words, wiping her gloved hands together. "Yep." She says softly before her right hand dips behind her to grab a black cylinder off of the back of her belt. She pulls it around, snaps it open and lights a big bright flare that she tosses back to the ground area where they came, to mark their starting spot. The sizzling red flare is bright smoky, it rolls around a few times before swaying back and forth to a halt.

"Lets go get Wanda's stuff." She says then. "Then maybe push one'a those castles off its island, just for funsies."

Jubilee has posed:
"She was totally talking to me." Jubilee says to Hank with a grin as she starts off after the others, flicking her wrist to send another explosive glob into the face of a creature that tried to sneak up on her from behind. BOOM. Splat. She hustles after the others, patting her head a few times. "Aw, crumbs, I lost my shades. You owe me a new one, Kurt!" She calls after the dashing elf with an amused grin. It's not like she doesn't have a stockpile of them.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt appears again, without smoke again, only the BAMF! of his displaced atmosphere. He's at a full run, bleeding off the speed Piotr gave him, looking absolutely exhilarated now.
    "Run! Full speed!" the acrobat is on all fours, body stretching out like a cat, tail straight for balance.
    There are more screeches in the distance... and a horn. But they're close to the fort.
    "Anna? Can you -throw- Piotr at the wall?"

    Ideas are fun...

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty breaks in a full run, the breathing device that covers her mouth and nose clouding up with the breaths of her exertion. She's in the best shape of her life, covering ground as quickly as she dares with the brimstone haze sometimes making it tough to sometimes see the ground.

"Hank, you are a natural for low gravity," she calls over to him as they run. Lockheed wheels down from up above, flying low over Kitty. "Nah, I'm ok," she tells the dragon, as long as she's able to keep up with the others. Lockheed darts back up a little higher, flying a short distance in front and looking dangers, then darting back in a serpentine 180 degree turn without losing any speed to check behind them.

Colossus has posed:
Colossus looks up, shaking some of the offending goop off of his fists. Things tend to drool extra hard when you hit them in the mouth and, while his metal skin doesn't absorb it, that doesn't mean he likes having messy hands.

At the mention of throwing him, his head swivels and his eyes narrow, "Wait, where am I being thrown and why? I am usually the catapult, not the stone. I am not exactly...aerodynamic."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy doesn't ask. He just gets on all fours himself and catches up with Kurt. "These might not stop coming, you know that? Maybe we should try to go where we're going?" he calls out.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is doing a full circle-around to catch back up with her team. She can fly really fast, so its not that hard to catch up with these members of the X-Men (not saying they're slow... but, you know, they're slow).

From behind their shoulders, Rogue grins at the request from Kurt but she shakes her head, her white bangs flowing around the sides of her face in the smelly winds of this smelly Hell. "Throwin' that muscle-y Russian man up against a wall has been a dream'a mine for a long long time now... but, nah. I don't need to do that t'punch a hole in a nerd's fort."

Rogue's hands rise up and she balls them up into fists. "I can do that on my own." And with that said, she just punches the throttle on her flight power and turns herself into a human battering ram to that very wall Kurt was requesting Colossus get thrown at.

Jubilee has posed:
Bolting forward at full speed, Jubilee hauls ass. Her hands continue to crackle and glow in preparation for round two if it comes. "I'm right behind you guys!" She calls out.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Pointing with his tail, "That's the idea, Hank." Kurt notes as Rogue surges ahead, blinking at the speed and the destruction as ancient stone is smashed apart and the ruins and charnel house is opened for them.

    Anna sees it first. The skeletons. Dozens of them. Some with graceful structure and wings, some with tails and three digit limbs. The dark earth is stained indigo and crimson. Weapons are strewn about, the dead left where they fell.

    The horn sounds again and Hank can see a figure like Kurt, in build and shape, appear among the crenellations. Then Lockheed signals Kitty to see another. In a moment's notice they can all see a number of indigo fuzz covered figures with long spaded tails attempting to surrounded Rogue upon her entry.

    <<"Any of you see them, they look like rubies, but they glow at the core. They burn my kind still!">> said over his headset, since Rogue is ahead - to make sure they know what to look for.

Shadowcat has posed:
The flying purple dragon does one of those 180 degree turns where his lower body is still going straight while the upper half is flowing through a hairpin bend to go back the other way. He zooms down, sensing Kitty's state of mind, the urgency to get into the fort.

Kitty runs up an outcrop and leaps, reaching up a hand for Lockheed to grab as he proves strong enough to carry her in flight, taking her up onto one of the castle walls nearest to where Rogue burst through. Kitty looks around for signs of the glowing red crystals as she starts moving across the top of the wall, swords coming out and at the ready.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy looks to Kurt, blue matching blue hand for hand, foot for foot. "Alright. If you're saying we need to get in there. So what you're saying is, you can't just poof in there, in case you run into a ruby. So why don't we just climb in there the old fashioned way?" He tries to analyze the situation verbally since well, this is weird.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue bursts through the wall like a southern belle version of the Kool-aide man, only way more attractive (depending on your tastes of course) and once through she pauses and just... hovers there. Her green eyed gaze goes around all of the skeletons and she just shakes her head slowly. "I don't like Skellingtons." She whipsers beneath her breath before she sweeps in over their dried-up-bone heads.

"No sign of ruby things. There's just a lotta dead things here, Mikey." She says back over the comms for everyone to hear. What she does next though is just drop right down amongst all the skeletons, right in the center of them, Rogue lands on wedge heeled boots and starts to turn around to look at them all, a grin on her lips, for whatever reason.

Jubilee has posed:
"Ew!" Jubilee says at the sight of the bony army ahead of them. "I really hope they don't get up and start walking and trying to fight us. It'd be like a terrible horror film." She keeps her glowing hands out in front of her to shed some more light as she searches the ground. "Let me know if you need me to blast some of these things away."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Thankfully the skeletons don't get up. This isn't that kind of dimension. So bully for that. But the Neyaphem gathering are very real and several begin hefting spears of otherworldly metal, hefting and throwing them at the white striped woman. Will they cut? It is another dimension after all...

    "I could teleport, but ja, it would be very painful if I stepped on one..." even if it -did- make finding one super easy. "Anna's already in... and... Scheisse... staring at the appearing 'relatives'.

    "They'll kill or capture you!" said over comms. "If they capture you they'll take you back to Father. Better to be in Erik's hands!"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty moves forward along the wall atop the fort, until one of the beings with blue fur like Kurt's jumps out in front of her with a spear. Lockheed dives down and a spout of flame is blasted towards the being, who jumps away off the wall and down into the courtyard to avoid being fried alive.

Kitty gives a salute of thanks to Lockheed, continuing on, trying to avoid the combatants and focusing on looking for a crystal so they can cut their stay short.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes take in all the skeletons but its the Neyaphem's that ultimately draw her attention once she catches their movement out of the corner of her peripheral vision, which is also aided by her Seventh Sense kicking in that there's personal danger headed her way.

So much so that just a split second after she looks at them, she leans back to let a spear soar right past where her shoulder had been a second ago. Its just a mere moment after that that Rogue shoots up into the sky like a fourth of July firework (what up, Jubes?) and she gains enough altitude that its unlikely they could heft anymore of those things at her.

Spinning around now, Rogue starts on a downward dive with her fists out again, intending to head right at the Neyaphem's and smash into the ground around them to create a shockwave between the ones hefting spears at her!

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods to Kurt. "Alright then. I'm gonna try to keep moving. Stay sharp everyone. And don't get hit by anything sharp." He then takes a running start, and makes a LEAP in the castle's direction. This time he starts singing. "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air..." as his body is propelled through the air toward the fort. And yeah, given how unused he is to falling with style, he's as wobbly as the Greatest American Hero.

Jubilee has posed:
(Not much, girl.) Jubilee watches Rogue drive herself upwards into the air, then come back down like a Wrecking Ball (She's our Miley Cyrus). With a loud huff in her throat, she throws a pair of explosive booms after her, looking to detonate the ground that Rogue is about to slam into, to give the baddies a bit of a right and left. Ka-Boom.

With a running start, she leaps into the air as well, throwing a bomb behind her to explode and help propel her through the low gravity after Hank. Who needs a jet pack when you got pafs?

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Look at what's happened to them! Kurt can't believe it himself. Rogue's impact causes the fuzzy blue Devils to BAMF! away from the explosions, well most, one is sent flying, twisting end over end and crumpling like a ragdoll against the ground where it tumbles.
    Suddenly Hank's up on top of the world, it should have been somebody else! But believe it or not, he's walking on air. Bet you never thought he could feel so free. Those locals definitely don't.

    Flying away on a wing and a prayer, there's shrapnel flying and then someone is hollaring in pain, brushing and scraping at his skin desperately.
    Who could it be?
    Believe it or not, it's just Kurt.

    The Neyaphem renew their attacks now, charging in from BAMF! sounds, spears and blades drawn, attempting to flank, and even blindside blitz, as Kurt would call it, appearing from multiple vectors at once!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's progress along the top of the wall slows drastically as blue-furred men appear around her. She whirls slashing with swords which impact spears made of some other dimension metal, sending sparks flying.

A tail whips across the ground to grab at her leg and up end her. Kitty falls, her two assailants lunging forward to stop where they expect her to land on the ground. Only she keeps going right on through the ground, the one's tail just suddenly passing through her leg.

As they look at each other quizzically, the twin swords and Kitty's head jut up from underground. She hamstrings each in the back of the leg, taking them down rather than killing them. Kitty surfaces fully, kicking one in the face and the other disappears with a bamfing noise. Two others who thought to join the attack on Kitty are smoking, their hair on fire as Lockheed was not as merciful, the pair teleporting away from the dragonfire.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is down on the ground, having scattered the Neyaphem in clouds of BAMFs. She sees the light show that Jubilee put on for her 'landing' and dramatically walks through the smoke left over from both the Neyaphem's and Jubilee's fireworks, then stops and puts her hands on her hips. "I didn't know they did that thing Kurt does." She says over the team comms.

Her eyes look up to where Hank is, then down to see Kitty doing what Kitty's do. She nods once and raises back up off of the ground. "Gonna head deeper inta this fort, see if I can't spy what we're lookin' for." She glances over to Jubilee. "Try t'keep up, but watch out, don't get stabbed!" Rogue says to their Fourth of July teammate.

The Belle shoots off, staying low this time, dodging any more spear attacks that come her way as best she can, her goal now to search out these ruby lights NIghtcrawler spoke of!

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy gives a thumbs up to Rogues as she takes off, then tucks and rolls to land with Jubilee. Grunting, he gets up. "Alright. Point me at something and I'll bowl through them. Just use me as a weapon, team."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt is absent from the rest, he is grunting and hissing on comms, but otherwise no other sounds. Hanks movements brings attention off of Jubilee as she fires plasmoids and Piotr roars under a pile of blue fuzzed men and women with bronze spears and blades sparking off his skin as they're flung and teleport back at him.
    "Hit them! Don't throw them!" Kurt's voice comes through, pained.
    Rogue flying draws more of them and one tries to appear on her back and wrap her hands around her face, trying to twist her neck - only to discover the strength... and that sucking sensation of their life force draining.
    Kitty sees something, a glitter in the largest pile of the dead.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty whirls to avoid a stabbing spear, then parries a second with her sword. She throws something down and a sudden cloud of dust and ash rises in the air, different than the normal haze of the Brimstone dimension, hiding her for a moment from the Nephayem who are attacking her.

She darts away, running along the top of the fort's wall, jumping atop a crenellation as a quarter of opponents stab up towards her. There's a flurry of swords and spears, and Lockheed diving in, breathing fire to support the young woman, his flames framing the image of her.

A sparkle from the courtyard below catches Kitty's eyes. She parries a spear, stepping on it to trap it and then kicks the wielder in the face. "Lockheed, heading down!" she shouts and then runs and jumps off the high wall, fall towards the ground.

Lockheed swoops down, grabbing her back the backpack and landing her lightly by the pile of bodies. "I think I've got one," Kitty exclaims as she tries to scatter the skeletal bodies and scoop the crystal up into the little containment vessel supplied by the Scarlet Witch to everyone.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy for his part just starts running circles around Jubilee. Covering her, just smacking and trying to knock down anything that comes at her. Him up close, and her with range, he hopes will win out for the pair. "How many do we need?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's got all eyes peeled to try to find this ruby thing that she'd been warned about. So much so that as she's dodging through and around projectiles being thrown at her, she doesn't notice the Neyaphem that BAMFs his way onto her back. With a snarl she looks back over her shoulder. "What, not even any dinner first, sugah?" She asks, but thats when the thing grabs onto her head, its hand going to her bare chin, and... thats all she needs.

The Neyaphem's eyes roll back in their sockets and it starts to collapse before Rogue grabs onto its hand and holds it there against the side of her face.

A second later and ROGUE BAMFs! With the Neyaphem! They reappear up high, then BAMF again, and appear off to the side on top of a wall, and thats when Rogue releases the Neyaphem and lets its body go spiraling off into the distance, limp and unconscious.

"Thats what ya get for not askin' a lady for permission first!" She says after the Neyaphem. A turn around a second later and Rogue is BAMFing over to where Kitty and Lockheed are, appearing right next to her friend and offering her a grin.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    She finds a few, a handful, Kitty that is. Even as Lockheed clamps onto a Neyaphem that tries to leap onto her, blowing fire into his face and sending the poor blue mutant screaming and clutching at the fire that is spreading.
    Hank is hip deep in the soldiers of Azazel, at least he would be if he stood still. They're fast and flexible, maybe as strong as a fit human... But Hank is Hank. Not as powerful as Colossus, but jeeze look at him. He -IS- the brute squad and when he connects they go flying.
    For Rogue... teleporting is strange. It's a want, a will, an then it happens. It's an instinct. Is this how Kurt feels? That rush and the sudden pull. The glimpse of her home dimension of Earth 616 before re-appearing in the Brimstone. She's leaving clouds of smoke behind her, and dragging fresh air here.

    But they have what they need!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty whirls around, sword coming up as she hears the bamf noise. She starts to swing but halts it as she sees who it is. "Holy crap, you can... oh of course you can," Kitty says of Rogue's teleporting.

She holds up the container. "I got it," Kitty says, sliding the vessel into an inside pocket of her costume. "Think you and Kurt can get us back to the portal from here?" she asks Rogue. "You know, without dropping us inside the ground or something. Cuz that's my shtick," she says.

Lockheed whirls around the two women after dispatching the would be attacker.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just walks up closer to Kitty then and grins at her. "Hey, this is weirder than I realized it. I think I just teleported back t'our Earth. So its like what Kurt does, but in reverse? How trippy is that?" She asks with a momentary furrowed brow-line. "Here, hop on." She says then to her friend, and to Lockheed, whatever her shoulder he wants to land on should do the trick though.

"We can get back there, I'm sure've. This is a effin' rush when ya do it, no wonder Kurt seems t'smile a lot." She grins then and waits for the comms. "Okay, I'm taking the Pryde Family back t'the gate t'Wallyworld. Ya'll keep up! We got our goal, so lets hit the bricks!"

With that said by the southern gal, she glances at her friends once last time and then makes the BAMFing for the doorway that the little bamfs were hopefully still maintaining for them, those little buggers have a Kitty-kiss to get as a reward yet still after all.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy hears the good news, at least it sounds good, and makes a move. Gesturing to Jubilee, he starts moving back toward her. "Alright, do we need to get back where we came, or can you get us back from anywhere? Do we evne need to huddle up?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt appears, battered looking and with vicious, almost acidic, burns in his skin - bits of red imbedded there. "I can get Hank und Jubilation. Anna you have Piotr und Kitty?" moving to keep Hanks back.

    He's not killing. He doesn't kill. But he's injuring. Swords cutting ankles, knees, elbows, parrying and trying to keep Hank and Jubilee covered, his tail on the young lady. "When you're ready, grab me and we'll go back to the portal!"

    Seeing what Rogue did, the attackers keep distance, content to throw missiles at she and Kitty now, and avoid the ground where they stand. There are more though... And there is a threat of a flash of crimson skin at the edge of view...

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty and Lockheed both take hold of Rogue. "So when you appeared back on Earth, was it like... did anyone see you and you yelled 'Boo!!' and then disappeared again?" Kitty asks.

Mainly though she just wants to get back before anyone can get hurt. Once they reach the portal, she waits for everyone else to arrive before they pass through and back to the lab. Where the cute little Bamfs are waiting.

Pucker up, girl.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue of course makes a stop to gather up Piotr as well, and together they big happy few BAMF their merry way back to the portal where Rogue had left the flare just in-case they needed a bit more recognition to find where they'd come from.

She reluctantly separates from her friends touches and grins. "Too quick t'scare anyone. I might use it t'scare people in the shower when we get home though. And ya know, for my own obvious benefits there-in."

Rogue too waits for the others and follows them through back to Earth, likely the second to last with Colossus usually volunteering to be the brave kaboose.