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Latest revision as of 15:38, 18 October 2019

Tim has an Amazing idea ... maybe.
Date of Scene: 17 October 2019
Location: Backstage (Robin's Roost), Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: Kitty and Babs, think Tim may have a point or maybe a bit off his rocker, or maybe both.
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Oracle, Shadowcat
Tinyplot: Age of Darkness

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has sent word to both Barbra and Kitty both that he wants to talk to them, two different thins, but he has sent out word to both. He is now sitting at the computer looking over information.

Oracle has posed:
Babs is actually with Kitty, so that was convenient, so they took one of Babs' cars over to the Theater for ease. "You should come back by once we're done, I have an idea I want to run past you." Slipping out of the convertable, she's wearing a black hoodie over a black tanktop, blue jeans, and stylish sneakers. Leading the way towards the theatre, then inside, "Hey, Timmy, you here? I have Kitty with me."

Shadowcat has posed:
Climbs out of the convertible, passing Barbara's large coffee over to her that Kitty picked up when they stopped on the way. She's been burning the candle at both ends... well for months really. But especially the last week. "Sure," Kitty agrees. "Sorry I haven't been around more than I have. I'm not sure that's going to change too much for awhile, but I'll try to make more time," Kitty says.

She heads into the theater with Barbara, glancing around at it. "Wow. Tim's really got himself some digs," she comments. She's wearing a pair of jeans and a tan sweater. "Kind of reminded of Alice's Restaurant though. Does he take out his trash?" she kids as they move in and go looking for the Wayne ward.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will buzz them in and over an intercom will tell them "Am downstairs, if you care to join me." He tells them. He hmms both of them here, may make the sells pitch a bit harder, but he will have to work on it. He starts cueing up a bit of info he can bring up when needed.

Oracle has posed:
Before entering, Babs accepts her large cup of joe and snort laughs at the idea of being busy. She looks like she hasn't slept in days, which is a running theme really, "Yeah I get it babe, what I want to talk about will probably make it easier. I'll tell you later."

Because they're entering the home of the Mini Bird.

"If we care to join you?" Babs asks with a laugh, sipping her coffee and leading the way down, "What else would you think we'd be doing? Acting as your maid service?" Turning to give Kitty a wink. "What's up, Tim? Seemed like it was something important."

Shadowcat has posed:
"With all those floors to scrub? Like hell," Kitty says with a grin of being Tim's maids. She takes a sip of her own drink. "I'm a total sucker for all the pumpkin stuff this time of year," she admits. "And Thanksgiving. Turkey? Love it, love it, love it," she comments as they head into where Tim is at.

"Which is surely why Tim invited us over. But you'll not get my mother's cranberry sauce recipe, no matter how you torture me," she assures him.

Before he has a chance to talk though, Kitty says, "Ok, I'll talk. Cherries. She puts cherries in with the cranberries. Makes it fabulous," she tells them before getting more serious. "Ok, what's up?" she asks.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake look to the two from his seat at the computer. down here is clean but there is some take out containers that can be seen in the trash. "Well, I am in need of both your help. I am trying to make sure we are prepared when Superman pops back up." He looks to the two and says "We need to be prepared for it. I got some info want you to look through with me.

Oracle has posed:
Babs is hiding her grin behind another drink of coffee, "Oh yes.. feed me all the pumpkin.. all the spice." As they enter the computer lounge and Tim lays out the master plan, her eyes go a little jaunty, though. "Okay.. Tim.. Why do you think Superman is going to pop back up?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde crosses her arms and looks at Tim in what might be considered an odd way. "Yes, is there some reason to think he can resurrect or something?" she asks quietly. Kitty glances over to Barbara, giving her a look that is equal parts confused and concerned.

The young woman moves over behind Tim to look at what he pulls up on his computer. Her arms are still crossed, her posture suggesting a bit of skepticism. But then she's hearing him out on the matter, so she's not closed to it.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to them and says "The body disappeared, Kryptonite can do a lot, but does not make a body go poof." He looks to them and says "If Bruce was able to be recovered Superman should have been as well. Then you add that someone has put someone in a casket and in the crypt? It reeks of someone hiding something. He will then bring up some footage from the graveyard, and shows a man 6'5" face hidden in a robe with the symbol of that appears to be Kyrptonian on it. "Then we have this guy visiting the crypt I aint been able to get a look at his face. Also when we rescued him from Apokolips he had been exposed to Krytonite longer than he was the dust. It would have weakened him, but it should not have killed him. I believe he was injuried and either he or who ever is controlling him got him out of there. I still have to hear back from Conner if he knows what the symbol is.

Oracle has posed:
Babs squints at the video feed for a little bit, "You realize Bruce used all the Kryptonite in his arsenal during that fight, right Tim?" With a glance back at him, a small frown creeping onto her face. "I get where you're going with this, I think.. and I can see the logical leap, but we're talking a /lot/ of kryptonite." The styrofoam cup is brought up for a long drink, then set down beside the keyboard.

"Followed by a 'lot' of missiles."

Poor Stephanie. She really needs to check in on her.

"There might not /be/ a body to find. Bruce always has a plan.. he knew what he was doing and..." Halfway through saying it, she just shakes her head and pushes away from the desk. "It's an interesting theory, but it's not proof. There were dozens of heroes there.. some of them I'd never even heard of. Some strange looking fella wearing Kryptonian symbols? Kind of makes sense, doesn't it? At the burial marker for the worlds most famous Kryptonian?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks far more perplexed than Barbara does. "Wait, kryptonite? You mean the pretty green crystal looking stuff? What's it got to do with Superman? I always figured the name was a coincidence, but even if not, how's it have anything to do with his death?" she asks. Kryptonite's effects on Superman are only known by a few, and Kitty's training with Bruce apparently didn't get into weaknesses of his allies.

She glances over to Barbara, seeing that she at least is getting more out of the explanation so far. And the talk of it being part of an arsenal and used in the fight causes Kitty's eyebrows to raise. "Wow. Well, that's definitely worth keeping secret," she says of Superman's weakness. "Supergirl was at Carol's birthday party. Er, that's Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel of the Avengers. If you need, we could try to get in touch with her through that connection and ask who it was?" Kitty offers.

Oracle has posed:
Babs jaw noticably tightens at the mention of Supergirl.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "The paramedics said one moment they were working on him then the next he was gone. That means there was a body after the explosion. The body had to have either been superspeed or teleported out. With the fact it seems there was biological problems, magical issues, and Superman acting off someone had to have been controlling him, and if he was dead, why retrieve the body? " He looks to the two, and says "And who ever this man is, he keeps returning to the crypt at the same time every day. Conner knows nothing more than we do on what happened, less I would say even. Then wit it publicly being known the body disappeared what was putting in that Crypt?""

Oracle has posed:
Babs shrugs at Tim, "The kind of person that knows people with magic were going to get their hands on that baby if they didn't, I'd wager." She doesn't look ready to write the whole thing off... and she's still watching the footage with furrowing brow. "Like I said, it's an interesting theory, but there's not enough proof. You know how we opperate. Find more evidence before you start waving this idea around in the air, without solid proof, coupled with Damian sawing off the statues head..."

She cants her own slightly, rubbing the tightness from her jaw.

"The point is, we've got to play this close to our chest, Tim. You want to work on it, do.. definitely do. Find out if there's more to it, but you do it quietly. No attention drawn here to Gotham, you follow?" Looking over at him with her jade green eyes. "We need to keep our heads down for right now. Which means not telling the world we think Superman's grave is full of candy corn."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty hrms quietly. "Well, yeah, seems like it's at least worth keeping an eye on. Though, I would think this would be something for the Justice League to bite into. I mean, they should be able to get to the bottom of it, right? He was one of their own," she suggests.

Kitty glances to Barbara and then to Tim. "So what is it you were wanting us for? You're capable of hacking security cameras and such to keep an eye on the place. Were you looking for a bigger hack job looking for information?" she asks. A good guess, if someone looks to Barbara Gordon and herself for help, they are probably wanting something to do with computers. Right?

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the two and says "Well Kitty yo be honest, I want you to go in with me, I have one other who I am taking in. I want to see who or what is in there. I got my expert thief, I want you for your powers, and your knowledge of tech. I aint going to ask you to go in alone, as could be some problems there, but I would like you with me."

Oracle has posed:
"Hold on." Babs brings a hand up to stall Tim a second, "Are you saying you want to go in there as in, into Superman's crypt?" A glance spared at Kitty, then back to her brother. Her head curls to the side, brow stretched out wide, but she wont deny his request for Kitty. She will sip her coffee judgementally though.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's expression suggests she didn't grasp, in that first moment, where Tim was talking about as he spoke of her going in with him. Though it takes only a second or so, her shocked look making it apparent she picked up on it before Barbara clarified it.

"Oh no. No no. Tim... if this is something that needs verifying... I mean, go to Diana Prince and the rest of the Justice League. Go do it right and go in there and check with permission." Kitty looks at the monitor. "I mean, it's Superman's tomb you're asking me to violate!" she says. "Besides, if he were to come back, you need the Justice League to help out, right?" she asks. She assumes so. She's rarely crossed paths with them. Well, except for J'onn, but Kitty doesn't let on she knows of him. Where he spends his free time is own choice to share.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to them and says "Yes, I plan on going in there, and as Barbra just said need to play this close to the vest, the less people who know what is going on the better till I can lay out the full proof before them. I still need to go over the Justice Leagues computers and make sure there is no bad code put there, would like your help with that Babs. " He looks to the two and says "Superman was originally pooffed out of the Watchtower monitor room. If I take it to the Justice League it is going to be a lot more hoopla and hurdles to jump. This is the type of thing. You go in get the information, and the less people who know the better."

Oracle has posed:
Babs shakes her head at the whole thing and would usually brush her hands of it, but she's not in a position to brush her hands of it. She's Batman. So... she inclines her head to Tim's request for her assistance with the Watchtower code, "You've got access, I'm sure I could remote hack their computers if you got some of my malware onto their harddrive. Wouldn't be a bad idea anyways..." Green eyes shifting between Tim and Kitty, one shoulder shrugging.

So she's starting to think like Batman too.

"Maybe save the grave robbing for another weekend, eh? I mean there's plenty of information you can gather up right here above ground. Start there, go tomb raiding later?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's nod of agreement is given to Barbara's comments, not to Tim's request for help. "I think you have something worth keeping an eye on. Something even worth digging into. I don't think going in there is a good idea. I mean... look, Superman's DNA is not something anyone is going to want people getting ahold of. Who knows what kind of security they might have. I don't have the Soulsword to go chopping through magic spells," she says.


Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the two and says "If it is something biological in there, the longer we wait the more degraded it becomes. I don't think any magic has been put up yet, or Zatana would not have had to magic the statue's head back on. If we don't try t get all the information we can we are going in blind. " He sighs a bit and says "Bruce got rid of what ever information he had. Yes, I know he would not want us dealing with this, but someone has to. If Superman is alive as I think he is, and he gets healed up somehow, we need to have all the information, to handle this. He looks to the two. A pissed off superman who can listen and find Bruce's heartbeat is a bad thing. Heck even if he does not go after Bruce, he knows he can get to him through us. " He looks to Kitty and says "If your not comfortable with going, " He does not use the word scared, or any others that might question her honor or anything "I will go in with my other team member. Both Jason and Damian want to go in with me and I told them both no.

Oracle has posed:
"We have a few days, Tim." Significantly more actually, "Before we need to go b-bopping into a tomb of an American hero seeing if there's a dummy corpse laid to rest in his crypt." Apparently there's some lines she isn't yet ready to cross. Batman probably would, Babs is just a stand in, "That's my final word.. if you're dead set on this, I can't stop you, but you better be damn sure you're ready to face the music when the band starts playing because Superman's going to be /really/ pissed if we break into his tomb... which is to say.. if he's alive. Which he might not be."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's arms are still crossed, but she's definitely weighing the issue. "Tim, I just... don't see enough evidence yet to think this needs to be done. I'll help you two dig if you like, and if you come up with enough, I'll reconsider it," she offers.

Kitty gives a little shake of her head. "But I agree it's just... it's a lot to do when it's not really clear enough that it's needed," she says. Kitty reaches over to give Tim's shoulder a squeeze and then a pat. "I also have someone else in medical care I need to take care of," she says.

Kitty takes a sip of her coffee. "Jason is back?" she asks quietly. As nonchalant as she can.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head, and says "Yea he got back in as soon as he could. Talked to him for the first time since he got back last night. He then brings up the bio reading of Superman that Danger gave him "I got this from Danger earlier, at the same time, I found out there had been some magic on Superman from Zachary Zatana. I want to see if we can figure out exactly what the abnormalties are and how to deal with them. When he comes back, we need to hit all the issues that are wrong at once to handle them. You may want to talk to Danger sometime Babs, I think she maybe a source of useful info for you to add to your arsenal.

Oracle has posed:
Babs had hoped Kitty hadn't heard the part about Jason being back and is, coincidentally, leaning back against the desk looking at the video feed when Kitty is asking after his return. Babs don't know nothing, see? She's occupied, can't ask her, nope.

The red head glances up and over at Tim, inclining her head slightly, "Danger is the self aware Titan computer, right?" She sips a bit more coffee, while fixing a small thumb drive into the side of Tim's computer to move the video feeds he's acquired over for later inspection back at the Clocktower. "I'll put it on my to-do list."

That is a very long list.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde glances between Tim and Barbara. She doesn't say anything about the casual answer's reply. Instead she just listens quietly to their talk of Danger, and Barbara then giving some idea of who that is.

"Yes, let me know if I can help, Barbara," Kitty says. "And, Tim, if you find out more. I just... I don't think it's time yet. Someone's tomb... I mean, that's a big deal to me. Sorry," she tells him, giving a gentle shake of her head and then moving off to the side to sit on a counter. Her thoughts are on something other than Superman now.