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Latest revision as of 15:51, 18 October 2019

A Robin Round
Date of Scene: 15 October 2019
Location: Backstage (Robin's Roost), Monarch Theatre
Synopsis: Three Birds plan for tomorrow.
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Robin (Wayne), Red Hood

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has contacted Damian, to have the young man come by. He had told Damian it is important, we need to talk about a few things. He is waiting for Damian, and has made sure to have some burgers, and other food set up with some of Damian's prefered food, even some ox blood soup from the place Damian mentioned when they had it.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Robin met up where he was asked to meet. The Monarch Theatre was a place every member of the Family knew was a sore spot. "This place is a perversion of dignity. It should have been razed." He comments as he walks in, the comment was on the theatre, not the lair conspicuously hidden inside.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "It has been redone completely up there, it is my home now." He tells the other man. There is not much that remains up there, and I got Bruce's permission before I did it." He tells the other. Have a seat, I got you something to eat, we need to talk and it is important. A few things, and Damian, I want you to know right off the bat, I aint trying to take anything from you."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian sat down, immediately seeing the ox blood soup, and pulling it towards him. "If you are going to chastise me for the Superman statue, you can fuck right off."

  He starts eating the ox blood soup, spoonful by spoonful. "That bastard killed him. I am not sorry I had the opportunity to spit on his grave. In front of the President no less."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the other and says "No, I aint, don't think Bruce would have wanted you to do it but it is done. I even asked Flash to make sure you got out safe." He tells the other man. I do want to ask you not to do anything else there for the next week or so I need there to be little less ruckus there for a bit.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Bruce may not even come back, Drake. And it doesn't matter. Everyone is ignoring that Superman went rogue. Batman went out there to help and he was murdered." Damian's words were scathing, the ire he held for Superman, even in death was much more than he'd ever held against anyone else.

  "You think he's alive too, yes?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Yes, and I am not ignoring it. I have faith Bruce will be back, and I want to finish what he was trying. Something was controlling Superman, and I believe it is of Apokoliptic in nature. When we rescued him, there was what looked like a vampire bite on his neck. I believe it has something to do that with that, I personally think there is something inside him controlling him. But that is for down the road. Right now, there is someone in that crypt, and they did not find a body. I want to know who. Superman's body would have survived, if Bruce came out of it in that condition even if Superman was at normal human capabilities with no armor there would have been chunks of him at least. Kryptonite may weaken, maybe even kill a Kryptonian but it does not disintegrate them. I am working on getting some help and am going to get a sample of who ever in that crypt without anyone knowing it, and see what clues it provides.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "So, spray painting the statue is going to have to wait. Fine." Damian responds, keeping to eating, he hadn't had food for most of the day, and his voracious appetite showed it. "That is interesting. I want to help." He offers up, wanting to get to the bottom of it, at least so that he can blow the whole thing open, and really show Superman what he thinks.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to him, and says "I will keep you in the loop, but for this one I am looking at Catwoman and Kitty preferably. I am going to see if the Justice League have any plans on the crypt, and alarms I need to know of. I may need your help, Conner does not think Superman is dead, and maybe helping at some point. I am going to tell him the same thing I am going to tell you. You two want to fight about the head you do it after we have this case solved." He looks to him, and says "Ok, subject 2, your throwing yourself at the crime to hard, I know hitting thing helps for a little bit, but it aint solving it. You need to eat, and sleep. Plus we have to decide are you going to step up to Bruce's spot in Wayne Tech or do I do it, till Bruce is back. You got the blood, I got the experience. I suggest we do it together.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "My quarrel is solely squared against the illegal alien, Kal-El. Superboy or whatever he calls himself, is of no significance to me." Damian responds, feeling a bit shoved off. But that was the least of his problems at the moment. "Batman used all of the Kryptonite...if whatever happened to Superman happens to any of the rest, or forbid, another Kryptonian shows themselves, we will be defenseless. We need to source more."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head, and says "Yea, I was planning on getting some of it, for my original plan, but was to late. We will have to do some research to see where to find some. My first idea, would lead to more B&E and I would prefer to avoid that, but we need to solve the Wayne Tech issue Damian. " He looks to the other man, and says "I truely Bruce will recover fully, and he will need all his resources waiting for him, we can not let any of it faulter."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Wayne Industries? I thought Lucius had it covered." Damian posits, finishing his bowl of ox blood soup. "I...have extensive training in running a business. Just another aspect of leading the League Mother and Grandfather wanted me to have."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the other man and says "Lucius handles it but with Bruce hurt, the company will want to see that there is still someone stepping up to be there if need be. Bruce had to make an occasional appearance and such. Am totally ok with Lucius keeping up his job. Just looking to keep the board and the share holders comfortable, and remember we can;t throw those who question you out a window in a board meeting.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "I will have to have my suits pressed. But I will be the scion of the Wayne Family." Damian notes.

  "As far as board meetings go, I can ruin someone without throwing them out the window, Drake." Even before he had powers, Damian was a fierce verbal jouster, much to the chagrin of the rest of the family.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head, and says "Just making sure D, as I said, we are going to have it all ready for Bruce when he gets back. " Tim does not seem to have any doubt Bruce will recover. "Now something you might not like, but he wanted me to handle the Justice League stuff, so I will be keeping his seat warm there.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "The Justice League is fine. You get along with most of them. They probably think I'm the worst person. And I am at peace with it." Lie, but Damian at least lies well.

  "Anything else?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the man and says "You heard the news Jason is back in town?" He will ask , perhaps staling some to give Damaina a chance to eat more while they are talking.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "It only makes sense. Father called everyone back before he went out to a suicide mission. Todd, as much as I regret, is one of us. But I have not actually seen him since...he gave me weapons and food to run away from home."

  Damian sat back down, at least having a drink along with his meal. "What part of the chicken is the nugget?" He asks, popping one in his mouth.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "The left overs, sorta the bologna of the chicken. everything that is edible but people don't like to think about eatting, well everything but the awful, people would taste the iron of organ meat so not used.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian, having just ate a bowl of ox blood soup, and has eaten offal and other organ meats before...continues to eat the chicken nuggets. "Ehh, I've had worse." He comments, taking a sip of a soder-cola.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Normal folks do have a bit more finicky stomachs than you. Heck I will be honest, in a normal situation I would have been hesitant to try the ox blood soup, but was not going to back down in front of.. " He looks to Damian "Do you prefer I refer to her as Talia or just your mom?'

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian took out the phone from his utility belt, tapping on the screen while he held the cup in his hand, sipping through a straw. "Mother? I do not care what you call her." His white eyelets glowered at his screen, then continued to tap out messages to Reddit, someone on the Titans put him up to it, but it was...an interesting experience, to say the least.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks at his phone at the activity and says "Um Damian, Booty call, Netflix and chill, they are all ways of saying two friends hook up for a night of well, sex." He does feel a little awkward telling Damian this and does not tell him, that he is basiclly the product of a booty call. "Most people while wanting to do it, find it weird to come out and say it bluntly." He tells the kid.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason only knew Tim's clubhouse by family gossip, so, with the streets quiet, he decided to pay a visit and see for himself. He wasn't disapointed, either by the layout or what he found inside.

"Wow Squirt, they didn't teach you much at the League did they?" Jason says strolling in and taking off his helmet. "Tim's right though, most girls get a little tetchy if you come right out with it, most times they want plausble deniability, you want to bang, they want to bang but you don't co,e out and say it."

And after that little enlightening lecture Jason adds: "Hi Tim, mind if I join the party."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Oh, coitus, WHAT?! Did I just ask someone to call my booty?!" Yes, Damian was naive when it came to...things in the real world. He had no need to have these slang terms in the League. And obviously he's never said anything like it aloud. "This AI person said it better than you did, Drake."

  Damian typed furiously on the phone, changing the subject quickly. "Todd. It is not my fault Mother did not teach me about pejorative terms for human copulation. Now I just asked some rando to Netflix and chill. This is NOT what I meant! This kinda shit is why I do not..." He didn't say anything else. Realizing all of a sudden that he needed to shut the hell up.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles, and says "Well kiddo, if he has similar skill set as you maybe he has a similar lack of a grasp, and thought you meant it literally like you did." He looks over to Jason "Hey Jason, join us, still some food if your hungry, we just been catching up, and making plans to help keep everything running smoothly.

Red Hood has posed:
"You did what?" Jason asks with a laugh as he saunters over to try and peek at Damian's phone. "Did they send pics? If they're hot I'll totally take that bullet for you."

He nods to Tim, "Thanks," and he grabs a seat surveying the food idly. "And what sort of plans are we talking here?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian set his phone down and simply backed away. "Fuck this shit. I am done. No more AMAs." He even goes so far as to remove his mask. "There were no pictures. And I am not sure it was a female."

  Robin crosses his arms and looks to Jason. "I decapitated Superman's statue, in front of the President. Drake thinks Superman is alive, and I concur. He asked me to not deface the statue again, but as soon as he finishes whatever he is going to do, I am going to do more to that statue. Yes, I am glad he is dead, and I hope he burns in hell."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over to Jason and says "trying to keep both the public and private face of things afloat. Someone was controlling Superman, and Bruce was trying to save him from who ever was, I am sure of it, and I am gonna finish the job once I figure out who and how."

Red Hood has posed:
While the Robins had his attention before now they had his curiosity. The bit about the Reddit stuff was met with a nod, and a "Probably for the best, D," but it was the other stuff that got him paying attention.

Damian gets a nod. "Like where your head is at, the guy killed Batman, he doesn't get to be a hero for the world."

As for the bit about Supes being controlled, /that/ is what gets him. "You got proof? Because if there's someone out there responsible for this, fuck the statue, we need to find them."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian turned to Jason, sipping on that cup of soda. "Don't bother, he already has his 'team' set up for it. The rest of us will have to wait until he gets in the tomb." Yes, Damian felt pushed out there, but he will survive. "Oh, and I am going to be interim Chairman at Wayne Industries."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the other man and says "A few months back, Superman was kidnapped from the watchtower by magical means. Bruce was away." he does not mention it was while Bruce was chasing the runaway Damian. " I was on the watchtower, sorta stumbled into them talking about it and found proof was magical and their magical types were able to track him to Apokolips. We went in with a large squad found him and retrieved him. Superman was fubared, including two puncture wounds on his neck. I wanted to get some sample from around the wound but did not get a chance. The magical types looked after him while he recovered. Looking back, I think we got him out to easily. I think something was put in him, and is controlling him. Even Bruce did not think this was his own doing, it does not fit. Then you add no body was found but there is a body in the crypt. There would have been a body either he was able to use last of his strength or someone got him out of there. Now, I have been watching the crypt, and there is someone visiting it, that I am trying to identify, and I am planning on getting into the crypt to find out who or what is in there to see what that adds to the puzzle.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason makes a face... magic... he wasn't a fan of magic.

He takes in what Tim has to say and replies, "Wait, those guys who invaded a couple of years back? /They/ did this?"

As for Damian's comments, he shares Robin's frustration. "And what the hell, you're not taking us along on a chance to dig up Superman's grave?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Denying us the opportunity to piss on his grave. For shame, Drake. For shame." Damian adds in, just cause he loved to poke at Tim. "That's Drake's theory, while I think it is possible. I am not as convinced. That happened...a long while ago. Why would it take so long to take hold?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over at his phone and says "If you want to answer that one is a good guy, friend of Kitty and mine." Of the latest AMA post. He sighs and might as well tell him "I am calling in a favor Catwoman owes me, she is not happy about going into a crypt but she owes me, and I want in and out without anyone knowing. I plan on asking Kitty, as her phasing maybe needed to bypass things. You both are quiet and I would have you both at my back anytime, but this calls for a small team, and Also if things go south. Kitty can phase out, Catwoman has a record already, and I can pull something out of my butt, I was catching Catwoman or something, and then she escapes as I am taking her in.

Red Hood has posed:
"No clue," Jason admits about the timing of things. "You got a theory of your own?" he asks Damian.

As for the team Tim chose it made some sense, though he does blink at the addition of Kitty. "And Kitty said she'd go along?" he asks.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     Damian grabs his phone and looks around, knowing his answer would be scrutinized by the two big brothers he has in the Roost currently.

  "Full psychotic break, even an alien cannot be infallible. He cracked and was not the Boy Scout everyone thought he was any longer. Hell, it could even be some sort of fucked up government cover up, made to play both Batman and Superman into going to blows, only to abscond with Superman and do a switcheroo before the funeral service. The US government has done way more fucked up shit before."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "I have not gotten to ask her yet, I just talked to Cat last night. I am thinking it was some type of delayed thing, something to get past the magic types. something that gave him time to get back to full or close to it strength. Heck maybe even some kind of programming like a sleeper agent against his will. Plus I refuse to believe Lex Luther was right about him. Bruce was prepared but he trusted him, Wonder Woman trusted him, their opinions mean a lot to me, and I am going with my gut.,"

Red Hood has posed:
"You're not wrong, Squirt," Jason admits to Damian. "The government has done some fucked up shit in the past and I wouldn't put any of this by them. That said, this doesn't seem like Superman either, maybe he snapped or maybe it was magic, but either way we need to find out what the hell happened so we can rain down hell on whoever is responsible."

He sighs, "So as much as I'd love to do a little grave robbing, I think Tim's got the right idea, in and out nice and quiet, and if it turns out it was just some Kryptonian brain tumor or he just snapped, then Damian, I'll personally help you blow that statue of Superman to hell."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "You know psychotic breaks can happen for a myriad of reasons. Many of those can come of no fault of the victim. Nevertheless, he splattered those people. And...father."

  Damian had been typing with his thumbs on his phone, answering the latest AMA from Tim's friend. "I am thinking C4, good plastic explosive. Burn it down to powder." He responds to Jason's proposal. "Either way, keep me informed, I have more dens to disrupt tonight. Gotham General has not seen this much business in a long time." He adds, standing and reapplying his mask, the piece of tech calibrating again as it connected to the suit.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to them, and says "I am going to up grade a bunker in each person's patrol zone. I aint talking another batcave or something like this, but I want to make sure if one of us needs something we can get to it." He tells both men. "We will keep the wheels on till Bruce is back, Oh and will start work on a new batmobile."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason nods, "I know," he says of the cost of Superman's slip...or whatever it was.

"C4's always good, but we can talk details later," he says as the youngest of them gets ready to leave. "Have fun, oh, and might need your help with something in the Narrows in a couple of days, one of the gangs is throwing a 'no more Batman' party, I figure we should crash it."

Jason stands too, "Sure thing, definitely do the one in the Narrows for my section, going to be there a lot." As to the rest? Keeping the wheels on. "I know, we've got this."

Then Jason's heading out as well.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
     "Fuck...yes. Count me in." Damian adds in to Jason, smirking under his mask. "I'm on comms...I guess I am going back to base, if Damian Wayne is going to a board meeting." With that, he is back off to the Gotham night. To pick up Superman's statue's head for the Batcave May trophy collection.