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Latest revision as of 23:36, 18 October 2019

Now That's What I Call A Tour
Date of Scene: 18 October 2019
Location: Cmd. Ctr. (Cmd., Mackenzie King Station)
Synopsis: Kitty and Rogue are taken to a visit of Mackenzie King space station by Carol Danvers
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Rogue, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty caught up with Carol recently, talking about a number of things. And somewhere along the way, the topic divulged into space travel. The pair of some of that in common together, not to mention Kitty was catching Carol up on the X-men's trip to the moon.

During the conversation, Mackenzie King Station was mentioned, and Kitty's comment she barely knew anything about it. Which led to, some time later, Kitty Pryde and Anna-Marie D'Ancanto Carlyle (i.e. Rogue) zetaporting up to the space station with the Alpha Flight commander.

Kitty looks at the zetaport module as they leave it. "All those years I wanted to be able to have Scotty beam me up," she says with a chuckle. It isn't their first times zetaporting. That's how they returned from the ill-fated Moon trip, after all.

Rogue has posed:
This is not her favorite day...

Rogue is a woman of the Earth. She likes being on solid ground or soaring through the air. She doesn't like being in space. She'd started to warm up to the Moon trip a little, and then aliens attacked and their air supply ran out. Then she woke up inside of some weird broody Furry's space ship and he took them to his weird creepy space castle on the moon while they recovered.

She has bad experiences in space. They sour her expectations and thusly so when she steps off of the 'zetaport' she puts her green eyes on Kitty and smirks at her. "Yeah well, are we even us anymore, or does that thing kill the original version of us and replace us with some inferior knock-off one. Maybe thats how that dead copy'a me ended up in our basement." Rogue doesn't even know if that body of hers is still down there, she's frankly afraid to ask about it.

She looks around wherever it is they are now and draws in a light breath. "I haven't seen Carol since New Years Eve." She softly says.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
It wasn't too strange of a request. Carol had spoken to all manner of people who wanted to visit Alpha Flight's very own space station ever since it became as easy to reach as stepping into a zeta beam. Still, the meeting made her a little tense. Kitty was like bacon (in a purely rhetorical sense, bubeleh) - she went with everything. But Rogue, despite however much water had flowed under the bridge, was still a tough sell. There was a lot there, but the Avengers recent 'victory' had soothed her a little bit.

As the mutant duo step off the pad, Carol is there to meet them. She's not in her Captain Marvel outfit, instead wearing a bomber jacket over what might be air force fatigues. A pair of aviators are perched atop her head, tilted up and away from her eyes. She takes a step towards them, a deep breath, and smiles:

"Not too much of a bumpy trip?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde slips her arm about Rogue's shoulder, being careful to avoid skin including Rogue's free hand on her side, as Kitty bestows a side hug on her bestie. "All the more reason to see her now," Kitty says quietly before Carol joins them. "And they probably screen out the bacteria and viruses or something, so we're probably better than before. But hey, if not and you're right and they just made new us's, then it's technically our birthday now. So we should start asking people for presents."

Kitty gives Rogue a light-hearted grin, and then Carol is there to greet them. "Hey Carol, thanks for the invitation," she says. "Smooth as can be." Kitty runs a hand over her chin. "Was just checking for the evil-Kitty goatee but I guess we're not in that episode," she says with a cheeky grin. Kitty looks around. "So is this the Canadian government's? Or is it something Alpha Flight pays for and owns sort of how the Avengers own their own stuff?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue glances over at Kitty and just smirks at her. "You're far too positive all the time. Its infectious and I hate it." She says that with a bit of affection of her own for Kitty, not really meaning it of course.

As they proceed on she spots Carol. Her hands raise up and she slides them into the pockets of her own bomber jacket... oddly similar to that of Carol's, and a pair of Aviators are hooked into the low-scooped neckline of her green tank top she's wearing beneath it, a pair of low-rise blue jeans on her lower body cinched by a black belt with a small silver X buckle on the front of her lap, a bit of trim flat stomach showing between her tank top and jeans. A very classic Rogue attire, mixed in with a taste of... their Host here today.

Rogue does glance around again when Kitty asks if this place is Canada's space station. "Not enough hockey memorabilia in it t'be a Canuck thing." She half-grins and looks back to the two of them. Rogue upnods to Carol once then. "Good t'see ya again." She says to the woman who's almost twice her age, that she once time drained the life out of and stole all her memories, powers and... ya know the story.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"It's Alpha Flight's, but since Alpha Flight is part of Department H which is itself part of the Security Intelligence Service it kind of belongs to Canada all the same," Carol explains, gesturing around as they go, "But yeah, I was kind of surprised - I haven't seen a single Wayne Gretzkey poster in all the time I've been up here. It's almost like a conspiracy."

Rogue's greeting is returned with the same manner of caution. Honestly, they're body language is a little like looking in a mirror the way Carol returns that upnod in the same way, "Nice to see you, too. It's a shame you didn't make it out to Club Mjolnir - I was actually going to stop by the Mansion to give you some cake but Jean took it. Sorry."

She grins a little at that, "Okay, so - walking tour?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances about. "I'm totally bringing a Bobby Hull poster next time then," Kitty says, the girl from Deerfield, Illinois naming a famed Chicago Blackhawks hockey player as she flashes a smile to both women.

Kitty sense the bit of tension, and of course expected it. Sometimes she's wondered how much of how well Kitty has taken to both women is from that bit they share and how much is what's different. Though, she never really thinks of them as being that similar. To Kitty they are very much separate, distinct people.

Kitty motions with both hands in a shooing motion. "Walking tour it is," she says. "Though frankly I'm rather disappointed in the Canadian government if they can transport us all the way into space in a heartbeat, but there's no automatic people mover to get around the facility," Kitty teases. "So, are we in geosynchronous orbit? Or do we circle the Earth up here?" she inquires.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue lightly smirks at the Wayne Gretzky comment. She doesn't entirely know who that is, but she knows he's a famous hockey player, or was. He's dead now, or something, she doesn't know. A light sigh escapes her lips then when the cake part is spoken of. "I'm gonna have t'have a talkin' to with Jean someday then, if she's stealin' cake from me." She says with that light smirk still lingering. "Sorry I wasn't able t'make it. I heard Thor was there dancin' with all the ladies. I'm still mad at him for tryin' t'sacrifice me t'some giant snake god. Punch him in the shoulder for me if ya see him?"

When Kitty and Carol speak of a walking tour, Rogue nods softly. "I guess I'm ready. I hope this place doesn't break down though. Last time Shadowkitty here took me inta space, she nearly got me killed." She says with a smirk toward Katherine who knows she'll never live it down.

"Geosynchro... what?" She may or may not know what that is, but she's playing dumb either way. "Doesn't the Justice League have a big space station too? And what about the... uh... International... space station? Is that thing still around? Its like a tin can compared t'this Marriot Hotel ya'll have up here." She lookw between the two more space knwoledge women. "Isn't it? Did they blow it up to make way for all these huge... space Wal-Marts?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Kitty was telling me about that," Carol says in response to Rogue and Shadowcat's last excellent adventure into space, "Relying on portals for space travel? Really? Between the pair of you, I'm sure you could've flown there. You know enough people who could find you a spaceship."

A pause, and Carol just shakes her head in disbelief: "I never thought I'd be standing around on a space station talking about a trip to the moon like we were going to pull lobster pots outta the sound. This is wild."

But then she shakes the moment of childish wonder, looking back to Kitty, "Geosynchronous orbit. Keeps us in line with the Zetaport on Earth. As for what else is up here - well, ever since the Fantastic Four space has started getting real crowded. You going to try for a tour of the Watchtower next?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty gets an embarrassed look. "Well, I kind of thought it would be a great thing for Blink. I mean, she and Scott had been talking about a trip to the Moon, and I had no clue that solar flares could impact her ability to open them like that," Kitty says. "But, yeah, I should have planned a little better."

Well, she did mention it to one person with a space ship at least. And they lived. There is that.

Kitty grins and says, "I probably should try to finish up my Ph.D in Astrophysics somewhere in the States now. But I just don't know where I'd find the time. Would have to quit at the school, or at Stark. And I don't think I'm willing to do that. Anyway, I was sort of just learning to learn. It feels a little odd being taught from pictures about stuff you've seen with your own eyes, and more," she says.

Kitty lets out a laugh. "Rogue, you would not believe how Thor dances. It was like... a martial arts demo. He swung me around like I was Mjolnir at one point," she says, her cheek flushing a little at the memory.

Rogue has posed:
All the space talk stuff makes Rogue's mind kind've wander as they walk together through the spaceport. She does glance toward Carol though and smiles lightly at her. "I kept thinkin' while layin' there on the Moon waitin' t'die 'Carol's gonna show up any second now, she's gonna show up and save us... I just know it.'" Of course it was Batman who did, but still, the Belle does idolize Carol, she even did back when Mystique made her do what she did, its why she backed out of it--even if far too late--the guilt over ran her desire to keep doing as Mystique was ordering her.

Rogue looks away then and toward some nice view inside the station. She doesn't like this stuff, but she can pretend to well enough. "So this'n syrup. Canada's pride and joys. I can dig it." She states quietly as they walk.

When Kitty speaks of Thor, Rogue looks back to her and shows a slight grin. "I've had fantasies'a Thor throwin' me around, but probably in a different way from how you're describin'. Less I really missed a hell'va party." Not very bashful, Anna-Marie.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Thor is about as subtle as that hammer of his," Carol says with a laugh, gaze shifting between Kitty and Rogue, "Not to say he doesn't have his charms. I don't know, I guess I'm a sucker for roguishly handsome."

She wrinkles her nose a little at that, a genuine laugh escaping her. That awkward tension seems to melt from her shoulders a bit. That past trauma gets buried just a little more under the 'here' and the 'now'.

"I am sorry I didn't come rescue you," she admits a little bashfully, "I didn't even know you were on the Moon. That's not where I'd think to find the X-Men - but then, you guys get everywhere. Like sand." A broad, white grin.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lets out a laugh. "You know, I don't actually have a type I don't think. I mean... Piotr, all big and muscles. Like that. Jason... leaner and... I hate to call him bad boy because that really had nothing to do with my attraction. But I know that's how people probably see him. And Pete? Just sweet as can be and smart and lovably goofy and..." Kitty trails off, realizing she'll keep going otherwise. Her voice definitely had a tone when talking about Peter Parker that it didn't with the rest.

"Ah, so speaking of that. Jason Todd is back in Gotham. Stopped to see him. We're good, I think," she says, keeping that info dump simple.

"So where's the best view from up here?" Kitty asks of the station, wanting to make sure Rogue sees some things that will make her like the place.

Rogue has posed:
Being up here is making Rogue desperately want to smoke a cigarette, but she imagines that some robots would show up and put it out with some cigarette disabling laser beam or some such so she just pulls a stick of gum out of her jacket pocket and starts to unwrap it while she walks just a little behind the others ahead of her.

"I got a type." She says then to add onto their topic. "I like a man who can drive a nail into a board with a single hard thrusta his..." As she puts the stick of gum into her mouth her eyes catch sight of the sun outside a viewport and she trails off her words, not finishing that thought.

She looks to Kitty then and narrows her eyes at her. "Don't you go gettin' back involved with that jerk again. Ya got Petey now, and he's as cute as a button on a teddy bear." She thinks full well the 'bad boy' thing played into it for Kitty, but that might entirely be because she's very susceptible to that type of guy herself.

Rogue then looks to Carol. "Oh, hey." She digs out of her left pocket then and offers a small box to Carol. "Birthday." She tells her. Inside of the box is a pair of Funko Pop Figurines of... Carol and Rogue in their Avengers costumes. "Friend'a mine found those online. I guess they're rare, made about a year ago when I was still on the team. Sorta on the team? Whatever Tony wants t'remember my label as."