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Latest revision as of 14:24, 20 October 2019

The Pack's Party
Date of Scene: 19 October 2019
Location: Pelham, Queensland Park
Synopsis: Grail arrives at a party and causes a riot
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Grail

Hammerhead has posed:
It was night-time in Pelham and the distant sounds of wailing guitars, drums, and the sounds of of cheers and and jeering were heard in the distance. These sounds were coming from a vacant warehouse in between two other industrial warehouses. Gathered around outside the lot was a large gathering of men and the occasionaly woman entering the warehouse to get into what appeared to be a party. Their clothing was varied, ranging from red polos and blue jeans with "fasionable tears" in them, to tanks-tops and cargo shorts, all the way to full on Punk Fashion. All of these had one thing in common however, all of them had a logo of a giant, snarling wolf on them somewhere, showing off their alliegience to the Pack of Fenrir, one of Metropolis' bigger street gangs.
     This gang, which was first pulled into the public eye for their very bloody feud with the Loa Boys, has had a very turbulent relationship with the city and it's protector, the Man of Steel. Ever since Superman died, The Pack went quiet, with people assuming that they were joining the rest of the city in mourning. However, the Pack were spending the time planning a "gathering" for all the members scattered throughout the city in their "turfs". Aprrently, all the planning paid off as it sounded like the party attracted members from all over the city, as the noises echoing from inside suggested. Standing in the entrance were two muscualr members of the Pack wearing black t-shirts with the Superman logo on it with a big negative symbol going through it, acting as a type of bouncer to make sure only Pack Members or people with a certain amount of money get through.

Grail has posed:
    It was, kind of a bad idea, those shirts. Not in the way one might think though. Sure, yeah, there'd always be people upset upon seeing those shirts but the majority of those people would have turned and walked away. Frustrated, annoyed, upset or otherwise at such blatant disrespect of their hero. The bad idea came when a passing woman saw those shirts. Grail wasn't really someone you wanted at your party most of the time.

    She had been working off steam outside the city and only had just returned when she heard all the noise and stopped in confusion. Upon seeing the shirts, she walked right up to the entrance and just attempted to go inside. Sure, one of the two bouncers might find the balls to stop her but even if they do, she just kinda ignores them. It's kinda easy to do when you are a 6'4" tall, 205 lbs. New Goddess. She wants to see what is inside and one of the few people who could stop her from doing so is...well, seemingly dead.

Hammerhead has posed:
One of the bouncers moves in to intercept Grail, but the other one just grips his shoulder and shakes his head, subtly telling him it wasn't working. Upon entering the warehouse, the sounds of cheering, whooping and heavy rock filled the air alongside the smell of beer. Pack of Fenrir members filled the warehouse, dancing, head-banging, conversing with each other or otherwise hanging out in the warehouse.
     On the walls were graffitti of howling wolves, gravestones, and giant snakes. There was a hand-drawwn banner of a old man covered in tattos with lettering underneath it saying ," In momorium of Father Wolf." There was another banner in the opposite side of it, another logo of Superman with a negative symbol on it with good riddence wriiten on it. In the center of the room was a live babd playing the music that was filling the air.

Grail has posed:
    Walking in, she hmms and looks slowly around the room. Her red eyes scanning the various things here. She spots the banners, considering them a moment before briefly considering destroying both but decides for now, to let the humans have their little fun. She instead walks right through the crowd, likely parting it like the Red Sea as she aims for what appears to be the place where they are serving drinks.

    "What is strong among you?" She asks upon approach, brokering no question as to why she is here or who she is. Not that people can't try to ask her something or stop her, but she's not really giving much time to the humans. She's here to see another aspect of Earth life and possibly to cause trouble.

Hammerhead has posed:
The bar keep is a Pack member wearing a blue t-shirt and white shorts with a wolf image on his front. He looks at you with a raised eyebrow before shrugging and pulling out a thing of Sailor Jerry's Rum and a shot glass. He then pours the drink and slides it over to Grail

Grail has posed:
Taking the drink, she takes it in one gulp and considers it. She stares at the drink before shaking her head and putting the glass down, "Weak." She states and looks up at the bartender, "If this is the best option you give, than you give poor options." She then turns to look at the band before looking back around, "You celebrate this man's death?" She laughs out loud, "And do it by drinking swill and gyrating about as if you did something." She then laughs louder, her laughter likely carrying some.

    She then suddenly leaps to the stage, attempting to land there and push the singer aside to gab the mic, grinning as she looks around at all the people here, waiting for their attention.

Hammerhead has posed:
The bar tender looks offended by Grail's insult. But, before he can say anything, Grail leaps to the stage and pushes the singer out of the way. The crowd stops and looks, but reacts negatively. They start to boo and a few of them yell profanity filled statements at Grail

Grail has posed:
    That grin spreads wider at the boos, the negativity and then she takes a breath and her eyes glow brightly before a beam of destructive energy shoots out right for someone booing her. It looks like they'll be likely destroyed till the beam turns mid air, straight up and then flies right over toward the Superman banner, cutting it down before the beam stops. Grail doesn't even really look that direction. SHe just starts laughing, shaking her head, "All of you are cheering, dancing, and acting like you have something to celebrate."

    She shakes her head, "You did nothing...you achieved nothing. Yet you carry on like victorious warriors. Who among you killed Superman? Anyone?" She gestures, "Come on, step up and step forward if you have killed SUperman. Should we not celebrate you?!" She then spits, "Not a one of you are worth anything and yet you celebrate like you have achieved."

Hammerhead has posed:
The crowds reaction goes from booing to outright shock as the laser heads straight towards someone, only to turn and destroy the Superman banner. The shock quickly turns to anger as the crow starts to yell and let out screams of anger. They then start throwing beer bottles and other objects at Grail while the band flees the stage.

Grail has posed:
    More laughter issues from Grail, "There you go! There it is!" She nods her head, "Act! Don't just cheer for something you didn't do, make your own way! Your own lives!" She doesn't even react to the bottles breaking against her, smashing into her. She's basically untouched, "But you have chosen poorly in targets..." She leaps from the stage and puprosefully lands with enough force to crack the floor.

    "Are any among you capable of acting? Fighting for real?!" She calls out as she holds on to the mic, "You cheer for someone else's work! Fight! Act! Put in work!" She throws the mic back at the sage hard enough to cause it to either break apart or embed into the stage and she shakes her head, "No direction...no point."

Hammerhead has posed:
As the crowd continues to yell and jeer angrily and throw objects at Grail, a heavily tattooed, muscular bearded man steps forword from the crowd weilding two machetes. Before he speaks, he turns to the banner of the old man and belts out a loud, wolf-like howl that silences the crowd. He then turns and says to Grail," You want us to forge our own legend eh? That is a brilliant suggestion!"
     He then turns to the crowd, maliciously grinning," My Brothers! Tonight, we gathered to celebrate the death of our great enemy! Now, he comes one who calls us cowards and weak! The memory of the great Father Wolf demands that we answer this challenge. Go, and take the party to the streets! Bring Raganrok to Pelham!"
     As the crowd surges outside, letting out cheers, hoots, and howls, the tattoeed man turns to you and says," As for yoou bitch. I will kill you here and bath in your blood!" He then scrapes the two machetes together and lets out a savage war cry.

Grail has posed:
    A grin comes to Grail's lips as she watches the havok. She loves it in a way. Laughing a little at the way the man talks before saying, "Yes, there you go. Become something." She then considers punching afew of them out before she looks over at the large man. She looks at his machetes before looking back to him, "Are those special in some way? Perhaps made of some impressive steel?" She then considers, "You know what, I am feeling generous." She raises both hands and then idly clasps her hands behind her back, "I will not use my hands to fight you. What better offer could you receive?" She chuckles and looks to him, "I'll even let you go first...come. Bath in my blood, if you can."

Hammerhead has posed:
The man laughs evily ans he says," These things aren't so special. Killed a few VooDoo Freaks in Suicide Slums with em. Father Wolf himself gave me my promtional cut with them". He then points to a long, jagged scar on his arm. He then smiles evily at her at her and says," Now, they will soak in your blood!" He then screams and charges at Grail, swinging both of his machetes at her while the sounds of rioting goes on outside.

Grail has posed:
    A whistle comes from Grail as she hears all of that, "Oh, sounds so impressive." SHe nods her head, "VooDoo Freaks? Are the powerful warriors? Is the Suicide Slums some kind of great battlefield?" She then chuckles and shakes her head, "Promotional cut? You can be cut?" She asks and then he comes at her. She simply shakes her head and keeps her word. As he comes in, she focuses on keeping herself from simply doing what comes naturally and instead moves more like a human woman despite her odd looks.

    She dodges back and then to the side, simply stepping out of the way of the initial slashes before nodding her head, "Solid swings, good follow through. Too wild though." She shakes her head, "If your opponent has any skill they can dodge such a wide swing. Start smaller." She nods her head, "Small jabs to weaken your opponent."

Hammerhead has posed:
The man snarls at what he perceives to be Grail's mockery. But, he seemingly follows her advices and starts to jab at Grail with his machetes.

Grail has posed:
    A wide grin as he takes her advice, "Much better!" She dodges left and right, avoiding the shots and then skips back a couple steps and then to the left, "Come on! You can do better." She then suddenly attempts to kick his legs out from under him, laughing as she does, "Are you weak or strong? I am just one woman!" She laughs some more and shakes her head, "Frankly, I'm impressed by your bravery alone but this ends...now." She then lifts her foot suddenly and stomps down with enough force to shake the Earth. Her stomp likely cracks the floor and causes minor tremors out from her foot, "Your bravery is wasted here..."

Hammerhead has posed:
The man looses his footing at the tremors and falls down on his back. But, with a wolf-like snarl, he gets back up on his feet and says to her," This fight is far from over Bitch!" Before, he can try to attack again, a shattering noise is heard and a molotove cocktail is thrown throw a window of the warehouse and lands on the floor. As fire spreads, the man glares at Grail and says," This isn't over!" He then flees through a back door, where the sounds of full on rioting and police sirens can be heard."

Grail has posed:
"Oh it is." Grail states and then shakes her head, "Such fierce nature." She grins and nods her head, "Such a fierce creature." She tehn stands there, before the fire, hands clasped behind her back as the fire burns around her and chaos spreads outside. A smile spreading on her lips till finally she's had enough and leaps up through the roof and away from this madness.