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Latest revision as of 17:43, 21 October 2019

Wolves and Coyotes
Date of Scene: 21 October 2019
Location: West Harlem, Manhattan
Synopsis: Andrea gets a flat and meets a mechanic.
Cast of Characters: Mercy Thompson, Rage

Mercy Thompson has posed:
West Harlem's an interesting place. Mercy Thompson, mechanic, part time baker is outside her garage, sweeping the sidewalk with a broom. She's got on a t-shirt, jeans and her normal steel toed work boots. She leans on the broom, and unties her hair with a hand as she has a table outside with cookies, brownies and bagels on it, a cheap card table with a cloth on it, one of those chekred pattern cloths, the baked things are fresh and tasty. With fudge...and a lot of sugar.

Rage has posed:
Even global popstars need help once in awhile and it appears that Andrea is in need of a mechanic. Her black BMW rolls down the street in a putter as it appears that one of the wheels may have recently popped. It doesn't sound good. As she pulls to a stop, her automated GPS musically chimes out: 'You have arrived at your destination!'

Climbing out of the driver's seat, Andrea heads for the garage as she smooths down her expensive looking fashionable t-shirt that goes along with her expensive designer skinny jeans with a flare at the cuffs. "Good morning! I uh.. have a problem. Do you guys change tires? I have no clue how to." She says as she chews her bottom lip. "I think I drove over a bunch of broken bottles that someone threw on to the street and I made a blind turn right into them and I heard this loud crunch."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy pauses sweeping and looks to the car then woman. "Sure, I change tires. Though if you heard a crunch that may be trouble" Mercy offers with a nod. "Alright, pull the car in and we can take a look together" she adds leaning the broom against the side of the table with a nod then steps into the garage. She's taking the plate of treats with her, too....those are going on her ofice desk for customers. Like the one outside, as Mercy looks thoughtful tilting her head a little, then nods.

"Sure bring the car in" she calls.

Rage has posed:
"Okay! Thanks. I hope it's nothing major." Andrea says as she climbs back into the car and starts it up with an electric whirl. As she eases it into the garage as instructed, she turns the music down in the car before turning the vehicle off.

Stepping back out to look at her car, she sighs at the front and back left tires appear to be blown out with multiple metal shards jabbed into the tires. "Huh. That doesn't look like glass." She says as she rubs the back of her neck.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy frowns at the tires and looks worried, running a hand through her hair before looking to Andrea. "So you said you turn a corner and got that done to your cars?" Mercy asks then circles the car, not the world's biggest fan of how metal shards got in tires. "That's....not good" she says.

Understatement. She does though have hands on her hips as she's studying the car with a circle around it then back to Andrea. "So. You showed up here, Alright" Mercy says, then studies the woman more. "Oh....I know you. You'rre Andrea. You're 'the' Andres" Mercy says doing the air quotes thing with her hands, "In my garage. Oh I gotta help you out now. It's just..." she says, thinking her father somewhere is laughing. She's squeeing and fangirling so hard right now...and she's in her early thirties. Coyote help her....actually, no. Coyote needs to stay away from Mercy right now. He'd just get an autograph, and show it to the other deities. Trickster, much?

Rage has posed:
"Yeah, that's why I'm concerned. My car is bulletproof and my tires should be pretty resistant to normal wear and tear. I'm not exactly popular amongst certain bigoted circles." Andrea says as she rubs the back of her neck, then gives a sheepish grin at the fan girling.

"But, yeah, I'm... that Andrea. I'm really not a big deal. I just put on my clothes like anyone else. Do you think when you change the tires I can keep the old ones?" Taking her phone out, she taps along the glass a few times to send off a volley of text messages. "And I can pay in cash. How long do you think it'll take? I'm not in a hurry or anything, but I don't want to tie you up if you have other customers."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy laughs. "Oh I know about bigoted" she says with a sad tone to her voice. shaking her head. "I get mistaken for Hispanic a lot. I'm Native American actually, not Hispanic! Mercy adds and rolls up her sleeves. "Sure, I can teach you if you like" hshe offers, fangirling over....for now.

Mercy looks to the tires, nodding. "I got replacement tires on that site. So....it'll take about a few minutes" she says and goes to get a jack and wrenches...and tires, too. Tires are important to put on the car, and replace the damaged ones.

Sliding the jack in place, Mercy smiles sheepishly. "Sorry, just a fan of yours" she says and looks sheepish, looking amused though Mercy sets about changing the tires.

The whirr of air wrenches can be heard, Mercy speaking around it. "See, bigots don't deserve anyone's time" Mercy offers, then shakes her head. "Oh no, no customers besides you right now. Slow day"

Rage has posed:
"Oh. I.. thought you were Hispanic also." Andrea says sheepishly as she tucks her hair back behind her ear. "It's nice to meet you though. Thank you for be willing to take care of this so quickly. It means a lot. I was just out picking stuff up at my condo for a weekend trip and next thing I knew, I heard this loud bang from beneath the car. I honestly thought maybe I ran over a box of bottles."

As she watches her, she squats down next to her, but out of the way so not to disturb her. "You're really a fan? Huh. That's really cool. If you want an autograph or a picture or something, I'm down. I don't mind. I may even have an unopened CD in the car that I can sign for you if you want one. I carry a few and sneak them into record shops and sign them as a bit of a surprise for whoever picks it up and wants to buy one. Kinda a surprise and delight thing."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy smiles. "Don't worry about it" she says, "I'm Mercedes, or Mercy" she adds and inspects the tires. Then shesets the damaged tires on the ground, and heads out of the way to her living area. After a moment, a coyote, a large brindled brown one trots over and peers at the car, before batting at a tire with a paw, hopping up on it. Mercy looks to Andra with a happy little yip, but short of putting a paw in gasoline or, or, something and writing, she's not sure if the pop sensation can speak coyote, or understand her.

Rage has posed:
Nope. She can't speak coyote. Andrea blinks as the creature comes into view, then scrambles up to her feet quickly to take a few steps back. "... Ma'am!" She calls out. ".. Your dog is friendly, right? I kinda got a thing about dogs."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks over to Andrea then settles down licking her paws. She's trying the whole 'friendly dog' thing out. Head down on her paws, eyes half closed as Mercy is trying her best to give a friendly vibe. To that end she's even willing to roll on her back if needed. Submission is a bitch, Mercy knows this but if it helps put the pop star's mind at ease....she'll do it. She'll even pretend to be her own house pet. There's just the issue of Mercy, the mechanic, not being around. Mercy has to think up something quick.

Rage has posed:
As she continues to eye the coyote, Andrea glances off to the living room for a moment, before looking back to her. She takes in a deep breath, then lets it out. "Hey. Good dog." She says as she wrings her hands together, staying put and not moving too much about. The last thing she needs is to rile her own alter ego into a battle of domination and submission. She can feel the wolf on the back of her neck, wanting so badly to leap out and puff up fur and stalk. Dumb instincts.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks to Andrea then trots off back to the living room. She's giving it a few moments, the sounds of things being moved, before she reappears on two legs, looking worried. "You were asking about my dog?" Mercy asked. "I had to go check on things I'm baking. My dog got out?" Mercy asks feigning worry. "She came back, which is good...but are you alright?" Mercy asks gently. She's left just enough holes in her story, really...though she's hoping not to have to explain that she is a walker and she can, oh yeah, shift to a coyote in the blink of an eye.

Rage has posed:
"Dog was fine." Andrea says as she tilts her head a bit, followed by a small 'sniff' of the air. She gives a furrow of her brows, then looks back to the car. She glances down at her phone as it dings a few more times, then taps along the glass with her thumbs. "Looks like it's cross breeded with something though. Can't really tell what it is. What kind is it?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy raises her palms. "Vet says it's German Shepherd cross. I swear she's part coyote?" Mercy asks then resumes fitting the tires and balancing them. "Alright, you're good to...." Mercy says and pauses, looking around for a moment, tapping the hood with a wrench. "Anything else I can do with your car?" she asks.

Rage has posed:
"I think it should be fine. As long as you saw no other damage and it was just the tires. I feel a lot better." Andrea says with a smile to her. "Thank you so much. How much will it be?" She says as she reaches into the car to take out her purse, followed by a shimmery and fancy Kate Spade wallet. "I have cash if that's easier, or I can swipe a card. Whatever you prefer."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods. "Wait you're a mutant, right? I know a lot of them at Club Evolutioon. My boyfriend works there" Mercy says. Way to go, 'Yote, outing yourself as hooking up with a mutant. She smiles. "As for an autograph or a CD, sure. I don't mind which" she says with a grin.

Rage has posed:
"Yup, I'm a mutant. Your boyfriend works there? Who?" Andrea asks curiously. "Because I know the owner and I'm performing there soon." She says as her brows lift upwards. "I wonder if I know your boyfriend." She tucks some brown hair back behind her ear gently. Reaching into her car, she rustles about until she tugs out a CD from her glove compartment. Popping the plastic off, she opens it up and signs her name to the CD, then the back of the plastic casing before handing it over.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy grins. "JM, Miller. Big guy, bouncer" Mercy says with a nod. She takes the CD and grins, "Thanks. You need anything, you come here again. YOu're the second person I ran into who knows the guy who owns Evolution in Bushwick" Mercy adds.

Rage has posed:
"Oooh. The big guy. I know him, yeah. He's good people." Andrea says with a smile. "Mister Guthrie and I go way back. Maybe you can see my concert next week at the club. It's gonna be a banger. I'm going all out on it. You know, since that's my people and all." Handing over her credit card, she smiles. "Go ahead and swipe it for the tires. Thank you so much by the way. I really appreciated this."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy grins, "Yeah Jo's good people too. Treats me right, ya know. He mentioned me at all?" Mercy asks curiously then shakes her head. "I take cash before cards. The machines don't take kindly to oil and dirt and and....things" Mercy says, "But I can process the card in the office. Shall we?" she adds with a grin.

Rage has posed:
"I can do cash also." Andrea says as she tucks her card back into her pocket, then flips out a number of large bills. About four hundred. "Is this enough?" She says as she peeks down into her wallet. "I know Beamer tires can run hot. You also did this for me super quick."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy grins, "It's around there. I got cookies in the office if you'd like some" Mercy offers. With that she heads to the office, and there's the aformentioned cookies on the desk. Chocolate chip. Dripping with sugar....most of it in frosting,mind...but....but....Mercy baked them. She grins and gets the plate, fully intending to bring it to Andrea.

Rage has posed:
Hesitating for a moment, Andrea follows after her as she gives a few glances about. "Cookies are nice, sure. I'll snag one. Just one though. I'm on a strict diet and workout. I'll have to do like twenty more squats to work this off." Rubbing the back of her neck, she smiles. "So, what's your dog's name?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Oh crap. Panic. "My dog's name?" Mercy asks. "Fido" she bluffs. It's not the world's best bluff, really. Mercy was put on the spot. She panicked...and she's come up with a horrible dog name. But...cookies though. Cookies. Mercy's got that at least. "It's around $400, yeah. She looks a little nervous at her dog's name question.

Rage has posed:
"Fido, huh? That's .. pretty .. basic." Andrea says as she hands the four hundred over, not bothering with any change if she will receive it. "At least you didn't go with Rex or Spike or one of those overly macho dog names." She smiles and spins her keys about in her fingers. "Anything I need to sign or whatever?" She asks, not seeing to be clued in to any panic. This is just a routine day at the office.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy laughs. "Like Fluffles the poodle?" she adds with a raised eyebrow, then a full on grin. "Nah, nothing you gotta sign. Just be careful is all" Mercy nods, nudging the cookie plate a lot. "Fido's a lot better than my choice of name, which was Charlemange" Mercy adds, "Yeah I got my degree in history, so what?" she adds with a smirk. "If I wanted to name my dog after a Holy Roman Emperor, so be it. But noo, My vet wouldn't let me. Fido it was. Gah" Mercy sighs overly dramatically.

Rage has posed:
"Pretty sure as the one who is feeding your dog, you could have named it whatever you wanted unless your Vet wanted to take over the responsibility. I think Charlamagne is a good name." Andrea says as she plucks a cookie off the plate, then smiles as she starts back for the garage. "Thank you again. It was really good meeting you and I'll make sure to bump into Joe and let him know I met you."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy smirks, "True that. Take all the cookies if you like" Mercy adds with a grin. Looking over at the cookie plate, Mercy grins and puts the money in a safe, and waves.