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Knightfall: The Batxorcism of Kimberly Hale
Date of Scene: 24 October 2019
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: A visit to the Batcave leads to an interogation and a revelation.
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Oracle, Iron Man
Tinyplot: Knightfall

Red Hood has posed:
After the visit to the Sanctum and a bit of theraputic crime stopping on the way home, Jason's bike roars into the Batcave, coming to a halt by the other bikes as Jason takes off the Red Hood helmet and the domino mask underneath.

"Hey anyone here?" he calls out as glances around the cave, bounding up from the garage to the rest of the, literally, cavernous facility.

Oracle has posed:
There's a Batmobile parked in THE Batmobiles spot. It isn't the big hulk that is Bruce's machine, it's sleeker, smaller, and with neon green accents. Bruce would be rolling over in his wheelchair.

Babs is sitting at the batcomputer with her gauntlets laid down against the side of the keyboard. "Yeah, up here." She calls back over her shoulder, turning slightly to gaze back at Jason with an easy grin.. she looks tired, but really they all do, don't they?

She's wearing a black combat jacket over a segmented plate armored chest with a digital green bat-symbol on the front and cargopants. Apparently she's torn a page out of the Red Hood book of utility wear. "How's tricks?"

Red Hood has posed:
Jason can't help but pause and gawk at the green accents on the sleeker Batmobile, a smile curls his lips, likely imaging exactly that, Bruce rolling over in his wheelchair.

There's a "Heh," of amusment from Jason before he bounds up the rest of the steps to the Batcomputer. Jason still looks tired, but at least less tired than the last time Babs saw him, and he manages to return the grin, "Love the Babsmobile," he says jerking his thumb back towards the green accented vehicle. Then he gets a load of Babs' gear, "And the look, even if you are biting my style," he adds grinning.

As for tricks? "Tricky?" he answers the grin replaced by a more solemn, 'oh my god what do I do' expression. "So much going on it's hard to keep it all straight, which is of course why I'm here talking to you, the sane one of the group."

Oracle has posed:
"More of a techno-vibe, I know." Babs turns around in the swiveling chair, one boot up in the seat with her and her right arm partially enclosed around the knee. "Yeah? Maybe your style was just there so I could take inspiration from it? Did you ever take that into consideration?" Red head tilting like a cookoo bird, but only as long as it takes her to burst into laughing.

Both hands moving to squeeze the inside corners of her eyes, "I'm getting delirious... What's up. Pull up a stool." There has to be one somewhere right? "Sane one.. heh, yeah, maybe until I decided to come out of vigilante retirement and put on a cowl again."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason needed the laugh and so he joins right in with Babs when she does, shaking his head. "Huh, Jason Todd, fashion plate, who'd have thunk it?" he asks. "But seriously, it's a good look."

Jason finds one of the low backed stools, rolls it over and sits on it backwards, because Jason. Settled Jason pushes his hand through his hair to give him a moment to collect his thoughts.

"Okay yeah agreeing to be Bruce's Mini-Me is sort of crazy, but like we talked about, it's about keeping all the rest of us out of trouble, so you've got an excuse.," he offers a bit of a smirk at that. "Hey, I am actually trying to behave because I get it's a raw deal," he informs her. "Anyhow, all the crazy shit going on... first I talked to Damian like you asked, he's hurting, no shock, and needs an outlet, which I'll work on, but I did get him to smile, even though it's probably for the best if you don't ask how," he says, the smirk creeping across his lips giving lie to that statement.

Oracle has posed:
"I had to put my own unique flare to it." Babs agrees with a clipped nod, looking down at her own bat-symbol, "I tried the batsuit he gave me, but it felt cumbersome... and the cape got in the way. I always hated that fucking cape." Musing with a shaking head, hand up to rub the back of her neck absently, "But thanks. I obviously borrowed heavily from someone else." Which has been said!

To Damian, she nods, "Yeah, I can imagine." Quietly, glancing up at the screen where she was working on a rather grissly case. The murders that have been all over the Gotham news, "I hoped that we could bury him in work to work out his aggressions, but I don't know that that's all that healthy as far as problem resolution. More of a short-term fix that could cause more harm than good, really." Though she does grin hearing that Jason made the little hellion bat smile. "I knew if anyone could, you'd be able to."

Red Hood has posed:
Smiling Jason says, "It's like Bruce hasn't even seen the Incredibles," he remarks of the cape. "Well, I am worth copying, clearly."

Jason glances up at the work on the screen even as he replies to the Damian business, "I'll keep hanging out with him, forgot how much he and I have in common, so," a smile. "No charge. And as for the smile? Who knew all you needed to do was mortify Carrie and malign Tim to get it out of him. Hell, he even laughed Babs, sort of proud of that. Guess I make a halfway decent sibling after all."

He chuckles and crosses his arms before he looks up at the screen. "So, these murders, wanted to find out what was going on there, but first, the thing with the Maniax, that gang that got wiped out, wasn't me, just so that's been said, since I know that's been my thing in the past. Anyhow, what's been going on there?"

Oracle has posed:
"Did you say laugh? Was it an evil laugh? Like you'd hear in a 40s monster movie?" Babs is only half joking, smirking herself with her head shaking sharply enough to let her loose hair dance about her pale face. She's wearing her red framed glasses at present, which probably makes whatever masks he's sporting seem rather awkward!

"Yeah, I thought it for a few minutes, but you didn't immediately brag about it in texts so..." She teases him, turning back towards the screens at the mention of the Coventry murders, "Mm... this is a strange one. I actually have one of the original victoms over in the lab area.." Jutting her chin in that direction where she, Lori by the missing posters, is straped down to one of the tables.

"She's about three or four times as strong as a normal person and... took some pretty significant hits. Doesn't bleed either." Tugging at her bottom lip, "I've got the analysizer running tests on the limited amoutn of blood I could get out of her to see if there's any substance that actually works to sedate them, but... I think they're zombies. Like honest to goodness zombies."

Red Hood has posed:
"I know, right? And it was a totally normal, haha, funny laugh," Jason confides in Babs with a grin as he leans on the back of the chair, his shock of white hair dangling just above his eyes until it's blown out of the way. "Which was way scarier, by the way," he says grinning.

"Which I would do," Jason says of the texts. "Plus send their heads to the manson with a note saying: 'get up and stop me old man'," he elaborates. He rises when Babs points out the body, walking over to take a better look. "Wow," he says when she reads out the details. "Is Grundy having a family reunion nobody told us about?" That was the only zombie... or whatever Grundy was, he knew about, but the joke was just there to let him think.

"Well, two questions pop immediately to mind. First, how are there zombies? And, second, and I know this will be a big shock coming from me, how do we kill them?"

Oracle has posed:
"Yeah, I bet you would... probably with silly party hats on like they were at a really odd birthday Gala... one of them with one of those blow streamers in their mouth?" Babs glances over at Jason with a smile... but it's a distant kind of disturbed smile with a furrowed brow, "What the fuck is wrong with us?" Mostly said in jest, glancing back up at the screen.

"I literally don't know the answer to that yet, but I know I gave her a swift twenty thousand volts to the forehead and she dropped like a bag of potatoes." Which is probably how she got the woman to the cave in the first place. "Now she's gone all quiet on me, but I'm going to figure out something..."

She reaches up to hit a keystroke and bring another monitor to life with information, video footage from the Morgue showing the corpses stand up and walk out, more footage from her cowl-cam showing a bloody mess all over the kitchen and trunk of a car, "That's the security guard." Pointing at the bloody mess in the trunk, "Who is now standing up and walking around."

She glances over at Jason with a small frown, "Worst part? I did some math and time figuring.. this-" She points up at the original footage of the three first corpses standing, "-and this..." Footage from inside the cave the night Batman was killed. It shows her, Damian, Doctor Thompkins and Carrie doing CPR and reviving Bruce, "-are exactly the same time. Look at the time stamps."

Red Hood has posed:
"Jeeze Babs, that joke's so dark I am surprised Bruce hasn't started brooding it it yet," Jason laughs, matching her deranged smirk, for deranged smirk. "And no clue, heard Quinn is out again, maybe when we catch her she can psychoanalyze us, cuz' clearly something's wrong."

Though a good clue about what's wrong with the both of them is that outside of Dick they'd spent the most time dealing with stuff like what' up on the screen right now. Grim stuff.

Jason leaves the body and returns to the computer resting his hand on Bab's shoulder as he studies the footage she brings up. The first part, the zombies, is met with the standard grim humour who are accustomed to dealing with death, "Since it looks like we're doing a Walking Dead remake I am calling dibs on being Daryl."

When Babs gets to her bombshell, the jokes stop.

He checks the time stamps. "What?" his eyes widen and shoot to Babs. "That's got to be a coincidence, right?"

Oracle has posed:
The video shows the zombies talking, though it's impossible to hear what they're saying, and then going to find fresh clothing. "And 'Kimberly' over there was pretending to be my friend when I acted like I knew her, so I don't think they're the more classical kind of zombie... or something, I don't know, what would classical zombies be? Romero or... nevermind." Hardly important, she's just tired.

And been staring at these things for hours, if not days at a time.

"I don't know." She muses about the coincidence, bringing a hand up to lay on Jason's upon her shoulder, "I really hope so, but do we have the luxury of believing in coincidences?" She wonders with a glance up over her shoulder at Jason.

Red Hood has posed:
Talking is a new trick. At least as far as Jason's bad movie zombie education went, and deception... well that was a whole other thing.

"Defintely Romero," he remarks off-handedly about what consituted a 'classic' zombie. "And these guys look I dunno... like... actually I don't have a movie reference for these ones."

Jason clucks his tongue and gives Bab's shoulder a squeeze, "Yeah, we don't do so well with coincidences do we?" he remarks, "So, is this a big zombie fest that includes Bruce, or is Bruce coming back the trigger for the zombies?" Somehow the more impossible, Bruce is the trigger, seemed more palpable. As much as he might have joked in the past about killing Bruce, he didn't actually want to add putting down zombie Bruce to his list of traumas.

Iron Man has posed:
<< OOC note: Kimberly will now be magnificently spoofed by Tony! >>

Kimberly, the 'corpse' of the hour, her arms pulled and tied firmly spread-eagle where she's laying, seemed to be entirely dead. There was no motion or response to her, and the wounds didn't look good.

As Jason turns away, though, her eyelids move, as do her eyes: she watches him walk away: silent, but registering him. This is, though, the first response she's made since she was zapped with the electricity. Or is it?

Her eyes move, then, examining her restraints, in a very subtle way, though she has to turn her head to examine her other wrist visually, her fingers curving slightly as she flexes against the bindings carefully.

Oracle has posed:
"I definitely think there's dark magics involved, but I haven't been able to get around to speaking to Zatanna yet." Babs ruffles her own hair, then pushes her fingers into the curly red mop atop her head. "I .. really don't want to think of the implications of Bruce being on of these things, but I can see how his returning might some how be the catalyst?" Murmuring with narrowed eyes, "I mean the time table fits.." Hand motioning between the two screens showing exact time stamps.

"If you illiminate the impossible, whatever's left no matter how improbable, has to be the truth right?" She just quote Star Trek... in context.

Come at me with your nerd bro.

Then her greens flick over to the constant window she's open watching Kimberly in the lab, "oh look who woke up finally." Glancing over Jason's shoulders at the zombie starting to stir. "Want to go have a chat with the living dead?" Babs asks, pushing herself out of her chair in the direction of the lab section of the cave.

Red Hood has posed:
All traces of mirth have fled Jason's expression as he nods, "Yeah, not loving the idea of dark magics or, zombie Bruce. A bit of good news though, if Zatana is scarce, just came back from Doctor Strange's, should be able to dig him up for a bit of Q&A on all of this. We've already got him working on fixing Bruce's back, but I think this takes priority."

"Thanks... Spock? Or was that the android guy?" Jason's nerdry is weak.

At the look back at the body Jason turns and nods, "Might as well," he says taking his hand off Bab's shoulder. "Got a couple tasers handy though? Not looking to be hungry for brains tonight."

Iron Man has posed:
Kimberly is a very pretty, young twenty year old. Her hair is a rich dark chocolate brown, with wisps of side-swept bangs, the rest of it braided back in two braids on either side of her head that come down to her shoulders. She still has one bandaid on the side of her jaw on one side, and a clear bruise on her forehead as if she cracked her head on something. She's in a light pink tank-top that fades into a teal color at the bottom, some jeans, and black strappy heels. She has a bracelet, with tinkling little silver hearts in a charm-style arrangement, and a nice light pink manicure. Her makeup has faded but is still present - mostly her eyeliner is there, though her lipstick has long since turned to a barely-there gist.

She doesn't, overall, look like a zombie by any means. She looks like a person. "Hello?" Kimberly calls, tone uncertain. She pulls at her hands again, and tries to wriggle her wrists: a natural enough reaction to someone finding themselves bound hand and foot. "I haven't seen your face. Faces. Please... please let me go, I won't tell anybody," Kim says, shutting her eyes tightly.

Oracle has posed:
Before she's in view of the woman, Babs touches a small indentation on her raised armored neck guard and a helmet erects itself around her face. Plates sliding out and over lock into place with a sharp green glow from the single eye in the center before going dim as she descends the steps leading to the lab. "Helmet on." To Jason, "If there's magic, I don't want whoever is controlling them seeing us." Her voice is auto-tuned behind the mask, a dozen indistinct voices all sync'd together into one voice.


"You tried to attack Batman in a vehicle." The dark clad vigilante with the green bat-symbol says to the woman spread out across the exam table, "And there have been at least two attacks and one grissly murder since I brought you here. If that isn't enough insentive to stop the act, the fact that you are dealing directly with me and Red Hood should be plenty... You shall not find shelter here."

Red Hood has posed:
Nodding at Bab's directions, Jason lingers a moment to watch the helmet snap into place. "Wow," he offers briefly before heading to his bike for his helmet, which he snaps into place, and a taser, which he tucks into his belt under his jacket.

He bounds back up the steps to appear just as Babs says his name, nodding to Kimberly where she's strapped to the table. Not going out of his way to look intimidating, but the armour, the red faceless helmet, and the big red bat on his chest did the work for him.

Iron Man has posed:
Kim immediately starts to cry, and twists against the restraints. She keeps her eyes squeezed shut, as if that might help here. Which means she doesn't see any of the cool helmets, unfortunately.

"I didn't, I didn't," Kimberly insists, pulling weakly at her wrists, trying to twist on the table to curl away from the voice. "Please don't hurt me. Please let me go. Do you want money? I'll call daddy. He'll pay for me. Please don't hurt me."

Oracle has posed:
Babs reaches for the heavy duty taser gun holstered on her hip and lays it down on the table with the barrel facing the side of Kimberly's head. Her hand rests on the grip, but her finger isn' slid into the trigger guard, "So I shocked the devil out of you, then. Interesting conundrum." The green eye turns up towards Jason, "What do you think? Should we let her go? Is she telling the truth?"

Hard to catch sarcasm with auto-tune of that level.

It's implied.

"You are not doing yourself a service by playing at this game, Kimberly. Everything you've done, I have recorded. I can show you if you don't believe me.. it's like police body cams, only with better resolution and digital deluxe suite magnification programming." A sleek black object is retrieved from one pocket of her jacket and held up over Kimberly's face where she can see the screen, "Access open file Soriety investigation, subject Kimberly <still don't remember her last name>." This is not from the morgue, as it turns out, but from the front seat of a Prius. Kimberly viciously attacking the wearer of the cam.

The barrel of the taser touches against the side of her neck, "It behoves you to open your eyes and watch the video. I have not gone into intimidation mode yet..." A pause, mostly for effect, "You wont like that."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason doesn't flinch at Bab's treatment of the girl, and when asked that question with all of its implied sarcasm, the Red Hood nods, his own modified voice, deeper, gruffer, saying: "Oh sure, devil made her do it, real original." That sarcasm comes through.

He stands back to let Bab's work, crossing his arms and keeping the eyes of his helmet fixed on Kimberly, the closed stance and the facless mask making it clear if Kimberly was looking for help she wouldn't find it here.

"Trust her on that, it's not pretty."

Iron Man has posed:
"I dooooon't waaaant toooooo," whimpers Kimberly, but she squeaks as the weapons are put near her head, flinches from them, and does as asked, in a scared way. She'll watch the video when threatened to do it.

"This-- that's crazy. Why am I here, I don't understand. I wouldn't attack Batman," Kimberly blubbers. "I'm just a Phi Beta Phi girl, I'm going to get a degree in fashion design, I'm not a criminal, I've only shoplifted, that's not serious----" Her eyes, now open, move over Jason quickly, focusing there and the failed appeal for help in that direction, since he's not the one with a taser on her neck. "I'll do anything you want. A threesome? We can do it. Please--"

Oracle has posed:
"I see I am not getting anywhere. That's unfortunate." Babs closes her hand around the phone, turns off the recorded images, and slides it in the pocket of her cargo pants. The taser is removed from the side of Kimberly's neck and slid down in the holster from which she pulled it, "Your turn." To Red Hood, taking a step back away from the table with her hands out.

Red Hood has posed:
There's a snort from the Red Hood at the offer of a threesome. "Really? That's what people think we're into?" he muses with a shake of his head.

"Gimme the video O," he says to Babs and Jason crouches down beside the bed so his eyes are level with Kimberley's if she turns her head. "What we want is for you to watch the tape. Quicker than a threesome and a whole lot less messy. Don't watch it and we can't help you. Black outs? Attacking Batman? You're not headed for regular jail, that's Arkham stuff right there. You see the kind of nuts they keep in there? Croc, Scarecrow, The Riddler... the Joker. You don't want to end up there, so let's stop begging and watch the damn tape, huh?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Yeah. Tape. Okay. Yes, tape," whimpers Kimberly, entirely, it seems, reacting to Jason getting up in her face like that. "What do you want me to say? I'll say it. Anything. I won't beg. I'm sorry."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara removes her phone and turns it around, held out by her thumb and index knuckle towards Jason. That the pair of them are dressed rather similar is probably even more intimidating. There's a fear that comes with anonymity, masks, and uniformity. That's /why/ soldiers wear uniforms. The faceless mass. "The truth will suffice. You have said a lot, but still have not said the truth."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason rises to his full height and takes the phone holding it up over Kimberly and snapping his fingers to get her attention focused on the screen. "Watch," he instructs firmly and hits play.

"And like she said, we just want the truth, watch, then we'll talk."

Iron Man has posed:
This time, Kimberly really tries. She's still blubbering but watches. She watches the car ride, and then watches when she appears to suddenly lunge at the camera. Her reaction to it is a little belated: either stunned by her own actions, or something else. She starts to say something and shuts her mouth. Smart girl, remembering to not beg.

Oracle has posed:
Babs steps up then, taking the phone and leaning in on the otherside of Kimberly near her right wrist across from Jason. Her fist is curled around it, knuckles down on the surgical steel tables surface, "Tell me about your friend Kyle? Where did you meet him.. and before you act like you don't know, I know you do know. Directly or indirectly, you know who I am talking about. Help me to help you help yourself."

Red Hood has posed:
The delayed reacton is noted by Jason but he holds onto it as Babs asks her question, following up with: "Anything you have to tell us might be useful, leave nothing out."

Sure that may well open a floodgate of useless info, but then Bab's suit was recording this and they could sort through the verbial diarrhea later.

Iron Man has posed:
There's a pause from Kimberly, and some honest confusion. Which, in a way, makes the REST of what Kimberly was doing a little suspect, if this is what her expression does when she doesn't know what the hell they're talking about. It reads on her face that it takes her a few seconds to figure out who the hell Kyle is. She figures it out, though. The light bulb comes on.

"Oh. I think he's dating one of my sorority sisters. I don't know. He's stupid." That is a real sentiment: Kim really does think he's stupid, and it seems to ease some of that fear to express it.

Oracle has posed:
The reaction was far more useful than the information provided, "There, see that?" Tapping one finger against the stainless steel beside Kimberly's right restraint, "That's the kind of intel that gets things figured out." She's playing along, her tone as sympathetic as auto-tune and multi-voice syncing can allow for, "Which sorority sister?"

Red Hood has posed:
Jason notes the reaction as well filing it away with the little pause after seeing herself lunge onto the screen. However Babs' question is the next logical step and so he stands silently waiting for the answer.

Iron Man has posed:
"I really don't know. I have no idea. I'd be guessing. Deborah? Jessica? Ann? What difference does this make?" Kimberly asks, her confusion about the questioning line removing a lot of the fear. At least, until Barbara raps on the steel and Kim tries to pull her arm, instead encountering the restraint.

Of all the women in the sorority, none of them are named Deborah or Ann. There are two Jessicas, though.

Oracle has posed:
Babs nods her helmeted head at Kimberly and steps back with her phone. The single glowing eye fixes on Jason a second, but then she's presenting her back to hack into the sorority registry to bring up any images for the two Jessica's, run it against the victoms in the most recent attack.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason meet that look for that brief second then nods as he steps forward.

"Got any last names for these girls, what they studied? Did the one who was dating Ryan say anything about him?" he suspected the time it took to ask and answer gave Babs time to do her thing, while he kept the pressure on.

Iron Man has posed:
"I'm not good at names. Ryan could have dated more than one person. He was around a lot," Kimberly goes with. She doesn't even notice the change of name from Kyle to Ryan. She's clearly very very knowledgeable.

Oracle has posed:
Babs turns around, leaning in against the table, lightly tapping her finger against the metal with the hand holding her phone. It's a thoughtless sound, definitely not a code to Jason indicating she's gotten no results from the names provided. When Jason then switches the names up and Kimberly just goes with it, the figure nods. "You are absolutely correct. So, tell me Kimberly, what will you do if we release you?"

Iron Man has posed:
"I will not tell anybody you had me, I swear. I don't know who you are. I'll do whatever you say," Kimberly says quickly, immediately, twisting on the hard metal table as she tries to show how sincere she is.

Oracle has posed:
"No, I think that is about enough from Kimberly." Batman, Oracle Batman anyways, reaches for the taser on her hip rather deliberately, she wants the creature to see it happening. Everything is a test, see how she responds to the clear threat of more electricity.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason's head tilts over at Babs. "Sounds legit," he quips dryly, before stepping back as Babs goes for the taser. He watches Kimberly too, waiting to see her reaction.

Iron Man has posed:
Kimberly doesn't react in fear, but she does react in hatred. The immediate response is loathing, annoyance maybe, before it turns into panic. The first emotion was more real. "MMmmmmmmmmhhhh," Kimberly says, clearly, at least, paying attention to that she's not supposed to be talking more, at least. Then she forgets that. "What do you want? I answered with what I knew!"

Oracle has posed:
The barrel of the taser looks more like a pistol than a taser, likely for intimidation value really. Babs isn't quite so cavalier with the body count as is Jason, but she knows the implication of terror when necessary, just happens that hers is a little more vesceral because Kimberly's already felt the heavy duty, jacked up voltage of the weapon once. She brings hand up to point it at Kimberly, "You did, anything else that might change my mind?"

Red Hood has posed:
The loathing is an interesting reaction. More tied up supervillian than scared sorority girl. He frowns under the mask and when Babs levels the weapon he reaches behind him for his own. Maybe he had seen too many horror movies, but the thing that takes down the monster the first time invariably fails on the second. He wanted to be ready to offer a little extra juice if it was needed.

Iron Man has posed:
Kimberly calculates. "You're just going to make it so that you can't talk to me for a while by doing that. Harms you more than me," Kimberly says, manipulatively, her blue eyes focusing on the weapon. She then twists, and /really/ puts some effort against the restraints. The restraints groan a little, but she seems stuck.

"I'll just get a nap," Kimberly says, though there's frustration at the bindings. "Won't kill me."

Oracle has posed:
"Until I stab you in the heart with three or four hundred miligrams of epinephrine." Babs calculates, tilting her head, "It would kill a normal person, so we'll call it just enough for you? I clearly haven't done enough tests to properly engage your sense of self preservation..." By all rights she probably sounds like some kind of android, "I can fix that."

Red Hood has posed:
"I'd up the dosage," Jason adds helpfully. Though it's mostly just for the intimidation factor. "Or you know I can just load up hollow points instead of rubber bullets. Seriously though? What's your deal? How about we drop the act and be straight with each other here."

He still keeps his distance though, he didn't like how the restraints groaned and Babs may still need to tase her after all.

Iron Man has posed:
Kimberly has seemed to, at the very least, dropped the blubbering begging fear-acting thing that she was doing. Or she's migrating personalities. She's visually examining her hand, and wrist, as if trying to calculate something. Still, she's listening, and looks sideways towards Barbara. "I don't know if that'd work to knock me out," Kimberly admits, as if curious, herself. Meaning, the ephinephrine treatment.

Her eyes move to Jason, and the intimidation. "I think you're interesting. So I'm still here. I'd rather be free, if we can work that out, though. I have shit to /do/. What gets me freed fastest?"

Oracle has posed:
"Three hundred miligrams of epinepherine will definitely not knock you out.. might explode your heart, though I'm not convinced you need it." Babs continues watching Kimberly, examining every detail through the lense of her single eyed mask, "Tell me what you have to do. That will definitely improve your odds of being released.. not telling me will improve your odds of being tased into retardation... the bonds reenforced with titanium, and us doing this all over again when/if you wake up. There are more of you out there... repetition of action builds muscle memory. I have no problem starting from scratch with a new test subject."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason nods confirmation at the dosage. "Almost definitely, but like I said, double it anyhow, just to make sure," he says still playing the intimidation game, but like Babs he wasn't sure if 'Kimberly' here still needed a heart.

"Oh and if you want to throw in a name as well, that'd definitely help, because it doesn't sound like we're talking to Kimberly right now."

Iron Man has posed:
Kimberly's following their logic, and comes along for the ride: "Are you going to cut it out of my chest first and put it on a table so we can all see what happens to it? At least let me watch," Kimberly says, making adjustments. Her tone itself, even from the start of the discussion, has been consistent in one way: very set in a 'begging' mode. Asking for things, with a sort of mild undertone of subserviance to it. Please please, free. Please please, let me watch the heart get stabbed.

"I don't think you'd believe me. What answer are you looking for? Opening a hellmouth? Eating a baby? I don't know what you want to hear," Kimberly weedles.

Jason's question gets a sudden dart of eyes. Something about his question scored a deep hit. There's a flicker of something unnatural in her gaze. His last suggestion struck more than any of the others so far. "I'm not an idiot."

Oracle has posed:
The single eye turns towards Jason, head clipping into a nod, but returns to Kimberly. All of it is recorded and they'll have to go through the footage later, but for right now. "So possession. Some kind of spirit?" The question probably isn't for Kimberly anymore. The barrel of the big ass taser is still pointed right at the sorority girls forehead, with her finger on the trigger ready to twitch the body snatcher back to restful oblivion if need be.

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah," Jason says. "Or an alien," Jason says his hand moving from the butt of the taser to the butt of one of his pistols, he draws it. "I think we should have the doctor make a house call, he'll be able to tell either way," he says looking at Babs instead of Kimberley now. "In the meantime?" he glances at the taser.

Iron Man has posed:
Kimberly jerks her wrists in frustration as if hopeless and frustrated, then suddenly does a slightly different move: she finally 'tests' one of her legs, but does it so hard, that there's a horrible snapping sound to the ankle as she attempts to get loose, via forcing the anklebone up super hard against the restraint. One of her hands does the same manuever, clearly prepared to injure herself in a serious way to get loose.

Oracle has posed:
"Interesting." Babs glances at the woman hurting herself to get free and finally pulls the trigger on the taser. "Not interesting enough to watch, mind you, but definitely interesting."

Red Hood has posed:
When the taser hits, Jason lifts his gun and levels it at the thing that is Kimberley, and waits to see if the voltage will take her down a second time.

Iron Man has posed:
Heaving twice, and then falling entirely limp, all light goes out of Kimberly. She sags down lifelessly, appearing to be entirely dead.


Oracle has posed:
Babs reaches up to press the demarkation on the side of her neck and the helmet breaks apart to collapse down inside her armors high neck, "Okay, so you give the Doctor a call and I'll get her packed up and ready to ship." the taser slides down into the holster on her hip.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason doesn't bother removing his helmet, it's more time consuming than Bab's rig. Yes, even in the midst of the chaos there's some gear envy.

"Done, I'll..." he realizes he doesn't have a number for the doctor. "Drive down and let him know, and let you know what he says." There's a pause. "We should keep this off the books as possible, if Bruce," he pauses again, though the meaning's clear, if he's like one of them. "We don't want to tip our hand."

Oracle has posed:
Babs nods understanding to Jason with out him actually having to say it, one gauntlet clad hand rubs the back of her jacket covered bicep, staring down at Kimberly, "That's why I haven't filled out an After action or up load any of this to the accessable Batcomputer. I've kept it all on my servers back at the Clocktower." Her grin eyes dance around Kimberly's face once she's replaced her red framed glasses on the bridge of her nose. "I'll be here watching her, electricity works for a nonlethal option, but..." She glances up then, staring at Jason.

"Safety off if they swarm you. They're strong. I almost underestimated this one.. wont happen again. If you're fighting more than one, drop them like a fucking toilet seat."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason meets Bab's eyes with a grim nod, "Understood," he says of her instructions. He draws his pistol pops the clip of rubber rounds and the single round in the chamber and smoothly replaces them with a clip of hollowpoints and racks the slide. "I'll aim for the head," he promises, holstering the pistol and doing the same for the other before holding it out. "As a back up?"

Oracle has posed:
Babs eyes the pistol held out to her and then nods and takes it, which is saying a damn lot consider her aversion to pistols as a general rule. She's got a collapsable baton on her hip along with the heavy duty taser, so she'll have to fix another holster, but that wont be complicated for her. "I'll get it back to you." Holding the big pistol up expressively, "I don't intend to let them catch me though. I've got a few tricks even Bruce would envy." Said with a smirk, tucking the barrel back behind her belt beneath the jacket. "Let Damian know too. Until these things are done, we're on cleanup duty. This shit has to stay contained..."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason nods as he hands over the weapon, he understands the seriousness of Babs' decision. "Thanks," he says about returning it. "And I believe it," he says of Babs and her tricks with a smirk of his own. "And will pass the word on that, but for now," he looks over to meet her eyes. "Stay safe."

Then he's turning and heading for his bike.

Oracle has posed:
"You too." Babs dips her head to Jason and fixes Kimberly with a hard stare. Only a brief one and she's doubling down on the restraints, near the biceps and thighs with hard points to keep her from gaining any ground if she suddenly wakes up. Wouldn't do for her rampage through the mansion, now would it?

"Always something..."