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Con Dinero Baila el Perro
Date of Scene: 22 October 2019
Location: Archie Goodwin International Airport, Gotham
Synopsis: Hard Travelling Heroes Part 2 finds the heroes dealing with Bane and his goons at the Ferris Airfield outside of Gotham. Although the heroes defeated them, Bane got away after destroying the hanger. Next stop...Santa Prisca.
Cast of Characters: Amarok, Green Lantern (Jordan)

Amarok has posed:
Since the obliteration of the Tetch warehouse, things have been quiet around the Ferris properties. That is, until the sudden approved entry of a small convoy of military transports. The only problem is, there's no scheduled pickups or deliveries tonight. Armed guards patrol the grounds, the skeleton crew of the airfield rounded up and held under armed guard, and the rest of the militia loading some strangely unmarked containers onto their transports...

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
"Look. It's Hal Jordan. J-O-R-D-A-N. Look again." Hal Jordan was getting impatient at the man at the main gate. Jordan's was suspicious, but this person was giving him a hard time. "Look Jordan, you aren't on the access control list. Sorry, you're gonna have to shove off." THe very large man, at least 6'8" stood up, and glared down at the smaller man.

"Right. Shove off. Got it chief. Turning around." Backing up, Jordan does a U Turn, and heads back down the road. "Okay. That made no sense. I was supposed to be here today...guess there is something else going on."

A quick parking job off the road, a quick change into his "other" uniform, and Green Lantern was heading back to the Ferris Airstrip to find out what is going on. With Carol away, he was trying to look after things on Earth, and it looks like while the cat's away...the mice were playing alright.

Amarok has posed:
The guards patrolling about the base are well armed and going two by two on their routes. Just looking at them is enough to tell they're pros. Well, maybe not the pair who's unconcious bodies are being dragged off into the darkness wont tell you that...

     Amarok finishes tying the pair together and rifling through their fatigues for anything identifying, and after coming up short and turning their radios off, quickly begins flitting his way through the darkness towards the hostage holding room.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Using his willpower to try to mask his approach as best he can, the normal deep emerald glow was dark, letting Hal Jordan blend into the background, even though it wasn't normally his way of doing things. Noting the slight gap in the security net, Hal Jordan lands, looks left and right, and walks into the area right where Amarok had disposed of the two other men.

"Batman would be so proud..." Hal whispers to himself, as he walks closer towards the nearest building, the Ferris Aircraft building. Squinting, his eyes try and make out movement, but he wasn't doing to well this time. After all, he didn't have the dark crusader's skills.

Following the trail, Hal moves closer, unknowingly following in the footsteps of the man just ahead. So far, he hadn't seen him.

Amarok has posed:
After a few short minutes, Hal reaches the outter wall of the main terminal, the most heavily guarded building in the airfield. "Stay low, stay quiet, they've got hostages and snipers." Comes a familiar monotone from a nearby bush, followed by a hand reaching out and gesturing for Hal to approach. Amarok is squatting down, knife in hand, and a small and crude map drawn in the dirt with tiny circles at seemingly random points.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal hears the voice. Squints. Looks at the bush it was coming from. Sees the hand, and smiles. "You again." Hal sneaks closer, so he was beside the man. "What are you doing here? This is a Ferris Facility, and you are sure not Ferris." A pause. "And, uh, thanks for the warning. Weapons fire can sting if I'm not ready for it." Hal's smile turns into a grin, as he looks towards the building. "Hostages. The personnel supposed to be on duty tonight. Any casualties?"

Amarok has posed:
Amarok doesn't look up to acknowledge Hal, "The snipers aren't for you, they're overwatch on the hostages. I dont want to take any chances on them getting trigger happy." He says yet again in his monotone before pointing to the circles on the dirt map, "The ones with the Xs through them are snipers, the rest are basic infantry. I might have missed some though, there's a lot of ground to cover and I dont have a good angle on everything." He says before pointing to one of the drawn in buildings, "They're pulling something out of here. I haven't gone to look yet but if we want to know, we need to hurry. Can you take out the snipers without being spotted or heard?" He says as he finally looks up to Hal, LEDs meeting eyes.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal looks sideways at the man. "Overwatch." Hal remembers his military training, of course, as the man points out what was going on. Plus all those years in "Interstellar Law Enforcement". "Sounds like you have experience in these matters. Makes sense." Hal pauses for a few seconds, studying the map.

Concentrating, Hal's eyes suddenly glow in a wierd way that wouldn't be noticeable by anyone except the person right beside him right now. "Sure. I count three snipers. Easy. If you give me 30 seconds, it will be done, nice and easy. Where do you want to meet up after? I assume you have something to do as well?"

Amarok has posed:
Amarok grunts at Hal's speculation before looking back to the map, "Thirty?....It'll do. We can meet inside. Once you've dealt with the snipers, I'll move up, take the western guards, and move on the hostages. When you're done, move on the eastern side quickly, I dont want to risk one of them making a sudden head turn and trying to take a shot at me through a room of civvies." He says before tapping his wrist, "Thirty seconds. Go."

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan smiles, doesn't reply, and concentrates. As he fades from view once more, he moves to the first sniper. Using his willpower, a giant green phonebook appears, and with a green boxing glove, the man falls unconsconscious in a fluffy bed before settling to the ground. No bruising. With a snick of will, the weapons are disabled. Just in case, as he does for each of the next two.

The second was disabled with a large soundproof, air proof green cage, and before a few seconds had passed, he was unconscious, as his carotid was cut off by a green snake. Last, but not least, Hal takes the personal touch. A green "gag" in the mouth, followed by a swift right hook, even Green Arrow would be proud off. All taken care of in 28.3 seconds. "Done."

Last, Hal finds himself right where he was supposed to be, waiting for his partner-in-arms.

Amarok has posed:
As Hal arrives, Amarok drops down from a vent over his pair of guards, landing on them with a twist slamming one guard's face into the floor with his knee while pulling the other one back and down, rifle sliding well down the hall as he flails for balance, conciousness quickly choked out of him.

As he lowers the last guard down, one of Hal's charges notices the rifle at the end of the hall and taps his partner, the rear guard pulling his radio and beginning to quietly speak in Spanish into it as the other begins carefully creeping down the hall.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
"Ring, translate for me as we go." That last signal from Hal Jordan to his ring was "telepathic". "Nice work." Hal whispers as he arrives. "We might have a problem." Hal points at the end of the hall. "They might know." Hal signals in his old military "sign language" trying to remember as much as he could. After all, this wasn't like a movie where that all worked out and everyone knew everything about military tactics.

Amarok has posed:
The guard's speech is measured and controlled, "We have an intruder near the hostages, man down, move to surround. Tell Bane we need to speed up our extraction." Amarok watches Hal's attempt at signing and nods a bit before quickly flashing through a series of hand signs of his own. If Hal can keep up, or the ring does it for him, the translation will come out roughly to (I'll take the one coming down the hall. You deal with the other one. Fire on my mark.) He says as he moves against the low wall under the hostage room windows, silently positioning at the corner to deal with the nosy guard.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal nods, and understands. Hal gets ready, steels his will, and readies for the mark. It was pretty easy, taking down a regular person. Bane, on the other hand, may be more of a challenge...for Dan. AFter all, he was Green Lantern, and these were regular guys, albeit one with some chemicals that gave him a boost. Still, really, no...maybe he should pay attention and nods ready. With a flash of his will, he sends an "electric" green current, through the floor, towards his target...

Amarok has posed:
As the guard rounds the corner, leading with his rifle like a smrty, Amarok lunges out, swatting the rifle aside, dodging the panicked elbow by slipping around behind him, and pulling him with the spin to slam head first into the wall. As he drops, the guard catches himself at his knees, only to catch Amarok's knee to his already bruising face, reintroducing him to the wall, and leaving him to sleep off the possible skull fracture. Naturally, this is super high profile and the other guard notices immediately, calling out in rage at Amarok as he levies his rifle at him...only to then get elctrified through the floor, dropping him in a seizing puddle of his own urine.

Wasting no further time, Amarok turns...and proceeds towards the building's exit, leaving Hal to handle the hostages....What a douche.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan grins, and nods. "Good times." With a shrug, Hal floats off the ground, and does what he needs to do to protect the hostages. There would be no lives lost today, as Hal's will was supreme. Moving behind Amarok, Hal gets ready to do what needs to be done. As it was, he uses his will to place a shield around every hostage. This effort was difficult for now, but as it was, looks like the man he was teaming up with could handle himself. "I got them. You take down the bad guys. If you need any help, just hollar."

Amarok has posed:
Amarok reaches the door and goes to open it, pausing for just a second before diving back, rolling up onto his feet in the process as the door is kicked completely off it's hinges, one of them nearly cracking him in the face as it flies in. Through the door charge a quadrio of armed goons, the vanguard of their enormous masked leader. Bane.

"Another one of this wretched city's so called heroes...Kill him." The wall of meat says. As the goons being to levy their rifles, a fan of shuriken whip out, stabbing ruthlessly into their hands and throwing off their aim as Amarok bursts into action, aggressively moving up and smashing their ranks. The first is backhanded face first through the adjacent window, the second kicked into the one behind him hard enough to bowl them both over, the third flipped over with an arm hooking around his face, the massive buildup of momentum flinging him into the pile as the other two attempt to recover. Amarok doesn't miss a beat, quickly rolling up and moving to strike at Bane. He is just as quickly booted down the hall, smashing through the window to the hostage room, glass exploding everywhere from the force. Bane turns and begins to leave without a word as more guards flood in from all sides, ready to turn the entire building into a killzone, Amarok struggling to get up from the blow, chunks of his chest armor crumbling off in the process.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan moves in, and makes sure each and every histage is taken care of. He even helps his partner out now and then, with a flip of willpower when necessary, to make sure the fight stays semi-fair. WIncing as he sees Anarok join him in the histage room, Hal Jordan floats over, offers his hand, and tries to help the man up from the glass.

"Um. Your armor." Hal points and frowns. "You sure you don't want me to jump in here, and take this crazy out? I can do it if you want. It won't take too long..." Hal holds up his ring hand, as several of the histages are starting to help others to escape.

Hal thumbs back at the exit, where the histages were starting to stumble. "I can go with them....or go with you. I think they should be fine. Or are you good to go? After all, your show here." The slight emerald green glow around the escaping histages reveals that Hal was still concentrating on them.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok grumbles and waves Hal's hand away as he forces himself up, "Cover them." He growls out as he starts whipping shuriken at the goons aiming arms, throwing them off enough for him to dart, dodge, and acrobat around the gunfire as he flits about the room, a veritable martial whirlwind, with bullets bursting up into the ceiling, dropping tiles down like rain. After just a few seconds, the outside windows explode, as the goons still outside begin unloading into the side of the building, Amarok's helmet, arm, and shoulder armor taking several new scratches as they divert the bullets away from him. Many of their fellow goons are not so lucky, though ironically they do make a good meat-shield for the terrified hostages.

Outside, trucks light up and begin rolling out as the hangar they were loading from bursts an explosion that just might be visible from Metropolis.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Floating above the ground, Hal Jordan does that exactly. Covers them. All of the histages were protected by being covered in a green sheen of energy, a reflection of the Green Lantern's willpower. "I see a bunch of trucks leaving...and that..." Hal Jordan watches as the hanger goes up. "Carol's gonna kill me..." Hal says in a whisper.

Heading outside, aware of what happened to the last building they were in, Hal ensures that the goons outside are quickly dealt with while still guarding the hostages. Several emerald missiles head for each of the goons outside, each one taking a hit that disables them. "Rubber" bullets...er, missiles. As it was, the bullets all bounce of Hal's shield without much effort.

Amarok has posed:
Amarok polishes off the rest of the goons inside the terminal as Hal flexes his Green Lantern's Might on the militia outside. A moment later, he walks out, seemingly unphased by his getting punted fourty feet through a window and then shot several times. He stops as he sees the carnage of Hal's barely qualifying as an effort retaliation, slowly scanning till he finds someone still writhing about and begins stomping towards him.

The only remnants of the loading trucks left are a series of tire markings on the ground which barely go for ten feet at the longest.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Setting all the hostages down, Hal Jordan lands nearby, and checks on each one personally. "Everyone okay? Look after each other..." Letting that hang, Hal takes a minute to start to make sure all of the "goons" were restrained, and using the security personnel's help. Those that were left. Making sure they were taken care of and double checking to make sure everyone was alright, Hal moves over to stand near Amarok as he finds his interrogation victim. "Looks like this didn't go the way I thought it would..." A look at Amarok, and his new "friend". "What next?"

Amarok has posed:
Amarok stops in front of the prone goon and glances slightly towards Hal, revealing one of his LED eyes is flickering in and out, "...Now we make a new friend." He says in a strangely menacing monotone before leaning down, slipping the goon's knife from his vest, followed by a backup knife from the back of his belt, and tossing them aside before dragging the man up by his throat until he's hovering several inches off the ground at nearly full arm extension from Amarok. The goon starts groggily grumbling before being brought in for a vicious backhands, swatting a tooth free from his head and jolting him back to coherency with a pained cry, "No games. Tell me where they went." Amarok says in his ever measured tone. The goon coughs a bit before gagging out, "Eh, m-me no habla English?" He says with a nervous choked chuckle, prompting another vicious slap to the opposite side from Amarok, "You dont want to be useless to me..." He warns as he slooowly reaches to tap his largest knife in full view of the goon.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan frowns at this use of force, and decides to stand in the way of the onlookers, who were now being escorted by the security personnel to the safer area. In the distance, sirens can be heard - probably fire trucks, at least, and potentially police to pick up the goons. "We have have to deal with this guy and move onto the next one, if he isn't going to help. As for the Spanish BS, here we go." Hal Jordan points his ring at the goon that Amarok was interrogating, and every single word he speaks, is translated. Even though Hal suspects that Amarok can speak Spanish anyway. "Full translation. Should be fine now."

Amarok has posed:
Amarok glances to Hal and nods, the goon looking visibly dismayed by Hal's language blocking him, "I-If I tell you anything, Bane will kill me!" He chokingly pleads in English, proving his Spanish claim was just a desperate ruse, prompting Amarok's gaze to snap back to him. dropping him roughly down to his knees as the knife flashes out, pressing the blade nearly against the man's eyeballs as he brings his flickering mask down to him, the damaged LEDs just visible over the flat of the blade, "...Bane will kill you...My friend here will hurt you...And I will make you beg for Bane to come and kill you." He says in an almost demonically low tone. The man lets out a few panicked choked sounds before crying out as Amarok's knife arm begins to tense, "Santa Prisca! T-They're going back to Santa Prisca! B-B-Bane is working with some G-Gotham locals, something about a dispersal system!" A small puddle begins forming under the man and expanding towards Hal's feet, "Please, I told you all I know!" He begs as Amarok's arm tenses and releases a few slow times, ".....I can work with that." He suddenly says before pulling the knife away. The man begins to expand a relieved smile before he's suddenly rushingly dragged up and headbutted before being tossed aside, now too unconcious to worry about changing himself, "....We're done here. I need to find a map." Amarok says as he begins walking away towards the darkened fence as the firetrucks storm the gate.

Green Lantern (Jordan) has posed:
Hal Jordan frowns as the interrogation continues, but doesn't interfere. The last few years of being a space cop has hardened him somewhat. Stepping back from the wet spot, Hal Jordan nods to Amarok as they get what they need. As the man walks towards the fence, Hal calls out, "Looks like the crews are here to take care of things, and I need to ensure all these goons get into the hands of the Police. Let me know when we are moving on this intel..." Hal thumbs back at the goon that was just interrogated, "...and I'll come with. I want a piece of this "Bane" as well!"

Amarok has posed:
Amarok pauses for a second as Hal makes his offer, then glances back at him. He stares hard for a few seconds before reaching into his belt and pulling out a Titans communicator, tossing it to the Greenest of Lanterns, "...I'll be in touch." He says as he turns and resumes his departure as the proper authorities arrive, the fire crews quickly getting to work on the charred remnants of the hangar and the police grumbling at all the new paperwork they'll have to do.