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Latest revision as of 16:27, 26 October 2019

The Scarlet Pimpernel in Brooklyn
Date of Scene: 22 October 2019
Location: Gravesend, Brooklyn
Synopsis: When a advertising stunt for the Scarlet Pimpernel (starring the amiable and athletic Hector Rodriguez) occurs in Brooklyn, Alexis Carr gets to indulge in something she sorely misses from her conservitory days -- acting and fencing!
Cast of Characters: Prismatic, Zorro

Prismatic has posed:
    She typically comes out of the tube some stops before her own, wanting to enjoy the vestages of the warm weather. Her beanie was on tight, her dark hair tucked up under her beanie, her hands stuffed into her pockets on her two-sizes-too-big sweatshirt, her violin case tucked neatly into her big backpack, secured with her day's busquing. She was humming quietly as she made her way through the street, Alexis Carr, heading in the direction of Bushwick., though highly considering a stop for food.

    The olive-skinned girl pauses a moment, her gaze going over the windows of a fashionable store befoe continuing down the way.

    Little did she know she was about to get some excitement in her day!

Zorro has posed:
At a nearby Synagogue there was a crowd gathered around what seemed to be a platform that went a foot off the ground. Among crow were members of the press, a few police men, and crows of citizens, including a few curious members of the Synagogue. Standing on top of the platform was what looked like a French colonial solder from the 1700s standing stoically behind a man dressed in similar clothing with a blindfold over his eyes. Surrounding the platform were five more stern, almost sinister looking solders standiung their, holding muskets and telling the ocassional on-looker to stay back.
     Sudddenly, a mustachoied man also dressed up in clothing from the 1700s walks up to the platform while ringing a handhled bell while saying,
     " Here ye! Here Ye! For the crime of high treason< The Council of Public Safety has ordered the excution of Gaston Lefront by mean of La Madame Guilotine!"
     So, that's what that nasty looking sharp object at the end of the stand was.

Prismatic has posed:

    The crowd drew her attention, and the young woman made her way over to the stand, coming up the side and getting a closer look at the chicannery about to begin. The men with the muskets are a curious thought and then -- ah-hah. She gets it. She tilts her head and gives a wry little smile, crossing her arms. She's no stranger to Broadway advertising, but this is quite the stunt.

    Her lips purse, and she gets a familiar itch in her gloved hands, ready to pass some judgement if there's a lick of swordplay.

Zorro has posed:
A drumming sound is heard as the prisoner is lead to the prop execution device. The crowd is silent as the man is foreced to lie down and place his head in the hole that would signify his demise. Before the lever can be pulled however, a crack is heard and a soldier near the back of the platform collapses unconcious.
     Standing before the prone body was a man all dressed in red with a big rin on his face, The Scarlet Pimpernel himself has arrived. The executioner rushes to pull the lever, but is stopped by a second man in red, a member of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel, who tosses the executioner off the platform. The soldiers try to shoot the Pimpernel with their muskets, but in a surprising show of athletics, the Pimpernel rolls out of the way of the blast, avoding the musket balls. As the soldiers pull out their rapaiers and charge, The Pimpernel grins and pulls out his and rushes to meet them while The League member struggles to free the man from the Guillotine.

Prismatic has posed:
    ... that is admittedly super cool. Good showmanship. The League of the Scarlet Pimpernel arriving to save the poor, unfortunate French aristocracy as the group around her claps and woops, the young lady applauding the Pimpernel's showmanship, watching as men around take up their rapiers, the sound of muskets hanging in her ears. She leans back on one heel a moment, supposing either that man is the understudy for -- or actually is -- the actor in the play. The clash of fencing foils rings out, and she keeps a keen eye to watch them all in their movements as the violinist makes her way around to the side slightly, coming close to the action!

Zorro has posed:
As the swordfight continued, the Pimpernel face was starting to tunr concerned. These guards were a lot more tougher then he had thought and with his companion freeing the aristrocrat, he might be in a world of trouble. He then notices Alexis coming closer to the action and grins a bit. He then says to her in a voice that mixed both a French and British accent,
     "Madmosile? Do you know how to fence?"

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis's eyebrows rise up -- and though she tries to keep a low profile -- what an opportunity!

    "Like a /demon/." she states, British accent plain to hear as she gives a wry smile up at the Pimpernel, in his brilliant scarlet liverly.

Zorro has posed:
The Pimpernel grins lively as he says to her," Well then, join in the fight!" He then pulls out a second rapier with his off-hand and tosses it gently at Alexis as one of the police men opened the divider to let in Alexis. The second she got in however, one of the French Soldiers charges at her, snarling angrily, sword drawn.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis catches the rapier, slides her pakc behind the divider and dives right in.

    Her footwork is sure, and she goes to the defensive immediately, blocking each blow with skill. She holds the rapier well, one arm behind her, drawing back for balance as she meets the soldier in batte. She's quick, and in a moment she begins driving the soldier back with a grin on her face.

    A little out of practice, but not too bad!

Zorro has posed:
As the Pimpernel and Alexis started to drive the soldiers back, The Pimpernel managed to sneak a punch on one of their faces, sending him sprawling to the divider itself, and flipping over it into the front of the crowd, "knocking him out". Meanwhile, Alexis drives back her soldier to the point he was above a hanging potted plant, which was obviosuly a prop.

Prismatic has posed:
    It's a subtle point from the actor she was fighting (being a terribly good sport about the whole thing), and Alexis looks up a that hanging potted plant, and with an easy spin, up to her toes she brings the rapier down, and through the rope holding it in place, letting it drop down on her good sport of an opponant!

    The pot smashes, of course, and a dusting of some powder and vermiculite goes everywhere as she turns to regard the Pimpernel and make sure the ah... League wasn't faring poorly.

Zorro has posed:
The prop shatters on the soldier's head, knocking him out instantly. As the soldier collapsed to the ground, the Pimpernel continued to sword-fight with the three remaining soldiers. Upon seeing Alexis staring at him and seeing his League member still busy with the death trap, whistled at her, calling her over to help him.

Prismatic has posed:
    All right, still part of the show! Alexis gives a nod, and she turns from her now knocked out foe to engage in another, heading to help the Pimpernel. She brings her rapier to bear and calls out, in /perfect/ French: "Vous avez le cervau d'un sandwich au fromage!" <You have the brains of a cheese sandwich!> in good nature at one of the soldiers, and gives him a wink. "Three on one is hardly a fair fight!"

Zorro has posed:
The soldier snarls at you angrily and starts swinging his sword at you angrily, but subtly winks at you. The Pimpernel grunts as the two ther soldiers gang up on him. In desparation, he stomps on one of their feet. The solder he stamped on grabs his foot and hops up and down in pain while saying supposidly swears in French. The Pimpernel then sweeps his foot underneath the man's feet, tripping him and causing the soldier to go crashing down to the floor.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis lets her muscle memory keep going, reposte, parry, she ducks a wide blow, 'narrowly' avoids another swipe and then rushes the soldier with a mad flurry of blows before leaning in, knocking off his hat and -- with her palm fully against the pommel, 'taps' the solider with her fist atop the head with a sound of great effort. Don't want him to go down too easily, do we?

Zorro has posed:
The soldier is distracted by his hat being knocked off his head and is hit full on the head by Alexis's fist. His eyes widen almost comically as he collapses onto the ground, unconcious. The final soldier snarls at you and deserts his fight with the Pimpernel and charges at you, bellowing angrily and swinging his sword at you

Prismatic has posed:
    "Bra/vo/." Alexis whispers to her 'vanquished' opponent, and as the next soldier charges at her she turns to face him, almost a movement to ate to catch the swing of the sword. She's forced to take a step back, and she narrows her eyes at the soldier, and goes on the defensive. One arm behind her back, she stnds her ground, parrying each blow he tries to land on her, heroically!

Zorro has posed:
The solder glares and lets out a few swears in French as he continues to rain down blows on you, getting more frustrated as you keep parrying. Suddenly, you hear a triumphant cry from the platform as the League Memeber finally gets the man free from Guillotiene. The soldier also turns his head briefly towards the sound, leaving you enough time to make a attack.

Prismatic has posed:
    She keeps parrying, though clearly she's even wearing down now, her sword hand is faltering a little -- out of practice!

    And she almost chances outing herself as she brings the sword up again -- but the crowd cheers! Gatson Lefront is free!

    The man turns, and Alexis steps forward then, bringing her hands to the pommel again and using her hands to 'tap' against the side of the angry soldier's head for a truly crushing blow -- in fact, the little 5'2 lady had to hop a wall to do it, and she skids along the scaffolding, holding the foil securely, turning to make sure all of the soldierrs are down and -- most importantly -- the actors aren't hurt!

Zorro has posed:
All of the soldiers in the area are lying prone on the ground, "unconcious". But, it was quite obvious that the actors were alright. The Pimpernel comes up to you with a big smile on his face as Gaston and the League member flee into the crowd. The Pimpernel clasps your shoulder and says,
     " Great job madmosile! May i please ask what your name is?"

Prismatic has posed:
    It felt good to be on stage again. The thrill of acting, certainly she wasn't the main performance but -- that hand clapsed her shoulder, and the lady turns, and gies a showy bow. Quite gentlemanly, considering she's wearing pants and not a skirt it'd look silly to curtsey.

    "Alexis, at your service, sir." she states, straightening up and giving a wry smile as she looks up to the Pimpernel's actor.

Zorro has posed:
The Pimpernel grins as he says to you," I thank you Alexis, you have saved a man life tonight. The League of the Scartet Pimpernel will not for get this." He then hands you a slip of paper, which upon closer inspection was a ticket to the Scarlet Pimpernel play. The Pimpernel then bows ant her and says with a hushed whisper that has a slight Spanish accent," Thank you for playing along tonight, Hope to see you at the show."
     The Pimpernel then follows his companion through the crowd, who are cheering loudly at this point. Quite a publicity stunt this turned out to be.

Prismatic has posed:
    Quite the stunt, but Alexis is suddenly self concious -- and stuffing the ticket into her pocket and blushing quite a fair bit, she returns the foil to the actor, and books it for her bookbag, looking to disappear back into the crowd.

    After all, it simply woldn't do to have Alexis be found so quickly!