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Latest revision as of 03:16, 29 October 2019

Lunch is Electric
Date of Scene: 14 August 2019
Location: Food Court, The Triskelion
Synopsis: In which Ward gets Darcy'd and it's all May's fault.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Thor

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Mid-morning. It's that mostly quiet time between breakfast and lunch. Darcy's sitting at her usual table by the window, reading from her tablet and sipping a gently steaming mug of coffee. The skeleton of her light meal sits on the plate in front of her, and every so often, she uses her fork to poke at it, pushing a carrot or a tomato bit from the salad that had been there. She's not really eating it any more, but it's something to do to keep her from chain-drinking coffee as she reads.

Thor has posed:
    As Darcy goes for the latest poke at the sad salad, her fork instead simply hits the hard surface of the tabletop. Her plate? Scooted across from her, where the mighty form of the God of Thunder, Thor Odinson, rests. He doesn't look exactly Godly, or even Kingly, in a plain grey hoodie, v-neck t-shirt and jeans. He does, on the other hand, look like a model for clothing you'd see on Amazon, so there's that. Hunched over her plate with his own fork, he spears carrot shreds and tomato bits with the same lack of mercy he affords feral trolls and frost giants, lifting them to his mouth and chewing them over. His mismatched eyes of blue and amber peer up at the distracted woman with a mischievous twinkle, and he smiles around a mouthful of his ill-gotten food.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Her fork thunks softly against the table and for a few heartbeats, Darcy doesn't react. When her mind registers that that was weird, she blinks a few times. Her green eyes pull up from the tablet, shoulders rolling open with a slow unhappy grind of having been in one position for too long.

"Hey!!" she beams the momment her brain registers that it's Thor. Her fork is set down, the tablet as well, and she offers her coffee cup to him. He needs a drink to go with it, after all.

"How are you?"

Thor has posed:
    Waving off the coffee cup, Thor lifts a bottle of water in its stead, and gives her a playful wink of his amber eye, as he swallows the food he had been chewing over. Slowly, he eases back into his chair, which groans in protest underneath his prodigious weight. "I am well, Darcy! It has been some time since we last saw one another. It was at the party, was it not? I was just in the area. Thought I might... you know..."

    He lifts Mjolnir from where it rests at his side, and makes a light, pantomime swinging motion with it towards the air. "Swing on by. Check in on you. Are you doing well?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
It was at the party, over a month ago now. Not that she expects the immortal Thor to have the same sort of concept of time as she does. It's one of those things she's come to accept about him, and so she nods with a warm smile on her face. That he pantomines swinging about with his hammer, and then just goes ahead with the dad joke has her giggling like a school girl.

"Yes. Yes. I'm fine. I'm good. I've been busy, but you know, that's life. Thanks for dropping in. I was thinking about you, hoping you've been good and all," she says, keeping her coffee for herself.

Thor has posed:
    "Yes. Life is very busy," Thor says with a nod of his head, before he focuses on her keenly. His head lilts to one side a bit, and he quirks a brow skyward as she mentions thinking about him. His lips arc up into a bright and vibrant smile, and he questions, "You can always call on me, if you wonder so much about me, Darcy Lewis. You know I'll hear you. But..."

    His broad shoulders rise and fall in a massive shrug, and he releases a long, weary sigh. "Life is very busy. I yearn for the times when I could feel free and spend more time with those I care most about. But, things are as they are. How about you? What's been keeping you so busy, of late?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
That he reminds her that she can just call him up whenever, has Darcy actually blushing faintly. She tries to hide in the 'safety' of her coffee, but the way his words fade out demands an response.

"I... don't want to abuse that and just call you for no reason. I'd hate for you to think I'm just cryin' wolf," she says. She too sighs when he does, though hers is softer, subtler, but no less weary.

"Just a new project I'm working on, and follow ups on a few other things. You?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor does, in fact, notice that blush, and the way Darcy hides behind her mug of coffee. Curious, but he doesn't press into it further. Instead, he plays along with her response, passive and not teasing.

    "It's not abuse if you're just calling to see a friend," Is his reply, offering a small smile. "It's only crying wolf if Fenris is harassing you. In my experience, though, that is a very big problem."

    He reaches across the table to let his heavy hand fall upon the back of Darcy's for just a moment. "Don't hesitate. What are friends for, after all? So... tell me of this new project? Or is it hush hush mortal government top secret type stuff?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The blush that doesn't fade in light of his gentle teasing, turns into a soft chuckle.

"Fenris is probably just a sweet puppy once you got to know him," Darcy deflects with her usual 'come at me bro', laize-faire attitude. His hand on hers has it falling into something softer and warmer, and her hand turns under his so she can curl her smaller, slighter, fingers against the edges of his palm.

"I'll keep it in mind. Promise. And.. I'm.. working with the Joint Terrorism Task Force as part of the New York City Police Department. Their SHIELD Liason. Making a mess of shit, as usual. But, I'll figure it out. It's not hush hush top level things, because really, Thor. This is ME we're talking about. No one is going to hand me Top Secret Government Clearance on anything. But, some of it is a need to know basis, and the Captain would likley throw a fit if I talked about it to nonSHIELD personnel. The other thing? Happened too fast to call you, and now..." Darcy pauses here, shaking her head lightly.

"A speedster kid got kidnapped in front of me. He's back now, but his next of kin wasn't found and told. He gave a lead on that and so I've been following up, as best as I can, to make sure that he gets the support he needs. He was held for a few weeks, and he's really young. I just... don't want him feeling along, you know?"

Thor has posed:
    Thor can only chuckle when Darcy suggests that Fenris is a pupper to be adored and played with. It's a sound like the rolling rumble of distant thunder. Shaking his head, he raises his hand to brush thick, rough hewn fingers through his short cropped, spiky hair, thus breaking that momentary contact of their hands. Clearing his throat, he looks to the side, out across the food court, and remarks, "I once thought much the same. Unfortunately, he is not. He doesn't even like squeaky toys."

    When she starts to tell the Thunderer about her new assignment, he listens intently. He nods along, never wavering in his eye contact. Smiling when she comments about making messes. Nodding when she says she'll figure it out. And letting his face grow more somber when she starts to speak about the kid.

    "I see. It is good of you to help him. You have a good heart. Has he been reunited with his family, now, at least?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I think so. I don't know where he lives, or even his real name. But he's powered, and the med team cleared him physically," Darcy says, her eyes telling the rest of hte story. She's still worried about him, that she saw something that smacked of hurting deeper than skin can tell.

"He gave me his grandfather's codename and super team, however, and I've already made contact with one of those members. Yay for slight misuse of SHIELD contacts. But, if they are able to help the kid, I'll take the mark on my record," she says, having brushed right past any comment on her heart. Instead, she pulls her hand back to herself, and wraps it about her coffee mug once more.