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Latest revision as of 03:19, 29 October 2019

Trouble Trouble Toil and Bubble
Date of Scene: 27 October 2019
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: Rogue gets Lorna drunk.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Rogue

Polaris has posed:
Rogue had been right, but Lorna certainly wasn't about to say as much to the Southern Belle. At least not directly. Instead, this 'you were right' manifested in an invitation to go out and hit up the various Halloween themed parties in New York City. A car was borrowed, not Scott's, Lorna didn't want to risk that. But another of the various extra cars that belonged to the Mansion and had plain plates would do.

A costume was quickly acquired, and the two were down the highway and out the door in short order. By the time the sun had set and people were out, they were in the city proper and had parked at a cheap parking garage some blocks away. There was music thrumming from the various restaurants, bars, and clubs. The two would have to dodge trash left on the less manicured side streets, a few stinky puddles here and there, but so far that was it.

Lorna wore a cheap blonde wig, and wore an equally cheaply made, vaguely slutty, Sleeping Beauty costume. Complete with ruffled tutu underskirt that fluffed the edges of the pink skirt up around her knees, and pair of white high heels. She reached up to straighten her wig, and glanced back to Rogue, waving a hand around them. "Where to? Club? Bar? Costume contest?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is wearing her leather bomber jacket over a blue tshirt with a red sleeves and neckline on the chest of her tshirt is a star of Hala, i.e. she's dressed in a Captain Marvel tshirt with some blue jeans and leather boots that go up to just beneath her knees. Its a pretty casual 'costume' but its pretty obvious too who she's dressed up, with red gloves on her hands that go up to the elbows of her rolled up leather jacket sleeves.

Rogue grins over to Lorna and shrugs her shoulders inside her jacket. "I'm not one for clubs, myself. Too loud, too much chance'a bumpin' inta people and puttin'em inta comas. But, I mean, I'm down for whatever will help you have a night off and relax a bit, Sleepin' Beauty." She tells the other whilst walking along on her heeled boots with her gloved fingertips tucke dinto the pockets of her jeans.

"There's all kindsa parties down around Greenwich Village this time'a year, the NYU crowds get pretty Halloweeny, based on my two years'a experience there."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged once, a slight roll of her shoulders. "Clubs are out then, well, bars. Okay.. Hmm." She cast her gaze about, her heels clicking on the sidewalk as they moved. The costume was an attempt to be someone else for once, to dress in the cheapest thing she could find on the discount rack and still be vaguely amused. A Princess that literally did nothing but fall asleep was the epitome of everything she was not. And also a good representation of what she was trying to do. Relax.

"Any suggestions? I realize I haven't actually spent much time going out and about down here for anything like this. I know, you're not necessarily the best person to ask in that regard.. but if you think Greenwich we can hoof it that way." She reached up and scratched at the cheap plastic wig on her head with a wrinkle of her nose.

"Man I sound so disconnected these days.."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just exhales a soft laugh over at Lorna then and she shakes her head. "There's a place just down the street. The Corner Park Pub." She states. "Its literally on the corner of a small park. We could head there. Or there's Bar 13, they have a rooftop lounge, a dance floor and the main floor which is usually decked out with all kindsa people in costumes'n such, thats where their contests go on."

She glances over to Lorna then and smirks at her. "There's a ton'a options, really. I haven't even looked at my phone yet cause I know there's about a billion. Its Manhattan after, all there's parties goin' on all over the place." She motions across the street then to a parked limousine with its tinted out windows flashing with internal strobe lights and muffled thumping music. "Whatever's goin' on in there ain't PG-13, thats for damn sure." She states with a soft laugh.

"You gotta unwind, Princess Lorna." She says for probably the fourth time tonight. "Meet a guy, do somethin' you'll regret the next mornin'. Least its easy for ya t'do that... easier'n me anyhow."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a brow as she slowed her steps to match Rogue's and folded her arms over her chest in consideration, her gaze moving to sweep over the street once and back. "Well let's hit 'em all then. We can get utterly shit faced and just not bother with the world for a few hours." She shook her head once, and glanced at the limo briefly in passing.

"If all you want is a hook up Rogue, we can get you a collar and you can go at it." She drawled lightly, arching a brow. "Pretty sure there's one or two in the labs in the basement." She continued, and shrugged once, her hands flapping idly in the direction of the street before them.

"I can't afford to get recognized and hook up with anyone. Partying and going out? Sure it's Halloween, I can dress up and no one will recognize me. No issue. Besides, Bobby and I had been uhh trying things again. I dunno, I haven't seen him recently and that kinda makes that whole trying thing pointless I guess."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs softly and lightly at the part about the collar. "God, do you know how much it goes t'a man's head if ya tell'em, 'Hold on, I need t'put this collar on before ya can touch me?'." She laughs a little more and shakes her head side to side. "They turn inta this puddle'a man goop, where they think they've run inta the kinkiest slave-fantasy girl that ever lived."

She glances over to Lorna then and flashes her a grin. "Not that i'm against that. But those damn things are like... bulky and have locks on'em, don't they? Not sure I wanna put somethi' on that depowers me and locks on! But... maybe..." That last part is muttered under her breath.

As they walk, there's lots of people out in costumes, and other sout in just normal ugly frumpy clothing like every other day in the world. They wait to cross a street and Rogue waves to a Uber driver that has a car full of drunks. "The real party is Thursday night when the parade is goin' through the Village. But... not sure I'll make it down here for that, since its a school night'n all."

She looks over to Lorna then. "So what would happen if you were recognized out having fun? The world would explode because a girl in her early 20s is enjoying life?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged once, "We can break off the lock. It's not like that's an issue. C'mon. And you don't have to say jack all to a guy. It's Halloween, no way there's not a guy somewhere that will be down for a hook-up and won't ask questions about what you do or don't take off. I'm sure there's dozen that would be down." She drawled, and smirked lightly as she bumped her hip in Rogue's direction.

"Or gal, whatever floats your boat." She teased, and glanced at the Uber they passed and turned her gaze about to the corner where they were in fact coming up on the bar that Rogue had mentioned.

"It would ruin my standing in the international community, not that I have much of one, but it would be a scandal regardless. I can't get caught doing certain things. That's just what comes with the job. And again.. Bobby and I had been trying. I dunno if that's still a thing.. but hooking up with a random guy would definitely mean ending that."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs lightly at the hip bump. "Maybe on Thursday, or somethin', I dunno. We didn't bring the collar with us, not sure I could get a guy t'go with us all the way back to Westchester." She might be underplaying her physical appearance there, but thats how people are.

As they walk past a liquor store where there's several people streaming in and out, she glances inside the neon lit up windows. "Ya know, the thing about Bobby Drake is that he vanishes all the time. He has these moments where he's around and super happy, super fun t'be around and then he just like... closes in on himself, and disappears again." She glances toward Lorna and smirks at her.

"And I ain't never met a gal that could likely do the things I like t'have done, let alone have the energy t'keep up with me, ya know?" She sasses her friend. "I'd be hard pressed t'even find such a lady out there. That why I like guys, at least the manly tough ones... not the ones that still act like they're 12 when they're actually nearin' 30."

When they come up on the bar there's indeed a lot of people outside in the seating area that lines the street, and a lot of halloween decorations up along its front and exterior walls.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged again as she reached up to adjust her wig again. "Well we can save it for another night. My point still stands. We have the technology, and it's not like anyone is going to really care. If you want to hook up, you'll find someone. You're a hot lady." She flashed her a grin, and tugged on the edge of the cheap fabric of her skirt.

"You like manly men? Ha, good luck finding one of those in our circle of guys. I swear most of them are stuck acting like they're still kids." She paused, "Scott has always acted like he's in his 50s at least. What about trying to hit him up?" She teased, her lips pulling into a wicked grin as she glanced Rogue's way.

Then they were at the bar, and she was propping the door open with an arm as she led the way in for her friend beside her. She made her way in, finding an unoccupied stool at the bar and nudging her way in to grab a menu to pass back to the other woman and arching a brow.

Rogue has posed:
"Its certainly a thought t'think on." Rogue says with regard to the mutation nullifying collars in the X-Men base. Truth be told she didn't even know any were down there. She had a defunct bracelet that Beast made her two years ago as a wedding gift for a wedding that never came to actually get finished, but that thing started to malfunction and not hold a charge in its batteries cells and she'd never bothered to go ask Hank for a tech fix on the device, apathy toward the wedding really.

Rogue laughs at the subject of the men in their circle. "Tell me about it... They're really nice, but... yeah, they're just not my type. I thought Remy was the best, until he turned inta, whatever the hell he is now." As they reach the door, Rogue just laughs in a restrained sort've way then. "Scott doesn't care for me, I'm pretty sure'a that. I think he tolerates me cause the Professah told him too, but thats about it. I try not t'bother him, cause'a that reason. Outside of teasin' him here'n there durin' missions though a'course."

Once inside there's some good loud music and lots of people moving between the bar and tables. Rogue leads Lorna toward the bar where they're given some seats by a couple of patrons getting up to go outside. Rogue pops out an ID with her birthday claiming she's 23 on it and she flashes it to the bartender along with her Avengers ID, that always gets a look and generally leads to some questions all in its own... which is the point, its misdirection.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna ordered a drink without much thought to it, a cocktail of some sweet Halloween themed name. She glanced side long at Rogue, and shrugged lightly. "Scott's not that bad, c'mon. He even dragged me out to lunch a few days ago. It was nice. We went to the Westchester golf club and walked around outside after. He even made //jokes//, I swear, not lying." She flashed the other woman a smile.

"And we had a good talk too. About just.. well, life. I didn't really expect him to try to cheer me up but he did. Didn't try to micromanage plans, or anything. No mission talk. Nothing to do with work." She propped her chin up as the bartender slid the Sangria in a large glass to her and she took a sip.

A glance was spared for Rogue's fake ID and she flashed the other woman a grin over the rim of her glass and leaned back on her bar stool.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has a moment with the bartender who saw her IDs and indeed it leads to a challenge, so after a moment and an exchange of a big serving spoon, Rogue holds onto it and bends it like it were made out of butter, then wads it up into a little ball and drops it onto the counter where it rolls around until settling onto one of the grooves along the metal.

This gets her free drinks, instantly.

When her drink arrives she smiles over at Lorna and sips at it. After setting it down she exhales. "Yeah, but he still holds grudges against me, I think anyway. I can't prove it a'course. I jsut think he never wanted me here t'begin with. Not after findin' out that I was the one who nearly killed Carol. Plus findin' out about my history with the Brotherhood'n all. I just think... he thinks I'm a villain, ya know?"

"I'm glad ya got him out of the house and out of his shell a bit though, I'm sure its great for'im." She smiles softly then. "Why don't you make a play for him?" This is asked as she loosk past a giant Chewbacca who walks past them, which makes Rogue's eyes light up. "Oh my god... that is amazing.... Chewie!" Rogue calls out, getting the Wookiee's attention, he waves a furry paw back at her and it makes her beam from ear to ear.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna watched Rogue a moment over the edge of her glass, amusement flitting over her gaze as the woman earns a free drink with her display of strength, small as it was. She grinned, and shook her head, stifling a laugh at the poor bartender's expression and continued to sip at her spooky sangria. "You think? Oh c'mon Rogue, if he held grudges why would he be friendly and relaxed with me? You might've once been part of that organization, but that's my father's creation. You know half of the world is sitting there ready for the day I flip out and become his second coming." She drawled lightly.

"Scott isn't that bad, he's practical. If he thinks you're bad, then I must be the devil's daughter.." She continued and took a sip of her drink.

"I couldn't go after him. I dated his brother. Do you know how awkward that is?" She angled her gaze low to her drink and twisted the grip of the glass's stem between her finger tips. "It wouldn't end well for anyone." She muttered, making a face and then glancing toward the costumed Chewbacca and she snorted a laugh.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just softly smirks after another sip of her drink. Two more drinks arrive for Lorna and Rogue then as the bartender lets them know that they were bought by the gentlemen at the far end of the bar, both of them dressed up like super heroes. Rogue offers the men a little wiggle of her red gloved fingers and a smile before she glances back to Lorna.

"Yeah, but I actually did nearly kill someone who used t'work with the X-Men. You have yet t'flip out. Like ya said, Scott's practical. If ya ever do flip out? Then yeah, he'll probably hate your guts." She grins at Lorna then. "But I don't think ya will. I mean, not like your dad did, you're not your god damn dad, Lorna. You're... you... you're tough and wise and powerful, but you've got your own experiences that have shaped ya into someone who's goth sympathy and empathy and... whatever else goes t'gether t'make a good solid person. Not t'say your dad doesn't have those things, he just has his own experiences, stuff you'n me won't ever know the full extent of. It shaped him inta the person he is t'day, no way t'make copies'a things like that outta your kids, no matter how hard ya try, if ya try at all."

Another sip of her Octoberfest lauger is had then, a faint bit of Fall season gracing the boozes spice.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged as the drinks arrived, her green eyed gaze swinging toward the gentleman that had paid the next round of drinks. She flashed them a grin and a continued to sip at her sangria. "I have the same connection to the fields, and those are running in my head. The Professor offered to try to medicate me, Rogue, but wasn't sure if it would help. I am quite literally bi-polar. Magnetism does strange things to people's brains on the short term, hallucinations, mood swings.. the whole nine yards.." She drawled, "And what's to say I won't go through something nasty and snap too?" She muttered, shaking her head.

"I've been warned by people since my powers manifested. I have to be //careful//." She rolled her eyes and took another gulp of her drink, finishing it off and going for the second one without pause.

"Besides, you know Scott and are on two different ends of the spectrum. I've lived with my father, and while I don't believe everything he says.. I am his heir. Scott was practically raised by the Professor, and believes in everything there. And I don't. You //know// that'll end so very badly."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue lifts her free hand up and with it she lives her white and brown hair up so she an roll it all back over her head and out of her face after she'd looked down at her phone on the bar's top. She hears Lorna's worries and she glances over to her again. "You really need t'record yourself sometime." She says with a soft smile. "You need t'sit down and listen t'yourself worry about stuff that 'might happen' 'someday'." Her other hand raises her drink up to sip from it.

Then she shakes her head, swallows the amber booze down her throat with a joyful need t'feel the effects of it even if it takes a lot more to get her drunk the average person. While shaking her head she looks away for a second before looking back. "I mean seriously, you're only this young for so long, why are you worryin' about stuff that is seeming - according to you - completely outta your control anyway? I mean, for fuck's sake, Lorna. Liiiive your liiife, as long as you can, before these mysterious evil things that you're gonna do maybe show up sometime."

She shows a smirk then, she wants to help, but there's only so much she feels she can do to help. "Ya gotta party, have fun, make mistakes, learn from your mistakes, grow a bit every single day toward becomin' the best damn version'a you that you can become. Thats how livin' is done."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna snorted, and rolled her eyes at Rogue as she continued to drink the sangria as if it was going out of style. The wine going straight to her head, unlike some mutants, the green haired magnokinetic had no speedy metabolism to prevent her from feeling the effects and she glanced side long at Rogue. "I've done that, watched my speeches and presentations for hospital openings and what not. I had to get better at that whole public speaking bit. I'm not a natural at it." She pursed her lips, her gaze narrowing faintly at Rogue.

"I am going to live much longer than most people, barring someone trying to murder me, you know. I don't know how long for exactly," She waved her hand her fingers wiggling faintly. "Look at my father. He's how old? I mean, c'mon. He's not showing any signs that he won't be around for at least another century. So that puts me up there too. I quite possibly, am going to be this young for a long while, appearance wise at least." She drawled, and shrugged again.

"You seriously see nothing wrong with me trying to go after Scott after having dated his younger brother, do you?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue shakes her head then as she plants her hands palm flat on the bar in front of her two drinks, the 2nd one she hasn't touched yet. "Hell no, there's nothin' wrong with that what so ever. Just cause you're lifespan is genetically destined t'be long, Lorna, doesn't mean ya won't step outside the door and get run over by a bus! I mean even with your fancy--" Rogue lifts her gloved fingers up and wiggles her fingers like Lorna does when she's manipulating metal (though it probably looks more like her Sister's scarlet magic motions). "--magnetism, you can still die pretty easily. All things considered. Life is short, whether you think so or not. Date Scott, or just lay'im and leave'im, whatevers clever."

And with that said she takes another sip from her drink then shakes her head again as she sets it down once more. "And listenin' to your public speeches ain't a damn comparison t'listenin' to you worry about your life. Those are two completely and entirely different things. Public speeches are rehearsed bullshit meant t'feed the public t'make them feel warmer'n safer, like a security blanket. They don't mean nothin' in the grand scheme'a things, sugah."

A smirk is given to Lorna before she glances down at those two guys again. She motions to them, then looks to Lorna. "Those guys look like nerds, but hell, maybe they'd be fun for one night. Maybe they're inta a threesome. Go ask'em, find out." Rogue grins again. Her youthful bravado is more than a little un-matched and her desire to try to pry Lorna into a fun life is a bit unhinged at the moment.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna rolled her eyes again, and continued to knock back the drink. She was likely going to be //very// drunk in short order. Particularly as she waved down the bartender to order another one of the sangria mixes. It had quickly become her new favorite, or at least, something that was easy enough to down and sweet enough for her to ignore how fast it was going to her head.

"I am not that type of person to like random one night stands Rogue, it's not me. I don't find that interesting or fun." She muttered, making a face and wrinkling her nose as she glanced down the bar toward the men that were glancing either way as Rogue pointed them out and waved again. Her shoulders rolling back.

"Nope. No. No, no, no. I am not sleeping with random men." She made a disgusted look, and as the bartender stuck the third drink in front of her she plucked it up with one hand and started in on it. "I am not playing that roulette. See, Scott and other guys are safe. Less likely to try to murder me in my sleep, or carry with them a dictionary worth of diseases. Well, maybe a few of the guys already do.. but no." She shook her head.

"Not how I get my jollies, Rogue. Stop trying to live vicariously through me."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches Lorna order another drink while she's still happily sipping at her first with a 2nd one sitting in wait for her. She just laughs exhaustedly and shakes her head again as she glances down to the back of her gloved hands. "I'm not tryin' t'live vicariously through you. I'm single. I'm young. I've accomplished a lot in my 20 years, I'm not that far away from graduatin' college and maybe gettin' a job at a great place. I've already worked for the Avengers for a year, went t'NYU for two. I've dated, and dumped, some pretty fun but stupid men. I have no diseases, or disabilities, or any vague ailment other than the mutation that you know about. But... I still have my fun." She pauses again.

"I'm happy, Lorna." Rogue states then. "Thats what I'm tryin' t'get you to figure out. How to find your own happiness. Cause every day I see ya, you're stormin' around, stressed out, and very clearly far from any measure'a happiness. When you got everything you could ever want t'get yourself to a stress free'n happy place too. If you'd just jump up and take it, run with it and never look back." Now she raises her beer glass up and chugs the last half of it before setting it down again and then fusses with her white bangs on her forehead once again.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna huffed a breath, and but only somewhat slowed her drinking as Rogue spoke, she stopped, staring at the other woman and felt her expression go slack. Any hint of a smile fading completely. "You're right, and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to insult you like that. You're an amazing person and friend. You've accomplished great things and you'll keep doing that." She fell silent then, turning her gaze back to her drink and tapping her fingernails against it.

"I don't care about my own happiness. It's not what I want. I don't care about the family, and the picket fence. I already gave all that up the minute I decided I was done with the school. When I gave up trying to fit myself into being happy with being a teacher. With getting my PhD and trying to be someone's girlfriend." She muttered, her lips twisting and her eyes narrowed on the wine glass in her grip.

"I wanted more. I signed up for the role I'm in. And I took everything that comes with it. It was an educated choice. I signed up knowing my freedoms would be limited. In where I go, when I go. Who I love, and who I speak to. I knew it, what being public would mean and I still chose it. I chose it and I don't regret that." She took another gulp of her drink.

"I'm just frustrated with the lack of progress I've accomplished since choosing this."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue starts on her second glass of beer while the bartender sweeps by and picks up the glass she'd had on the first, she smiles at him in thanks and then glances back to Lorna when her friend apologizes, she doesn't really mind it, didn't really feel insulted by it, so she just smirks and nods once.

But when Lorna finishes, thats when Rogue points at her and then slaps the bar lightly with her other hand. "Ah ha, there." Rogue says. "That last bit. You're frustrated with a lack of 'progress' since ya started this life. Progress toward -what- exactly?" Rogue then asks. "I assume, something something Genosha and something something, my dad is old and kinda hot." Rogue then adds that last bit with a grin for her own sake.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna practically jumped as Rogue slapped the bar top and she stared at the woman, blinking repeatedly at her as she gets the 'Ah-ha' moment. The green haired (blonde wigged) Princess turned pink as she opened her mouth to respond and then the Southern Belle finished off the comment with at least //part// of what she'd planned to say. She shut her mouth with a snap, and a gentle glower.

"I wasn't going to say anything regarding my father's looks," She grumbled softly, and took another gulp of her wine.

"But ugh.. am I that easy to read? Yes, of course it's Genosha. I wanted to sweep in and make Genosha part of the world at large. Integrate the island into the global stage and bring us into the wider world. Not just sit there and keep it insular and self sustaining like my father planned to do. Mutants deserve our own home, yes, of course.. but damnit, we're part of this world! I'm sick of being ignored and rejected by people that are too busy fawning over how damn nice and good my sister is! I'm nice! I'm responsible! I do good things!" She grew heated as she spoke, waving her hand as she spoke, gesturing wildly. Her drink in her other hand.

"And everyone is too busy yelling at me for what my father does, or threatens to do. Or telling me 'Ew Lorna, stop being part of a monarchy. It's not right!'" She mimed a higher 'snootier' pitch in her tone of voice. And exhaled a rough breath as she let it all out and sat back in the bar stool. She blinked, and huffed a breath, glancing toward Rogue and colored again.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was listening, trying her best, there's so many wonderfully crazy costumed people all over this bar though and they're challenging her to try to get her attention directed toward them. But she sticks with Lorna and looks over at her, even nodding along to what she says...

At least to that last part, that last part is where Rogue's eyes narrow and she stares at Lorna for a few seconds before tilting her head forward to get a more inquisitive glare going. "'Ew, Lorna, stop being apart of a monarchy'?" Rogue repeats. Then scrunches her face all up. "Who the hell talks like that? Has someone ever said those words t'you before? Because if so, I wanna give that person an atomic wedgie just for putting such a strange and objectively dumb sentence together."

She exhales and looks back to her drink. Raising it again for another ship before she shakes her shoulders and shed sher bomber jacket, cause its hot in the bar. Leaving her in her Captain Marvel tshirt, Rogue drapes her jacket over the bar beside her. "You can't change your dad's country in such a drastic way in a year, Lorna. You got your whole long ass life t'do that. But if I were you, I'd try'n turn it inta whatever Wonder Woman's got goin' on, and then I'd start dressin' like her and talkin' like her. She's got it goin' on like nobody's business and isolation? That seems t'work for her people just fine." More beer is consumed then by the Captain Marvel cosplayer.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was now listing to the side a bit in her barstool, and she snorted a laugh as Rogue repeated her own words. "Okay. So. To be fair. No one... no one said that word for word. I'm summarizing at this point." She waved a hand and, glanced side long at Rogue as she tried to correct the way she was leaning and reached for her wine glass again. The drinks she'd downed rapidly clearly having hit her now.

"But Roberto kept on about how I need to abolish the monarchy. Stupid fancy pants.. If he wasn't quite literally hot." She muttered, and shook her head again.

"And like yes.. Wonder Woman is like amazing and maybe the whole no men thing is really brilliant, but they've got this whole.. god thing. Right? Genosha doesn't have that. I could like actually relax way more if there was an actual bubble of 'no go' around that island. Like seriously. Do you know how hard it is to protect a tiny island when the ocean people hate you? It's bad Rogue, like super bad."

Rogue has posed:
Everything Lorna says goes through Rogue's non inebriated mind and she filters it as best she can to understand what the steadily more intoxicated woman beside her is telling her. Throughout she smirks, or outright laughs, especially at the end. She glances to Lorna, looks away again, glances back and then looks away again before she just shakes her head and sighs like Lorna might (and often does) sigh.

"Your island is stressin' me out and I'm not even remotely apart've it. I'm startin' t'think its cursed. Like maybe Amelia Earhart crashed on it too or some shit." She takes another sip of her drink, then makes a motion to to the bartender.

Rogue then goes on ordering some jello shots for she and Lorna, because she plans to get the princess drunk as hell, then call an Uber to take them both home again, thats the beauty of the modern world after all.

When they arrive, Rogue sets one down in front of each of them. "Down this." She says. "Ever done one before?" She asks then. "Use your tongue, scoop it all out and drink it down." Rogue shows her how, raising it up and tilting her throat nice and long. She uses her tongue to swoop inside the shot glass and scoops all of the alcoholic jello out, then slaps the shot glass down again. "Oh yeah!" She says like the Kool-Aid man.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna huffed a breath, shaking her head as Rogue mentioned the island being cursed. Then in a deadpanned tone, Lorna made a face. "Well, if the torture of mutants for years on end didn't cause some kind of negative vortex then, sure. Yeah. It's probably a curse." Lorna paused again though, sitting there and staring hard at the bar top and then swiveling her gaze back to Rogue as she finished off her third glass of sangria and setting the wine glass down with care.

"Oh. Rogue. What if that's really my secondary mutation? That.. it's me. I'm the vortex of negative energy that depresses everyone around me and I don't know it?" She whispered, her eyes going wide. Then there were jello shots and the royal snorted a laugh.

"I know how to do them, gee. I'm the older one of us two, remember? I have a Masters degree in science. Quite literally got my BS. No one drinks like science majors." She drawled, and knocked back the shot with all the experience of a college grad that clearly got up to mischief.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to grin and laugh at the last part from Lorna, her shoulders shrug inside of the blue, gold and red tshirt she's wearing. "I don't know... ya don't seem t'ever act like ya've done much drinkin'. But hey, I had t'explain just in case. Last time I did these the people I was with didn't know how t'do it and they were holdin' the drinsk up and were suckin' at'em like fish. It was funny, but also... kinda sad." She says with a smirk to Lorna then.

Rogue draws out a wad of cash and moves to stand up. "Come on." She plops the cash down on the bar and grabs her jacket. "Lets hit up another place down the street. They got a bar and an ice rink. Thats a hell've combination t'watch. They light it all up with lasers and black lights, its super awesome."

The southern belle leads the way out of the bar and makes sure to hold onto Lorna's arm to keep her upright.