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Coventry Murders: Catching Up Kate
Date of Scene: 29 October 2019
Location: Batcave - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Kate comes to the Cave for an update. Jason gets her up to speed and plans are made for Kate to put out feelers in a way only she can.
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Batwoman
Tinyplot: Coventry Murders

Red Hood has posed:
This was becoming a habit, another day was dawning and Jason was in the cave. His Red Hood helmet was set on to the coffee maker, and Jason had his feet up on the Bat Computer with a cup of coffee cradled between his hands. The screens in front of him were showing hacked CCTV footage of the Coventry Community Centre and a housing development in the same neighbourhood. Other screens show higher res footage, likely from some of the Bat Family's own minature cameras watching a couple gang hangouts in the Narrows and a club in Little Tokyo.

Yawning, Jason downs the dregs of his cup and makes his way over to the coffee machine for a refill, figuring he'd watch the feeds a little longer, get in a workout then hit the hay.

Batwoman has posed:
Perimeter sensors go off, security footage switching to the image of an approaching vehicle. The racing motorcycle is black and red, schematics flashing onto a separate screen at the same time as an enhanced image of the rider.

-Identity Verified: Batwoman. Security protocols disengage.-

A moment later the rumbling sounds of the bike rolling into the garage can be heard. Then the tall redhead bounds up the stairs towards the command central. She is in costume, of course, and remains so at least for the moment. "Is the coffee fresh?"

Red Hood has posed:
Jason looks back when the security warnings go off. "What fresh hell is-" he begins, because the way things have been going lately it wouldn't surprise him to see Ra's and a squad of League killers here to drag Bruce off to some Lazarus Pit. Instead there's a blur of black and red, and Jason smiles, turning back to the machine, filling his cup and pouring another one.

When Kate arrives, he turns offering her the cup. "About an hour?" he asks. "But it's hot," he waves at the array of sugars, creams etc, that Alfred had laid out. "Fix it how you like," he says before moving off to lean against the Batcomputer. "Been awhile Kate, how goes?"

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane's booted footsteps are quiet as she strides over, pausing to scoop off the cowl and the red wig in a single, practiced motion. Setting them carefully upside-down on a chair, she tousles her pixie-cut hair and offers a smile. "Thanks, Jason. Alfred's coffee beats anything else out there, hands down." She takes it Army-style, meaning black. Leaning against a console as well, she takes a careful sip.

"I was hoping you might be able to tell me, actually. I keep reading reports that Gotham is looking at the next Zombie Apocalypse or something. What the hell is going on out there?"

Red Hood has posed:
Jason watches the hair go with the cowl before he smiles, "Right, keep forgetting that's a wig," he remarks with a chuckle as she sets both aside and grabs a coffee. They didn't really run in the same social circles without the suits on.

"Oh, yeah, that," Jason says of the zombie apocolypse. "Crazy right? Turns out it's less Walking Dead, more The Exorcist," he turns and brings up images of the sorority girls, the Maniax gangsters, and the morgue techs that had so far been posssessed. "All these people have been possessed by some sort of demon," he pauses and looks Kate's way. "Yeah, I know how that sounds but it's apparently true. Anyhow, the demons are taking over dead hosts, giving their bodies greater strength and durability, though we found fifty-thousand volts to the face puts them down," he says bringing up some footage of a fight, showing off its strength and the effectivenss of a taser to the face. "Though, now we know these guys are really dead, I guess we can go weapons hot and find out if the whole head-shotting zombies thing applies to demons," a smile there. "Anyhow, Babs and I had a chat with one, dumb as hell, but mentioned it worked for 'The Lady' who we're guessing is their boss."

He looks back at Kate, pausing to ask. "With me so far?" as much to break up his breifing than a pause out of worry Kate wouldn't follow.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane's red lips pull back into her trademark feral grin and she chuckles. "Well that's sort of the point." she replies, on the subject of the wig. Taking another sip, she turns her attention towards the monitors as he explains. "Demon possession, hmm? That's a new one. Or at least it's been a long time since we've had an outbreak." Her free hand wanders along her utility belt, gloved fingers taking mental inventory. Tazer, check.

"With you so far, yes. Tazers on and weapons hot. But these are just the symptoms. It's this 'Lady' we really want. What was all that about meeting Lucifer in a bar? Sounds like a bad lead-in for a joke or something."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason gives the cowl and wig set up a considering look, "Yeah, it's a good way to throw people off, what do you think? Maybe have the back end of a mullet sticking out from under my helmet?" he jokes idly. Though really, as far as Bat Family costumes go, Kate's was probably the cleverest.

He nods, "Can't remember having anyone rising from the dead around here besides me, so yeah, this is definitely new," Jason says with a nod. "And heh, right, I forgot I wrote that report. And right? But the guy seems legit, I mean yeah, funny name but the guy was able to confirm info we had, the stuff about the Lady, and says he can banish these demons, he also gave us some phones he took off the zombies, we cracked them last night, gave us a couple of things to work with, one they're both calling a burner phone that pings in Coventry and they both had the contact as 'Mom', we're thinking the Lady."

He nods to the screens watching the housing development.

"We haven't got eyes on her yet but we're working on it. Also, the two zombie gangers were hitting up an AA meeting here, given the last few things these demons were up to were to kill people so demons could take their bodies, we think they're going to make a move on the meeting, take over the people inside."

He nods to the community centre feed.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane snorts softly at the mullet idea, her smile becoming wry. "Sorry, but I've got the copyright on vigilante costume wigs." she replies evenly. "But you're welcome to borrow one sometime if you're really feeling frisky." Any expression is momentarily blocked by another sip of coffee.

"So this guy who goes by Lucifer has a girlfriend who can bodyslam mafia bruisers says he can banish demons." she condenses. "Nothing suspicious there. And all of the zombies have phones linked to 'Mom' in Coventry. Then we have zombie gangers raiding an AA meeting. This could almost be a B-rated horror movie, Jason." she offers.

"All we need are a couple of cheerleaders with chainsaws and we're all set." Kate is deadpan, then she chuckles and shakes her head. "Okay, all kidding aside for a moment, who's calling traffic on this one? Consider me volunteering."

Red Hood has posed:
"There's an idea," Jason says about borrowing the wing and cowl get up. "Always wondered what I'd look like as a redhead," the rumours that he was one and he dyed his hair, entirely false.

"Yep, that's basically the long of short of it, the current plan is that we lure out mom, and see if Lucifer can deliver on his promise of being able to banish her," he says, "But because we're not idiots we'll have a few tricks up our sleeves in case he turns out to be our BBEG, but," he frowns. "I dunno, didn't get that vibe from him." He shrugs.

"Well I've got a chainsaw, so if you've got a cheerleader outfit stashed away..." he says with a chuckle. "And I guess that's me right now, well, me and Babs, and consider yourself on the roster, when we take down 'Mom' it's likely going to be one of those all hands on deck sort of situations."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane almost snorts at the suggestion, thankfully NOT in the middle of sipping coffee at the same time. "Jason, this job doesn't PAY enough to get me to wear a cheerleader outfit." she quips back. "Just in case you get any crazy ideas. Well, any REALLY crazy ones." It is the nature of Bat-ideas to carry more than the conventional amount of risk, after all.

"Okay, then. I'll make sure my tazers are charged and I've packed plenty of hollow-points. What else do we know about these demons, and is there a paranormal expert in the house? One of the Zatara's perhaps?"

Red Hood has posed:
A grin spreads across his lips. "Well Babs's first outfit almost counts as one," he quips of the whole cheerleader thing. "And noted," he says as if writing himself a mental note. "No cheerleader outfits for Kate."

"Oh, holy water, that works on them, I've been able to lay my hands on some, but not a lot, I am not sure, maybe if Bruce calls the archbishop we he can do a tanker truck for us," he suggests wryly. "Though I'm keeping the mystical stuff to a back up personally, prefer to just taze and shoot."

As for their mystical expert? He hand wobbles. "Right now, it's Morningstar. Though Tim is trying to track down Constantine, but not sure if he's much more reliable. I'd prefer someone like Zatanna, and not just for those fishnets, but so far Morningstar's been on the money, whatever his motives are."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane lifts a brow as she listens. "Morningstar, hmm? Isn't she with SHIELD or something? I've always been a big fan of Zatanna myself, of course. And I don't mind admitting that the fishnets -are- a factor." No, there's no sense in trying to pretend otherwise now.

"Perhaps I can see what I can do about scaring up other occult assistance before we call for a tanker from the Vatican or something. There has to be others besides Zatanna on the circuit, after all. And no one would think twice if a woman of Kate Kane's eccentric tastes were to take an interest in such things."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane lifts a brow as she listens. "Morningstar, hmm? What is it about this city that everybody's got to have a codename? I've always been a big fan of Zatanna myself, of course. And I don't mind admitting that the fishnets -are- a factor." No, there's no sense in trying to pretend otherwise now.

"Perhaps I can see what I can do about scaring up other occult assistance before we call for a tanker from the Vatican or something. There has to be others besides Zatanna on the circuit, after all. And no one would think twice if a woman of Kate Kane's eccentric tastes were to take an interest in such things."

Red Hood has posed:
"Probably the same thing that has us locking up our crooks in an asylum rather than prison half the time," Jason says, lifting his shoulders in a shrug. "He runs a great club though, Lux in Mellville, if you check it out and need a wingman give me a call."

Clearly no issues from Jason with Kate's intrest in Zee and her fishnets, just a smirk and a "Right?"

"That'd be good, I don't want to start sounding like Bruce, but we need as many contingencies as we can, so if Kate Kane suddenly gets into the occult and digs up another expert, that's another card in our hand."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane sips slowly, lingering and enjoying the taste of Alfred's coffee. "Eccentric mode: activated." she replies with a wink. "We'll see what I can scare up as a contingency, then. In the mean time, I'll remain on alert." Finishing her coffee, she moves to set it on the tray.

"Good to have you back in Gotham, Jason. Especially with things the way they are. Always good to have another competent hand."

Red Hood has posed:
Jason has a sip of his coffee before raising it to Kate. "Great, I look forward to reading all about your search on page six of the Gotham Times."

Though being called competent gives him pause, "Wait, someone giving me praise in the Cave? Between that and the demons it really must be the end of the world," he says with a snort. "But thanks, good to have you around too, but don't get used to me being here, once Bruce is back on his feet, I'm back in the wind." It was becoming his standard disclaimer, this was only temporary. "Then it'll be up to you to babysit them.."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane laughs but lifts a gloved finger to her lips all the same. "Hey! Remember, now. What happens in the Cave, stays in the Cave." She winks for emphasis, even. "You know you're always welcome here, Jason. And if you ever need a backup crash-pad, just let me know. I'm still in the Kane Building."

Red Hood has posed:
Laughing Jason, says. "Right," he mimes zipping his lips. "Don't worry, I won't let it get around you think I'm competent," he says with a smirk and a shake of his head. "What would Bruce think?"

There's a nod of genuine appreciation at the offer of a crash pad, "Staying here for the moment, but I might take you up on it, my brownstone in the city's not my favourite place right now, ghosts of girlfriends past," he confides with shrug and finishes his coffee. "I'll keep you updated on the demon thing. Shouldn't be too long before we move."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate nods at that, stepping over to scoop up the cowl/wig. "Speaking of ghosts of girlfriends past, you might want to call first, of course. Just to be safe." Wink. "I'll put out feelers on occult expertise and see if I get any nibbles. But either way, let's keep close on this one. And thanks for the coffee."

Red Hood has posed:
There's a laugh at that, "Right, will call first, cross my heart," he says drawing an X over his with a finger, smirking. "And yeah, will keep you close on this one, anything I find out you'll hear about," he says before returning the cup and turning to Kate. "Stay frosty out there, Red, we'll catch each other soon."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane flips the headgear back on, making a few adjustments to tuck it into place again. "It's October in Gotham, I don't have much choice." she replies with a grin. "Thanks again, and I'll wait to hear from you." Jogging to the stairs, she descends to the lowest level. A few moments later the sounds of a high-performance bike are heard, followed by the declining hum of the engine as she races out through the tunnel.