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Rainbow pancakes for breakfast!
Date of Scene: 10 November 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jubilee manages to get Doug to take a bite of pancakes, and they talk about confidence.
Cast of Characters: Jubilee, Cypher

Jubilee has posed:
It's the morning and Jubilee is currently in the kitchen, pouring batter into a frying pan in neat circles, followed by a handful of rainbow colored sprinkles. She is feeling festive this chilly November. The Chinese American gymnast is dressed in sleep pants and a sweat shirt with her black hair tied up into a pair of balls on top of her head.

A large glass of orange juice is on the counter and snagged at times for a sip. She even had the radio on, singing along with the song off key and missing most of the lyrics. She's only heard it twice, so she's just winging it for now.

Cypher has posed:
Doug is... wait for it, going to work. He walks into the kitchen in his shirt and tie and slacks, with earbuds in -- he takes them out and then says, "...You're almost to the full Sailor Moon." He leans in, and says, "Ah, rainbow pancakes. What's the special occasion?" His eyebrows shoot up.

Jubilee has posed:
"Sailor Moon is Japanese! I'm Chinese!" Jubilee says as she hops up on the counter, giving him a grin as her foot prods at him. "Look at you, all dressed up and handsome. I was just feeling fun this morning and wanted to spice up my life with some jimmies. You want some? I got some bacon already on the table."

Cypher has posed:
Doug quirks his mouth. "Eggs, yes. Bacon, yes. Pancakes? Unfortunately I can't pour off excess calories into explosive fireworks, so I have to keep my carb intake down to a polite minimum." He was actually headed for his breakfast protein shake, which he gets out of the fridge. "I know, right?" He says, as he shakes it up, "It's such a travesty."

Jubilee has posed:
"Pfff. You and your calories." Jubilee flips the pancakes about in the pan as they sizzle. "When are you off tonight? I was thinking we could hit up another movie, or maybe snag dinner. Weather is going to hold tonight and I have been feeling a bit cramped." Reaching for the eggs, she cracks a few and lobs them into the pan. "Annnnd I just want to get out of the house and move my feet a bit."

Cypher has posed:
Doug sighs. "Whooooo knows. Sam already makes me take one day off a week but it turns out that when it comes to setting up a computer network and doing all the programming, I'm a real tyrant, Jubes -- I'm just *better* at it than anybody else." He ducks over to the table to start stealing that bacon, chasing it with sips of his protein shake, "You went and hooked up with a working stiff."

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh, the jokes I could make right now Stiff-meister." Jubilee says as she scrambles the eggs and scoops them on to a plate, then heads over to hand them over. She leans in and gives him a kiss on the cheek, followed by a hug as her head flops in against his shoulder. "I could always pop over and help out. Hand you a cable or something. Sam and Berto been trying to drag me over there."

Cypher has posed:
Doug smirks. "Yeah?" He says, "We'd love to have you, you could whip the slackers on my team into shape." Doug says, before he adds, "I let the cat out of the bag that we'd hooked up to Sam, but I didn't bring it up to anybody else, so I'm guessing that..." He checks the date on his phone, "By this point everybody knows?" He tilts his head up to steal a kiss. "Though I'm hardly some sort of controversial bad boy, I guess--"

Jubilee has posed:
"You told Sam, huh?" Jubilee laughs as she face palms. "I dunno, I haven't heard a thing yet. Then again, it's not like the two of us are as big a deal as Jean and Scott, or Logan." She says as her brows lift upwards. "Or even Storm. Our dating lives are kinda on the low end of the drama radar." She curls her arms about his waist, rocking with him. "I can head over to work with you if you want so I can take a look around. I have nothing else to do on a Sunday."

Cypher has posed:
"What is it they're trying to hire you to do?" Doug says, letting out a pleased sigh. "Sure, I'd love to have you along, and my team would love it if you distracted me at work." He gives a little grin and says, "You might as well pick up one of those big da Costa paychecks."

Jubilee has posed:
"You know? I have no clue. Sam and Berto just been wanting me to pop over and take a look and maybe see what's available. For all I know they'd have me be a secretary. Unless it involves backflips and stealing from a mall, I'm not really all that well rounded in the skills department. I guess I could just be trained in something." Jubilee's lips turn upwards into a smirk. "Do you think I'd be a good distraction for you at work? You kinda get in the zone after all."

Cypher has posed:
"Well a good secretary is nothing to sneeze at." Doug says, "They handle scheduling, logistics, note-taking, prepare documents... it takes a really diverse set of necessary skills to do it really well." He thinks about that, and then says, "Can you yell at people on the phone?"

Jubilee has posed:
"I'm really good at yelling in general." Jubilee says as she gives him a few pokes in the belly. "Especially when I'm hopped up on soda and poprocks." Combine those two? Explosion noises. "I'm sure if I can handle being a counselor for hormonal mutant teens, I can handle the phones."

Cypher has posed:
Doug considers that. Then he leans back in his chair, with his elbows on the table, hands propping up his chin. "Well, I'm sure that Bobby's plotting to put you SOMEWHERE. He makes the executive decisions, I'm just chief drone." He grins. "Don't tell him I said so, but he's a really great big picture guy. I don't know how he stays one step ahead of everybody the way he does."

Jubilee has posed:
"I'm totally going to tell him that if it means I get a fat salary. Flattery gets you everywhere." Jubilee says as she slides down next to him and stabs her pancakes with a fork, then takes a big chomp after drizzling it with syrup. "Maybe Berto just got a big brain and he covers it up with his playboy image to trick people."

Cypher has posed:
Doug says, "Or he's just too stubborn to quit and loves to compete with people." He takes another bite of his bacon. "I mean, ok, fair. I'm the exact same way. I'm still mad that Xi'an beat me out for class valedictorian, and *I was dead*."

Jubilee has posed:
"You are a supernerd for saying that." Jubilee says as she takes a fork of pancakes, then holds it out to him to tempt him with calories. Just ooooone bite. "You know I graduated with a like a two point six average or something?" She says as she gives him a grin. "Had all A's in PE."

Cypher has posed:
"Hey, me too." Doug says, "You know I was a scholar-athlete, right? Baseball, track. I used to climb like a monkey--" He looks around, and then steals the pancake off the end of Jubilee's fork, and says, with his mouth full, "You're terrible. I'm gonna get paunchy."

Jubilee has posed:
"Paunchy is sexy. It's like a dad bod." Jubilee says as she takes a bite of her pancakes as well, humming happily about it. "And yes I know you were a student athlete. Mister Perfect Ramsey. Perfect hair, perfect grades, was 'decent' at track even though he couldn't beat me on his best day." She says as she plucks up some bacon for a bite.

Cypher has posed:
"...Cross-country." Doug says, sullenly. "Is that really the impression I put across?" He steals the bacon out of Jubilee's fingers, and looks her in the eye while he eats it.

Jubilee has posed:
"You do like to talk about how awesome you are, quite a bit." Jubilee says as she makes a flail motion when her bacon is stolen from her. "I don't mind the ego though, as long as I'm allowed to humble you once in awhile." She pokes some more pancake and holds it out to him, giving the fork a wiggle.

Cypher has posed:
Doug's expression seems somewhat... dimmed. He eats, quietly. "Right. Okay." He shakes his head lightly at the offer of another bite of pancake, and then when his plate is cleared, he raises his eyebrows, and says, with a sigh, "I'll hang out while you get ready. I'm just going to cheat and borrow a teleporter to get to New York and back today."

Jubilee has posed:
Furrowing her brows a bit as his mood shifts, Jubilee tilts her head to the side. Rising up from her chair, she slides into his lap, straddling him. She pokes his nose with her finger, then leans in to give him a firm kiss, her lips sticky with a bit of syrup. "Hey." She says to him softly. "I love your confidence. It's cute. I wasn't making a jab at you. Okay?" She presses her forehead to his, giving him a grin. "What should I wear? Should I put something hot on to mess with your coworkers? Show them that you're dating an awesome babe? Or should I be more conservative?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Jubilee a sigh, and then he leans his forehead against hers. "I'm not a very confident guy. I mostly try to fake it till I make it. But if I really know I'm good at something, I lean into it, so that my doubts don't catch up to me. Berto's confident. Me, not so much." Then he raises his eyebrows. "How about your yellow slicker and big earrings? The wraparound shades might be a bit much."

Jubilee has posed:
"You had me fooled. I thought you enjoyed being number one at everything. Life isn't a competition, Doug. You're a rockstar around here, valuable. Don't worry so much about everyone else." Jubilee says as she gives him another kiss, then slips off him with a grin. "That works. I'm wearing skinny jeans too. Maybe try and get Sean from IT to have a heart attack since you said he likes fried chicken way too much."

Cypher has posed:
"Listen," Doug says, "I don't think establishing mandatory gym time for my IT employees was a bad idea." He gets up. "What a bunch of slugs. I was *never* like that--"

Jubilee has posed:
"I don't think it's a bad idea either!" Jubilee says either as she does a high spin on her toes of one foot, then reaches out to snag him by the hand for a round of salsa. "Well, here in super hero school we couldn't really slack off, right?" She grins, giving herself a twirl beneath his arm, then tugs him closer by the tie. "We'll whip Sean into shape!"

Cypher has posed:
"Hmmmmmmmm?" Doug raises his eyebrows. "Well I don't know about you but I was terminally sleep-deprived and doing a million different things BEFORE I got here." He steals a kiss, and then says, "...Go get ready."

Jubilee has posed:
"I was sleep deprived too, but that was because I /really/ liked Mountain Dew, video games, and being dragged off to Asia to fight ninjas with Logan." Jubilee laughs as she returns the kiss, then gives him a waggle of brows before she struts off "Getting reeeady! See you soon, studmuffin."

Cypher has posed:
Doug shakes his head, and says something in Cantonese, before he turns to clean up the remains of breakfast. "No rollerblades in the office, action girl--" He calls out, over his shoulder.

Jubilee has posed:
"How 'bout rollerskates?!" Jubilee can probably snag a pair of those from Dazzler's closet. Even if they do have way too much sequence. She hums to herself as she heads down the hallway, high fiving a student along the way, who looks a bit bewildered and confused before he shambles over to grab some cereal. "Oh, cool. Rainbow pancakes."

Cypher has posed:
"Yeah, eat up." Doug says, as he rolls up his sleeves to wahs some dishes. He looks over his shoulder and then shakes his head, grinning to himself.