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Latest revision as of 17:21, 12 November 2019

Lightning and Sounds
Date of Scene: 12 November 2019
Location: Clinton (Hell's Kitchen), Manhattan
Synopsis: Chatter and an invite to a show!
Cast of Characters: Rave, Volt

Rave has posed:
Another night out, late out on the town and enjoying herself. Here, atop yet another building Rave lurks, yet it wasn't brooding she was indulging in. Instead a heavenly voice and glowing lights fill the air as the blue-haired girl seems to be celebrating...twirling and moving beneath the moonlight. At least she'd picked an office building, otherwise the neighbours might be a little annoyed!

Volt has posed:
Indeed, it might even be missed, if people didn't bother to look upwards! But you know who looks up? Volt. That's who. ...Actually, it's more like a fluke. He happened to glance skyward and spotted the auroraborealis going wild up there. And this time, it took some work; legitimate work. That's a lot of stories to scale to reach his destination and find out what the kerjigger is going on up there.

But at last, the hoodie'd, sunglasses-at-night'ed teen lands on the rooftop. And ahead, he spots the somewhat familiar female. "Subtle!," he calls to her teasingly.

Rave has posed:
A singing lightshow of a different sort, the bluenette actually trails off only as that particular note comes to an end. Blinking, grinning and then finally looking over her shoulder at Volt.

"Subtle is kinda overrated," she grins before laughing and folding her arms under her bust while the lights filling the air fade out of existance. "Hey there."

Volt has posed:
"Doesn't really seem your style, no," Volt muses back at her. He stuffs his hands into the central pouch of his hoodie and strolls closer to her. "You're like the happiest person I know." And it's infectious. He likes that about her. He could use more of it to counteract the morose depression that is his life's circumstance. "How've ya been? Not getting into trouble, are ya?"

Rave has posed:
"Well, I -am- Rave," she points out, a wink given to punctuate the statement before she moves to sit, resting her behind atop of the rooftop railing. "But yeah, no more trouble than usual...which is to say I had someone try to mug me and met a talking bird...but he liked my music, so he's cool."

Either she was crazy or her nights had been truely weird!

Volt has posed:
Volt is beyond questioning oddness that happens in New York. He's seen his fair share. Besides, it could be a bird-like mutant person. "I guess that's.. normal for you," he surmises. He stops some ten or so feet away and turns his head to peer out over the skyline. He'll never get used to sunglasses at night. It's so derpy. "So what brings you way up here for a lightshow like this?"

Rave has posed:
     "It is pretty much getting that way," the bluenette nods, tilting her head to the side and then raises an eyebrow. Maybe she hadn't noticed it till now, or maybe she just hadn't thought to comment. "What's with the shades?"

     His question however, it brings a little smile and a shrug of her bared shoulders. "Honestly? I just felt like letting loose and enjoying myself. This is the first winter since I've had my powers and yeah...it's pretty cool."

Volt has posed:
"Oh, they're new for ya, huh?," Volt asks. "You're.. a mutant, right? X-Gene and everything?"

But he doesn't linger on that question. She asked him something, after all. So he turns to face her again. "Eyes. That's why I wear'em. I'm not trying to look like a hoodrat from the 8-Mile, but I don't have a costume, and cops probably aren't my biggest fans. I mean, all things considered. So I wear all this," his hands raise to indicate the raised hood, the baseball cap worn underneath, the baggy clothes, the sunglasses, "to leave as few actual, like, /details/ open as possible. It's a pain."

Rave has posed:
"I suppose I can't really judge," Rave murmers, unfolding her arms and then looking down at herself. "I don't really have a costume either and...yeah, not everyone can outrun their problems as much as I can." Even then, that wasn't always true. That time spend held captive by another speedster proved she can't always get away from everything out to get her. "I suppose it's better than a ski mask..."

Volt has posed:
"Ski mask might send the wrong message," Volt mentions, lips pursing. "I'm trying to blend in and help out, not.. y'know. Stage a coup." He strolls closer to her, his pace kept to an indirect saunter. "You don't seem like you're in the same boat as me, though. So why /don't/ you have a costume?"

Rave has posed:
"I couldn't really go and fit my hair under it either," Rave adds, giving a little grin and then gesturing to herself. "I'm kinda distinct. My powers came out publicly and...y'know, my hair is bright blue. It's not a dye, there's a reason it glows."
     Shaking her head, the girl brings her hands together and then draws them appart, offering a glowing outline she traces into a 'heart' shape once more. "Plus, I just haven't got the stuff like that. Some clothing can catch fire if you take of wrong with speed."

Volt has posed:
"I'm hearing a good reason to wear less of it," Volt chirps. He plays it straight for all of two seconds before shooting her a playfully teasing grin. "Anyway, it's more about the statement than discretion, maybe. At least for you, I think it would be. being seen as... bigger. Extra." He scuffs a foot against the rooftop. "Maybe I'm weird. I just like costuming."

Rave has posed:
"Oh don't get me wrong," Rave grins, leaning back and bracing her hands against the edge of the building. "I find it fun. You should have seen the look I had for the halloween gig. Pigtails, skirt, boots and little fangs. It was good fun. I had someone help me out with it...but if you see people like the Flash and all up close? Their stuff is -really- cool."

Volt has posed:
"Eh, fangs? Not really your style. Unless there's another set of powers you haven't told me about!," Volt chides. He finally moves the rest of the way over and turns to take a seat beside her. His hands re-stuff into that central hoodie pouch. "I think you'd come up with something that's completely, distinctly, you."

Rave has posed:
"I was doing the 'cute vampire cheerleader' thing," she protests, giving a little shrug of her shoulders. Still, he's got a point, enough to have her considering. "What about you? You got some design you're working on? Some secret lab churning out a super suit?"

Volt has posed:
Volt bumps his heels off the concrete he's perched upon and tilts his head a little lower, indicative of a downcast glance. "Nah. Homeless. Not making enough money to get anything like that going. There are like a million different ways I could think of looking. But that's not gonna happen unless I run into, like, a superhero sponsor or something. Do those exist?"

Rave has posed:
"Homeless?" she repeats, a tilt of her head coming with a blink. "I figured you lived in mutant town. Do you at least have a bed at one of the shelters or something?" His question of sponsers? That earns another, larger shrug. "No idea...maybe ask Iron Man, or Wonder woman or something..."

Volt has posed:
"Pfft, yeah, like I'm gonna just wander up and bug'em," Volt scoffs. "I'm small potatoes. I'm real enough to know that. They're big potatoes. Might even be pumkpins."

His head tilts towards her, trying to gauge whether or not the humor landed. But he's continuing regardless! "I make it alright. Didn't say that so you'd worry about me or anything!"

Rave has posed:
A frown, however rare it might be on Rave's face before she brings the smile back, tilting her head to the side. "Well, what's wrong with potatos?" she questions, "I mean, the smallest ones make tatter-tots and fries. They're delicious!"

Grinning, she looks out over the city. "I might know a sofa or two you can surf if you are stuck though."

Volt has posed:
"Ah, I wouldn't wanna be a burden. Not very heroic of me," Volt offers passively. Though somewhere safe and secure for a night /would/ be a nice change of pace. Shelters are neither of those things. At best, they're indoors. That's about it. And he doesn't want anyone to look down on him for his life's circumstance. If all he has is trying to live up to the standard of superhero, he's gonna latch onto it.

"But hey, I was mentioned on a podcast. Did you see that? That April O'Neil chick gave me a shoutout."

Rave has posed:
     "I...didn't..." she admits sheepishly, tilting her head to the side before blinking a little. "But still that's kinda cool. Exposure and all. Maybe you need to cut some sort of brand deal. Hoodies or stickers or something?"

Volt has posed:
Volt gives an appreciative, if sidelong, smile and hunches his shoulders. "Iiii'm pretty sure I'm a far ways away from being popular enough to swing that. Right now, I'm Captain Hoodie, random guy you pass on the street. No base of operations, no distinct look, just a name and results." He gives a stout nod, followed with a puff of a sigh. "Someday, though."

Rave has posed:
"Well Captain Hoodie," Rave grins, making to stand and tucking her hands into her pockets of those shorts she wore. "If you're free this weekend, check out Club Evolution over towards mutant town. I've got a show out there. Turn up before ten and the entry is free. Otherwise? Well you might have to text me or something."

Volt has posed:
"Then I'd better get there early," Volt says with a wane smile. He has no phone. He couldn't afford to keep the airtime on it. So he can only plan things and move when it seems like the right time for it!

"And in the meantime, be safe. I know you're really fast and all, but there's a shortage of... I dunno, really happy people around?" He shrugs his shoulders. He doesn't know how to put it into words without sounding like a weirdo.

Rave has posed:
At least Rave was pretty easy to find, between posters, social media and the whole glowing bright streaks of neon light across the city! Giving a little shiver that seems perfectly in time with a pulsing aura of light around her, the speedster winks. "Guess we'll see. You look after yourself too!"